HomeMy WebLinkAbout1994-04-27 HAC MIN I I I szapuaT uuoz; anTaoaz uipzbozd sTg-4 saop spunk 14onui Mo14 paNsp s12TTT323 zaquuays •pgsTg 12Tnuo ;o A4Ta agq uioz; buTgsanbaz auiTq 4RaT; zTa144 ST 4? Pup 000'OZ$ buTgsanbaz sT uupzbozd au,L ' (%ST) P49TA pTnuo uzoIa; aq TTTM pagpuzTgsa sT aTdoad 006 'S6-b6 UT anzas TT?M Aa14q aTdoad 00019 aug 0 12gs?A pTnuo UT aTaquaTTo JTa144 ;o abpquaozad p gsTssp op Aa144 412144 bu uuTPTo azp Aagq qnq 'obaTa upS UT pag12ooT sT uipzbozd sT14y •ss000zd buTAnq auio14 atjq UT aTdoad agponpa pup dTag oq saoTnzas buTTasunoo zo; sT uupzbozd sTus •sao?nzaS buTTasunoo UPOq auuog obaTQ UPS a144 uzoz,; sT gsanbaz p04PTaz buTsno14 pzT14q aus '00019T$ Pag12ooTT12 spM pup 0001ST$ zo; spM gsanbaz uzpzbozd eqq gpgq papuodsaz iAoaaV -aW •zpaA 4s12T gsanbaz buTsnog pazp14S PTP 14onui Moq paxsp uosTuuaa zagmaYl •buTsnog paz1214S sT uipzbozd aqq pup buTbV uo TTouloo AqunoZ) ggnos aqq sT Tpsodozd agq bUTN12ui uoTgPZTU12bzo a14q gPg4 pag12gs zauTgaPN 'aN •obaTQ UPS; ;o A-4uno� agq uioz; spun; TpuoTgTpp12 anTaoaz saop uipzbozd 9T14q gPgq papuodsaz oAoaaV •zys Aqunoo agq uzoz; spung TpuoTgTppp sanTaoaz buTsnog paz1214S ;T paxsp spTTTipa zaquiGN '000'9T$ buTgsanbaz azp Aagq 'buTsnoq azpgsiog aTdoad aTgTgpduuoo spuT; gpgq uipzbozd zoTuas p 'buTsnog paz1214S sT TpsodOzd puooas aus '000 '9Z$ buT-4sanbaz sT 14oT14M za-4Ta14s 144noA 12 'pzgsanN pspa szT12sodozd gszT; aqs •squaunuoo/MaTnaz zT@gq JO; szauoTssTunuoD Gqq oq sT12sodozd asogq pagngTzqsTp zauTgaPH 'aW gquoul gsp7 •p9412T91 buTsno14 az12 -41214-4 sTpsodozd aaz14-4 uo gnduT s,uoTssTUMIOD sTgq 94UPM ;;124S -pun; oq sdnozb u40TuIM AgTquapT 04 UTbaq pup sgsanbaz aq4 agPnTpna 04 spaau ;;pqS •zpaA sTu4 006'009$ oq 090TO sT sgsanbaz Tpgoq aoTnzas TpToos zpaA slug 000'ZLZ$ gnogp oq sagpTsupzq uoTuM suoTgPZTUPbzo aoTnzas TPToos 04 uoTgpooTTP sgT ;o %9T pa-4gTumuoo spg AgTO a -4spd aqq uI •Spun; asouq go asn aq4 zo; TTounoo oq suoTgvpuaunuooaz buTxpuu aq TT?M ;;12g5 000'TZ8 'T$ sT spun; quPaq xooTg quauudoTanaa AgTununuoa UT 96-b6 Ta zoJ aTgpTT12n12 4u=12 Tpgoq aqq gpgq pagpqs oAozzv •aN ss `sa?5au exisnoH - st�o xooZa ixaKaoriaAaa as=t�u�moo z sagnuru b66Z 'E:2: TlDxl2 I ano.zddE oq (quasce bum 'uo-4TaH Z-O-E) (oobuaquvgO snsar ap/uosiuuaa) asys .T (quasgp) uosduiogs uogTK :oioiaao-xa zauTgaPK I gsTTPToads quauzdoTanaa AgTununuoa 'oAOaaV zogpuTpzooD buTsnog :,arms (pasnoxg) uogTag (pasnoxg) LUTE :Sis�Sa`d uosTuuaa '00bua4uPg3 snsar ap 'spTTTsPO UpuuzTPgD :LTimasaaa 'PIVD 'rami/2Iza'do; OZ 'PIVD i buTpTTng aoTAaGS oTTgnd 'ui-d 0E : E Z uioo'd a3u9zaJuo3 b66Z 'LZ TTzdV 'APpsaupaM i KOISSINKOD XHOSIAax OHZSnoH SaLILININ r i Mr. Martinez responded that all their funds come from lenders. This is the first time that they are asking for city funds. Member de 'Jesus Chantengco asked how long have these programs been in existence. Mr. Martinez responded that San Diego Home Loan Counseling Services has been in business for 16 years, Casa Nuestra 4 years, and Shared Housing 11 years. Mr. Arroyo stated that staff would like to get the Commissioners comments/questions/concerns so staff can incorporate them in a report to Council. iStaff will be submitting this information to Council at the public hearing scheduled May 10. Member deliesus Chantengco stated that it is important that these organizations have a resident from Chula Vista on their board of directors, if not then he recommends it. His philosophy is that if someone lives and works in Chula Vista that person will do a better job than someone who lives outside Chula Vista. So he recommends that a resident from Chula Vista that is active in the community be a member of the board. Member Caslillas noted that the $20, 000 which the San Diego Home Loan Counseling is requesting, could be better used by the Community Development Department to do some direct activities in the community. I Member de 'Jesus Chantengco asked how would the City of Chula Vista know in fact that !the San Diego Home Loan Counseling is really helping residents in Chula Vista. Mr. Arroyo indicated that if this Agency was funded, the City would require documented proof of those being served. Mr. Martinez asked the Commissioners if they were recommending that San Diego Home Loan �Council not be funded. It was the consensus of the Commission to support the funding of Casa Nuestra and Shared Housing, but did not recommend funding the San Diego Home Loan Counseling Program. 3. AFFORDABLE HOUSING AGREEMENTS - STATUS REPORT The purpose of this item is to bring the Commissioners up to date on the affordable housing agreements. There is a policy in the City which stipulated that any development above 50 units must provide at least 100 of the units to low and moderate income households. There is a total of 8,700 units that are going to be build as part of the Eastlake Community Development Project. Based on agreements that have been established in the past, there is a low income housing obligation of 370 units. Based on reports from this particular company as of last month, they indicated that they produced 105 units that met that requirement leaving a balance of 269 units. Mr. Arroyo stated that an Affordable Housing Task Force is being formed to help implement the program. At this point nobody has been appointed to it. Representaltives of the task force will be residents of the area, low income housing advocates, representatives of the City, and representatives of the EastLake Company. Member de �Jesus Chantengco suggested that a Housing Advisory Commission member be part of this Affordable Housing Task Force. MSC (Casillas/Dennison) (3-0-2 Helton, King absent) to appoint J.R. de Jesus Chantengco as a representative of this Commission. Mr. Arroyo, mention that in Salt Creek I (Cabo) there is a total of 555 units being build, of which 55 are designated for low/moderate income housing. I � i INIYi'b6-LZ-bO\��\`Jfrl Ji aTazu lie,P��p 2i •buTPTTng SeOTnaaS OTTgnd 9I14 UT T66T 'SZ APW paTnpagOs buTgaaui aPTnbaa gxau agq oq •ui•d OO:S 4v - INNOWnI l'Qrd 8 auON - SSIQNII^Io0 Su WCMK 'L •ggooq P anPg TTTM quauidOTanaa AqTununuoo eaegm 'aTPa aaTTaS '3 saaAng auiog agg ao; SgaxOTg AaPguauiTTduioo spg ag 'uoTgTppP uI •TTOunoa AgT3 Aq saauoTSSTunuoD AaosTnpV buTsnog sP PGTJT41GO PUP paaaPTSU00 aq ATTPTOTgJO uP0 Aagq os xaaTD A4T3 agg og gT gTuigns puP uIJOJ uoTgPOTTddp up qno TTT9 oq paau saauOTssTunuo3 aqq gPgq pagpgs OAoaJV 'JW - Ssis�oa JaVMS •9 1 auON - SMUMMOO 71 'du0 •5 •4oaCoad aPTn0T4apd STgq aog paNapluapa uaaq anPg gPgq spung agPbTTgo oq aaqui94daS go pua agq qP auTTPPap P anPg Aagz •aPOA sTgq sagTs ZT PUP OT uaaMgeq aaTnbop oq suPTd AnPN agy •ssaaoad uoTgTSTnbop uo eNpgaapun pup 'uOTgPnTpna uMo SgT op TTTM AnPN 9144 uanq ui •APH go pua agg qp gaodaa sTgq anTeDGa TTTM AnPN aqy •sanssT PIP uaa0uo0 AgTununuoo aqq qP NOOT oq uTbeq oq sT espgd gxeu aqy •sagTs buTsnog OTT go uoTgpnTPna aqq uo gaodaa P pagaTduzoo seg 9KQNKS gpgq peuoTquoui oAoaav •aw suodau snmvms - oxisnog XUasizira v •suoTgpTgobau aapun TTTgs STlquauzaaabp sTgz •buTsnoq auzoauT MOT ao9 pagPbTTgo Gap OLZ goTLIM go 'S4Tun OOL'Z go queuidOTanap aqg aog sTTPO 'AupduioD uTMPTPg Aq goaCoad gOuPg xaaai BTPS agy agTs 990 sgTun au U-;U L agFaapoui/MOT apTnoad oq sT quawaaabu eqs •anogP pup 000'OOZ$ sT sgTun asegq go 4900 aqy •sgTun agPgsa eap goTgM uoAupo gdpabaTaz UT sT quauidOTanap aag40 aqs •P840eTTOD uaaq spg 0OZ'Z8VPTOS uaaq anPg sgTun LET e4Pp os •saaAnq euioouT MOT paTgTTpnb/gsTssp aeggang oq Impaboad abpbgaoui puooes guaTTs P aOJ pasn aq oq eap spung asegj •pung P oquT qnd aq oq aedOTenap aqq Ag PTO aq oq ST 009$ 'PTOs gTun gaPa 109 gPgq saaTnbaa quauzaaabu agq g0aC0ad apTn0Tgapd STgq uI •£b go aOuPTpq P buTnPaT pTogasnoq euioouT MOT oq PTOs uaaq anPLI anTaMs I