JUNE 5, 1995
June 5, 1995 City Attorney's Conference Room 4 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Campbell, Deric Prescott, Rosie
Bystrak, John Dorso, Sharon Reid and
Janet Lawry
STAFF .PRESENT: City Attorney Bruce Boogaard
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Campbell at 4 : 35 p.m.
The roll was called and all members were present except Member'
Blakely (unexcused) .
MSUC (Reid/Lawry) to approve the minutes of May 16, 1995. .
Referral by Councilman Rindone for Clarification of the One Year
Hiatus Period for Councilmembers.
Chairman Campbell reviewed Proposition. B ballot language and
Council minutes from the April, 1973 election relating to §300
dealing with terms of Councilmembers. He pointed out the last
sentence allowing incumbent Councilmembers., regardless of terms
served' to seek one additional term, was a contradiction with other
portions of the section. From a reading of the . 1973 minutes,
Member Reid noted the only person who would be ineligible to run
for another term was Frank Scott and that particular wording
allowed Mr. Scott to run for one more term. Frank Scott indicated
to Member Reid' it was never the itent of the Council for an
absolute limit 'of two terms. Attorney Boogaard stated the proper
way to draft that intent would have been .to have the effective date
in a separate section of the ordinance and not placed in the
The -Commission's position on Councilman Rindone's request is that
no clarification is needed to the language of the Charter because
it was felt no ambiguity exists.
MSUC (Reid/Lawry) it is the consensus of the Commission Section 300
was made clear by the City Attorney's opinion and there is no need
to recommend to . the Council that they place it on the ballot
because the Charter Review Commission concludes that election means
either election by the people or by the Council to fill an
unexpired term and if any member of the Council wishes to discuss
it further with the Commission, they would be happy to do so.
Charter Review Commission Minutes
June 5, 1995
Page 2
Agenda Item 4 - Council Review of Budget for Charter Review
The Commission was notified the Council ' will be reviewing all
board/commission budgets on June 14, 1995 from 6: 00 p.m. to 9 : 00
p.m. if any members wished to appear before Council to .make a
presentation. The . Commission decided to accept the cuts
recommended by the Budget Manager.
Agenda Item 5' - Continued Review of Measures.
Measure 'No. 20 providing for Vacancy Replacement Reform was again
reviewed by the Commission due to its priority in being placed on
the March, . 1996 election ballot. Specifically, the Commission
evaluated the recommendations and comments of the Charter Review
Commission prepared by the City Attorney.
Discussion ensued regarding various scenarios of anticipated
vacancies occurring and it was agreed to add the phrase "if it
materializes" after the words "the vacancy expected to be created"
to Section 303 . Vacancies, Subsection B. Anticipated Vacancies with
Intervening Consolidated Elections; Duration of Elected Replacee's
Subsection C. Duration of Appointed Replacee's Term was discussed
in detail as to seating date and an appointee not having to run for
re-election for the segmented period between elections. After the
City Attorney completes his analysis, the measure will be brought
back again for a cursory review by the Commission and then be ready
to be sent to the Council. Since it is a complex issue and time
sensitive, it will be sent separately to Council for its reivew.
The remaining issues are more "housekeeping" items which need to be
dealt with 113 days prior to the March election or around November
and it was agreed the Commission should bring the other items in
final form to Council by October, 1995.
The Commission reviewed .Measure No. 14 relating to the Youth
Commissioner terms being reduced to two years. Attorney Boogaard
was concerned about adding language to the Charter relating to the
Youth Commission because they are created by Council ordinance and
any change relating to the terms of the members, would have to go
back to a vote of the people for changes. The City Attorney
suggested making it flexible.
Member Prescott,. having previously been a Youth Commissioner,
expressed the concern the Youth Commission had, which was that
Charter Review Commission Minutes
June 5, 1995
Page 3
members had to resign because of- other commitments or college. A
two-year, term would be more reasonable with possible reappointment
fora second two-year term. Sharon Reid recalled a previous
argument .for changing the term was an imbalance of power. Janet
Lawry inquired as to the average age of a Youth Commissioner.
Member Prescott reported it to be 17. Member Lawry asked Member
Prescott who the Youth Commission serves? Mr. Prescott responded
there were 3 groups: junior high, high school and students from
Southwestern College. Member Prescott felt the basis was
prevention and assistance and if a wide input can be gained from
both the junior high and college students, it was beneficial.
Member Prescott is in favor of two two-year terms.
Attorney Boogaard suggested the Council could have representatives
from junior high school, high school and junor college. Words
could be added requiring the composition of the Youth Commission to
be spelled out in the ordinance rather than setting it . out in the
Charter. Member Prescott did not feel it should be a mandate, but
that the best-qualified should be appointed. After hearing input
from the Charter members, Attorney Boogaard suggested the following
language be added to Section 602 of .the Charter:
"Members thereof shall serve for a term of four years, except
in the case the Council authorizes or continues to authorize
by ordinance a Youth Commission, in which case, members of the
Youth Commission shall serve for two years and -until their
respective successors are appointed and qualified. "
Member Reid inquired if there would be an argument in favor of
Charter language that would give back to the Council the ability to
limit terms in an ordinance, but no more than four years, or no
more than two consecutive terms, or if Council wanted, a three year
term or a two-year term for non-Chartered commissions.
Attorney Boogaard felt we could deal with the micro issue by the
language he suggested or if the Commission wished to deal with the
broader issue, it should be referred to the next meeting. The
whole intent of the language would change to provide Charter-
required commissions to serve two four-year terms at most, The
Council could do whatever they wanted to do with the ordinance-
created commissions, but they cannot allow them to serve more than
eight years.
MS (Campbell/Dorso) to offer the micro approach dealing only with
Youth Commissioners and the language format suggested by the City
Attorney. Motion carries by a vote. of 4-1-1-1 with Reid opposing,
`' Bystrak abstaining, and Blakely absent. Member Reid voted "no"
Charter Review Commission Minutes
June 5, 1995
Page 4
because philosophically we have tried to propose fixes that are
specific without requiring a return to a Charter amendment because
of language added. Council should have that authority and she
prefers the ' fix that does not elevate the Youth Commission to
specific reference in the Charter. If Member Reid's approach was
used, it would mean recommending to the Council the amendment of
the Youth Commission ordinance.
It was suggested that the broad form be added as another measure
for the Charter Review Commission to consider.
The Commission decided to have their next meeting on Monday, July
17, 1995 at 4: 30 p.m.
The meeting adjourned at 6: 00 p.m.
Lorraine Kraker, Secretary