HomeMy WebLinkAboutMinutes 2001/03/15 CITY OF CHULA VISTA
Thursday-6:15 p.m. March 15, 2001
Mercy Building 276 Fourth Avenue
1. ROLL CALL Dennison—P. Radcliffe--P, Rude—P, Salcido P_'
Weidner_P_�Ramos PL, Perondi P-
2. APPROVAL OF MINUTES—January 18, 2001
MSC (Ramos/Rude) to approve the minutes of the January 18, 2001 meeting as
submitted. Vote: 4-0-0-3 (Radcliffe, Weidner, and Perondi Tardy)
Ms. Hofmockel gave a short presentation on the proposed location and rationale
behind the feasibility of the 70-Acre Park. ,She stated that the Parks & Recreation
Department will be meeting with McMillin and Otay Ranch regarding construction and,
location�of the park.
4. PERSONNEL—Andy Campbell
Mr. Campbell stated that Jim Tollefson, Recreation Supervisor II, the January
employee of the month is ill with cancer.
MSCU (Dennison/Ramos) to send Mr. Tollefson a card. Vote: 7-0-0-0
Friendship Parks draft letter meets the needs of commission and staff will prepare it
for signature. MSCU (Radcliffe/Rude) motion to accept letter. Vote: 7-0-0-0
6. CIP INFORMATION —Andy Campbell
The CIP proposals are currently being evaluated and prioritized by staff. It is expected
that a presentation by the CIP budget staff will be heard by the Commission in April or
7. BUDGET—Andy Campbell
Mr. Campbell stated that the budget is in the process of being prepared for submittal
to the budget analysis department. He noted that there are several issues to address,
such as, scholarships, additional programs, needed recreation supplies, and
additional staff. Meetings with the budget analysis department and then the City.
Manager are scheduled for this month and an update will probably be available in
Parks &Recreation Commission Minutes
March 15, 2001 Page 1
It is required that for an item to be considered "approved," the votes of the Commission
must be a minimum of four (4), which is a majority of the Commission's seven (7)
members. ; With fewer members in attendance, the minimum approval vote is also
required to�be four(4).
Commissioner Weidner suggested that we invite the Dawn Beintema, Manager of
Training for the City back to assist the Commission in formalizing a mission and
goals istatement.
a. Reestablish Parks & Recreation Non-Profit Status with State of California.
Charline Long reported on reestablishing the existing Parks & Recreation Non-
Profit status with the State of California. Commissioner Weidner commented that
she would prefer that the City Attorney's office look at the ramifications to the .
Commission and its members before deciding to go forward with a proposal.
Ms. Long will contact Nora Smyth, in the City Attorney's office, to apprise the
commission of its viability.
b. EastLake Greens Neighborhood Park Revised Master Plan
Jack Nakawatase of ONA Architectural Design presented to the commission the
park design concept and program set forth in for the EastLake Sports Park. The
new design accommodates the water reservoir and also the lighting that was a
concern to the local residents. MSC (Salcido/Perondi) to accept the new design
of the park. Vote: 6-0-0-1 (Ramos absent)
John Krizan mentioned that the original name of the park (Sports Park) was
never approved by the .Commission. Since the design has changed, the name
Sports Park no longer fits the theme. Mr. Krizan suggested the park be named
"Sunset View Park" because of the beautiful view of the sunset. MSC
(Perondi/Dennison) to accept the name "Sunset View" for the park. Vote: 6-0-0-1
(Ramos absent)
A letter from Tara Nation requesting a plaque be placed on a tree was discussed.
Dave Byers mentioned that he. had contacted several people on what the criteria
would be to put a plaque on a tree and that a written policy does not exist for this
type of request.
Commissioner Weidner suggested that a policy be written for evaluation for future
requests such as these.-
- Commissioner Dennison invited everyone to the City of Chula Vista Service Council
regarding the San Diego County Health and Human Services Forum. Commented
on the Caregivers Program and the Leisure Connections for homebound residents.
Parks &Recreation Commission Minutes
March 15, 2001 Page 2
Commissioner Radcliffe expressed thanks for the. invitation to the Professional
Enrichment Day and that she would try to attend.
Commissioner Weidner informed Mr. Campbell that the signs at Rancho Del Ray
Park are inconsistent with the times that the park is actually open.
Mr. Campbell commented on the need to increase the PAD fees to accommodate
increased construction costs and especially since the PAD fees had not been
adjusted since 1991.
Sunny Shy commented on the new programs for aquatics. That "Learn to Swim"
classes are being offered both to the Elementary Schools and Middle Schools.
Ms. Shy also commented on the Youth Fitness Day, which will be held on March 31St
at Otay Gym. Ernie Medina, Recreation Supervisor, has put together a program for
elementary age children.
Ms. Shy also reminded everyone about the March 20th Professional Enrichment
Day. j
13. OTHER: None
Adjourned at 8:10 p.m. to the regularly scheduled meeting of April 19, 2001.
Parks &Recreation Commission Minutes
March 15, 2001 Page 3
CHULA VISTA Memorandum
Parks and Recreation Department
DATE: ! April 10, 2001
TO: Mayor and City Council Members
FROM: Parks and Recreation Commission Members
SUBJECT: Rezoning of Friendship Park
When the City was considering the placement of the proposed police facility on the
Freindship Park property, the Parks and Recreation Commission was surprised to learn
that what they thought was dedicated park ground was in reality zoned for commercial
business. The Commission has since been informed that the City Council has instructed
staff to'commence rezoning Friendship Park into dedicated park land in perpetuity.
The Commission met on January 18, 2001 at a regularly scheduled commission meeting
and voted unanimously to support and encourage this decision to go forward with the
rezoning Friendship Park. It is the commission's most fervent wish that this park remain
a pleasant and open space in what is considered the "Heart of Chula Vista."
Parks &Recreation Commission -
Lauren'Weidner, Chair
Mary Kay Dennison,Vice Chair
Catherine Radcliffe
Diana M. Rude -
Donald Salcido
Yolanda Ramos
Larry Perondi
Charline Long
From: Stephen R Arends[srarends@juno.com]
Sent: Wednesday, April 18, 2001 5:19 PM
To: LFW@gilbertkelly.com
Cc: matt3a@earthlink.net; clong@ci.chula-vista.ca.us; kdyke@chulavistapd.org;
Subject: Re: Veterans Memorial At Sunbow
Wednesday Afternoon, 4/18/01, 4:45 PM
Lauren, on 3/30 I sent you an e-mail saying that both Matt Floch
(C.V. Cultural Arts Comm. ) and Carmen Fedje (C.V. Veterans Advisory
Comm. ) would attend your Parks & Rec Comm meeting tomorrow night.
Unfortunately, neither of them will be able to attend. I will represent
the VAC, but have a conflict with a reception I must attend at Bob's on
the Bay tomorrow at 6:30 .PM. Congressman Bob Filner is hosting the
reception for Secretary of the Veterans Administration, Tony Principi,
who is from San Diego. He's visiting Chula Vista tomorrow through
Saturday during 'his brief trip outside Washington, DC. Long
story. . .short. I will attend both events tomorrow evening, but would
appreciate your ;advice on whether to come to your meeting first, or
second. Please J et me know. My home phone is 421-1521.
Besides the Veterans Memorial topic that you've already added to
your Commission's agenda for tomorrow's meeting, I'd like to ask for
help in getting answers to these questions:
1. Name chosenlfor new 10 acre City park just south of the Chula Vista
Veteran's Home? Possible to name it "Veterans Park"?
'2. Name confirmed for the planned Rolling Hills Ranch park in eastern
Chula Vista? In 2000 both the Planning Dept and Pacific Bay Homes
developer have agreed to name that park "Veterans Park. "
3. Four additional names been engraved into the granite veterans
memorial in Memorial Park downtown? Charlene Long had told me she'd
notify the VAC when the engraving was completed.
Am looking forward to attending a portion of your Parks & Rec
meeting tomorrow night. If you expect your meeting to last longer than.
.hour, I could hit the Bob's on the Bay reception before coming to your
meeting. If your meeting is short, I could come to your meeting first.
Your call, Lauren!
Regards, Steve Arends, Chair, C.V. VAC
cc: Matt Floch; Charlene Long, CAPT Ken Dyke (CVPD) , Trudi Ford (CVPD)
- Lauren Weidner <LFW@ ilbertkell
On Thu, 29 Mar 2001 15:25:58 0800 Lau .com>e g y
>I have requested that this matter be place on the agenda for the next
>& RECREATION COMMISSION meeting of April 19, 2001. You are welcome to
>attend this public meeting.
>Lauren Weidner
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