HomeMy WebLinkAbout1995-04-26 HAC MIN CITY OF CHULA VISTA MINUTES HOUSING ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday, April 26, 1995 Conference Room 1 3:30 p.m j Public Services Building I CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL - 3:40 p.m. PRESENT: Chairman Madrid, Alonso-Massey, Lopez-Gonzalez, Flaugher i ABSENT: Helton STAFF: Housing Coordinator Arroyo, Community Development Specialist I Martinez, Administrative Office Assistant II Gonzalez EX-OFFICIO: Mayfield (present), Lembo (excused absence) GUESTS: Barbara Worth I 1. INTRODUCTIONS - None 2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES - MSC IFlaugher/Lopez-Gonzalez) to approve March 22, 1995 minutes (4-0-1 Helton absent). MSC (Madrid/Flaugher) to excuse both Helton and Lembo from this meeting because they are both out of town on other business commitments, (4-0-1 Helton absent). 3. CONSOLIDATED PLAN SCHEDULE - Mr. Martinez went over the new Consolidated Plan Schedule. Staff is preparing a draft copy for the public available by May 3, and at that time staff will mail out a copy to the Commission Members for their review. By consensus, staff and Commission Members decided to review and discuss the.Consolidated Plan at the May 24 meeting which is within the 30 day comment period. Mr. Martinez stated that the Commission Members won't have the opportunity to see the Consolidated Plan before the public hearing on May 16th. In order to do that, the Commission Members would have to hold a special meeting before the hearing date. Mr. Arroyo suggested that another alternative is that staff can provide a draft Consolidated Plan as soon as it becomes available for review and comment. That way the Commission Members can submit their comments individually if they prefer not to meet as a group. Member Lopez-Gonzalez suggested that it would be easier to meet as a group so if any questions would arise staff would be able to answer them. Ex-Officio IVlayfield reiterated what Member Lopez-Gonzalez mentioned and agreed that the Commission should meet as a group to discuss the Consolidated Plan and should hold a special meeting prior to May 16. Commission Members can then meet on their regular meeting date to make any f nal recommendations. 1 i By consensus, the Commission Members decided to hold a Special meeting on May 9 to discuss the Consolidated Plan. 4. HOUSING FINANCIAL REPORT - Mr. Arroyo prepared budget reports on funding sources used to fund housing activities. The 3 main sources for funding housing projects are as follows: 1) CDBG; 2) HOME Investment Partnership monies; 3) Low/Moderate Income Housing Funds generated through the Redevelopment Agency process. Mr. Arroyo expounded on the three sources of funds. The first source is the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), a federal grant that the cities receive. Its been in existence approximately 20 years and this source of money is based on local needs, population size, income, etc. The basic thrust of this source of money is for community development in general. There has been a focus on housing although more and more is being used for diverse needs including social services, public improvements, and capital improvements. Over the years the City averages about $1,500,000, The estimated figure for 1995-1996 allocation is $2,100,000 and is subject to an 8% rescission. Administration has a cap of 20% which includes City staff, San Diego Fair Housing Council, and Chula Vista Human Services Council. These two programs provide services to the City of Chula Vista. The amount estimated for the Administration category is $240,000. Social Services known as public services per HUD also has a cap of 15%. This is used to fund approximately 25 agencies and public service projects, estimated amount is $325,000. Due to budget constrains, the City Manager indicated possibly using some percentage of social services category to use as a match for COPS I grant from the federal government which would provide an opportunity for the City to increase the police force. Staff has called special meetings with representatives from different commissions' of the City that primarily focuses on social services to make them aware of this potential option that the City might take. This will enable them to make any comments or recommendations regarding this issue. The Community Projects category is a combination of social services and public improvement; graffiti abatement, senior home repair, and special housing projects. This category estimated amount is $450,000. Lastly, is the Capital Improvement Projects which consists of Otay Gym, ADA curb cuts/modification, and Castle Park revitalization, estimated amount is $3,175,000. Totaling up total funds requested is $4,190,000 with only $2,162,000 available. The second source of money is the HOME Investment Partnership Act Program which is also a federal source of money specifically from the Department of Housing and Urban Development. HOME funds have been available for approximately 4 years. The difference between HOME and CDBG is that HOME has to be used specifically for housing type of programs, projects, and needs. The City received $675,000 last year with 10% of money used for administration. Last year the monies were committed to the Trolley Terrace project. The money was used to acquire the land where this project is going to be build. This project consists of a twelve unit for-sale affordable housing development which will include a child care center component. The City still has some money available, but staff has 3 or 4 proposals that are being reviewed and once staff gets to a certain stage of the project staff will bring it to this Commission for comments and recommendations. The third and last source is the Low/Moderate Income Housing Fund. These are monies that are generated through our Redevelopment Agency. The Redevelopment Agency through its process of 2 rt- Tax Increment sets aside 20% of those funds for low and moderate income housing type of developments, programs, and activities. The average annual amount of money from this source is $1,100,000. 5. ORAL COMMENTS - None I I 6. STAFF REPORTS - CDBG public hearing update - Mr. Arroyo stated that there were some adjustments to the CDBG schedule. Mr. Arroyo made reference to the consideration that is being made by the City Manager to look at CDBG as a source of monies to match COP I bill monies that are available)from the federal government. Chairman Madrid asked what was staffs recommendation on the COPS I issue. Mr. Arroyo �Iesponded that there is no recommendations at this time. This matter is still premature and staff is still researching the issue. The Veterans Home update - The Veterans Home Project is a state program to increase the number of congregate care facilities in the Southern California Region. About three years ago the Governor established a Governor's Task Force on the Veterans Home project. He selected 15 representatives from throughout California to serve on the advisory panel to identify potential sites in Southern California with the overall objective to build 3 additional Veterans Homes. The Cities interested in this type of iprogram had to come up with at least 20 acres that would be donated to the state. This type of facilities essentially serves as a social, physical, and health purpose; but it also creates 250-300 new jobs for the community. It generates up to $10,000,000 revenue through salaries and construction. The City of Chula Vista and Sweetwater School District are negotiating the Medical Center Drive property which the Sweetwater School District owns. The project will provide housing for up to 400 Veterans and it is probable that the City will use some,of the sources discuss earlier to help finance such project. Chairman M drid asked what the issues are with the negotiation of the land. The pending issue are the terms of this transaction involving 30 acres in exchange for the Windmill p 91 9 9 Farms site property that the City owns on Third Street. Its approximately 2%z acres in a commercial zone. with a higher value per acre. In order to make up the difference, the City has also offered 10 acres of land in the Otay Valley Rio area. MSC (Flaugher/Madrid) to tentatively approve the site for the Veterans Home proposal and the acquisition of it, (4-0-1 Helton absent). 7. MEMBERS COMMENTS - None 8. ADJIOURNMENT - 5:05 p.m. to the next regular meeting scheduled May 24, 1995 in the Public Services Building. i Recorder, Alicia Gon az lez 1/ [AG\C:\W P W IN\4-26-95.M INI i .