HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1971/01/26 (2) MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday January 26, 1971
A regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Chula Vista was
held in the Council Chamber, 276 Fourth Avenue, on the above date at 7:00 P.M.,
with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: Acting Chief Administrative Officer Thomson, City Attorney
Lindberg, Director of Public Works Cole, Director of Parks and
Recreation Jasinek, Director of Planning Warren, Senior Building
Inspector Gingerich
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES FOR It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
MEETINGS OF JANUARY 19, 1971 by Councilman Hobel, and unanimously car-
(3 P.M., and 7 P.M.) tied that the minutes of the meetings of
January 19, 1971 (3 P.M. and 7 P.M.) be
approved, copies having been sent to each
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST COMMISSIONER Mayor Hamilton introduced H. E. Henderson,
Chairman of the Library Board.
QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT - Mr. Bill Cullinson, representing the Active
ACTIVE 20-30 CLUB 20-30 Club, submitted the quarterly finan-
cial report of this organization. Upon motion
Report accepted by Councilman Hobel, seconded by Councilman
Egdahl, the report was unanimously accepted.
QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT - Mrs. Phyllis Foster, Executive Secretary,
VISITORS AND CONVENTION BUREAU Chula Vista Visitors and Convention Bureau,
Inc., submitted the quarterly report of
the Bureau. Mrs. Foster indicated that
the new building for the Bureau will be
ready for occupancy on or around February
1, 1971.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel, and unanimously car-
ried that the report be accepted.
PUBLIC HEARING - ]2vLPOSING RULES Director of Public Works Cole explained
AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING MOVEMENT that the Chief of Police has requested
OF VEHICLES ON ALL CIVIC CENTER the City Council to impose rules and regu-
PARKING LOTS lations governing the movement of vehicles
as contained in the Traffic Code of the
City of Chula Vista and the California
Vehicle Gode upon all Civic Genter parking
lots within the area bounded by "F" Street
on the south~ Davidson Street on the north~
Garrett Avenue on the east, and Fifth
Avenue on the west.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as adver-
tised~ Mayor Hamilton declared the public
hearing opened.
Public hearing closed There being no eormnents, either for or
against, the hearing was declared closed.
RESOLUTION NO. 5919 - IMPOSING RULES Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
AND REGULATIONS GOVERNING MOVEMBNT OF of the text was waived by unanimous con-
VEHICLES ON ALL CIVIC CENTER sent, passed and adopted by the following
PARKING LOTS vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hebel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
PUBLIC REARING - APPEAL OF MRS. R.P. Director of Planning Warren submitted a
MILLER OF CITY PLANNING CO~ISSION plat noting the property in question and
ACTION IN GRANTING A VARIANCE TO that portion of the side yard for which
PROPERTY AT 556 LAGUNA STREET the Planning Commission approved the re-
duction of setback from 5 feet to 3 feet
in order to legalize an existing room
Clay Gingerich, Senior Building Mr. Gingerich explained how the slab and
Inspector room addition were approved by his Build-
ing Inspector. This addition was com-
pleted in October 1969, and the complaint
from Mrs. Miller was received in August
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as adver-
tised, Mayor Hamilton declared the public
hearing opened.
Mrs. R. P. Miller, 558 Laguna Street Mrs. Miller, the appellant, stated there
is no remaining setback between her home
and Mr. Mocny's (556 Laguna Street); there
is only 7 feet between the homes. She
declared that her home is in jeopardy due
to the large run-off of the rain into her
yard from her neighbor's extended roof
line. She also complained about the dark-
ness prevailing between the two homes, due
to the close proximity of the construction
of her neighbor's room addition.
Mr. Isidore T. Moony, 556 Laguna Mr. Mocny explained that he gave the con-
Street tractor, Easter Company, the job and
should not be held liable for something
he knew nothing about.
Mr. Charles DeFretis, 391 "L" Street Mr. DeFretis, son-in-law of Mr. Mocny,
remarked that the slab existed at the
time the contractor came in to put up the
framing. As to the darkness between homes,
Mr. DeFretis commented that most of this
is due to the heavy foliage around the
home of Mrs. Miller.
Speaking against the appeal Others speaking against the appeal were
William Schaeffer, 550 Laguna Street, Bob
Corley~ 546 Laguna Street, and for the
record~ a letter was read from Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Tretsven, 542 Laguna Street.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments: either
for or against~ the hearing was declared
City Attorney Lindberg City Attorney Lindber8, in answer to the
Council's inquiry~ stated he wrote a
letter to the Easter Company, advising
them of this violation.
Director of Planning Warren Mr. Warren stated that the Planning staff
recormmended against the approval of this
variance since they could find no justi-
fication for granting it.
-2- /
Motion to sustain action of It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
Planning Conm~ssion by Councilman Hobel that the action of
the Planning Commission be sustained in
this matter. The motion carried by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel,
Noes: Councilmen Scott, Hamilton
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 5920 - APPROVING The tentative map of Brandywine Unit No.
TENTATIVE MAP OF BRANDYWINE UNIT NO. 1 1 is located between Sequoia and Timber
Streets, east of Oleander Avenue. The
map includes 200 residential lots and 8
open space lots on 26.9 acres, producing
a gross density of 8 dwelling units per
acre. The property has been prezoned
R-l-5 and is in the process of being
annexed to the City. The Planning Com-
mission recommends approval of the map
subject to several conditions.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 5921 - APPROVING This agreement involves that portion of
AGREEMENT WITH STARLIGHT CENTER Lot F in Mylo Ocean View Estates Subdi-
FOR ACQUISITION OF PROPERTY AND vision, Unit No. t. The terms of the
INSTALLATION OF PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS agreement are that the City of Chula will
purchase the property, put in the public
improvements at this time, and that such
cost would be charged to Starlight Center
to be repaid over a 10-year period of
time: one-half of the cost to be repaid
at the end of 5 years, and the other half
to be repaid at the end of the second 5
years - the money is not to draw interest
by the City.
Resolution offered Offsred by Councilman Hobel, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 5922 - GRANTING R.E. Hazard Contracting Company has re-
EXTENSION OF TIME FOR COMPLETION quested an extension of time for comple-
OF PALOMAR STREET IFLPROVEMENTS - tion of the Palomar St=eot improvements.
GAS TAX PROJECT NO. 101 The completion date is January 26; however,
the signal controller is scheduled for de-
livery on February 25. The Director of
Public Works recormnends that tho extension
of time be granted to March 10, which will
allow sufficient time after delivery of the
controller for completion of the traffic
signal and clean-up of the p~oject.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 5923 - APPROVING Allied Contractors, Inc., has submitted a
~I{OVEMENT AGREEMENT - SOUTHWESTERN bond for Faithful Performance in the amount
COLLEGE ESTATES SUBDIVISION, of $114,524.52 as security for the improve-
UNIT NO. 6 merits in Southwestern College Estates Unit
No. 6 Subdivision. Subdivision fees in
the amount of $2,815, and a survey monu-
ment installation bond in the amount of
$2,300 have also been submitted.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 5924 - APPROVING FINAL The Division of Engineering has checked
MAP - SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE ESTATES the final map of Southwestern College
SUBDIVISION, UNIT NO. 6 Estates Unit No. 6 and found it to be in
conformity with the tentative map approved
by the Council on August 25, 1970 (Resolu-
tion No. 5771). This unit is located north
of Telegraph Canyon Road, bisected by the
proposed Acacia Avenue and includes 22.805
acres providing for 75 lots. In this reso-
lutlon, it is recommended that Council
take action approving the final map and
accepting the dedication of: Eton Court,
Citadel Court~ Acacia Aveuua~ and a portion
of Otay Lakes Road
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit;
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 5925 - APPROVING Director of Public Works Cole explained
AGREEMENT FOR CITY PARTICIPATION IN that Southwestern College Estates Unit No.
PAVING ACACIA AVENUE 6, currently being processed, includes the
construction of a segment of "H" Street.
The City's participation involves the pav-
ing o£ a 24-foot width along Acacia Avenue
between Ithaca Street and Otay Lakes Road.
This resolution specifies that the City
Council authorime~ the u~e of 2107 Gas Tax
Funds in the amount of $15,000 for this
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde~ the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1320 - AMENDING It was moved by Councilman Scott that
SCHEDULE IX OF TRAFFIC CODE TO this ordinance be placed on its second
INCREASE SPEED LIMIT ON '~" STREET reading and that reading of the text be
BETWEEN BROADWAY AND SECOND AVENUE waived by unanimous consent. The ordinance
- SECONB READING AND ADOPTION was passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobet, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1321 - AMENDING It was moved by Councilman Scott that
SCHEDULE IX OF TRAFFIC CODE TO this ordinance be placed on its second
INCREASE SPEED LIMIT ON "G" STREET reading and that reading of the text be
BETWEEN INTERSTATE 5 AND HILLTOP waived by unanimous consent. The ordinance
DRIVE - SECOND READING AND ADOPTION was passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
REQUEST FROM INTERNATIONAL This is a request for a one-day each year
FRIENDSHIP COMMISSION FOR official recognition by the City Council
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR of all foreign exchange students in Chula
RECOGNITION OF FOREIGN EXCHANGE Vista. The International Friendship Com-
STUDENTS mission is recon~ending that the students
be taken on a tour of the Civic Center and
be hosted by the Council at a luncheon, or
punch and cookies reception, for which the
sum of $100 is being requested.
Appropriation of funds Councilman Hyde questioned from which
budget this money would be taken.
John Thomson, Acting Chief Mr. Thomson indicated that there was the
Administrative Officer $1000 carry-over in this Commission's
budget, which funds were "frozen" by the
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde, and unanimously car-
ried that the report of the International
Friendship Co~nission be accepted, and
that the $100 requested be taken from their
current budget.
RECOP~MENDATIONS FROM PARKS AND The Parks and Recreation Cormnission recom-
RECREATION COMMISSION AND PLANNING mende against consideration of the area
COMMISSION REGARDING CONSIDERATION for the expansion of Hilltop-Telegraph
OF PARK SITE ALONG TELEGRAPH CANYON Canyon Road for possible park usage citing
ROAD, EAST OF HILLTOP DRIVE the needs function and cost of such site.
The Commission also reports that these
lands have not been included in the final
draft of the Parks and Recreation Master
Plan and would rsquire substantial adjust-
ments in the location of other sites and
a revision of thc total funding progr~m~
prior to review by the Council.
The City Planning Cormnis$ion recommends
that no action be taken to acquire this
site until consideration has been given
to the Parks and Recreation Master Plan.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott, and unanimously car-
ried that the report be accepted.
REPORT ON "BOMBERO" PROGRAM The Council referred to the report sub-
mitted by Acting Chief Administrative
Officer Thomson on the proposed program
being sponsored by the San Diego County
Fire Chiefs which will bring 100 firemen
from all parts of Mexico to this area for
one week of instruction in fire fighting
practices and procedures. Chula Vista is
expected to host six "Bomberos", who will
arrive on Sunday, February 14.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl, and unanimously car-
ried that the report be accepted.
REPORT ON EXTENDED WORK-DAY TEST - Acting Chief Administrative Officer Thom-
CITY COUNTER SERVICES son reported on a new service being offered
the public - that of keeping certain de-
partmental counters open an additional
hour, to 6:00 P.M., on Monday evenings to
provide time for those citizens unable to
conduct their City business during the
regular working hours (8 A.M. to 5 P.M.).
This test period is to start on February
1, 1971, and then based on citizen response,
the permanency of this arrangement will be
Council discussion Councilman Hyde questioned whether this
would involve overtime. Mro Thomson stated
it would not; the affected employees would
be working their basic work week.
Motion to approve report It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl, and unanimously car-
ried that the report be accepted.
REPORT ON REQUEST FOR SUPPORT OF City Attorney Lindberg explained that the
PROPOSED AMENDMENT TO THE EMERGENCY amendment introduced by Congressman Ichord
DETENTION ACT OF 1950 - CITY ATTORNEY would state that the Emergency Detention
Act would not be applied to any persons
because of race, color or creed, and would
guarantee them right of counsel, and in
the event they would not be able to afford
counsel, one would be appointed for them
and paid for by thc Federal Government for
a hearing before the Detention Review Board.
Mro Lindberg ec~nented that it would be his
recommendation that the Council support
this r~quc~t.
Motion to support request It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Scotty and unanimously car-
tied that the City Council support this
REPORT ON RAILROAD CROSSING PAVING Director of Public Works Cole reported
PROBLEMS - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS that he talked to Mr. Barker, Superintend-
ent of San Diego Arizona and Eastern Rail-
road, and he agreed that some work needed
to be done. They have already made some
repairs on the "E" Street crossing. Mr.
Cole added that there is some work which
the City forces can do here, and they will
be working with the Railroad on these
REPORT ON "F" STREET UNDERGROUNDING Director of Public Works Cole reported
AND USE OF SAN DIEGO GAS AND ELECTRIC that he talked to Mr. Clauber, Vice-
ADVANCE FUNDS TO PROVIDE MAKING THE President of SDG&E sales, and he indicates
IIiPROVEMENTS AT THE T]/~E OF 1911 ACT that they do have a company policy which
STREET WIDENING - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC allows them to make underground utility
WORKS improvements beyond the yearly allocation
of a given entity, providing the alloca-
tion is $50,000 or less. They will make
advances up to two additional years. The
Cityls allocation is in the proximity of
$100,000 a year, so this policy would not
be available to this City.
1911 Act and "F" Street pro~ect Mr. Cole explained the procedures for
establishing a 1911 Act to pay for the
undergrounding of utilities.
If the City were to ask the SDG&E to do
this work, it would take one year's time.
The City has been coordinating the "F"
Street project with the improvements on
I-5; as these improvements progress,
various bridges will have to be torn down
and rebuilt. "F" Street will be completed
by November 1971, and the "F" Street widen-
ing should be completed by that time. If
this work is to be held up~ the next time
the widening can take place would be in
the summer of 1972, because once the '~"
Street bridge is finished, then the "E"
Street bridge will be torn down and "F"
Street will have to carry the capacity.
City Attorney reports Mr. Lindberg stated he discussed this with
the attorneys for the SDG&E Company and
they are in agreement except on one point:
the commitment of future revenues. Mr.
Lindberg discussed the process of under-
taking a 1913 Act and the issuance of bonds
to pay this off~ corm~enting that it can be
done provided that everyone is willing to
accept assurances and no guarantees.
Eugene York, 280 "K" Street Mr. York discussed the bond issuance and
repayment of the funds~ declaring that a
1911 or 1913 Act could be sold to those
property owners involved as a guarantee
that these bonds would b~ paid in the
event that th~sc funds were not forthcom-
ing from the Gas and Electric Company, on
a similar basis as that established in
the Parking Distriet~
Priorities discussed The Council discussed thc various projcctm
being undertaken in the City. Councilman
Scott felt they should re-establish these
Conferences scheduled It was moved by Councilman Scott,
seconded by Councilman Hobel, and unani-
mously carried that the Council hold a
Council conference on Monday, February
1, 1971, at 3 P.M. to establish priorities
and also on the mechanics of this specific
approach. On February 8~ the Council will
have a conference to discuss the bus
REPORT ON REQUEST BY PARK VIEW The Council referred to the report sub-
LITTLE LEAGUE FOR USE OF CITY mitted by the Director of Parks and
FACILITIES AND FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE Recreation, in which he states that the
~ DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION Park View Little League is requesting an
additional field for their senior division,
and for financial participation by the
City for the construction of a new snack
bar/restroom facility.
Conference scheduled It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously car-
ried that the Council hold a conference
on this matter on Monday, February 1, 1971.
Bill Block, President, Mr. Block stated that a delay in their
Park View Little League request would jeopardize them since they
are now starting their registrations.
LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION MEETING Mayor Hamilton reminded the Council of
the meeting before this Agency on Monday,
February 1, 1971, relative to the annexa-
tion of Sweetwater Valley. He stated that
he will be at this meeting, along with the
City Attorney, City Manager, Director of
Planning and Mr. William Magill.
"DEFY" MEETING Mayor Hamilton stated that there will be
a meeting on February 2, 1971, at 6 P.M.,
on a project which '~efy" is trying to
establish here in Chula Vista. Members
of the Council are invited to attend,
along with representatives of the South
Bay Drug Abuse Committee, the City staff,
Broadway Association and other interested
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by ~iayor Hamilton, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl, and unanimously
carried that the Council adjourn to
Executive session, for personnel reasons,
after "Oral Communications".
ZONING ALONG SEASHORE Councilman Scott referred to a letter
received from Helen Cobb, Legislative
Chairman of the League of California
Cities, San Diego Section, relative to
the Seashore legislation, as proposed by
Assemblyman Pete Wilson of San Diego,
whereby zoning matters pertaining to tha
seashore would be handled by the State.
Request that CPO handles these Mrs. Cobb is requesting that the Compre-
zoning matters hensive Flanning Organization be the
designated body to handle these zoning
matters in San Diego County~ as an alter-
nate method, rather than the State.
Legislative Cormnittee endorsement The Legislative Committee recommends
endorsement of this proposition and that
the CPO~ or subsequent organizatlon~ be
the clearing house for zoning along the
shore line.
Motion to bring back resolution It was moved by Councilman Scott~ seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously car-
ried that a resolution be brought back
endorsing this proposition.
Meeting of the Legislative Committee Councilman Scott stated that there will
be a meeting of the Legislative Committee
at 4 P.M., Friday, January 29, 1971, in
the Council Chamber to discuss the items
referred to it by the Council for report.
AZTEC BUS LINES Councilman Scott cormnented that there
are only 1% months left of the contract
with this bus line, and suggested that
for the remainder of this period~ the
fares be reduced, across the board, to
10 cents to get more people to ride the
John Thomson, Acting Chief Mr. Thomson commented that he has been
Administrative Officer in contact with the Aztec people relative
to using the $1,500 promotional fund,
frozen by direction of the Council, for
a similar type of program.
Councilman Egdahl questions fares Councilman Egdahl agreed to the proposal
of reducing the fares to 10 cents to get
more people to ride the buses, but ques-
tioned what impact this would have when
the fares were reverted back to the 25-
cent fee.
Motion to invite Aztec Councilman Scott moved~ seconded by
representatives to next meeting Councilman Egdahl, and unanimously car-
ried that representatives of the Aztec
Bus Lines be invited to appear at the
next Council meeting to discuss this
CIVIC CENTER PARKING Councilman Hobel discussed the parking
situation around the Civic Center complex
stating that quite a bit of this parking
comes from the State Employment Agency.
He questioned what pressures could be
brought to bear on the State to provide
adequate parking facilities so that the
people would not be forced to use the
Civic Center parking lots.
Staff directed to investigate Councilman Hyde directed the City Adminis-
trative Officer to personally contact the
parties concerned, acquaint them with the
problem, and see if it can be worked out
LITTLE LEAGUE CONFERENCE Councilman Hobel referred to the conference
scheduled to discuss Little League perimeters,
and sugsested that the City Clerk notify the
various Little Leagues throughout the com-
munity so that they can be in attendance
SOUTH BAY CITIZENS PLANNING Councilman Hyde referred to the pamphlet
COMMITTEE PAMPHLET entitled, '~ Livable City" prepared by the
South Bay Citizens Planning Committee. He
would suggest that the staff be requested
to obtain additional copies for the Plan-
ning Commission, Parks and Recreation Com-
mission, Environmental Control Commission,
and for the Planning and Parks and Recrea-
tion staff members,
ANNUAL REPORTS Councilman Egdahl stated he was asked by a
citizen how the annual reports were dis-
tributed. He felt it would be a good idea
to publicize the fact that copies are avail-
able in the City Hall for anyone desiring
a copy.
Resolution from City of Vallejo This is a resolution from the City of
urging support and adoption of Vallejo urging all cities in the State
recormmendations contained in report of California to support and adopt recom-
entitled '~llocation of Public mendations contained in the report en-
Service Responsibilities" titled '~llocation of Public Service
Responsibilities" by California Council
on Intergovernmental Relations.
Referred to Legislative Committee Mayor Hamilton referred this matter to
the Legislative Committee.
REQUEST TO PAINT HOUSE NUMBERS Mr. Robert Brining, 605 Melrose Avenue,
ON CURBS speaking on behalf of Chula Vista Chapter
of DeMotay, asked Council authorization
to paint house numbers on street curbs
in the City. This would be for the bal-
ance of 1971.
Specifications of Traffic Engineer Director of Public Works Cole stated that
specifications for this type of work is
regulated by Code, and they should check
with the Traffic Engineer on this.
Approval of request Councilman Scott moved that permission
be given for this project, and that this
organization present the City Clerk with
a schedule of the dates the work will be
done. The motion was seconded by Council-
man Hyde and unanimously carried.
CIVIC CENTER PARKING Mrs. Kathryn Moore, 1134 Tobias Drive,
discussed the parking situation around
the Civic Center, indicating that the
"no left turns" at Fourth and "F" Street
were arbitrary.
"EXPLORING - BSA" Councilman Egdahl referred to the com-
munication regarding this program and
asked that it be brought back at the
next meeting.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
9:25 P.M.~ to the Executive session.
The next meeting will be held on Monday,
February 1, 1971 at 3 F.M., in the Council
City C~rk