March 14, 2005 Cedar Conference Room, City Hall 4:30 p.m.
MEMBERS PRESENT: Harriet Acton, David Potter, Armida Martin del
Campo, Cheryl Cox
MEMBERS ABSENT: Humberto Peraza, Jr.
STAFF PRESENT: Sr. Asst. City Attorney Sharon A. Marshall
The meeting was called to order at 4:40 p.m.
1. Roll Call.
The roll was called and members were noted as present or absent as
indicated above.
2. Approval of Minutes.
Minutes of the March 14, 2004 meeting approved as presented.
3. Discussion/analysis of whether or not to increase the $25,0.00
limit on staff authoritv to approve Public Works contracts.
Sharon Marshall suggested that the Commission continue this
matter to next .month. At that time, Merce LeClair from General
Services will provide a report and give a presentation re: the
reason for this request. Pursuant to the Charter, there is a
provision that the General Services and Public Works Departments
may approve only contracts under $25,000. General Services has
requested that this amount be increased. It was agreed to
continue further discussion on this matter until April's meeting.
4. Discussion on the consistency of the Chula Vista City
Charter with the Citv's Municipal Code.
Sharon Marshall suggested that this Commission might want to take
on the task of reconciling the Charter with the Municipal Code at
least to the extent that it deals with things like elections and
highly sensitive issues. With respect to elections, since the
section in the Charter dealing with campaign contributions we
updated last year, it was decided that it would be appropriate at
this time for the Commission to begin updating other sections of
the Charter as necessary, as well. Ms. Marshall is currently
working with the City Clerk, Susan Bigelow in updating and
revising sections dealing with Boards and Commissions. It was
agreed that Sharon Marshall would provide the Commission with a
copy of the election section of the Municipal Code to compare
Charter Review Minutes
March 14, 2005
Page 2
with the Charter at next month's meeting. At that time, the
Commission will decide how the task will be distributed among
members and what course of operation to take.
5. Discussion of monthly meetings (as needed) of the Charter
Review Commission as directed by the Chula Vista Municipal
Harriet Acton explained that according to the Municipal Code, the
Commission is suppose to be meeting on the first Monday of each
month as needed. Sharon Marshall proposed that this may be changed
by a vote of the Commission. It was recalled that this issue was
addressed and subsequently voted on at the last meeting. It is
agreed that the meetings take place on the second Monday of each
month at the discretion of the Chair, as needed. A formal
resolution will be drafted and approved by the Commission
reflecting this change. Consensus: next meeting to take place on
April 11, 2005.
6. Old Business.
a. The prospect of outstanding campaign contribution funds
obtained during a previous campaign being used to fund a
current campaign.
This was an item questioned by Commission member Humberto Peraza,
Jr. at the previous meeting. Sharon Marshall explained that
pursuant to the Campaign Contribution Ordinance, a candidate may
use outstanding campaign contribution funds obtained during a
previous election to fund a current campaign as long as it is for
the same office. Any other surplus campaign funds have to be used
either to repay contributions previously made or they can be made
in a donation to a charitable organization.
b. Protocol for submitting items for meetings.
Consensus arrived at during the last meeting: Any member of the
Commission may submit his/her item for a meeting agenda to the
Chair who will in turn contact the City Attorney in advance to
advise of the proposed item. A suggestion was made by Sharon
Marshall that the Commission might wish to consider adopting by-
laws on how to carry on business within the Commission. David
Potter opted for a more informal approach as proposed by the above
consensus. Motion was made by David Potter to approve the protocol
of submitting an item for a meeting agenda to the Chair who will in
turn contact the City Attorney in advance to advise of the proposed
item. Motion seconded by Cheryl Cox. Motion approved.
Charter Review Minutes
March 14, 2005
Page 3
c. Charter Review Commission budget and the purchase of
member identification cards.
There is a budget for the Commission of $177.00. None of these
funds have been spent this fiscal year. It was determined by the
Commission that business cards would not be needed at this time.
7. New business.
Questioned posed by Cheryl Cox with regard to the campaign
contribution ordinance reform, has there been any question raised
since the November elections that reflect on how that particular
amendment looks for the next election. Sharon Marshall will look
into the answer between April and November that had this revision
been in force could have soled it. If it doesn't than of course we
have a lot of time between now and the next election to take a look
at that ordinance one more time.
8. Public Comments.
It was recommended that a time period be set for filling
vacancies for seats on commissions. Cheryl Cox suggested that
this might be an item where for the Commission to search the
Charter and Municipal Code for consistency with regard to
protocol in that regard. It was proposed that this question be
addressed as an agenda item at next month's meeting.
9. Members' Comments.
10. Adjournment.
Motion to adjourn the meeting at 5:30 p.m. to a April 11, 2005 or
soon thereafter.
Diane Clancey, Sec ary
J:\attorney\dianec\CRC - Minutes (3/14/05)