HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-07-07 HAC MIN CITY OF CHULA VISTA MINUTES HOUSING ADVISORY COMMISSION Wednesday July 7, 1999 Housing Conference Room 3:30 p.m. Legislative Building CALL TO ORDER/ROLL CALL 3:40 p.m. PRESENT: Chair Madrid, Members Clayton, Lopez-Gonzalez, McCann, Worth, Dufresne . ABSENT: Ahamed. STAFF: Housing Coordinator Arroyo, Community Development Specialist Hines, . Administrative Secretary Hernandez 1. MSC (Clayton/Worth) to approve May 26, 1999 minutes (6-0-1 Ahamed absent) MSC (Madrid/Lopez-Gonzalez) to excuse Member Ahamed from July 7, 1999 Commission meeting due to other business commitments (6-0-1 Ahamed absent). 2. 1999-2004 HOUSING ELEMENT DRAFT - Mr. Arroyo mentioned that the City of Chula and other jurisdictions in the region are currently in the process of preparing Housing Element updates for the 1999-2004 planning period. The 199972004 Housing Element must be completed and adopted by December 31, 1999. Staff is in the process of- preparing r thisdocument and expects adoption of the .Housing Element by City Council by December. Ms. Hines indicated that the new Housing Element would cover the period of July ,1, 1999 through June 30, 2004. She indicated that the Housing Element is the comprehensive Housing Plan with goals, policies, and implementing programs to .address the identified needs.- Staff will be recommending that many of the goals, policies and programs remain the same as the previous Housing Element. Ms. Hines stated that through the citizen participation process, staff will be soliciting input from the general public, the development community, and social service providers. The City will make the Draft 1999-2004 Housing. Element available to the public for review and comment from July 24 to August 25, 1999. The City will hold three community forums, in both the eastern and western territories of the City. Additionally, the Planning Commission will hold a workshop regarding the Housing Element and` the City's affordable housing needs. Ms. Hines indicated that staff is recommending that the Housing Advisory Commission review and recommend approval of the proposed preliminary goals and policy revisions.of the City's Housing Element, the citizen participation process, and the self certification of the City's Housing Element. Chairman Madrid indicated that approximately 50% of the west side of Chula Vista is already considered affordable as far as being low-income households. The City is building more new low- - income housing in the east side of the City, and wonders if in fact the City is working against- themselves. Chairman Madrid suggested to staff to make a revision to the Housing Element to include something along the line where the City sets a price for developers, e.g. a new unit costs so much per unit. Staff can develop some kind.of calculation in the Housing Element that states as an option, developers can contribute the cost of developing a new unit to the City, which in turn the City would use the monies to rehabilitate-the west side of the City. Community Development can work with the other City departments to determine targeted areas and turn the quality of life around on the west,side of'-the City with that money. That way the City is not only producing additional low-income units, but also upgrading the west side of the City. Ms. Hines- stated that in. other words, looking at a contribution as an alternative .to -actually producing low-income units. Mr. Arroyo stated. that it is important to keep. a balance throughout the City_ in terms of the production of new units and the improvement of the existing stock. MSC (Madrid/Mecca) Recommend the adoption of the Regional Housing Needs Statement as well as the Regional Share Allocation in the Affordable Housing Goals that are outlined within that Statement (6-0-1 Ahamed absent). MSC (Worth/Lopez-Gonzalez) to approve the Housing Advisory Commission's Summary of Activities FY 1998/99 Report (6-0-1 Ahamed absent), 3. STAFF REPORTS - Mr. Arroyo mentioned that staff received an invitation for a hard hat premier of Teresina, which is a 440-unit apartment complex development in the Otay Ranch McMillin development. Mr. Arroyo indicated that 20% of the units would be for very low- income households. 4. MEMBERS' COMMENTS — Chairman Madrid introduced Member John McCann who was recently appointed to the Housing Advisory Commission. 5. ADJOURNMENT.— 4:30 p.m.to the next scheduled meeting of July 28, 1999. . R corder, Alicia Hernandez SUMMARY OF ACTIVITIES FY 1998/99 NAME OF BOARD, COMMISSION, OR COMMITTEE (B/C/C): Housing Advisory Commission MEETING TIME/PLACE: 3:30 p.m. /Fourth Wednesday of very month in the Housing Conference Room NUMBER OF MEMBERS: 7 Members and '2 Ex-Officios GENERAL PURPOSE OF THE B/C/C: To serve as an advisory body to City staff and City Council on housing related issues and programs. To review all proposed affordable housing projects to be assisted with public funds as well as on-going housing programs of the City, and make recommendations for improvement. In addition, to periodically assess the housing needs of the residents of Chula Vista and review housing policies and strategies. HIGHLIGHTS OF ACTIVITIES DURING THE PAST YEAR: • EastLake Greens Affordable Housing Project - Approved a for sale affordable housing development. • Acquisition of Condominiums - Approved a loan of $169,000 to South Bay Community Services in financial assistance for the acquisition of two condominiums for their continued use as confidential domestic violence shelter sites or transitional living programs. • EastLake II & III Comprehensive Affordable Housing Program - Approved the Comprehensive Affordable Housing Program Agreement which outlines the general affordable housing obligation of EastLake in its future Planned Communities within EastLake Trails, Woods, Vistas and Landswap parcels. • Villa Serena Senior Housing Project - Approved a 132 unit senior housing development to satisfy the Sunbow II affordable housing obligation. • Mortgage Credit Certificate Program (MCC) - Approved staff's recommendation in accepting the partnering with the County of San Diego and joining the San Diego Regional MCC Program. • After Foster Care Transitional Housing - Approved an 11 unit transitional housing project for young adults who have completed the foster care program. • Peartree Apartments Acquisition/Rehabilitation-Approved to acquire and rehabilitate a 119 unit multi-family apartment complex. • Pacific Bay Homes Affordable Housing Project - Approved in concept the preliminary proposal involving a multi-family housing and a senior housing development. The proposal consist of a total of 148 low-income units, 32 multi-family low-income units, and 116 low-income senior units to satisfy Pacific Bay Homes low-income housing obligation. COMMENTS AND RECOMMENDATIONS TO COUNCIL: The Commission has been very effective in addressing the housing and community development needs and concerns of the community, and staff recommends that the Commission continue to fulfill its mission. DATE: V"SIGNED: upa� Vicki Madrid, Chairman ATTENDANCE RECORD B/C/C Name: Housing Advisory Commission Fiscal Year 1998-99 ;..:......7 2 .... ;....8 . 23 28.... . ....... 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