March-19, 2007
Ken Lee Building Conference"Room
430,'F' Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Chair Reid.at 4:33 p.m.
MEMBERS'; PRESENT: Chair Doug Reid, Vice*Chair Stanley Jasek; Commissioners
Georgie Stillman, Lynda Gilgun, Eric Mosolgo and Richie Macias,
STAFF PRESENT: Marisa Lundstedt, EnvironMental.,Projects Manager
.Benjamin.Guerrero, Environmental Projects Manager
Roberto Yano, Sr. Civil Engineer
Linda Bond, Recording Secretary
APPROVAL OF MINUTES: December4 and,18., 2006
`! December 4.2006 Minutes
MSC -(Gilgun/Jasek) to approve.the minutes of December 4, 2006 as revised. Vote:.(6-
0-0-1)with Davis absent.
December 18, 2006,Minutes
MSC (Gilgun/Stillman) to approve the minutes of December 18, 20,06. Vote: (570-1-1)
with Mosolgo.abstaining and Davis absent.
Commissioner Mosolgo asked why he was not excused from the December,18, 2006 meeting
as he had�called saying he had r a--conflict. Commissioner,Stillman stated that it was an
l .
MSC (Jasek/Gilgun) to excuse Commissioner "Mosolgo from the December. 18,: 2006
meeting. Vote: (5-0-1-1)with Mosolgo abstaining and Davis absent..
Chair Reid recused himselfdu ring agenda Item #1 as he,- had a conflict
of interest. Chair Reid turned the meeting over to -Vice.-Chair Jasek.
RCC.Minutes - 2 March 19, 2007
1. IS-07-010 -- Emerson Street Drainage Capital Improvement Project,.Emerson Street
between Fifth Avenue and Elm Avenue
Mr. Benjamin Guerrero (Environmental Projects Manager) presented the project. The project
includes the installation of new, concrete pipe, replacement of existing concrete pipe and
improvements to an existing concrete and earthen channel. The purpose and need for the.
project is to assist in alleviating seasonal flooding that affects properties within the area.
Commission Comments
Commissioner Mosolgo , asked Mr. Roberto Yano (Sr. 'Civil Engineer) to walk the
Commission through the route and describe what kind of pipe would be installed and where.
Staff satisfactorily provided information to the Commissioners' request.
MSC (Mosolgo/Stillman) that the RCC accept the Mitigated Negative Declaration as
presented. Vote: (5-0-1-1) with Reid abstaining and Davis absent.
Chair Reid -returned to the meeting.
2. -Nominations for the Environmentalist of the Year and Historic Preservationist of the
Year Awards
Ms. Marisa Lundstedt (Environmental Projects Manager) stated that staff has been informed
by the Mayor's Office that an Awards Banquet will occur this year in May. The role of the
RCC is to call for nominations.
Commissioner Stillman thought the awards should be announced on the website. She has a
few people in mind for the Historic Award but did not have time to.talk to them.
Commissioner.Mosolgo requested that each RCC member receive a list of previous award
Chair Reid stated that nominations have come from RCC members in the past.
Vice-Chair Jasek suggested that, if any RCC member wanted to recommend or nominate
someone, it would be important to ensure that the information brought before the RCC was
in accordance with the criteria. Vice-Chair Jasek requested that the item be scheduled for
the second meeting from tonight.
Ms. Lundstedt agreed to place this item on the April 16, 2007 agenda.
3. City Clerk's Board and Commission Project
Ms. Lundstedt referred to a memo from the City Clerk's Office dated March 9, 2007 stating
that there is little consistency in the City's rules governing boards and commissions in the
City Charter, Municipal Code and.Policy Manual. The City Clerk is proposing a Municipal
i Code amendment to consolidate, simplify and clarify. rules governing boards and
commissions and provide consistent treatment for all boards and commissions and placing
RCC Minutes - 3 - March 19, 2007
all boards and commissions in Title 2 of the Municipal Code. The Design.Review Committee
would be moved from Title 19 to Title 2.
Chair Reid suggested that, if,information is going to be moved from Title 19 to Title 2 of the
Municipal Code,..it should be referenced in Title 19.
Ms. Lundstedt stated that she had received a call from a resident who expressed concern over
cutting down eucalyptus trees where Third Avenue curves down toward Fourth Avenue. Ms.
Lundstedt indicated that she had invited the resident to attend an RCC meeting to educate her
on the process.-
rocess.Following some discussion, the Commission agreed to Ms. Lundstedt's suggestion that staff
would research'.upcoming CIP projects and explore the .possibility of having a Parks &
Recreation 'Commission staff member explain their role and process.
Chair Reid asked why there was no longer a historic sign on the Stafford House. Ms. Lundstedt
stated that she would ask Ms. Lynnette Tessitore-Lopez (Associate.Planner).
Chair Reid indicated that there had been a discussion about the RCC having some workshops
regarding sewer, traffic, drainage, archeology, etc. Ms. Lundstedt stated that she had spoken
with Mr. Silvester Evetovich (Principal Civil Engineer) regarding a drainage training workshop on
April 16, 2007.
Commissioner Gilgun handed out a brochure entitled "Smart Growth in the San Diego Region"
from a County Planning Commission workshop given by SANDAG that she attended in January.
4. Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) Update
Commissioner Gilgun reported that Commissioner Mosolgo would be taking her place at the
RAC in;April..It's kind of an interesting process. What is exciting is that we are learning
about projects early. We don't look at them in depth like a Mitigated Negative Declaration or
an ER which she thought was too bad. There are a couple of projects that sound very
exciting: 1) an affordable housing project on Broadway, and 2) House of Blues at the old
Vogue theater.
Commissioner Gilgun asked to be excused from the April 2, 2007 RCC meeting.
Commissioner Mosolgo indicated that he had asked awhile back about a presentation on
water quality monitoring at the Bay site. Commissioner Mosolgo indicated that he had
spoken; with Mr. Khosro Aminpour (Sr. Civil Engineer) and Mr. Erik Steenblock
(Environmental Health Specialist), and they both were very receptive to that idea. He asked
Ms. Lundstedt if she would coordinate with them.
RCC Minutes - 4 - March 19, 2007
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Reid adjourned the meeting at 5:41 p.m. to a regular meeting on
Monday, April 2, 2007, at 4:30 p.m. in the Ken Lee Building Conference Room, 430 "F" Street,
Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
Lind Bond
Recording Secretary
(J:\Planning\RCC\2006\RCC031907 Mins)