August:21, 2006
Ken Lee Building Conference Room
430 'F' Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Chair Reid at 4:31 p.m.
MSC (Jasek/Stillman)to excuse Commissioner Brett Davis. Vote: (5-0)
MEMBERS PRESENT: ' Chair Doug-Reid,Vice-Chair Stan Jasek, Commissioners Georgie.
Stillman, Lynda Gilgun and Eric Mosolgo
STAFF PRESENT: .Marisa.Lundstedt, Environmental Projects Manager
Brendan Reed,'Environmental Resource Manager
Leilani Hines, Senior Community:Development Specialist
Steve Power, Environmental Projects Manager
Maria Muett, Associate Planner
Linda.Bond, Recording Secretary
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: July.10 and 17,2006
Julv 10, 2006 Minutes
MSC (Stillman/Jasek) to approve the minutes of July 10; .2006. Voter (5-0-0-1) with
Davis absent.
July 17, 2006 Minutes
-MSC (Stillman/Gilgun) to approve the. minutes of July 17, 2006. Vote: (4-0-1-1) with
Reid abstaining and Davis absent.
1. Appointment of RCC Representative to the Redevelopment Advisory Committee
Ms. Marisa Lundstedt'(Environmental Projects Manager) stated that a letter had, been sent
to each Commissioner from the Acting Director of Community Development requesting that
a RCC representative and an alternate be'appointed to the Redevelopment -Advisory
Committee -(RAC). The first meeting of the RAC will be held on. Thursday, September 7,'
2006, at 6:00 p.m. in the Council Chambers.
RCC Minutes - 2 - August 21, 2006
.Commission Comments
Commissioner Stillman felt that the RCC should receive the agendas:for the RAC meetings.
She suggested that the RCC representative share information with the other RCC members.
Chair Reid requested that all RCC members be placed on the distribution list to receive the
.RAC packets. Ms. Lundstedt. suggested that Ms. Linda Bond (Recording-Secretary) could
distribute RAC meeting agendas in the RCC packets.
Commissioners Stillman, Mosolgo and Gilgun expressed :'a desire to- be .the RCC
representative. or alternate on the Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC). After
considerable discussion., the following motions were made:
MS. (Jasek/Reid) to appoint Commissioners Mosolgo and Gilgun as the RCC
.,representative,and alternate to the RAC .and for them to decide who.would be the
representative and who would be the alternate. Motion failed: (2-3-0-1) with Davis
MSC (Stillman/Jasek) to appoint Commissioner Gilgun as the RCC representative
and Commissioner Mosolgo as the alternate to the RAC. Vote: (5-0-0-1) with Davis
2. CO2 Reduction Plan Presentation
Mr. Brendan Reed (Environmental Resource Manager) presented:the City's Greenhouse
Gas Reduction Plan-and its accomplishments.
Commission Comments
Chair Reid:asked about the landfill as an emission source. He thought there was a collection
system to retrieve methane gas and then burn it. He would imagine that given the nature of
the.landfill and moving things around and working in one area and then another that the
emissions are going to vary overtime.
Commissioner Stillman wanted to know how many of the 2,50.0 GreenStar buildings
approved were,City buildings and private development.
Commissioner Mosolgo had the following questions:
• When preparing the Citywide CO2 loading report, what is the method of testing, the level
of detail you go into, and how you-convert.that into a quantifiable loading report?
How do you anticipate the construction/co-operation of the SR-125 with that loading?
-Staff satisfactorily provided information and clarification to the Commissioners questions and
3. IS=06-023 ---2005-2010.Housing Element Update
Ms.:-Leilani- Hines (Senior Community Development Specialist) presented the Housing .
Element•Update project' description. Mr. Steve Power (Environmental Projects Manager) .
presented the Negative Declaration..The Housing Element Update is scheduled to go before
the Planning Commission on September 13, 2006 and the City Council on October 6, 2006.
j .
RCC Minutes - 3 - August 21, 2006
Commission Comments
Commissioner Stillman asked the following questions:
• What is the rationale between Level 1 and Level 2 Priorities?
• What is the reasoning behind having Green Building as a Level 2 Priority?
• When will we.see the final document?
Commissioner Mosolgo asked what the threshold was for affordable housing.
Commissioner.Gilgun had the following comments and question:
• Under the efficient use and conservation of water and energy items, all those points start
with the word 'promote'. It would be nice if we could go beyond that. For example:
'educating and requiring'.
Regarding the Mortgage Credit Certificates, .is that an on-going program? Is that a
program that is used often? .
• An issue for the Housing Element .should be the. priority to have goals and Citywide
policies about the -mobile home park and condo conversions especially when
considering some of the new development.
• At some point the City should have a southwest specific plan.
Vice-Chair Jasek asked the following questions:
•. How much funding does the.Housing Element presently have in terms of implementing
the programs that have been talked about?
• The Appendix includes information-about developing and funding a short-term rental
assistance program to. provide rent subsidies. Vice-Chair Jasek asked if this was a
realistic program. „
Policy. H 5.41 says, "Support mobile home parks as' an affordable homeownership,
opportunity, particularly where consistent with the General'Plan.' Didn't the General Plan
just rezone where the majority of our mobile home parks are?
Chair Reid' asked -if there were different State_ requirements regarding relocation
requirements for trailer parks and mobile home parks? .
Staff satisfactorily provided information and clarification to the Commissioners questions and
MSC (Mosolgo/Jasek) that the RCC .recommend. approval of the Negative
Declaration. Vote: (5-0-0-1)with Davis absent.
Reid, Commissioners Mosolgo and Gilgun had been re-appointed. to.the RCC at the August 1, .
2006 City .Council meeting. Ms. Lundstedt also reported that it is anticipated that a new RCC
member would be sworn in at the August 22, 2006 City Council meeting.
CHAIR COMMENTS: Chair Reid stated that he and Vice-'Chair-Jasek would not be at the
September 18, 2006 RCC-meeting.
RCC Minutes - 4 - August 21, 2006
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Reid adjourned the meeting at 5:39 p.m. to a regular meeting on
Monday, September 18, 2006, at 4:30 p.m. in.the Ken Lee Building Conference Room, 430 "F"
Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
Linda Bond
Recording Secretary