Held Tuesday January 12, 1971
A regular adjourned meeting was held by the City Council of the City of
Chula Vista on the above date in the Administrative Conference Room, Civic Center,
276 Fourth Avenue, beginning at 3 P.M., with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: Acting Chief Administrative Officer Thomson, City Attorney
Lindberg, Director of Parks and Recreation Jasinek, Director
of Public Works Cole
PORT DISTRICT LETS CONTRACT Mayor Hamilton opened the meeting by stating
he just received a phone call from Mr. Bob
Campbell, Port Commissioner, stating that
the Port District has let the contract for
the first arm of the boat launching ramps
and Mr. Campbell will appear before the
Council at the next meeting (January 19)
with more details.
PW~MREAD Mayor Hamilton read a poem he received in
the mail from Mrs. Mary Alcantara, entitled
"Our Town".
PRESENTATION BY ARCHITECT - Mr. Bill Richardson, architect representing
PROPOSED CITY TENNIS CENTER Lareau & Associates, submitted renderings
of the proposed Tennis Center to be located
at Southwestern College. Mr. Richardson
noted on the sketches the exact location of
the four courts. A layout of the pro shop
was presented with two alternatives whereby
(1) more storage space could be provided for
the pro, and (2) more toilet facilities for
the public could be provided.
Comments by William Jasinek - Mr. William Jasinek, Director of Parks and
Director of Parks and Recreation Reereation~ remarked that this plan was pre-
sented to the School Board and they approved
it. Thc only question they had was the need
for the public restrooms located at the park-
ing area. Mr. Jasinek further explained the
lighting system that will be used on the
Council discussion The Council discussed the wind factor, light-
ing, parking area and seating capacity for
those wanting to watch the games.
Cost of project Mr. Richardson indicated the cost budgeted
for this project was $120~000 and the archi-
tectls estimate is $119~198; this includes
the architect's fees.
Public restroom faeilities Councilman Scott felt the proposed restroom
dlscusscd facilities tooated in the parking area and,
as noted~ approximately 250 yards from the
furthest tennis courts, was too inconvenient.
Motion to approve basic plan It was moved by Councilman Hobel that the
basic plan be approved.
Motion amended Councilman Hobel amended his motion to accept
Alternate 1~ also to include a seating area
on the west side of the courts. Councilman
Egdahl seconded the amended motion. The
motion carried unanimously.
Reason for opposing basic plan Councilman Scott stated, for the record,
that he opposed the basic plan based on the
fact that the lavatory facilities were in-
DISCUSSION OF VOTING FORMULAS Councilman Hobel submitted to each Council-
- COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING man a copy of a report delineating the
ORGANIZATION alternative voting formulas for the pro-
posed regional decision-making body. He
indicated that he had no real strong opinions
on any one of the alternates.
CPO discussion The Council discussed the functional aspect
of CPO, with Councilman Hobel con~nenting that
it was a clearing house for federal grants.
There are 40 employees on this staff.
Suggested alternate Councilman Scott suggested the only one he
feels would work would be to set up a com-
pletely separate government directly elected
by the people, a separate one on regional.
The City or State would then decide what are
regional problems, and they would have the
authority to solve regional problems. This
is a unicameral concept. Representation
would be made by assembly districts -equal
population -one man, one vote concept.
Funding The Mayor commented that this could be funded
by a special tax rate.
Council position Councilman Hobel suggested a letter be writ-
ten which he can read at the next meeting,
stating the position of the Council in this
Staff directed to write letter Councilman Scott directed thc staff to write
this letter and to have them come up with the
criteria, scope of authority, matter of fund-
ing, limited powers, functions, etc.
The Council concurred that the functions
should incorporate: transportation, airport,
pollution, sewerage disposal, refuse disposal,
environment, recreation facilities.
Motion to approve It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the staff be directed to write a letter
indicating the Council's position: (1) that
this is a basic approach they believe should
be done; (2) delineating how the funding
could be carried out~ the functions of the
organizations, representation, etc.
1971-72 BUDGET - POLICY AND Acting Chief Administration Officer Thomson
PRESENTATION distributed the draft sheets of the proposed
1971-72 budget, explaining the basic concept.
Mr. Thomgon noted the changes in the plan,
as compared to that of last year.
A schedule of completion dates was discussed
which listed the dates for the departments,
salary review, Capital Improvement Program
and all other aspeets of the budget, and the
completion date. It was the unanimous con-
eurrenee of the Council that this budget plan
be accepted.
ADJOURNMENT The Mayor declared the meeting adjourned until
7 P.M.~ Tuesday~ 3anuary 12~ 1971. The meet-
adjourned at 5:05 P.M.