June 18, 2001 City Attorney:,s Conference Room 4:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT:,. John Dorso, Harriet Acton, Deric:Prescott, Mark
Croshier, and David'Potter
MEMBERS ABSENT: Barbara McAllister and Sergio Feria
STAFF PRESENT: City Attorney John M. Kaheny
The meeting was called to order at 4:,30 p.m:
1. Roll Call.
The roll was called and all members were present except Members.
McAllister and Feria who asked'to be excused.
2. Approval of Minutes
MSUC (Acton/Croshier) to approve the minutes of May 21,. 2001 as
3 Letter from Petra Barajas.
Petra Barajas, 2.66 Church Avenue, Chula Vista, .Ca. 91910 discussed
various newspaper articles regarding the energy crisis and salary
increases. She mentioned an incident concerning two Chula Vista police
cars and a Border Patrol van occurring on May 26 at the .7/:11 on E.
Street. Ms. Barajas' was concerned the incident involved possible
harassment for the minority gentleman involved.
Member Croshier invited Ms. Barajas to come over. to the. Police,
Department to investigate the circumstances: surrounding the incident.
She declined, but .Member Croshier will follow up with the Police
Department to explore the situation and report back to -her.
Ms. Barajas discussed her Press Release containing 10, items, e.g.,
daytime Council meetings, district elections, election of city
officers, compensation for commissioners, police commission and energy
power plant. Chair Dorso requested she submit a letter_ outlining
specific items she wished the Commission to -consider. The members
thanked her for sharing her ideas and will address any concerns when a
letter is received.
4-. Community Rights and Enhancement Plan
A copy of the 5/29/01 Council Agenda item was distributedto the
members. Council recommended, the City Manager: appoint an Ad Hoc
Committee on thei-Civilian.Review Board Component of the Plan. The City
Charter Review Minutes
June 18, 2001
Page 2
Attorney will be working with that committee. Member Acton questioned
if Mr. Pina was appearing as an individual or as Chair of the Human
Relations Commission in light of letters to the editor signed. both
ways. The Chair will meet with the City Attorney to draft a letter to
Mr. Pina with Commissioner Acton's concerns in mind.
5. Report by City Attorney John M. Kaheny.
The City Clerk informed the Attorney that placing an item on the March
2002 ballot will cost approximately three times as much as it would in
November, 2002. The Attorney recommended waiting until November with
the technical corrections originally proposed. MSUC (Prescott/Acton)
in an effort to save taxpayer money, that the City Clerk be directed to
postpone the March 2002 ballot items until November, 2002.
6. Public Comments.
7. Members' Comments.
MSUC (Acton/Prescott) since there are no pressing matters for July and
August, the next meeting is to be at the call of the Chair.
8. AdIournment.
MSUC (Acton/Potter) to adjourn the meeting at 5:20 p.m. to the next
regularly scheduled meeting for September 17, 2001 at 4:30 p.m.
Lorraine Kraker, Secretary