November 6, 2006'
Ken Lee Building.Conference Room
430 'F' Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Vice-Chair Jasek at 4:30'p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: :' ' 'Vice-Chair Stanley:"Jasek, Commissioners Eric Mosolgo, Georgie ' ' -
Stillman, Lynda Gilgun, Richie Macias_, Jr. and Brett Davis (4:33
P.M.) .
MSC (Jasek/Mosolgo) to excuse Chair Doug Reid. Vote: (5-0-0-1)with Davis absent.
STAFF.PRESENT: Marisa Lundstedt, Environmental Projects Manager:
Brendan Reed, Environmental Resource Manager
Lynnette Tessitore-Lopez, Associate Planner '
Linda.Bond,.Recording Secretary
OTHERS PRESENT: Pamela Bensoussan;616 Second Avenue
Patrick &Judith Pidgeon, 20 Pepper Tree Road
Rufino&.Soledad Roque, 446 Third Avenue"
Christopher&'Madeline Ross, 220 Elder Avenue
StevenRitter, 654 Del.Mar,Avenue.
David & Martina Doyer, 44 N. Second Avenue
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: August 21 and September 18,2006
August.21, 2006
MSC (Mosolgo/Gilgun) to approve-the August'2.1,2006 minutes as written. Vote: '(4
2)with Macias;abstaining and Reid and Davis absent.
September 18, 2006.
'MSC (Stillman/Gilgun)••to approve the minutes`of September 18, 2006 as. presented.
Vote: (4-0--1-2)with Jasek abstaining and Reid and Davis absent.
USINESS' ..1. Shade Tree Planting Program.,Grant Proposal
Mr. Brendan Reed (Environmental Resource Manager)-. presented an overview of the
proposal. The grant'amount being requested is $212,875 for the planting of. 1,275 15-gallon
container shade trees in City-right-of-ways.and within park areas. The program will involve
RCC Minutes - 2.-. November 6,.2006
over 400 residents contributing approximately 1,400 volunteer hours. The'grant proposal will .
go beforethe.City Council on November 7,,2006.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Stillman requested that whoever plants..the trees be sensitive of the City's
Commissioner Macias,questioned how the volunteer labor cost was derived.
Commissioner Mosolgo stated that shade trees along Olympic Parkway are needed.
Commissioner Gilgun stated that anything that. can be done to, :improve walkability is
Staff satisfactorily provided.information and clarification to the Commissioners concerns.
No action was required on this -item, ,but the Commissioners wanted their.'comments
included in the minutes. Therefore, the following motion was made.
: MSC (Stillman/Davis) to make all of the RCC comments a part of the minutes.-Vote:
(6-0-0-1)with Reid absent.
2. Historic Designations: 20 Pepper Tree Road (Dr. Lauri W. Moffitt House),
416 Third.Avenue (El Primero Hotel)
220 Elder Avenue (Ann C. Rutledge House).
654 Del Mar Avenue (Hollaway Sumner House)
Ms.. Lyn nette Tessitore-Lopez (Associate Planner) mentioned the qualifying criteria for
historic designation before presenting each-property requesting historic designation:
MSC (Stillman/Jasek) to recommend historic designation of all four properties..Vote:
(6-0-0=1)with Reid absent.
3. .Mills Act Contracts: 20 Pepper Tree Road (Dr. Lacirl W.'Moffitt House):
416 Third Avenue(EI Primero Hotel)
220 Elder Avenue (Ann C. Rutledge House)_
-654 Del Mar Avenue (Hollaway Sumner House)
44 _North Second Avenue (Edward Gillette House) Historic
611 .Second Avenue (Bronson Carriage House) Historic -Site
Ms. Tessitore-Lopez described what the Mills Act Contract entails.' She then:presented.44
North,Second Avenue and 611 Second Avenue, which had been designated historic sites
years earlier.
20 Pepper.Tree Road (Dr. Laur/ W. Moffitt House)
Commissioner Stillman requested that the following be written .into the contract for this
RCC Minutes. -:3.- November 6, 2006:-
• That, in time,: :the, painted security screen doors be replaced.with •security :doors.that
match the•architecture,of the house. -
That; in time, the'vinyl,garage door be replaced,with:something more appropriate.toahe.
era (e.g.;:wood`.or Plexiglas)
That the.Peppor.trees:be maintained..
.,Ms. ,-Pamela Bensoussan. 016: Second'.Avenue' ' Chula ' VhSta ..CA 99910) offered -'her
assistanceto the homeowners regarding names of•companies they could contact.
Commissioner Gilgun inquired` as to who monitors ,the homes fo make 'sure, they are. :...-
MSC (Jasek/Davis) that the comments of Commissioner Stillman.be added in the
contract fOr 20,-Pepper Tree Road That the RCC recommend, acceptance,of.staffs' .
recommendation for the'Mills Act. .Vote: (6=0-0-.1),with,Reid absent:
41.6`Third`Avenue (EI Primero Hotel)
MSC (Jasek/Davis) that-the. RCC accept the recommendation of staff.for 41.6-Third
'Avenue for a Mills Act application.-,Vote: (6-0=0=1);with Reid absent.
220 Elder Avenue (Ann C. Rutledge House)
MSC,(Jasek/Gilgun) 'to•concur."with staffs' recommendation to accept 220 ,Elder
Avenue into the Mills Act programa Vote: (6-0-0-1.)-with Reid absent.
654 Del Mar Avenue (Hollaway Sumner.House).
Commissioner Stillman noted that the owners .have :already included replacemerit of.the,
metal,awnings in their contract. Commissioner Stillman felt that the awnings were distracting.
: from the beauty of the home. The original awnings were probably not metal.
MSC (Stillman/Mosolgo) that*the RCC-.recommend that the, house be accepted for
the Mills Act. Vote: (6-0-0-1)with Reid absent:
44 North Second Avenue (Edward Gillette House)
MSC (Stillman/Macias) that the RCC.recommend that'the-Edward Gillette'House be
accepted for the Mills Act. Vote: (6-0-0-1)with.Reid absent.
611'Second Avenue (Bronson Carriage House)-
MSC (Stillman/Davis)-that the RCC-recommend that.the•Bronsom.Carriage-House.be '. -
awarded.the Mills Act. Vote: (670-0-1)with Reid absent.
mental Projects Manager) remindedthose Commissionem who had not yet attended,-the Ethics
Training for certification=that the-next training session would be held on Wednesday;,November ' ;• . -=
8, 2006;from 1:30-3:30.p.m. in the Council Chambers.
COMMISSIONER COMMENTS: Commissioner Mosolgo-requested a. presentation before the
-RC.C;regard'ing water-quality sampling.forthe Bay.
RCC Minutes - 4 - November 6, 2006
ADJOURNMENT:. Vice-Chair Jasek adjourned -the meeting at 5:35 p.m.Jo.a regular meeting
on Monday, November 20, 2006, at 4:30 p.m. in the Ken Lee Building Conference Room, 430,
"F".Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
Lin Bond
Recording Secretary
(J:\Planning\RCC\2006\RCC 110606Mi ns)