JULY 17, 1995
July 17, 1995 City Attorney's Conference Room 4 :30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Campbell, Deric Prescott, Rosie
Bystrak, John Dorso, Sharon Reid and
Janet Lawry (arrived 4:50 p.m. )
STAFF -PRESENT: City Attorney Bruce Boogaard
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Campbell at 4: 35 p.m.
The roll was called and all members were present except Member
Blakely (unexcused) .
MSUC (Reid/Prescott) to approve the minutes of June 5, 1995.
Report on March, 1996 Election Budget for Measure.
The secretary reported at Council's budget session of June 20,
1995, $7, 000 was appropriated to allow one proposition to. be ,.placed
on the 'March ballot. The dollar amount . is based on estimates
obtained by the City Clerk from the Registrar of Voters. Council
indicated additional money could be appropriated if other measures
were necessary. A suggestion was made to have one proposition
containing numerous measures. However, the City Attorney reported
under the "single subject rule" you cannot combine multiple policy
issues of any significance into one item unless it is a technical
Continued Review of Measures for Future Ballot, Suggest Arguments
For and Against; Discuss Analysis.
Measure No. 14 - Youth Commissioner Terms Reduced to Two Years.
Deric Prescott thought it prudent to write a letter to the Council
suggesting two two-year terms for Youth Commissioners. If . the .
Council makes the change through an ordinance amendment, the City
would not have to expend money for a Charter change.
Sharon Reid stated it's clear that boards and commissions
established by the . Charter have four-year terms but we can
interpret the language to mean b/c/c's created by ordinance can
have terms governed by their ordinance.
s_ Y
Charter Review Commission Minutes
July 17, 1995
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Chairman Campbell recommended the term for the Youth Commission to
be two two-year terms and the have the City Attorney notify the
Council of its recommendation.
Measure No. 7 - Terms Limits and Appointments for Boards and
In June of 1992 , the voters amended §602 to provide a term in
excess of two years shall be counted as a term. This measure
involves a situation when an appointment is made for exactly two
MS' (Reid/Prescott) that the Commission's response on Measure No. 7
is that the City Attorney should be thanked for bringing this
potential situation to our attention and that the City Attorney or
the City Clerk, or both, should monitor appointments to identify in
the unique circumstance that a person would be appointed and have
exactly two years of a term, that that action be deferred to ,make
it clear, rather than incur the cost of a change to the Charter.
Bob Campbell indicated if you serve exactly two years, you are not
serving more than two years and we should come up with a decision
that categorizes two years to be the same as two years or less.
Motion Amended to state we need to make no recommendation because
an exact term of two years is not in excess of two years, and,
therefore, should be interpreted as less than two years, thus
making the appointee eligible to an additional term.
Motion Amended and Unanimously Carried to include the Commission
considered Measure No. 7 and does not believe a Charter change is
necessary and in the odd event that the swearing in of a newly
appointed b/c/c member would create an exactly two year situation,
the Commission' concluded that exactly two years in not in excess of
two years and, therefore, is less than two years. Further, for the
purpose of this section, appointment to fill an initial term or an
unexpired term of less than two years in duration, shall not be
considered a term and if it is in excess of two years, it should be
considereda full term. If there is ever an omnibus technical
clean up, this measure qualifies.
To be perfectly clear and in an abundance of caution, the City
Clerk and the City Attorney should be alerted if an exact two-year
situation would arise and avoid it. This could be a part of the
- Commission's report' to the Council. The City Attorney suggested
not allowing any commissioners to be sworn in on June 30 of any
Charter Review Commission Minutes
July 17, 1995
Page 3
Measure No. 8 Amending the title to Article VI to include reference
to committees and specifying the role of committees and the
provisions for their creation.
The proposed language adds committees to the title. Subsection -(b)
allows the Council to create citizen committees. There is
presently no structure for dealing with their creation. With this
proposal, they can only be created for advising on questions with
clearly defined objectives, be temporary in nature and have a
mandatory dissolution.
Attorney Boogaard reported a project area committee is a state=
sanctioned committee and has a statutory life of three years after
the project area forms, and then are disbanded. City Attorney
Boogaard stated it is good social policy to have a sunset clause
with a limited scope of purpose.
It was believed the genesis of Measure No. 8 was due to former
Mayor Nader wanting to form an overseeing committee to investigate
and take evidence in the labor dispute in the bus issue. The
Commission reviewed the history of this measure and minutes of
their meeting of January 18 , 1994 wherein Councilman Moore stated:
• Only Council should be able to create committees because there
are too many committees resulting in staff time and costs.
• He was concerned about the proposed provision giving
committees. the power to investigate and take evidence under
oath or affirmation.
General discussion ensued by the Commission relating to language in
§600 being vague and ambiguous when it refers to "such" b/c/c's as
to whether it includes Charter-created commissions or ordinance-
created commissions.
Sharon Reid suggested a recommendation to Council could be under
their powers to create committees, that they should bear in mind
there is a cost to proliferate committees,. and in the past, once
created, they never seem to disappear. The creating ordinance
should speak clearly to the intentions of Council to include
investigative powers when creating a committee.
Chairman Campbell stated we need to define the "scope of committee
structure" . Who shall . create? Are all of them to be temporary?
If not, what limitations are attached?
Charter Review Commission Minutes
July 17, 1995
-= Page 4
Sharon Reid noted Measures No. 8 through 12 are interrelated and
deal with b/c/c's and minor changes thereto. The City Attorney
replied he would consolidate five separate measures into one
measure and have it prepared for the next meeting.
MSUC (Prescott/Bystrak) to adjourn the meeting at 5 : 50 to their
next meeting on Monday, August 7, 1995 at 4 : 30 p.m.
Lorraine Kraker, Secretary