HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1971/01/19 (2) MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday January 19, 1971
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista was
held in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue, on the above
date at 7:00 P.M., with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: Acting Chief Administrative Officer Thomson, City Attorney
Lindberg, Director of Public Works Cole, Director of Parks
and Recreation Jasinek, Senior Planner Williams and Associate
Planner Lee
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by
a moment of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde, and unanimously car-
ried that the minutes of the meetings of
January 8, 12 (3 P.M.) and 12 (7 P.M.) be
approved, copies having been sent to each
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST Mayor Hamilton introduced Harry Miller,
Chairman of the Civil Service Commission.
OATH OF OFFICE - MEMBERS OF City Clerk Fulasz administered the Oath
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL COI~ISSION of Office to Mrs. Loretta R. Taylor and
Mr. Robert Hastings, newly appointed mem-
bers of tha Environmental Control Commis-
REPORT BY C. R. CAMPBELL, Mr. C. R. Campbell~ Port District Cormmis-
PORT DISTRICT COMMISSIONER sioner, reported on developments takin$
place in the Tidelands area. The Port
Con~nission has just let the contract to
W. R. Connoley for the arm of the small
boat launching area. Mr. Campbell dis-
cussed a meeting held this same day rel-
ative to hiring a consultant to make a
study of the Tidelands area. The combined
staffs of the Port District and the Plan-
ning Department will select one name from
the four firms submitted. It was decided
that a project laader for coordination of
this project will be from the City Plan-
ning Department. Mr. Campbell then
briefly reported on the proposed extension
of Tidelands Avenue~
QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT - Mro Ken Weimar, President of the Junior
JUNIOR CNAMBER OF COMMERCE Chamber of Commerce, submitted the second
quarterly report of their axpenditures.
PRESENTATION OF COUNCIL Mayor Hamilton presented the following
RESOLUTIONS - COURSE IN CITY parsons with resolutions eormnending them
GOVERNMENT for their civic interest in completing
the six sessions of thc Course in City
Mark Epstein
Clara Thornbury
Betty Branshaw
Louis Rudolph
Joseph Campbell
Mrs. David Epstein (absent)
Robert Branshaw (absent)
Judy Cave (absent)
RECOMMENDATIONS ON HILLTOP-TELEGRAPH Mr. Frank Guidry, Chairman of the Youth
CANYON ROAD YOUTH CENTER - YOUTH Advisory Commission, introduced Mr. Scott
ADVISORY COMMISSION Whitely who submitted to the Council the
recommendations of this Commission rela-
tive to the Youth Center. The Commission
approves of the plans as submitted by the
architect with one recommendation: that
a soda fountain area be included in these
plans. The addition of this area would
cost approximately $30,000.
Mr. Whitely further reco~nended that the
soda fountain concept proposed at Loma
Verde be given first priority, and a
review made of this; if it works there,
then the Youth Commission would want to
see it installed at this new Center. A
further recommendation of this Commission
would be the use of as many youths as
possible in the construction of this
Center, such as painting, etc.
Motion to refer recommendations It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
to staff by Councilman Scott, and unanimously
carried that the recommendations of the
Youth Advisory Co~nlssion be referred to
the staff. The recommendation regarding
the soda fountain to be referred to the
architect with a request for an alternate
plan which would make provision for the
addition or inclusion of this soda foun-
tain facility in the building and prepared
for final ¢onsld~ration by the Council.
Invitation to attend meetings Mr. Frank Guidry extended an invitation
to the Council and the cormnunity to attend
any of the meetings of the Youth Advisory
ORDINANCE NO. 1320 - AMENDING A continuing radar speed evaluation pro-
SCHEDULE IX OF TRAFFIC CODE TO gram on "D" Street in this area reveals
INCREASE SPEED LIMITS ON "D" that 85 percentile was approximately 30
STREET BETWEEN BROADWAY AND SECOND MPN. On a trial basis, this speed limit
AVENUE - FIRST READING was imposed, and since it has been func-
tionin8 satisfactorily, it is recormmended
that it be made permanent.
It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that
this ordinance be placed on its first
reading and that reading of the text be
waived by unanimous consent. The motion
carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Esdahl, ~cott,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1321 - AMENDING A continuing radar speed evaluation in
SCHEDULE IX OF TRAFFIC CODE TO this area reveals that 85 percentile was
INCREASE SPEED L]2~ITS ON "G" approximately 30MPH. On a trial basis,
STREET BETWEEN INTERSTATE 5 AND this speed was imposed, and since it has
HILLTOP DRIVE - FIRST READING been functioning satisfactorily, it is
recommended that it be made permanent.
It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that
this ordinance be placed on its first
reading and that reading of the text be
waived by unanimous consent. The motion
carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
RESOLUTION NO. 5918 - APPROVING This agreement is for deferral of public
LIEN AGREEMENT FOR DEFERRAL OF improvements and establishes a lien in
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS FOR PROPERTIES the amount of $9,145.00 against the prop-
ON "D" STREET - J. D. PETERS erties known as 176, 182 and 190 "D" Street.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamil-
ton, Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Request for support of proposed This is a request for City Council support
amendment to Emergency Detention of the concept of the proposed amendment
Act of 1950 to the Emergency Detention Act of 1950
(H.R. 19163) Title II of the Internal
Security Act of 1950.
Referred to City Attorney It was moved by Councilman Seott~ second[ed
by Councilman Hyde, and unanimously carried
that this item be referred to the City
Attorney for r~commendatlon.
Request for support of concept Dr. Robert Botterman~ Chairman of the
of Mexican-American Savings Human Relations Commission, explained that
plans are being formulated by a group of
Mexican-American businessmen in the South
Bay area to apply to the Federal Home Loan
Bank Board for permission to organize a
federal savings and loan association in
Chula Vista~ which would be primarily man-
aged and staffed by Mexican~American bi-
lingual personnel. The Human Relations
Con%mission is supporting this concept and
they are now requesting City Council sup-
port of it also.
Speaking for the request Mr. 3essa Osuna, 707 Fifth Avenue, explained
this proposal to the Council. He noted the
various firms and groups that have indicated
their support of this concept. Mr. Osuna
added that they have a time problem here,
whereby they must get these letters in
within 10 days of the publication date of
their application, which was on the 14th
of January.
Motion offered It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel, that a resolution be
prepared that would indicate the sense of
the Council in supporting the efforts of
this group to engage in the concept of
this particular endeavor.
Motion amended Because of the time element involved, it
was agreed that it would not be feasible
to bring back a resolution for Council
approval at the next meeting, and that a
letter of support would be acceptable.
Councilman Hyde amended his motion to
state that a letter signed by the Mayor,
be sent.
Discussion of endorsement The Council held a discussion concerning
their approval of this request - whether,
in fact, it could be interpreted to mean
that they are also endorsing this particu-
lar group of businessmen. Councilman Hyde
remarked that his motion was such as to
endorse the concept of the minority groups
taking the initiative to attempt to form
a business.
City Attorney's opinion City Attorney Lindberg indicated that the
letter should be very broad notin~ Chula
Vista's interest in satisfying the need
for the Mexican-American population.
Alternate suggestion Councilman Egdahl suggested it not be a
Council action -- that a letter be written
and just signed by the individual Council-
Motion withdraw~a Councilman Hyde withdrew his motion and
substituted the following motion: that the
Council submit a letter of intent support-
ing the concept of the establishment of
the Mexican-American businessmen's group
who are forming a Savings and Loan Associ-
ation in this cou, nunity, but to clearly
indicate in the letter that the Council
is not supporting any particular group.
Councilman Scott seconded th~s motion and
it passed unanimously.
REQUEST FOR HEARING FOR RENEWAL It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
OF CONTRACT - CHULA VISTA SANITARY by Councilman Hobel, and unanimously car-
SERVICE ried that this request be turned over to
the staff for study and returned to the
Council with a recorm~endation within 30
RECOMMENATION REGARDING USE OF Director of Parks and Recreation Jasinek
LAWN BOWLING GREEN AREA - PARKS submitted the report of the Parks and
AND RECREATION COMMISSION Recreation Commission relative to the use
of the former bowling green area situated
at General Roea Park. The Cormmis~ion
recommends that it be utilized for a
children's play area, and the area pro-
vided with appropriate playground apparatus.
Mr. Ja~inek noted that, at the present time,
the Department o~ Parks and Recreation has
three pieces of equipment which could be
installed here immediately.
Discussion held The Council discussed the funds needed
for the playground equipment ($3:000).
City Manager Thomson suggested that this
could be included in the budget request
and the Council could review it in line
with other priorities.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel, and unanimously car-
ried that the report be accepted in con-
RECOMP~NDATION REGARDING JOINT Director of Parks and Recreation Jasinek
POWERS AGREEMENT WITH SWEETWATER explained that this is a recommendation
UNION HIGH SCHOOL DISTRICT FOR from the Parks and Recreation Commission
LIGHTING OF BASEBALL FIELD AT regarding might lights at Castle Park
CASTLE PARK HIGH SCHOOL Softball Field ($22,000). The Commission
recommends that the City enter into a joint
powers agreement for this lighting and the
extent of each agency's usage be written
out in the agreement.
Appropriation of money The Council discussed the appropriation
of this amount of money. City Manager
Thomson explained that the money for this
project was budgeted in the Capital Im-
provement Program but was taken out in
lieu of purchasing communications equip-
ment for the Fire Department.
Use of field A discussion was held as to the use of the
field by both the City and schools. Mr.
Jasinek stated that the Commission is recom-
mending that the City enter into a joint
powers agreement for the lighting of this
field and the extent of each agency's usage
be indicated in the agreement.
Motion offered It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott~ and unanimously car-
ried that the re¢orm~endation of the Parks
and Recreation Commission be approved and
a resolution be prepared that would imple-
ment the joint powers agreement with the
Swectwater Union High School District for
the construction of this baseball field
for lighting and joint use agreement with
it. Also, that the amoumt of $22,000 be
taken out of the unappropriated reserve
account to cover the City's portion of
Use of public facilities Couneilman Hyde suggested the staff con-
sider advising the Council as to whether
or not they should have a joint meeting
with the School Board (high school) for
discussion of matters of mutual use of
the facilities.
Park-School function Mayor Hamilton suggested this may be better
carried out by the Park-School Cormmittee.
Councilman Scott felt it would be more
advisable to meet with the legislative
body of the Sweetwater Union High School
District relative to this matter.
Suggestion offered Councilman Hyde suggested that the staff
be directed to examine the question of
further joint use of school and City-owned
facilities and then to advise the Council
as to what matters would lend themselves
in negotiations with the School Board. If
it appears to be fruitful, then the Council
would invite them to a joint meeting to
discuss this.
Motion made It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott, and unanimously car-
ried that the staff be instructed to ex-
amine the feasibility of further joint
powers agreements with the Sweetwater
Union High School District for the joint
use of common facilities°
Report to Council Mr. Jasinek requested that this staff
report he held off until after the next
Co~nission meeting which will be held on
the third Thursday in February. The Coun-
cil agreed.
PRESENTATION OF PLANNED UNIT Mr. William Rick, Rick Engineering Company,
DEVELOPMENT FOR PROPERTY LOCATED 3557 Kenyon Street, San Diego, represent-
BETWEEN SEQUOIA AND T]/ViBER STREETS lng AVCO Community Developers, Inc., de-
velopers of this project, explained the
segments of the Planned Unit Development,
and submitted an artist's renderings of
the project (Brandywine Unit No. 1). In
connection with this first increment, he
stated they will be building Brandywine
Avenue, off-site to Otay Valley Road and
to Sequoia, the loop street, and the neces-
sary utilities to serve that.
Discussion of use of Brandywine Council questioned whether the use of
Avenue Brandywine Avenue will be used by the con-
struction equipment in the development
of this project.
Mr. Risk declared it would be the entrance
road used for the sale end advertising of
the homes and, insofar as it is conceiv-
ably possible that the developers can com-
pel or encourage their subcontractors to
use this road, as opposed to other public
strcets~ that will be the way in.
Planning Commission condition of Mr. Norman Williams, Senior Planner, stated
approval of map that the Planning Commission, in approving
the tentative map of this Unit, put in the
following condition: "Both on-site and off-
site improvements for Brandywine Avenue
together with Sequoia Avenue will be con-
strueted with the first phase of develop-
ment in Brandywine Unit No. 1. The devel-
opers will make every ~ffort to encourage
the use of Brandywine Avenue during con-
struction and discourage the use of Sequoia
Street which would disrupt the residential
serenity of the neighborhood lying west of
the project."
School to be notified Councilman Hobel asked if the school in
this area could bo notified when~ if neces-
sary, heavy equipment would be uelng Se-
quoia Street. City Attorney Lindberg
stated that Mr. Rick could notify the City
and they~ in turn~ would notify the School
District. Mr. Rick indicated he would
have his clients do this.
OPJ)INANCE NO. 1319 - PREZONING It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
23.3 ACRES BETWEEN SEQUOIA AND ordinance be placed on its second reading
TIMBER STREETS TO R-l-5 - SECOND and that reading of the text be waived by
READING AND ADOPTION unanimous consent. The ordinance was
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ACTION ON APPEAL OF ROY A. PRUDEN This action was continued by the City
OF PLANNING CO~{ISSION ACTION IN Council at its meeting on November 3, 1970
APPROVING CONDITIONAL USE PERMIT for the purpose of viewing a demonstration
FOR OPERATION OF ALL-TERRAIN of this operation. Mr. McClure, the appli~
VEHICLE COURSE AT 997 WEST BAY cant, has not responded to the correspond-
BOULEVARD ence from the City, and because the time
on this permit has elapsed, it is assumed
that he is no longer interested in this
Application filed It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel, and unanimously car-
ried that the application be filed.
"F" STREET WIDENING Mayor Hamilton discussed the widening of
"F" Street, indicating that San Diego Gas
and Electric Company believes there is a
possibility that funds can be obligated
before given to the City; that there is
a 1911 Act that can be established~ and
the Council can direct that the funds,
when available, be made to pay this assess-
ment off. Mayor Hamilton questioned Mr.
Cole, Director of Public Works, as to the
progress of this project and how long the
Gity can wait and still put in the under-
ground utilities on "F" Street.
Comments from Director of Mr. Cole remarked that the engineering
Public Works plans are complete; the problem now is
coordination with the State in the removal of the
railroad tracks° As to the undergrounding
of utilities, the problem is one essentially
related to the utility companies and the
individual property owners in placing their
utilities underground. He added that he
could not give the Council a date certain
on this, but would contact the SDG&E and
have this information for the Council at
the next meeting.
Investigation to be made Mayor Hamilton directed Mr. Cole to check
into this~ cormuentlng that if there is a
possibility that this undergrounding can
be done at the same time the street is
widened~ the City should make every oppor-
tunity to do so.
LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION Mayor Hamilton stated that the LAFC has
COMMISSION MEETING before them a request for 75 acres in the
Sunnyside area to be annexed to the Spring
Valley Sanitation District. He asked if
this area was within that proposed for
annexation to the City.
Mr. Norman Williams, Senior Planner, said
he would check this out.
Investigation to be made Mayor Hamilton directed the staff to check
this out as soon as possible and if this
area is within that proposed for annexa-
tion to the City, that the City have an
opportunity to speak on this before the
MEETING WITH SAN DIEGO GAS Councilman Scott coranented on the meeting
AND ELECTRIC COMPANY held with representatives of the SDG&E
regarding the burning of high sulfur con-
tent oil.
Referred to Environmental Councilman Scott moved that this matter
C~nmission be turned over to the Environmental Con-
trol Cormission for investigation, in view
of the City Attorney's opinion that the
Council has control over SDG&E and what
fuel they do burn; if our rules are equal
to or more stringent than those imposed by
the County. He would like to see what this
Commission would recorgaend as to an ordin-
ance, and to get the total picture from
SDG&E, as far as their side of the story~
and what their future plans are. Council-
man Hyde seconded the motion and it passed
RAILROAD CROSSINGS AT "E", "H" Councilman Hobal questioned the Director
AND "L" STREETS of Public Works as to the responsibility
of maintaining the railroad tracks at "E",
"H" and "L" Streets. The San Diego and
Arizona Eastern Railway has tried to allev-
iate the problem of the eroded tracks and
large crews have been out there; however,
they fill it in partially, and then it is
Mr. Cole indicated there is no joint
responsibility as such.
Staff directed to investigate Councilman Hobel directed the staff to
look into this matter, cormnentlng that
perhaps some pressure could be made to
bring this up to track level.
LIBRARY BOND ELECTION Councilman Hyde discussed this issue, indi-
cating that a time-table should be made
which would schedule what needs to be done
prior to an election date.
Conference scheduled Gity Manager Thomson remarked that this is
the item for discussion at the r~xt Council
conference to be held January 26.
CLEAN-UP ALONG RAILROAD Councilman Hobel questioned whether the
City has any leverage in getting the Rail-
road to olean up the tracks.
City Manager Thomson discussed the health
and fire hazard controls that could be
Refer to Environmental It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
Commission by Councilman Hyde, and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to the Envir-
onmental Control Cormmission for investiga-
tion and report -- that area covered from
the northern to southern City boundary
which runs the total length.
CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Councilman Scott discussed an article he
COMMITTEE MEETING read in the newspaper regarding the meet-
ing held by the Chamber of Conferee rela-
tive to the bus service.
Since no City personnel was present,
Councilman Scott felt the conclusions
arrived at by this cormnittee were based
upon erroneous input.
Letter to be written Councilman Scott directed that a letter
be written to the Chamber of Con~nerce
asking for a meeting with the Mayor or
someone from the Council and this Committee
to reconsider their stand on the bus system
in light of the total information available.
Verified claim for damages - Darlene Stoddard, 1189 Melrose Avenue, has
Darlene Stoddard filed a claim for damages in the amount of
$45.50. She alleges she paid a Rooter
Company this amount to clear her sewer
line only to discover the sewer was broken,
probably, as she claims, by workers install-
ing the line or the water main.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel, and unanimously car-
ried that the claim be denied.
City of Rialto - Request for This request is in the form of a resolu-
support of annual inspection tion from the City of Rialto urging City
of motor vehicles Council support in requesting an annual
inspection of every motor vehicle for
efficient emission control devices prior
to renewal of that vehicle's license.
Referred to Legislative Mayor Hamilton directed that this matter
Committee be referred to the Legislative Committee
for report, and if necessary, to the Safety
City of San Marco - Request for This request is in the form of a resolu-
support of a tax relief for tion from the City of San Mateo requesting
homeowners through a tax reform City Council support of their petition to
program the California Legislature to provide a
meaningful tax relief for the homeowner by
enacting legislation for tax reform which
embodias a balanced revanua program to
meet the ongoing needs of cities.
Referred to Legislative Mayor Hamilton directed that this matter
Committee be referred to the Legislative Committee.
Request from National City - The City of National City is requesting
Resolution supporting State and Council support of their resolution urging
local voting rights for 18-year- the legislators of the State of California
olds to grant complete voting rights in State
and local elections to all 18-year-old
citizens of California.
Discussion held The Council discussed the resolution indi-
cating that it was quite genaral in nature.
Councilman Scott cited other resolutions
before the legislative body on this subject
and the many more that will be forthcoming.
He suggested the Council wait and support
that resolution which they believe would
be most appropriate.
Request filed It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel, and unanimously car-
ried that the request from National City
be filed.
SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC COMPANY Mr. Dennis Richter, Director of Public
Relations, San Diego Gas and Electric
Company, 101 Ash Street, San Diego, stated
his Company would welcome the opportunity
of working with the staff, the Environmental
Con~ission, or the Council in the problem
of the burning of high sulfur oil. They
would like to show why they cannot comply
with any legislation that would ban the use
of California residual oil that has a sulfur
content of 1.5% this winter, because of the
demand and the limited supply of iow sulfur
TOT LOT AT SOUTHWESTERN Mr. Robert Langhorst, 5973 Ithaca Street,
COLLEGE ESTATES President of the Homeowners Association,
Southwestern College Estates, discussed
a letter received from former Mayor Dan
McCorquodale in which he stated that the
cost of equipment for a tot lot would be
$1,500, and if they were interested in
getting this amount of money, the City
would furnish labor and materials neces-
sary for this program. Mr. Langhorst
stated that they have now raised $1,500,
which will be matched by the developers
of the Southwestern College Estates. They
are maklng the request of the City to allo-
cate funds for the construction of the
tot lot.
Discussion held Mr. Jasinek, Director of Parks and Recrea-
tion, discussed the type of equipment that
would be purchased. He noted that he is
still waiting for equipment ordered in
September. As to the construction of the
tot lot, this would take approximately 10
working days.
Motion made It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel~ and unanimously car-
ried that they appropriate, from unappro-
priated surplus, the amount of money that
matches the money that will be given the
City by this Homeowners Association, and
start ordsring the equipment now so that
it can be installed at the time escrow
"E" STREET CROSSING Mrs. Kathryn Moore, 1134 Tobias Drive,
commented on the "E" Street crossing. Since
she drives over this area every day, she
noticed that it was getting rougher each
day, and so called the San Diego, Arizona
Eastern Railway~ She talked to the Engineer
in charge of this crossing and discussed it
with him. The next day, a crew was there
working on the crossing.
BUS SERVICE Mr. Don Ralphs, 10t "I" Street, con~nented
on the lack of people riding %he buses
and questioned the cost per person, per
Report given Mayor Hamilton commented that the last
report on this was that 89,000 people
have ridden the buses, averaging cost of
67¢ per person.
Conference requested Councilman Scott moved that a Council con-
ference be held on this matter, possibly
the first or second week in February, to
determine whether, in fact, the Council
wishes to continue this experiment; the
cost, and all other aspects of this
system. It was seconded by Mayor Hamil-
ton and unanimously carried.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjo~%~t~e meeting to
4:30 P.M., Thursday~/~Z1, 1971, in
the Council Chamber. The meeting adjourned
at 9:40 P.M.