Held Tuesday January 19, 1971
A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council was held on the above
date beginning at 3 P.M. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue,
Chula Vista, with the following members present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present~ Acting City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg
EXPLANATION OF MONTHLY FINANCIAL Director of Finance Gordon Grant submitted
REPORT - PREPARATION AND the Financial Report for the month of
COMPOSITION - Director of Finance, December explaining in detail the condi-
Gordon Grant tion of funds, revenues and expenditures.
Loma Verde Account The Council questioned the Loma Verde
Swirm~ing Pool Account. Mr. Grant explained
that this entailed a joint power agreement
with Sweetwater High School District and
Uhula Vista Elementary School District.
Upon receiving the statements from the
contractor, the City pays out this entire
amount and then bills the respective school
districts. The payment return from these
schools takes approximately three months.
Councilman Hobel felt that the school dis-
tricts should submit their repayments within
thirty days. The Council concurred, ~eclar-
ins that something should be incorporated
into these agreements in the future whereas
the payments will be made as current as
possible, rather than quarterly.
DISCUSSION - PROPOSAL TO PROHIBIT Councilman Scott explained his concern of
THE SALE OF CIGARETTES FROM this problem insofar as minors are purchas-
VENDING MACHINES inS cigarettes from these machines.
City Attorney City Attorney Lindberg explained the cur-
rent City Ordinance No. 1133 pertaining to
the regulations of the ~ale, use and pos-
session of tobacco and tobacco products.
Mr. Lindberg stated that a copy of this
particular ordinance is supposed to be
posted on every vending machine in the City.
Lt. Earl Clark Lt. Earl Clark, Police Department, discussed
policing of the vending machines to prohibit
minors from purchasing cigarettes. He
stated this was difficult to enforce inas-
much as no minor will purchase cigarettes
from the vending machines if they see a
police car around.
Sidney Gallick, Counsel, Mr. Sidney Callick, Counsel for the Call-
California Automatic Vendors' fornia Automatic Vendors' Association, dis-
Association cussed this matter and submitted a survey
report to the Council made by Gilbert
Associates. He stated that his Association
has a six-step regulation program which all
the vendors comply with, and which governs
the sale of cigarettes to minors. This is
a self-regulated program which they feel
is effective, and therefore, no need for a
ban on cigarette vending machines.
Larry Grandfield, ARA Services, Inc. Mro Larry Grandfield, 317 Hilltop Drive,
Chula Vista, representing ARA Services,
Inc., a national food service vending
machine company, declared that upon re-
ceiving the notice of this meeting, they
called a meeting of the companies operating
in the City of Chula Vista. Each repre-
sentative submitted a list of their machines
and its location. Mr. Grandfield stated
that 80% of the customers who buy cigarettes
in this City do so from machines located
in the industrial plants, bars, or restau-
rants. There are between 200 and 300 vend-
ing machines in this City, 50% of which are
privately owned, mostly by service station
operators. Mr. Grandfield suggested a
closer liaison be established between this
group and the Chief of Police to cope with
this problem.
City Clerk to compile list Mayor Hamilton asked the City Clerk to
compile a list of all the vending machines
in the City, address and ownership, to be
ready for the next Council conference.
Charles Alphafer, San Diego Mr. Charles Alphafer, Coordinator of the
County Health San Diego County Health on Smoking and
Health, consisting of 13 agencies, stated
they do not have a position on the vending
machine issue. Mr. Alphafer stated that
cigarette smoking is decreasing among adults
and increasing among the kids. Since 1966,
one-third of the men that smoked, quit, and
one-quarter of the women. Among Junior
High School children in this County, grades
7-12, smoking is three times that of the
national average.
Mrs. Carlin, San Diego County Mrs. Carlin, Executive Director, San Diego
Heart Association County Heart AssociatiOn, offered the
assistance of the Association in this
Motion made It was moved by Gouncllman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde, and unanimously carried
that Administration look into the possi-
bility of a liaison group between the vend-
ing machine companies' committee and the
Chief of Police, try to work out a program
and report back to the City Council in six
months, so that they can see how this pro-
gram is working out, It is the responsi-
bility of this ~ommittee to see that every-
one concerned with vending machines in this
City is notified~ not only members of their
DRAINAGE CRANNELS - Report by Mayor Hamilton directed that this be placed
Director of Public Works on the next Council conference agenda in
view of the lateness of the hour.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Ramilton adjourned the meeting at
4:45 PoM. to the meeting scheduled for 7
P.M., January 19, 1971.
// City Clerli~'