SEPTEMBER 21, 1995
September 21, 1995 City Attorney's Conference Room 4 : 30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Bob Campbell, Jack Blakely, Deric
Prescott, John Dorso, Sharon Reid, Janet
Lawry and Rosie Bystrak
STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney Bruce Boogaard
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Campbell at 4 : 30 p.m.
The roll was called and all members were present except Member
Reid (arrived at 4 : 40 p.m. ) , Member Lawry (arrived at 4 : 45 p.m. )
and Member Bystrak (arrived at 5 : 05 p.m. )
Approval of Minutes
MSUC (Blakely/Prescott) to approve the minutes of August 7, 1995 .
Amphitheater Tour
City Attorney Boogaard discussed the Charter provisions and Brown
Act as it relates to the Council's tour of various amphitheaters in
Southern California organized by the Chamber of Commerce. As of
April 1, 1994 , the Brown Act was amended to provide the hearing of
evidence relating to a City subject by three or more is a meeting.
The City Attorney assumed that "hearing" information meant
receiving information. The drafters of the Charter did not include
a tour to be a meeting.
Member Blakely questioned if Council had done a tour in the past.
Mr. Boogaard reported there had been a tour of the Otay Ranch but
that was permissible because it involved the County of San Diego.
Section 308 of the Charter allows meetings with other governmental
agencies in the County.
Member Blakely suggested the developers could bring a video to the
Council to view. John Dorso mentioned three years ago Councilman
Rindone suggested having meetings as a outreach in other parts of
the City. Attorney Boogaard stated the public has the right to
expect a regular meeting place.
Charter Review Commission Minutes
September 21, 1995
Page 2
Measure No. 15
Chairman Campbell asked if Measure No. 15 clarifying the role of
the Civil Service Commission needed further work. The Commission
agreed no further revision was necessary.
Campaign Contribution Ordinance.
The campaign contribution ordinance was revisited briefly with the
consensus being that it was not a Charter item and the Board of
Ethics was to consider it. Attorney Boogaard reported he was
drafting. language whereby independent -expenditure committees would
be bound by the same contribution collection restraints as other
Joint Report - Vacancy Reform.
Bruce Boogaard presented to the Commission for review the co-report
from the Commission and himself regarding vacancy reform.
Since the subject matter of the report is quite complex, Attorney
Boogaard diagrammed various scenarios of vacancies with eight
hypothetical situations; seating and call dates involved. Mr.
Boogaard pointed out "best efforts shall be used to fill the
vacancy in any office of the City Council by appointment by the
City Council. . . " .
Member Blakely questioned if an election for Sweetwater Union High
School District would qualify as a city election and Attorney
Boogaard responded it would not although their polls would be co-
terminus with the City precincts . Footnote 16 which states: "an
appointed replacee shall serve until the next opportunity to fill
the office by election materializes, unless that opportunity falls
within a year of the normal expiration of the office, in which case
the appointed replacee shall serve until the normal expiration of
the office" is a basic expression of intent of the measure.
The Commission discussed the proposed ballot label and Sharon Reid
pointed out the wording "eliminating the expense of special
runoffs" is appealing to the voters and summing it up in a nutshell-
"special elections cost money" . Janet Lawry felt the average
citizen does not realize what a special election costs. Attorney
Boogaard stated the following costs:
With no consolidation: $125 , 000
Consolidating with another city or state: $20, 000
Each additional ballot label : $8 , 000
Plus the cost of additional printing charges
Due to the length and complexity of the report, Member Reid
suggested further reading of the report by the members and if there
was something contained therein that was objectionable, the members
should contact the Chair and/or the City Attorney.
Charter Review Commission Minutes
September 21, 1995
Page 3
MSUC (Prescott/Reid) approve the report ,on the condition if there
are any complaints or suggestions, that members contact Bob
Campbell to hold a special meeting. If by 5: 00 p.m. on Monday,
September 25, 1995 , no calls are received by the Attorney's office,
the report will go as is.
A question arose what would happen if the measure fails. Attorney
Boogaard reported the city would call a special election for June
to serve a six-month term if Moot or Alevy do not get a majority.
Chairman Campbell asked if there is an acceptable, ethical way to
get publicity out for the measure. Attorney Boogaard reported
through the ballot arguments. Mr. Campbell meant prior to that
time. Sharon Reid suggested information on cable or the Quarterly
newsletter; Deric Prescott suggested writing a letter to the editor
of the Star News as a private citizen. The attorney said the city
could provide information only not advocacy.
Member Comments
Sharon Reid reported the City of San Diego has a mandatory
provision that a appointed person cannot run for a full term and
wondered if the members would have an interest in 'pursuing
something similar for Chula Vista. The secretary will obtain a
copy of the ballot measure from San Diego.
Additionally, Ms. Reid stated the City of San Diego usesmail
ballots which could increase the turn-out. In today's Los Angeles
Times, there was an article regarding the City of Long Beach
wherein two weeks after the city approved a plan to require all
votes in municipal races to be sent through the mail, the council
voted to shelve the plan after a swarm of letters and phone calls.
Ms. Reid further reported San Diego has a Charter provision wherein
if a person learns they have made a false statement before the
Council, they are required to go back and correct it.
In light of the City's Board and Commission Banquet being held on
the Commission's next regularly scheduled meeting date, October 19,
1995, the Commission decided to cancel its October meeting. The
next meeting will be held on November 16 , 1995 at 4 : 30 p.m.
MSUC (Prescott/Bystrak) to adjourn the meeting at 6 : 05 p.m.
Lorraine Kraker, Secretary