HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-13 HCVAC&HAC MinutesMINUTES OF A JOINT MEETING OF THE HEALTHY CHULA VISTA ADVISORY COMMISSION & HOUSING ADVISORY COMMISSIONS OF THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA April 13, 2017 3:30 P.M. A Joint Meeting of the Healthy Chula Vista (HCVAC) and Housing Advisory (HAC) Commissions of the City of Chula Vista were called to order at 3:41 p.m. in Conference Room BI 111112, located at 276 Fourth Avenue in Building C, Chula Vista, CA ROLL CALL HCVAC PRESENT: Commissioners Cruz (departed at 5:45), de Murgia, Jimenez, Martinez, Milburn, Quiroz and Chair Melgoza ABSENT: Commissioners Partida-Lopez and Velo ROLL CALL HAC PRESENT: Commissioners Bustamante (departed at 5:45), Lisama, Merino, Quero and Chair Uy ABSENT: Commissioners Ruth and Torre ALSO PRESENT: Senior Project Coordinator Kurz Nick Paul, Age -Friendly Intern Leilani Hines, Housing Manager Mark Jones, Homeless Outreach Coordinator Lieutenant Henry Martin, Community Policing Unit Manager Officer Jeff Pace, Homeless Outreach Officer CONSENT CALENDAR 1. HCVAC-APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM March 9, 2017 Motion by Commissioner Cruz to approve the minutes Seconded by Commissioner de Murguia Motion passed 7-0 2. HAC APPROVAL OF MINUTES FROM January 25, 2017 Motion by Commissioner Quero to approve the minutes Seconded by Commissioner Lisama Motion passed 4-0 PUBLIC COMMENTS None. ACTION ITEMS 3. STATE OF HOMELESSNESS IN CHULA VISTA Staff Mark Jones provided an overview of the homeless count as of 2016 in Chula Vista and other cities within San Diego County and summarized local city efforts to provide resources for homeless families and individuals through the Police Department's Homeless Outreach Team ("HOT"). 4. HOUSING ELEMENT 2016 ANNUAL PROGRESS REPORT & HOUSING SUCCESSOR AGENCY Staff Kurz provided am annual overview of the progress meeting Housing Element goals to date. 5. AGE -FRIENDLY COMMUNITIES DATA OVERVIEW & AARP PHONE SURVEY RESULTS Staff Paul provided an overview of the Age -Friendly Communities eight domains of livability citing data, survey information and community dialogue as information. In addition, food insecurity and crime/safety were topics of interest to the community. 6. HOUSING ADVISORY COMMISSION RESOLUTION FOR CHANGE IN MEETING TIME TO 4:00 PM & LOCATION TO BUILDING C, ROOMS B111/112 Motion by Commissioner Uy to change the meeting time and location Seconded by Commissioner Quero Motion passed 4-0 OTHER BUSINESS 7. STAFF COMMENTS Staff Kurz provided an update to the following projects: a. School District Wellness Policy Update Status —Sweetwater adopted and Chula Vista Elementary will be considering in May. b. Event Updates i. April 22 - Day of the Child ii. April 30 — CycloVista iii. May 1I @ 6pm — South Bay Community Change Project Community Forum iv. May 24 @ 2:30-4pm LVESD Wellness Committee c. Duetta and Volta Affordable Housing Updates — now taking an interest list and eligibility will be determined through a lottery with an expected lease up in Fall 2017. d. Second Dwelling Unit Zoning Ordinance — City looking at updates to ordinance to comply with state law. 8. CHAIR'S COMMENTS None. 9. COMMISSIONERS'/BOARD MEMBERS' COMMENTS None. LOCAL SCHOOL WELLNESS POLICY (LSWP) Federally mandated for districts participating in the National School Lunch or Breakfast Program. Policy was required to be in place by the start of school in 2007. Requires certain components and a plan for measuring effectiveness. 05/11/2017 1 2010 HEALTHY HUNGER -FREE KIDS ACT Created new school meal standards: first major change since school lunch program began in the 1950s. * Created first federal nutrition standards for "competitive" foods and beverages sold outside the meals. * Requires schools to communicate to parents and the community about implementation of wellness policy and nutritional duality of meals. Provides for an Administrative Review every three years. (b LSVVP COMPONENTS Nutrition Education includes: Classroom teaching (curricula) Classroom messages (rewards, punishments) E Marketing and promotion (signs, materials) P School gardens, field trips, and cafeteria -based education 05/11/2017 3 CALIFORNIA FITNESS TESTIE`IC REQUIREMENTS Fitnessgram is a six -component test for students in grades 5, 7, and 9 in California. Students passing at least 5 of 6 components in 9th grade take a total of two years of high school PE. Under state law (SB 601) 9th graders not passing at least 5 of 6 components must continue to take PE and be re -tested annually until passing or graduating. Results may be found at: htt :/f�2rww.cde.ca. ov/ta/t / f/Dftresults.Asp OPPORTUNI`l IES FOR ADVOCACY PE specialists at the elementary level to support classroom teachers in leading PE Meeting required PE minutes Standards-based PE curriculum with MVPA goals Safe Routes to School (walking, biking: Daily recess in elementary school Classroom physical activity breaks Active before- and after-school programs 05/11/2017 5 COMPETITIVE FOODS California Smart Snacks in School (2014) set standards for all competitive foods * Competitive foods are all foods and beverages sold on campus outside the school meals * Governs all items sold by any entity from midnight through 30 minutes after school Different standards for elementary and secondary schools OPPORTUN€TIES FOR ADVOCACY ' Breakfast in the Classroom, w Student engagement Second Chance, and Grab & Go Breakfast is Smarter Lunchrooms strategies Free & Reduced Meals and Summer Meals w Healthy fund-raising Farm to School and Healthy classroom parties Garden to Cafe programs and school celebrations Water safety, access and , Non-food rewards and promotion incentives 05/11/2017 VA VVELLSAT ASSFSSIAENT District wellness policies were scored using WellSAT assessment too[ Report provided to each district superintendent in September 2015 Many districts, including CVESD and SUHSD used this assessment as a tool to revise and strengthen their policies. FUNDING STRATEGIES ® NEW OPPORTUNITIES California's Local Control Funding Formula (LCFF) process requires districts to develop a budget called the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). Districts must allocate funding in eight priority areas, including school climate and student engagement. Stakeholder input on LCAP must be considered! Investments in wellness support these priority areas. 05/11/2017 7 STRATEGIES TO SUPPORT VVELLNESS Work with the district wellness lead and committee to advocate for wellness support in LCAP. Attend a stakeholder meeting to voice support for including wellness in LCAP. Use existing tools and resources to make the case that healthy school environments support student achievement: httr)://cfr)a.net/nutrition-and-educatioii-r)olicv ALIGNED EFFORTS San Diego County Childhood Obesity Initiative m Schools & After -School Domain workgroup www.ourcommunit ourkids.or County of San Diego Live Well San Diego Tools for Schools Live Well San Diego South Region School Wellness Subcommittee Nutrition Specialists in each County region 05/11/2017 11 ADJOURNMENT Motion to adjourn at 5:56 to a special meeting of the Healthy Chula Vista Advisory Commission meeting on May 11th at Chula Vista High School and to a regular meeting of the Housing Advisory Commission. on July 26th made by Chair Melgoza and Uy; Seconded by Commissioner Cruz and Quero Motion 6-0 and 4-0. `St ccy Kufz, eniof Project Coordinator