Held Monday April 26, 1971
A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council was held on the above date begin-
ning at 3 P.M. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the
following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City Attorney Lindberg, Director
of Public Works Cole, City Manager Thomson (arrived late)
Mayor Hamilton opened the meeting by announcing that the discussions will be on
tree trimming and tree planting, and voting formulas (Comprehensive Planning
Director of Public Works, Lane Cole Mr. Cole referred to the written report
submitted to the Council. He presented a
series of slides showing different trees
throughout the City; diseased trees; trees
that have uprooted sidewalks; trees with
low branches; and trees that have been
Councilman Hyde Councilman Hyde asked if any consideration
has ever been given to these trees that have
uprooted the sidewalks, to having the side-
walks constructed around the tree, with the
property owners sharing the cost.
Trees removed in one year Mayor Hamilton asked how many requests were
received for tree removals in one year.
Leo Levesque, Public Works Mr. Levesque, Street Tree Maintenance Fore-
William Robens, Assistant Public man, stated it would average about 500. Mr.
Works Director Robens stated that to date, they have re-
ceived 180 this year, so it would average
closer to 250 trees a year.
Trees replaced Mr. Cole remarked that not all of these
trees ara replaced. In many cases the prop-
erty owner will not permit it.
Alternative suggested Councilman Scott suggested giving these
property owners an alternative: leave the
tree in and fix the sidewalk for a certain
amount of money; or if the tree is removed,
the property owner bear thc cost of the tree
removal plus having to put in another tree
of a different type.
City Attorney comments Mr. Lindberg commented on the City's lie'
bility in being the "caretakers" of the
rights-cf-way and the reason for encourag-
ing trcc trimming activities in order to
avoid liabilities.
Tree trimming policy Mr. Cole explained that when a request is
received for tree removal, the Street Tree
Maintenance Foreman and his supervisor both
inspect the request and both must agree on
the removal. Mr. Cole emphasized the fact
that his department tries to save as many
trees as possible.
Mr. Levesque described the policy used in
tree trirmning. He noted a new type of
equipment used to cut roots of a tree next
to a sidewalk that is ready to be uprooted.
This machine will cut the roots down to 14
inches, thus saving the sidewalk and the
tree. The equipment costs approximately
Councilman Egdahl commented that this machine
would work primarily on the smaller trees --
the large ones wauld have to be removed any-
way. It could be a policy of the future but
it would not solve the current problems.
Whitney-Mankato Circle The Council discussed the trees in this area.
Councilman Hyde suggested that a policy be
incorporated whereby when these trees must
be removed, it be done on a staggered basis,
such as every other one, etc., instead of
all of them at the same time. Also, that
these trees be immediately replaced.
Trees in front yards Mr. Cole declared that the best solution
would be to have the trees planted in the
front yards rather than the rights-of-way.
The problem encountered here is that most
of the property owners refuse to give ease-
ments. He added that you cannot force a
property owner to plant a tree in his front
yard; if he doesn't want the tree, he will
just allow it to die for lack of water or
maintenance. The current City policy is to
have these trees planted in the front yards
of the new subdivisions.
Tree planting Councilman Hobel discussed the type of tree
being planted which he felt was too small~
he stated that the policy should be to plant
a good size, healthy tree.
Tree easement The Council discussed not requiring an ease-
ment for tree planting -- just give the
property owmer a tree to plant.
Mayor Hamilton Mayor Hamilton commented on the method used
in planting the trees. He felt that if the
department would give the people more lati-
tude in planting the tree, the City would
get more cooperation. Just to arbitrarily
go to a property owner with a tree, and
state that this is where it must be planted
would tend to irritate the property owner.
Motion to file report Councilman Scott moved to file the report
submitted by the Director of Public Works.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Niek Slijk, Executive Manager, Mr. Slijk stated he would like to see a
Chamber of Cormmerce policy adopted by the City whereby the City
would water the new trees for a period of
two years. In the areas where there is a
serious problem of sidewalks being lifted,
he would suggest the Council consider having
sidewalks on one side of the street only.
As to the sanitation trucks, these trucks
can travel down the middle of the streets,
rather than along the sides where the
branches are low. The City should also
consider purchasing street sweepers that
are low and would go beneath the low limbs.
Mr. Slijk co,,nented on the parkways that
are an eye-sore and suggested a policy be
adopted similar to the one used by the Fire
Department in handling weed problems.
Mrs. KathrynMoore, 1134 Tobias Drive Mrs. Moore stated she is representing the
South Bay Citizens Planning Cormnittee. She
discussed the policy adopted by the City of
San Diego in maintaining and saving their
trees. Mrs. Moore added that the greens-
keeper at the San Diego Country Club has
stated that the eucalyptus trees are never
topped. Mrs. Moore then commented on the
many artists throughout the ages that have
painted trees.
Motion to adopt policy It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel
that the Council adopt a policy that would
be flexible, directing the staff to exercise
measures to try to save a tree even to the
point of spending City's funds on a shared-
cost basis to save the tree (if this can be
negotiated with the property owner).
The staff should pursue a policy of making
attempts of saving trees that are healthy
that break up sidewalks, and the staff to
be authorized to spend a certain amount of
money for this purpose. This amount not to
exceed $50 per tree.
Speaking against motion Councilman Scott stated he is speaking
against the motion. The intent is good but
it is premature. He would rather see the
staff investigate a policy and come back
with definite figures as to what can and
cannot be done. The Council should have
more facts.
Motion amended Councilman Hyde stated he will amend his
motion and request that the staff make a
study of the problem and the feasibility
of saving the healthy, mature trees.
Suggestion to motion Councilman Scott suggested that the motion
include having a complete tree policy come
back to the Council: new trees, saving the
old trees with the equipment mmntioned
(cost of $6,800); have a complete policy
delineated step by step.
Motion amended Councilman Hyde stated he would amend his
motion to incorporate this suggestion.
Second agrees Councilman Hobel agreed to the amendment.
Time certain added Councilman Hyde stated that the motion
should include a time certain as to when
this is due back to Council, and this should
be sixty days.
Motion carries The motion carried unanimously.
COMPREHENSIVE PLANNING Councilman Hobel submitted a chart noting
ORGANIZATION - Voting Formulas the Brown proposal for which Sandeog is re-
questing ratification, and the Escondido
proposal which never got on the floor for
Brown Escondido
County 30 20
City 40 25
All others 30 55
Affirmative action
of agencies 5 5
Percentage questioned Councilman Scott questioned why the County
was allowed to have 30%, when the population
comprises 20~9%.
Mayor Hamilton declared that 49% should be
the maximum that the City and County of San
Diego should have combined; otherwise, these
two entities could defeat any proposition
put before them. He added that it would be
his move to change the Escondido proposal
to the Chula Vista proposal, and that this
proposal be presented to this organization.
Motion not to ratify It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously approved
that the Council not ratify the Brown pro-
General discussion The Council discussed different proposals.
Councilman Hobel noted that the next meeting
of the CPO will be on the 17th of May.
Alternate to be chosen Councilman Hobel asked that an alternate be
chosen. He remarked that the organization's
policy now is to have the City Managers in
attendance at all of these meetings. He
felt this was a good policy and requested
Council endorsement.
Alternate proposal submitted Councilman Hyde suggested a proposal whereby
each entity would have one voter as an entity~
and that any measure would take a majority
vote of those to pass; that each entity would
have a representative vote based on the pop-
ulation figure with no two having more than
49% of the vote. This would take a majority
vote to pass any measure.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton declared the meeting adjourned
at 5:20 P.M. to the meeting scheduled for
Tuesday, April 27, 1971 at 7 P.M.
City Cle~