October 15, 2007
Ken Lee Building Conference Room
430 'F' Street
MEETING CALLED TO ORDER by Chair Jasek at 4:32 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Chair Stanley 'Jasek, Vice-Chair Eric Mosolgo, Commis-
sioners Doug Reid, Georgie Stillman, Lynda Gilgun and
Richie Macias, Jr.
MEMBERS ABSENT: Commissioner Brett Davis (unexcused)
STAFF PRESENT: Marisa Lundstedt, Principal Planner
Linda Bond, Recording Secretary
OTHERS PRESENT: Pamela Bensoussan, City resident
1. Excuse Commissioner Davis from the July 16, 2007 meeting
MSC (Reid/Gilgun) that Commissioner Davis be excused from the July 16
meeting. Vote: (6-0)
The Commissioners discussed the policy of excused absences and why .it is so
important to make an effort to attend meetings.
Ms Marisa Lundstedt (Principal Planner) indicated that, in the next agenda packet,
staff could provide a summary synopsis of all the Commissions regarding absences.
There would be some items in terms of process. Ms Lundstedt knew that the
Commissioners wanted to talk .about disclosure and the meeting Chair Jasek and
she had with the Mayor. An item regarding absences would fit.
Vice-Chair Mosolgo suggested ..minor word additions ;and the deletion of one quote
within his discussion regarding Stormwater Monitoring in Chula Vista.
MSC (Mosolgo/Stillman) to approve the minutes of July 16, 2007 as revised.
Vote: (6-0-0-1)with Davis absent.
RCC Minutes - 2 - October 15, 2007
2. Nominations for Environmentalist of.the-Year.and Historic Preservationist of
the Year Awards
Chair Jasek stated that three nominations for Environmentalist of the Year (Laura
Hunter, Theresa.Acerro, Greg Cox) and one nomination for Historic Preservationist
of the Year (Art & Rosa Hodges) had been received.
Historic Preservationist
Commissioner Stillman passed around photographs of a house at 355 First Avenue
belonging to the Art Hodges family. This was something brought to her attention by
Pamela Bensoussan months ago. This house was designated in the late 1980's. It
came on the market in the late 90's and apparently was in need of a lot of
restoration. These people bought it and put a ton of money into it. It's been on the
home tour. It's an example of French Normandy architecture by a noted architect,
which is unusual in Southern California.
Ms Pamela Bensoussan (City resident) stated that she would like to, from the floor,
submit a nomination for Art & Rosa Hodges. She has seen the house and what they
have done, and it is absolutely spectacular. It's visible from the street. It beautifies
the neighborhood. They have been very sensitive of the historic nature of the house.
They want to apply for the Mills. Act. She thought it stands head and shoulders
above any preservation effort that's been made recently apart from the EI Primero
Hotel, which received the Historic Preservationist Award at the last ceremony.
Ms Lundstedt asked Ms Bensoussan, if this house is selected, would she be willing
to help with the Proclamation, drafting the history of this site? Ms Bensoussan
responded in the affirmative.
MS,C (Reid/Mosolgo) that the RCC nominate Art & Rosa Hodges as Historic
Preservationists of the Year. Vote: (6-0-0-1)with Davis absent.
Commissioners Reid, Gilgun, Stillman and Ms Lundstedt added items to Laura
Hunter's list of accomplishments.
Ms Bensoussan strongly urged the Commission to supported the nomination of
Laura Hunter. She has given tirelessly of her efforts. She has come to Northwest
Civic Association meetings and talked to people. She will come at a moments notice
and explain something. We all know her qualifications. We have an incredibly good
environmental section in the General Plan Update in large part thanks to her efforts
RCC Minutes - 3 - October 15, 2007
on that subcommittee. Ms Bensoussan did not want to downplay Theresa Acerro's
efforts as she has done incredible things. as well., Maybe she could be saved for
another year. Ms Bensoussan, respectfully, did not support Greg Cox. She.thought
that, if anybody in the Cox family could'get'a nomination for Environmentalist of the
Year, it would have to be John Willett who is responsible for the efforts in the Otay
Valley River Park. He has shouldered that for the last several years and has been
incredible at steering the efforts and seeing it through. John Willett would be worthy
for a future year.
Vice-Chair Mosolgo stated his reasons for nominating Greg Cox: for his work on the
Bay Shore Bikeway, Bayfront Conservancy Trust, Otay Valley Regional Park and
Project Clean Water in San Diego County.
Commissioner Stillman briefly commented on each nominee. She stated that Laura
Hunter has dedicated herself, and we are living with the results right now in this
The RCC voted on the three nominees for Environmentalist of the Year. The results
were as follows:
• ,Greg Cox - in favor (Mosolgo and Macias) / opposed (Jasek, Reid, Stillman
and Gilgun)
• Theresa Acerro - in favor (0) /opposed (6 with Davis absent)
• Laura Hunter- in favor (Stillman, Gilgun, Reid and Jasek) /opposed (Mosolgo
and Macias).
Ms Lundstedt stated that the Commission could now make a motion.
MSC (Gilgun/Stillman) to elect Laura Hunter as City of Chula Vista
Environmentalist of the Year. Vote: (6-0-0-1)with Davis absent.
Commissioner Stillman volunteered to write the Proclamation and submit it via email
to Ms Lundstedt.
3. Nomination of a RCC Representative and Alternate to the Redevelopment
Advisory Committee (RAC)
Chair Jasek asked Commissioner Gilgun if she would agree to continue to be the
RCC representative.
Commissioner Gilgun stated that there are a lot of things going on right now that are
taking a lot of energy away from her. She would definitely be willing to stay on, or
would be willing to switch positions with Commissioner Mosolgo since she has been
on the Committee and he has been the alternate. If he is interested, she would be
happy to do that, or we could alternate meetings.
RCC Minutes - 4 - October 15, 2007
MSC (Gilgun/Stillman) that the RCC nominate Vice-Chair Mosolgo as the
RCC representative to the RAC. Vote: (5-0-1-1) with Mosolgo abstaining and
Davis absent.
MSC (Mosolgo/Reid) that the RCC nominate Commissioner Gilgun as the
RCC alternate to the RAC. Vote: (5-0-1-1) with Gilgun abstaining and Davis
4. Otay River Valley Cleanup Efforts
Ms Lundstedt stated that Mr. John Willettprovided this item as an update on where
he is with the cleanup efforts, and the tremendous amount of hours that they have
spent out there. Ms Lundstedt was-sure.that if anyone was interested in Mr. Willett
coming, staff can always bring him in. We all know what a great job he does out
there. No action is necessary on this item.
Ms Lund'stedt asked if all the Commissioners had received an invitation to the
l' Beautification Awards Banquet being held on Monday, November 5. That is an RCC
meeting night. We will probably be canceling the, meeting. The Mayor's office needs an
RSVP by next Friday.
Ms Lundstedt stated that, at the next meeting on November 5, 2007, there would be
some Mills Act Contracts as well as one designation; we want to go over some
procedures; we can go over absences; we'll put that in your packet. We had a great
meeting with the Mayor's office regarding the Brown Act. We'll have an agenda item for
that. Chair Jasek and I will share what we learned.
CHAIR COMMENTS: Chair Jasek indicated that the meeting with the Mayor went well.
There are,a couple items that we will be discussing at our next meeting that we need to
become more familiar with.
5. Redevelopment Advisory Committee (RAC) Update
Commissioner Gilgun reported that there was not a RAC meeting in October;
therefore, there was nothing to report.
Chair Jasek requested that the RCC receive an occasional follow-up, in writing,
regarding the current status of items that had come before the RCC, such as: the Home
Depot project at Third and Moss, EI Polio Loco project, CORR, St. Rose, etc.
RCC Minutes - 5 - October 15, 2007
ADJOURNMENT: Chair Jasek adjourned the meeting at 5:13 p.m. to a regular meeting
on Monday, November 5, 2007, at 4:30 p.m. in the Ken Lee Building Conference Room,
430 "F" Street, Chula Vista, CA 91910.
Prepared by:
Linda Bond
Recording Secretary
(J:\Planning\RCC\2007\RCC 101507Mi ns)