May 21, 2001 City Attorney's Conference Room 4:30 p.m.
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MEMBERS PRESENT: John Dorso, Harriet Acton, Deric Prescott, Mark
Croshier, David Potter, and Sergio Feria (arrived
4:40 p.m)
MEMBERS ABSENT: Barbara McAllister
STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney John M. Kaheny
The meeting was called to order at 4:30 p.m.
1. Roll Call.
The roll was called and all. members were present except Member
McAllister who asked to be excused due to illness.
2. Approval of Minutes.
MSUC (Croshier/Acton) to approve the minutes of March 19, 2001 as
3. Larry Brietfelder (IFC) Discussion of Section 603 Regarding
Election of Officers
Mr. Brietfelder noted the July date for.election of officers for the
International Friendship Commission is disruptive. It is their busy
season because they recruit host families and have Sister City
visitors. In addition, IFC's budget is one of the larger commission
budgets and the Chair should assist in determining how it's
administered. He stated the Mayor supported the Commission's proposal
to elect officers in January.
The City Attorney mentioned Mayor discussed the situation. However,
the Charter states "or until a successor is duly appointed" and if
there are not three votes to appoint, the Chair remains. This is a
short-term fix, but the long-term fix requires a Charter change and a
vote of the people to approve it. The next election is March, 2002. If
adopted, the change in election of officers would apply to all boards
and commissions. MSUC (Prescott/Croshier) to move this proposal
4. & 5. Community Rights and Enhancement Plan and Report by City
Attorney John M. Kaheny.
Attorney Kaheny distributed the 1964 Harvard Law Review article which
is considered the benchmark analysis of all of the issues on civilian
review boards.
Charter Review Minutes
May 21, 2001
Page 2
The City Manager is placing Mr. Pina's Plan on the City Council agenda
of May 29, 2001. A staff report by the Manager and a Memorandum of Law
by the Attorney is being prepared and will be provided to Mr. Pina.
It's a Council policy decision whether or not to approve the plan in
concept and proceed with implementation of a civilian review board. The
League of California Cities analyzed five cities (San Diego, San Diego
County, Sacramento, Oakland and Berkeley) that have such boards showing
nature and scope of powers, methods of operation and appeal rights. It
is the staff's opinion that first a determination needs to be made of
what requires fixing.
The City Attorney advised the Commission to wait and see what Council
decides. They may refer it back to the City Manager or the Commission.
Mr. Kaheny understands there is a movement in National City to
establish a civilian review board.
(Mr. Potter asked to be excused at 5:00 p.m. due to a family
G. Public Comments.
7. Members' Comments.
Member Feria inquired if Mr. Pina would be provided with the
information from Chief Emerson. Attorney Kaheny responded
Member Acton questioned the authority of civilian review boards.
Attorney Kaheny noted that's a key issue in all jurisdictions and it
becomes a fascinating process. The initiation of a board is triggered
by some event or a breakdown in communication.
8. Adjournment.
MSUC (Acton/Croshier) to adjourn the meeting at 5:10 p.m. to the next
meeting scheduled for June 18, 2001 at 4:30 p.m.
Lorraine Kraker, Secretary