Held Monday May 27, 1968
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula
Vista was held at 9:12 A.M., on the above date with the following Councilmen
present: Councilmen Sylvester, McCorquodale, Scott
Absent: Councilmen Hamilton, McAllister
Also present: Administrative Officer Ross, Assistant Administrative Officer
Stenberg, Administrative Assistant Sullins, Finance Officer
After opening comments by Administrative Officer Ross and Finance
Officer Grant, the Council began its review of the proposed recommendations
for the 1968-69 budget and minute action was taken in the following sequence:
9:30 A.M. - Councilman McAllister entered the Council Chamber and took his
place at the Council table.
(1) It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman Sylves-
ter, and carried that the City Council reschedule its Council Conference to
discuss the City's Drainage Policy set for 3:30 P.M. on Monday, May 27, 1968,
to the following Monday at 3:30 P.M., June 3, 1968.
(2) It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Mayor McCorquodale,
and carried by a vote of 3 to 1 that the sum of $1,200.00 be added to the
Special Services account of the Mayor and City Council budget for additional
expense funds to be used by the Mayor during the 1968-69 fiscal year. Coun-
cilman Scott voted no.
(3) It was moved by Councilman Sylvester, seconded by Mayor McCorquo-
dale, and unanimously carried that the aforementioned sum of $1,200.00 be
separately designated as '~ayor's Expenses" in the Special Services account
of the Mayor and City Council budget.
(4) It was moved by Councilman McAllister, seconded by Mayor McCor-
quodale and unanimously carried that the sum of $5,200.00 be added to Printing
and Legal Advertising account of the Mayor and City Council budget, increasing
the recommended amount for the printing of the Civic Center Newsletter from
$10,800.00 to $16,000.00 for the 1968-69 fiscal year.
(5) It was moved by Councilman Sytvester, seconded by Councilman Mc-
Allister and carried by a vote of 3 to 1 that the sum of $900.00 be added to
the Capital Outlay account of the Mayor and City Council budget for the pur-
chase of a dictating machine and transcriber for use by the Mayor. Councilman
Scott voted no.
(6) It was moved by Mayor McCorquodale, seconded by Councilman Sylves-
ter, and unanimously carried that the sum of $500.00 be added to the Travel
Expense account of the Mayor and City Council budget to provide for the attend-
ance of one Council member in addition to the Mayor at the National League of
Cities Congress in New Orleans on December 7-11, 1968.
(7) It was moved by Mayor McCorquodale, seconded by Councilman Syl-
rester, and unanimously carried that the sum of $710.00 be added to the Sub-
scriptions and Membership account of the Mayor and City Council budget to pro-
vide for an increase in the City's membership dues from $1,670.00 to $2,380.00
for the League of California Cities during the 1968-69 fiscal year.
(8) It was moved by Councilman Sylvester~ seconded by Councilman
Scott, and unanimously carried that the sum of ~100.00 be included in the
Travel Expense account of the Police Administration budget, thereby increasing
the amount recommended of $400.00 to $500.00 for the Chief of Police to attend
the annual International Association for Chiefs of Police in Honolulu~ Hawaii.
(9) It was moved by Councilman Sylvester, seconded by Mayor McCorquo-
dale, and unanimously carried that the sum of $275.00 be included in the Main-
tenance and Repair-Radio account of the Police Records amd Identification
budget to correct an error in the budget recommendation which would allow
$60.00 per year as the maintenance contract for five additional Police radio
1:36 P.M. - The Council reconvened after lunch with Councilman Hamilton taking
his place at the Council table along with the other four members.
(10) It was moved by Councilman McAllister, seconded by Councilman
Sylvester, and unanimously carried that the sum of $7,500.00 be included in
the Capital Outlay account of the Street Cleaning budget to provide for one-
half of the cost of a new street sweeper to replace a 1958 Wayne three-cubic-
yard street sweeper in 1970, and establishing an amortization account for all
new City equipment.
(11) It was moved by Councilman McAllister, secomded by Councilman
Sylvester, and carried by a vote of 4 to 1 that the sum of $1,000.00 be in-
cluded in the Travel Expense account of the Sister City Commission budget to
begin reserving funds for a visit to General Roca, Argentina, at some future
date. Coumcilman Scott voted no.
(12) It was moved by Councilman McAllister, seconded by Councilman
Scott, and unanimously carried that the CouNcil reconsider the addition of
new positions in the Planning Department when the Zoning Ordinance is finally
completed and adopted.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:23 P.M., until 2:00 P.M., Tuesday, May
28, 1968.
City Clerk~z