December 4, 2006
Ken Lee Building Conference Room
430 'F' Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Chair Reid at 4:30 p.m.
.MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Doug Reid, Vice-Chair Stanley Jasek, Commissioners Eric
Mosolgo, Georgie Stillman, Lynda Gilgun and Richie Macias
MSC (Jasek/Stillman) to excuse Commissioner Brett Davis.Vote: (6-0)
STAFF PRESENT: Marisa Lundstedt, Environmental Projects Manager
Brendan Reed, Environmental Resource Manager
Maria Muett, Associate Planner
Steve Power, Environmental Projects Manager
Lynnette Tessitore-Lopez, Associate Planner
Michael Meacham, Conservation & Environmental Services
Roman Partida-Lopez, Intern -,Energy Conservation Fund
Luis Hernandez, Development.Planning Manager
Richard Zumwalt, Associate Planner
Jim Newton, Sr._Civil Engineer
Linda Bond, Recording Secretary
OTHERS PRESENT: John Ziebarth, Ziebarth Associates, 2800 Fourth Avenue, #204,
San Diego, CA 92102
Teresa Acerro, 3730 Festival Court, Chula Vista
Pamela Bensoussan, 616 Second Avenue, Chula Vista
Mair Nae, 345 Moss Street, Chula Vista
Earl Jentz, 397-A Third Avenue, Chula Vista
Total of 11 public attendees
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: November 6, 2006
MSC (Stillman/Jasek) to approve the minutes of November 6, 2006. Vote: (5-0-1-1) with
Reid abstaining and Davis absent.
1. Presentation on the Chula Vista NatureScape Program
Mr. .Brendan Reed (Environmental Resource Manager) presented an overview of the
NatureScape Program, ,a community-based-,initiative promoting nature friendly landscaping
and gardening. Residents'can have their yard/garden certified as an official National Wildlife
RCC Minutes - 2 = December 4, 2006
Federation backyard habitat. Mr. Reed discussed the goals, what NatureScapes are,
backyard habitat certification and community-certification. The first workshop is scheduled
for the end of February 2007.
Commission Comments..
Comm issionerWosolgo asked the-following questions:
■ Will there be a schedule for emptying rain barrels?
■ How Will you increase the awareness between yards and open space?
Staff satisfactorily provided information to the,Commissioners' questions.
2. IS-06-007,--- Home Depot, 1030 Third Avenue
Mr. John Ziebarth (Ziebarth Associates, 2800 Fourth.Avenue, #204, San Diego, CA 92102)
described the proposed project and architecture.
Ms. Maria -Muett (Associate Planner) presented an overview of the proposed project and
identified potential environmental effects.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Stillman -questioned the- sentence regarding -Level of 'Service "D" at the
bottom of page 4 ofthe Mitigated Negative Declaration.
Commissioner Gilgun asked.if any responses had been received from the public noticing.
Commissioner.Mosolgo requested that staff-provide larger site plans in -the packets from
now on. He had the following questions and concern:
■ What type of drainage.control will be provided.for the outside garden center?
■ Is the storm drain at the site at capacity? .
■ He would-like the plan to incorporate more bio-swales.
Public Comments
Ms. Teresa Acerro:(3730 Festival Court,- Chula Vista, CA.-91.911) presented a .PowerPoint
presentation showing Aisturbing' outside storage conditions at other Home Depots. She
stated that..a different alternative such as rotating the building should be considered because
the noise from the numerous delivery trucks would have a significant-impact on the many;
residences to the west and the hospital to the south. The delivery area/loading docks should
be further away from the people. Ms. Acerro indicated:':that she had a petition signed by.
many of the.residents.
Commission Comments (Cont'd)
Commissioner Stillman indicatedthat she had problems regarding air.quality and noise.
Commissioner Macias felt that anything you do, there is going to be problems. .
Commissioner Mosolgo had the following_concerns:
■ He.felt that there would be a queuing problem on Third Avenue because of more
RCC Minutes - 3 - - December 4,:2006
■ On page 7.of the Mitigated Negative Declaration, Commissioner Mosolgo,indicated
the last paragraph under Hydrology and Water.Quality seemed very confusing.
Staff provided information and clarification to the Commissions' questions and concerns.
MSC (Jasek/Macias)-that the RCC.find"the Initial Study:adequate and recommend
that the Mitigated .Negative Declaration be adopted. 'Vote: (571-0-1) with Gilgun.
opposed and Davis.absent.
Commissioner Gilgun made a motion toalook at other alternatives to mitigate noise.
After some discussion, she withdrew her motion.
MS (Stillman/Gilgun) that the RCC'recommend`that the Design Review Committee
consider repositioning the ,location .of the :building so it backs up against-.Third..
Avenue and faces west.
Commissioner Stillman stated that it is a moral obligation,that,we see that the noise and air.
standards be applied.
Vice-Chair Jasek stated .that the applicant has gone far and above what'is required. What
the applicant has planned is going to be a significant improvement in comparison to what is
there-now. Vice Chair Jasek suggested that the City could improve their code enforcement,
for existing Home Depots. He also stated-that this would likely reduce the impacts that'
Commissioner Stillman is thinking about trying to minimize by design. Vice Chair Jasek
further stated that it was unfortunate that this item came.before the RCC at a time in the,
process when it is not'economically sound to require a redesign. He suggested that possibly
the City could consider bringing projects to the RCC for input earlierin the process.- Mr.
Jasek concluded that the CEQA document was, however, adequate.
Vote tied: (3-370=1)with Reid;.Jasek and Macias opposed and Davis absent.
Mr. Luis Hernandez (Development Planning.Manager) stated that the vote could be
appealed`to the Planning Commission.
Vice-Chair Jasek left the meeting at 5 :54 p.m. .
3. Overview of.the Historic Preservation Implementation Program
Ms. Tessitore-Lopez (Associate Planner-) presented an overview of the Historic.Preservation.
Program Framework and Work Program Methodology that staff-is taking forward to the City
Council on December 19, 2006. Ms. Tessitorie-Lopez stated that she would be coming back
to the RCC at a later date asking them to appoint a representative and an alternate to the ad
hoc interim Historic Preservation.Committee. This ad hoc Committee would be.established
until the formation of the permanent-Historic Preservation Committee.
Commission Comments
- Chair.Reid asked if the proposed historic survey might have different levels of detail.
Commissioner Mosolgo.stated -that it would be great if there:were. a level -of historic
significance attached to the framework.
RCC Minutes - 4 - December 4, 2006
Commissioner Gilgun stated that the proposed program would standardize the process so
people would know what is required.
Commissioner-Stillman had concerns regarding the interim Historic Preservation-Committee
in the proposal. She stated-that the interim committee should be comprised of members who
the certified local government considers certifieduag lified. Staff should adhere to the criteria .
of members appointed to the special advisory committee. At the.moment, staff has the.RFP
going out before the interim committee is selected. Commissioner Stillman thought that the
interim committee should provide input on the scope for the RFP.
(Environmental Projects Manager) stated that,there would be an RCC meeting on December
18, 2006.
CHAIR COMMENTS: Chair Reid requested that an updated roster be provided to the RCC
Commissioner. Gilgun updated .the._Commissioners on what was- discussed at the last
Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) meeting. The meeting was about cleaning up the
t Brown Field site in Southwest Chula Vista pmpeqy The next meeting of the-RAC is
scheduled for Thursday, December 44 7, 2006.
Commissioner Mosolgo read about the major clean, up and abatement on the Bayfront. He
requested a presentation before the RCC regarding water quality sampling for the Bay.
Mr. Earl Jentz (397-AA-Third Avenue, Chula Vista, CA 91910) had a question about the RFP and
indicated that he was interested in the Historic Preservation Program.
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Reid adjourned the meeting at 6:31 p.m. to a regular meeting on
Monday, December 18, 2006, at 4:30 p.m. in the Ken Lee Building Conference Room, 430 "F"
Street,.Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
Lin a Bond
(J:\P1anning\RCC\2006\RCC120406Mi ns)