HomeMy WebLinkAbout2007-06-18 CRC MinutesCHARTER REVIEW COMMISSION
MONDAY, JUNE 18, 2007
Meeting was called to order at 4:00 P.M.
1. Roll Call: William Richter, Humberto Peraza, Ron Kelley, Elizabeth Scott, Pete
Delara, Egbert Oosberg
Staff. David Miller, Deputy City Attorney, Joan Dawson, Deputy City Attorney and
Shelly Rowe, Legal Intern
2. Approval of Minutes:
The minutes of April 23, 2007 were not available. Humberto Peraza suggested that
the minutes from April 23, 2007 and March 26, 2007 be presented to the
commissioners at the next meeting for approval.
3. Public Comment:
Jerry Scott had comments regarding notification process, personal loans and the need
for serious campaign finance reform, too many holes and no limits.
4. New Business:
- Consideration of Section 300 (D) Members, Eligibility and Terms
The members discussed several ideas. A motion was made by Humberto Peraza to
have Joan Dawson or David Miller to bring language to the next meeting for
consideration. Motion was seconded by William Richer and approved by a unanimous
5. Members' Comments:
Commissioners would like to place District Elections on the next agenda, they
thought it was worth discussing.
Ad Hoc Committee for the Campaign Contribution Ordinance is working on
loans, people who took out loans and gave self money/loans. Ad Hoc Committee is
trying to take this ability away, unless the money is from the bank and has to be paid.
back, e.g. normal loan.
6. Staffs' Comments: David Miller, Deputy City Attorney asked the commissioners if
the Charter Review Commission go through the Charter step by step. They responded
"no", only as issues come up and/or referred to them.
7. Meeting was adjourned at 5:30 p.m.
Diane . Clancey, Secretary Date