May 17, 1999 City Attorney's Conference Room 4:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: John Dorso, Deric Prescott, Bob Campbell,
Harriet Acton, David Potter, Jack Blakely and
Barbara McAllister
STAFF PRESENT: - City Attorney John M. Kaheny
The meeting was called to order at 4:40 p.m.
1. Roll Call.
The roll was called and all members were present.
2. Approval of Minutes.
MSUC (Campbell/Prescott) to approve the minutes of March 15, 1999
as presented.
3. Mayor's Salary Proposal.
The City Attorney discussed the proposal with Mayor Horton who
favored the idea. It is felt the March, 2000 primary would be a
good time to place the item on .the ballot since it is a neutral
election. The deadline for approval of the measure by the City
Council is December 10, 1999. The cost is 20-25� per registered
voter or approximately $13,600-$17,000.
Attorney Kaheny also discussed with the Mayor the need for a_clean-
up measure to address a variety of housekeeping items that could be
wrapped up into one Charter revision. Mr. Kaheny noted ,this
revision will take time to.prepare.
It is good strategy to split the measures by placing the Mayor's
salary on the March, 2000 ballot when people would be more likely
to vote for.. an increase when the recipient is not running or
identified. MSUC (Acton/Potter) to recommend that we endorse the
proposition for a raise in the Mayor's salary at the March, 2000
The housekeeping revision could be placed on the November, 2000
election ballot when the cost would be 10� per registered voter or
approximately $6,800. The cost could be more if the measure is
Charter Review Commission Minutes
May 17, 1999
Page 2
4. Report by City Attorney John M. Kaheny.
(a) Section 512 - Oath of Office.
In response to a Public Records Act request from a citizen request-
ing copies of the Oaths of Office of various city officials, the
City Attorney noted the provisions of Section 512 are overly broad
and have been overcome by events and case law. The City Clerk has
been using the oath of office contained in the California
Constitution. The City Attorney suggested amending the section to
bring it into conformity with the Constitution and avoid any
challenge of its contents. The Commission agreed.
(b) Election Cycle. (Discussed above)
In regard to Section 1009, the dollar amount on public works
projects is $50,000 and the City Manager's authority stops at that
figure. A situation recently arose where a change order was needed
to save the City money on a project but technically could not be
done due to the authority limits. Some cities have eliminated
dollar limits in their Charter in order to avoid periodic
adjustments for inflation. Discussion ensued regarding granting
the City Manager more flexibility with limits to be set by the City
5. Public Comments. - None
6. Members' Comments. - None
7. Adjournment.
MSUC (Acton/ Prescott) to adjourn the meeting at 5:10 p.m. to the
next meeting to be at the call of the Chair, or otherwise scheduled
for July 26, 1999 at 4:30 p.m.
Lorraine Kraker, Secretary