February 1, 1994 Council Conference Room 6 : 00 p.m.
(Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 18 , 1994)
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Campbell, John Dorso, Sharon Reid,
Jack Blakely, Janet Lawry, Susan Fuller
STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Attorney Rudolf
OTHERS PRESENT: William Tuchscher, Chairperson, Economic
Development Commission; Community
Development Staff Persons Cheryl Dye and
Curtis Valenzuela
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Campbell at
6 : 05 p.m. The roll was called and all members were present . There
were no comments from members of the public .
Agenda Item 4 - Continued Consideration of Charter Amendment Items
from the regular meeting of January 18, 1994 :
Item 4A:
Charter Sections 600-604 - Committees .
. Chairman Campbell requested renewed approval of the Charter Review
Commission revision of January 18, 1994 which had been mailed to
all members of the Commission (although marked "hand delivered
2/1/9411 ) . Mr. Rudolf pointed out that the revised version was
consistent with the final motion of the Commission at its
January 18 , 1994 meeting in that it deleted authority for the Mayor
and City Manager to create committees, leaving only the full City
Council capable of creating advisory committees, and specifically
authorizing the Council to do so either by ordinance or resolution;
deleted the proposed power in committees to conduct investigations
and compel attendance of witnesses and production of evidence in
proceedings before the committee (and the power of committee
members to administer oaths and affirmations under such
circumstances) and made that power permissive in the Council in the
ordinance or resolution creating the committee .
MSUC (Blakely/Fuller) to approve the February 1 revised version of
Charter Sections 600-604 and the title to Article VI .
Agenda Item 4B:
Charter Section 602 (d) - Economic Development Commission Membership
Eligibility for Voting Members and Quorum.
Charter Review Commission Minutes
Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 18 , 1994
Held February 1, 1994
Page 2
William Tuchscher, Chairperson of the Economic Development
Commission (EDC) made a further presentation. Mr. Tuchscher
indicated that the EDC did not have problems getting members, but
did have problems getting the most effective people . He
acknowledged that the EDC' s proposal did not address potentially
similar problems in other commissions, arguing that if other
commissions had similar problems, they could have brought those
concerns forward to the Charter Review Commission, and the absence
of that information being brought forward to the Commission
indicated to Mr. Tuchscher that they were not experiencing similar
problems and did not need similar provisions applicable to them,
and that indeed the EDC' s problem was unique . He stated that in
any event, the EDC requested approval of the proposal so that the
City could use the EDC as a test case to determine if allowing non-
resident participation in a limited way did provide better results
for the City. Mr. Tuchscher read into the record a letter from Art
Sellgren, Director of Facilities at Rohr, in support of potential
participation by Rohr Senior Management who are not Chula Vista
residents if the Charter proposal was approved. Mr. Sellgren' s
letter made reference to the EDC' s unanimous approval of the
proposal . Finally, Mr. Tuchscher presented a letter dated
February 1, 1994 from Doug Fuller of Fuller Ford addressed to the
Charter Review Commission, supporting the Charter amendment
proposal .
In response to a question from Member Reid, Mr. Tuchscher advised
that the Chamber of Commerce had reviewed the EDC' s proposal, and
indeed two members of the EDC were also members of the Chamber of
Commerce . Mr. Tuchscher pointed out that the Chamber of Commerce
members' reservations about the concept had resulted in their
drafting of the proposal and in its restrictive form, it was
approved unanimously by the entire EDC. Members Campbell and
Fuller expressed the view that the EDC was unique and that support
of this proposal would not affect other boards and commissions .
Member Reid disagreed and felt that the same problem experienced by
the EDC would also be experienced by the Safety Commission or other
City commissions . Member Dorso found it hard to understand the
EDC' s difficulty in finding good people since Chula Vista was the
second largest city in the county, and was uncomfortable in
modifying the Charter without an across-the-board solution
applicable to all boards and commissions .
Mr. Tuchscher replied that his interest as Chairperson of the EDC
was to expand the EDC' s, influence and effectiveness and that that
could best be brought about by making changes which would allow
powerful persons with a broader swath of influence to be members of
the EDC. He felt that the Chamber of Commerce was not designed to
perform that function and that it was beyond their role and budget
Charter Review Commission Minutes
Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 18, 1994
Held February 1, 1994
Page 3
capabilities to do what the City' s EDC was created to accomplish.
MSC 4-2 (Blakely/Fuller) (Dorso/Lawry opposed) to approve the EDC
proposal . Member Blakely explained that his motion and support
thereof was for the purposes of moving the matter forward to the
City Council so that they could wrestle with the same concerns the
Charter Review Commission was grappling with and make a final
Item 4C:
Charter Sections 600 (a) and (d) - Youth Commission.
Mr. Rudolf provided the faxed letter addressed to him on behalf of
the Commission from the Chairperson of the Youth Commission
addressing the reasons he was opposed to the staff recommendation
to eliminate eligibility for service on the Youth Commission three
months following high school graduation. Member Fuller asked why
the staff was recommending the limitation. Mr. Rudolf replied that
Parks and Recreation staff indicated there was a significant
influence by the older youth over the younger students merely
because of the difference in age and sophistication. Member Lawry
stated that the fact that there was a staff recommendation
indicated that there was some kind of a problem, and it seemed to
her inappropriate for eighteen year olds to be involved with the
Youth Commission; once they were involved in college, they had
significantly different interests from the middle school and high
school students . Member Reid felt that there was no problem with
the reduction of the terms for four years to two and allowing half
terms to count for the purposes of the two year term limit because
of the nature of the applicant pool for the Youth Commission, but
thought that that change in itself would address the problem and it
was not necessary to limit eligibility to three months following
high school graduation. Member Fuller agreed and stated that the
City Council ought to take the 'age of the person into account at
the time of appointment if staff was concerned about the age
differential . Under the new proposal, a person could not be
appointed if they were over eighteen and therefore would have to be
under twenty if serving two full terms .
MSUC (Reid/Lawry) to approve the reduction in terms and provision
for half term, but delete staff recommendation for loss of
eligibility three months following high school graduation.
Charter Review Commission Minutes
Adjourned Regular Meeting of January 18, 1994
Held February 1, 1994
Page 4
Member Reid suggested the reference to two technical housekeeping
measures in the draft Commission report to the Council be expanded
to more accurately reflect nine changes in two ballot measures.
'there being no further business before the Commission, the meeting
was adjourned at 7:21 p.m.
Respectfully. submitted,
D. Richard Rud f
January 18 , 1994 Council Conference Room 6 : 00 p .m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Campbell, John Dorso, Sharon Reid,
Jack Blakely, Janet Lawry
MEMBERS ABSENT: Susan Fuller (excused)
STAFF PRESENT: Assistant City Attorney Rudolf
OTHERS PRESENT: Councilman Moore; William Tuchscher,
Chairperson, Economic Development
Commission; Community Development Staff
Persons Cheryl Dye and Curtis Valenzuela
The meeting was called to order by Chairperson Campbell at
6 : 01 p.m. The roll was called and all members were present except
Member Fuller. Member Fuller was excused, having called in to
report a prior family ceremonial event conflicting with the
Commission' s meeting schedule .
MSUC (Reid/Dorso) to approve the minutes of the October 19, 1993
regular meeting. There were no comments from members of the
public .
Agenda Item 4 - Continued Consideration of Charter Amendment Items :
Item 4A:
Charter Sections 600-604 - Committees .
Chairman Campbell requested Councilman Moore make his oral
presentation with regard to the agenda item so that the Councilman
could return to the City Council meeting as soon as possible . Mr.
Moore expressed his concerns that there were too many committees;
that even though the draft proposal called for short term and
specific focus of the committees, as drafted, the provision allowed
the creator of the committee to extend it indefinitely; that the
approval of so many committees and the requirement that the City
' Manager designate a secretary to take minutes all resulted in
additional staff time and, therefore, cost for the City which was
not being reviewed by the City Council . Mr. Moore was therefore
comfortable with the proposed additional sentence added to the new
subdivision (b) of Section 600 requiring. Council ratification, but
would prefer deletion of authority for the Mayor or City Manager to
create committees, and have instead a provision that required
Council creation of any committees, so that the Council was aware
of the function and potential cost of creation of the committee.
Mr. Moore was also concerned about the proposed provision in
Section 604 giving committees the power to investigate and take
Charter Review Commission Minutes
Meeting of January 18 , 1994
Page 2
evidence under oath or affirmation. He felt that there were
potential costs involved in such committee work, potential
liability because of the manner in which some committees might
conduct such investigations, and the lack of experience by most
committee members to be able to conduct such sophisticated
procedures in an effectual way without creating liability for the
City. Therefore, Councilman Moore proposed that the provision be
changed so that if the Council thought a particular committee
should have investigative powers and, therefore, its committee
members needed the authority to administer oaths or affirmations,
the Council should so state in the ordinance or resolution creating
Chairperson Campbell agreed with Mr. Moore regarding the scope of
investigative powers for committees . Member Reid inquired of staff
whether, if the Charter was silent as to investigative powers, it
wouldn' t be interpreted to imply that the City Council had
authority to create committees and give them investigative powers .
Mr. Rudolf replied that the structure of the section would be
interpreted to imply that committees created by the City Council
could not be given investigative power by the City Council, in the
absence of an express provision.
Member Dorso agreed with the position that committees should be
limited in their powers, but that the Charter should expressly
provide that the Council could give committees investigative powers
if they wanted to. Chairperson Campbell didn' t feel committees
should have investigative powers, and if the City Council wanted to
have a committee and the expense involved in having that committee,
the Council should do it, not the City Manager or the Mayor, just
the full Council .
MSUC (Campbell/Blakely) to amend the proposal to delete authority
for Mayor and City Manager creation of committees; authorize the
City Council to create committees by either ordinance or
resolution; and require the City Council to specify at the time of
creation whether the committee had investigative powers, and the
members thereof the authority to administer oaths and affirmations;
and that the duration of the committee could only be extended by
affirmative *action by the City Council . The Chairperson requested
staff to check with the City Manager to ensure that the proposed
changes did not handcuff the City Manager in conducting normal City
business .
Agenda Item 4B:
Charter Section 602 (d) - Economic Development Commission Membership
Eligibility for Voting Members and Quorum.
ti Charter Review Commission Minutes
Meeting of January 18 , 1994
Page 3
Chairperson Campbell welcomed William Tuchscher, Chairperson of the
Economic Development Commission, and requested he make an oral
presentation regarding his proposal .
Mr. Tuchscher stated that the Economic Development Commission (EDC)
endorses the proposal in concept, and that it was aware of the
potential for conflict of interest by having persons economically
interested in the community as voting members of the EDC. He said
obviously such members, if allowed, would have to be disqualified
to participate where they had a disqualifying financial interest .
Mr. Tuchscher summarized the work of the EDC and concluded that he
felt the Commission would . be more effective if high level
executives of business enterprises doing business in the Chula
Vista area be allowed to participate as full voting members on the
EDC, even if they did not live in the City of Chula Vista .
Member Blakely asked if there were any other commissions which
could benefit from this type of a proposal . He felt that the EDC
was experiencing a problem similar to that faced by many prior
commissions, and they discovered well qualified, interested persons
who could add substantially to the work of the Commission, but were
not allowed to be full voting members . He suggested that if the
proposal was focusing just on the EDC, it was unlikely to pass,
because it did not allow for an across-the-board solution to a
solution to a perceived problem.
Member Reid asked if the proposal included keeping five ex-officio
members on the EDC. Mr. Tuchscher stated, yes, the proposal did
include that . The ordinance used to have three ex-officio members,
was recently increased from three to five, but in his opinion,
there was still a limited commitment from such members without the
power to vote .
Members Reid and Dorso inquired why the EDC thought this change
would work, suggesting that the problem was really with the number
of ex-officio members . Mr. Tuchscher replied that the increased
number of ex-officio members did not help, because of expertise not
available in the City.
Chairperson Campbell felt that if the problem was filling the ex-
officio memberships, then the concept of ex-officio should be
reduced or eliminated and the voting membership expanded. Mr.
Tuchscher replied that such a solution would not solve the lack of
expertise problem where the expertise was not resident in the City
of Chula Vista.
Members Dorso and Blakely expressed sympathy with the difficulties
the EDC was experiencing, but felt that the problem was an historic
one for all commissions in the city, the good people with
Charter Review Commission Minutes
Meeting of January 18 , 1994
Page 4
businesses in the city and wanted to participate, but who resided
outside city limits and so could not be made full voting members .
Member Reid was concerned that embracing the EDC proposal would
open the flood gates for similar complaints from other boards and
commissions, and it seemed that there ought to be other ways to
solve the problem without opening the doors to non-resident
participation as full voting members .
Member Lawry pointed out that the proposed structure would allow
more non-residents than residents in the makeup of the Commission
and on the votes required for the EDC to take action.
Mr. Tuchscher requested action on the matter be delayed, and that
the Charter Review Commission meeting be continued to February 1 so
that the EDC could attempt to meet the concerns of the Charter
Review Commission and be more creative .
MSUC (Reid/Lawry) to continue the meeting and consideration of this
matter to 6 : 00 p .m. on February 1, 1994 .
Agenda Item 4C:
Charter Sections 600 (a) and (d) - Youth Commission.
Mr. Rudolf summarized the proposal from the Youth Commission and
Parks and Recreation Commission staff arising out of the original
request for consideration by the City Council that the terms of
Youth Commissioners be reduced from four years to two, but still be
left subject to the two term limitation. Mr. Rudolf explained that
the Chairperson of the Youth Commission was unavailable for the
meeting (on vacation in Hawaii) and he was uncomfortable in the
matter being considered by the Commission without the opportunity
for the Chairperson of the Youth Commission to tell the Charter
Review Commission his reasons (or the reasons of the full Youth
Commission) for opposing the Parks and Recreation staff recommended
provision to have Youth Commission membership end three months
following high school graduation. Member Lawry pointed out the
significant difference in assertiveness and self-confidence between
high school and college aged persons .
MSUC (Blakely/Campbell) to continue the item to February 1, along
with consideration of the EDC item, and directing staff to invite
the Chairperson of the Youth Commission to make a presentation.
Agenda Item 5 :
Member Comments
Member Reid was highly complimentary of the City Attorney' s
Charter Review Commission Minutes
Meeting of January 18, 1994
Page 5
Secretary.; Lorraine Kraker, for leaving clear telephone messages
with regard to the upcoming ".meetings, and requested that the-
compliment be passed on .by staff.
The meeting was adjourned at 7:54 "p.m. to be "continued at 6: 00 p.m.
on February 1, 1994 as an adjourned regular meeting to finish
consideration of Agenda Items 4B and C.
Respectfully submitted,
. .
D. Richard Rudolf 1