HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1971/04/27 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday April 27, 1971
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 7 PoM., in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth
Avenue, Chuta Vista, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City
Attorney Lindberg, Director of Public Works Cole, Director of
Planning Warren, Director of Parks and Recreation Jasinek,
Senior Planner Williams
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a
moment of silent prayer°
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES Councilman Scott noted that in the discus-
sion regarding the revisions to the Zoning
Ordinance, specifically as it related to
pharmacies, the Deputy City Attorney stated
that the Mayor did not have to abstain from
this particular discussion.
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meetings of April 19
and 20, 1971, be approved as corrected,
copies having been sent to each Councilman.
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST COI~4ISSIONER Mayor Hamilton introduced Mr. Raymond B.
Howard, member of the Civil Service Commis-
sion, as guest Co~nissioner for this meeting.
PRESENTATION TO COUNCILMAN Mayor Hamilton presented Councilman Scott
FRANK A. SCOTT with a plaque and commended him for his
services as Mayor Pro Tempore for the year
QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT - Mrs. Phyllis Foster, Executive Secretary,
CHULA VISTA VISITORS AND CONVENTION sent a letter requesting that she be per-
BUREAU mitred to present this quarterly report at
the next meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF City Attorney Lindberg requested that this
CHANGE OF ZONE FROM R-3 TO I-L item be continued for one week to be con-
FOR PROPERTY AT 621 "L" STREET - sidered along with an appeal of the condi-
IMPERIAL TRUCK LINES, INC. tional use permit which has been filed
regarding this operation.
Herbert Young, 873 Riverlawn Mr. Young asked for a 60-day eontinuance.
Avenue City Attorney Lindberg explained that he
should make this request at the next meeting.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this item be continued to the meeting
of May 4, 1971.
DISCUSSION REGARDING YOUTH Mayor Hamilton eormnented that several weeks
ADVISORY COMMISSION ago there was some discussion about revis-
ing this Coranission due to not being able
to get a quorum.
Frank Guidry, Chairman, Youth Mr. Guidry, 3740 Valley Vista Fork, Bonita,
Advisory Commission submitted the following recommendations:
(1) appoint the Co~nissioners on June 1
instead of October 1; (2) method of selec-
tion should be thrown to the community at
large, with interviews by the City Council;
(3) reduce the membership to 9 instead of 12.
Mike Schaeffer, 689 Myra Avenue Mr. Schaeffer stated he wrote the articles
in the newspaper (Star-News) pertaining to
the Youth Con~issions both in this City and
Imperial Beach. He submitted the following
proposals: (1) age limit of 21 be removed,
and no lower age limit be put on it either;
(2) should be composed primarily of college
students; (3) if a majority of high school
students are desir~ on the Co~nission, it
should be stated that 4 out of the 9 be high
school students, 1 or 2 college, and the
rest either a combination of the two or non-
students; (4) the membership should be re-
duced to 9; (5) the quorum should be one-
half plus 1 of the present active member-
ship; (6) the word "advisory" should be de-
leted from the title; (7) Council should
select membership rather than schools; (8)
one-year term to apply with the Council re-
appointing that member if they so desire.
Scott Whitely, Hilltop High School Mr. Whitety stated the age limit should be
held at 21 years and dropped to the ninth
grade; take the Cormnission out of the Asso-
ciated Student Body, but still retain it
within the school.
Lt. Earl Clark, Camino Etevado Lt. Clark stated he is an advisor on this
Commission, and commented that one of the
reasons they haven't been getting a quorum
is because so many of these young people are
involved in other activities.
Carol Tullis, Castle Park Miss Tullis remarked that most of the activi-
High School ties are geared to the young, and for this
reason, the ninth graders are needed on the
Mr. A1 Pursudi, Castle Park High Mr. Pursudi declared that if the publicity
School Teacher~ Room 602 for the Youth Com~nission program was directed
to some person who was involved in trying to
make government relevant in the classroom,
then the Council would be assured of getting
participation -- this is not the Associated
Student Body. Direct the Commission back to
the classroom (such as twelfth grade social
study class) where this thing is relevant
and let the students hold rap sessions.
Carol Tullis Miss Tullis disagreed~ stating it should not
go to the social studies classes, as this
would be school-oriented; the Com~ission
should be open to the students who are eom-
Frank Riley, 1125 Monserate Mr. Riley declared it should be brought into
the social studies class. One good project
would be "Youth in Goverumcnt Day".
Becky Reeve~ Castle Park High Miss Reeve agreed that it should go to the
School social studies class, as this is one class
which nearly everyone has to attend.
Mike Day, 1516 Malta Avenue Mr. Day agreed it should be part of the
social studies class; that the college
students should not dominate the Commis-
sion; he would like to get more informa-
tion about this Con~nission from his repre-
Martha Durfelt, Chula Vista Miss Durfelt felt it wouldn't matter to
where the Commission was directed -- whether
it would be social studies class, the park,
or a neighborhood home, if they were inter-
ested they will attend and get others to
Frank Guidry Mr. Guidry invited the youth present to the
next meeting of the Con~nission to be held
at 3:30 P.M., Thursday, in the new Police
Dennis Estrada, 1345 Marl Court Mr. Estrada stated that, in his opinion,
the Commission was a "farce", because they
have no power at all.
Mayor Hamilton and Councilman Egdahl explained
the functions of the various Cormmissions in
the City, which are all advisory to the Coun-
Council comments Throughout the testimonies, the Council
asked questions and cormnented on the fact
that this Con~ission could set up a number
of ad hoc connmittees, thus expanding the
Mayor's comments Mayor Hamilton challenged the students pres-
ent tonight to take back the comments ex-
pressed at this meeting to the other students;
to have all of them attend the next meeting
of the Youth Advisory Commission which will
be held Thursday, at the Police Facility.
This meeting will be open to all testimony,
and for them to come back to the Council with
concrete recommendations and proposals which
the Council can act on.
PUBLIC H~ARING - CONSIDERATION OF Director of Planning Warren submitted a plat
PREZONING FROM COUNTY C-2/R-2 TO noting the location of the property as 4.7
C-C FOR PROPERTY SOUTH OF KENNEDY acres of land located at the southeast corner
STREET - BART CORPORATION-COUNTY of Kennedy Street and Third Avenue (extending
PROPERTIES, INC. 620 feet east on Kennedy Street). Also being
considered is 3.9 acres located at the north-
east corner of Third Avenue and Palomar
Street, extending 620 feet east on Palomar
Street, which was included by the Planning
Department. The applicant's request is for
C-C (central commercial) prezoning.
The Planning Cormnission recommends the prop-
erty be prezoned C-C-P and R-3 with the zon-
ing to become effective upon approval of a
precise plan for development, and subject
to the dedication of additional right-of-way
and improvement of Kennedy Street.
Mr. Warren commented on the zoning initiated
by the County Planning Department for this
Board of Supervisors Councilman Scott stated that Supervisor
Bear informed him that he (Bear) would be
receptive to a plan whereby there would be
a poliey statement by the Board of Super-
visors stating that the planning for areas
which are within the spheres of influence
of Chula Vista would first have to be ap-
proved by Chula Vista before the Board of
Supervisors would approve it.
Joint meeting suggested Councilman Hyde suggested the Council hold
a joint meeting with this Board to discuss
this matter and also the matter of parks.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton declared the public hearing
Louis Wolfsheimer, Attorney, Mr. Wolfsheimer stated his client owns two
Wells Fargo Bank Building, parcels in this area, and originally re-
San Diego quested C-C for both; however~ they agree
with the Planning Commission's recommenda-
tion that the small parcel be prezoned R-3.
He disagreed with the General Plan's desig-
nation for high density for this entire area
as being unrealistic. Mr. Wilshire added
that to put apartments here would be spot
Petition and letter of protest City Clerk Fulasz stated, for the record,
noted that she does have the petition of protest
presented to the Co~anission containing 10
signatures representing 9 properties; also
a letter from Mr. Richard A. Hagen, Bonita,
owning property in this area, objecting to
both the annexation and prezoningo
Richard Hagen, 4347 Grace Mrs Hagen stated his main objection is being
Road, Bonita annexed at this time.
CharlesSn~cher~ property owner Mro Snucher stated he owns a portion of the
southeast corner of the parcel in question
and agrees with the recommendation of R-3
for his property.
Public hearing closed There being no further co~nents, either for
or against, the hearing was declared closed.
Suggestion for joint meeting Councilman Hyde indicated he was deeply con-
cerned over the proliferation of shopping
centers in this area. It creates congestion,
it is unnecessary and weakens the existing
shopping center. He proposed that the Coun-
cil seek a joint meeting with the County
Board of Supervisors and their appropriate
Planning Gon~nissioners to discuss mutual
planning problems of the areas which are
contiguous to the City, specifically this one.
ORDINANCE NO. 1329 - APPROVING It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
PREZONING FOR PROPERTY EAST OF THIRD ordinance be placed on its first reading and
AVENUE, SOUTH OF KENNEDY STBEET FROM that reading of the text be waived by unani-
C-2/R-2 TO C-C - FIRST READING mous consent. The motion carried by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Soott, Hobel~ Hamilton,
Noes: Councilman Hyde
Absent: None
REQUEST FROM DEFY FOR CITY FUNDS Mr. John Beasley, Chairman of the Board of
Directors, Store Front Operation, remarked
that it is the local group of citizens re-
questing these funds, and not the DEFY organ-
ization. Mr. Beasley referred to his written
report to the Council commenting on the need
for this type of operation. They are hoping
to start the first of June or the middle of
May, and have found a suitable location in
the 300 block of Third Avenue.
Gary Wappes, Health Educator, DEFY Mr. Wappes noted the number of volunteers
and the staff required to maintain this
operation. In answer to Councilman Hobel's
inquiry, Mr. Wappes remarked that Chula
Vista would get no direct portion of the
federal funds allocated to DEFY; however,
they will make every effort to obtain these
funds. The South Bay Drug Abuse Committee
strongly supports this particular organiza-
tion. In answer to Councilman Hyde's inquiry,
Mr. Wappes stated that they haven't explored
the possibility of asking financial help from
the neighboring cities, but that this was a
definite possibility.
Support of Youth Advisory City Clerk Fulasz read a letter from Mr.
Commission Frank Guidry, Chairman, recommending that
this program be given a trial period of opera-
tion financed by the City's emergency funds.
Resolution to be brought back It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that a resolution be brought back at the
next meeting approving the allocation of $850
for this organization.
Motion for school cooperation It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
the staff bring back a report~ after contact-
ing the schools, for a cooperative effort in
the drug program.
Recess Mayor Hamilton called a recess at 9:05 P.M.
and the meeting reconvened at 9:17 P.M.
PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF Director of Planning Warren submitted a plat
CHANGE OF SETBACK FOR PROPERTY noting.the location of the property in ques-
LOCATED ON THE EAST SIDE OF FIFTH tlon, zoned C-C. The Planning Cc~mnission
AVENUE, EXTENDING FROM "H" STREET recommends approval of the request.
DEPARTMENT STORE This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton declared the public hearing
Cliff Burford, Planning Consultant Mr. Burford stated that the applicant pro-
poses to construct a theater on this site
and the reduction of setback is for a patio
area for the people to stand~ rather than
on the street.
Kathryn Moore, 1134 Tobias Drive Mrs. Moore, rcpresentlng South Bay Planning
Committee, stated they endorse the request.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments~ either for
or againat, thc hearing was declared closed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1330 - APPROVING CHANGE It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
OF SETBACK FROM 25 FEET TO 10 FEET FOR ordinance be placed on its first reading
PROPERTY FRONTING ON FIFTH AVENUE, and that reading of the text be waived by
NORTH OF '~" STREET - FIRST READING unanimous consent. The motion carried by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
P. ESOLUTION NO. 6038 - RELEASING The landscaping and irrigation require-
LANDSCAPING AND IP, RIGATION BOND - ments for Lots 1 and 6 of Vista Loma Verde
VISTA LOM_A VERDE SUBDIVISION Subdivision have been satisfactorily com-
pleted according to the inspection by the
Plannin~ Department. These lots have been
sold; therefore, it is recormnended that
the bond covering the installation and
maintenance of landscaping and irrigation
be released.
Kesolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6039 - ACCEPTING The Purchasing Agent recommends award to
BIDS AND AWARDIN~ CONTRACT FOR the low bidder, Automatic Signal Division,
DIGITAL TIMED TRAFFIC CONTROLLERS LFE Corporation, for three digital timed
traffic controllers. The locations are:
Broadway and "H" Street, Broadway and '~"
Street, and Fourth Avenue and "C" Street.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6040 - ACCEPTING, Foodmaker, Inc., has submitted an easement
DEDICATING AND NAMING EASEMENT FOR for public street purposes for a 15-foot
STREET PURPOSES ON BROADWAY corner radius for dedication at the north-
west corner of Broadway and "H" Street, in
conjunction with their building plans for
this location.
This resolution calls for approval by the
Council, accepting the deed and dedicating
and naming the property BROADWAY.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
votes to-wit:
AYES; Councilmen Scott, Hobet, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes~ None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6041 - APPROVING Sewer mains have been constructed in Palomar
RE~iBURSEMENT AGREEMENT FOR SEWER Street, Trenton Avenue and Walnut Avenue, in
INSTALLATION IN PALOMAR STREET, conjunction with Gas Tax Project No. 101.
A recommended method for repayment of costs
expended by the City for this sewer main
construction has been prepared by the Divi-
sion of Engineering.
This resolution provides for Council approval
of this repayment of costs and assesses those
properties as established on the chart.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6042 - APPROVING Mr. Peter A. Reuter, 247 Guava Avenue, has
EXCESS DRIVEWAY WIDTH AT 247 requested authorization to construct a drive-
GUAVA AVENUE way in excess of the Code requirements. He
has a 19-fmot curb opening and is requesting
permission to widen it to 35 feet in order
to park his second vehicle off the street.
The Division of Engineering recommends
approval of the request°
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following .vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6043 - ACCEPTING This contract work for the three bridges at
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS AT CHULA VISTA the Chula Vista Municipal Golf Course has
MUNICIPAL GOLF COURSE - TIMBER been completed by the contractor, George
UTILITY BRIDGES Taylor Construction Company. The Public
Works Director has made a final inspection,
and recon~nends that the Council accept the
public improvements.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES; Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6044 - APPROVING Apollo II, Limited, has submitted a bond for
IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT - APOLLO Faithful Performance as surety in the amount
SUBDIVISION, UNIT HO. 2 of $24,948 as security for the improvements
in Apollo, Unit No. 2, along with a Survey
Monument Installation Bond in the amount of
$2,000. Fees in the amount o£ $3,910062 for
this subdivision have also been deposited.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6045 - APPROVING This subdivision contains 166 lots on approx-
FINAL MAP - APOLLO SUBDIVISION, imately 12 acres of land. The map has been
UNIT NO. 2 chockod by the Division of Engineering and
found to be in conformity with the tontativo
map. It is recommended that the Council
approve the final map and accept and dedicate
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6046 - ACCEPTING Director of Public Works Cole stated that
CIVIC CENTER IMPROVEMENTS, INCLUD- the architect, Wheeler and Associatos~ recom-
ING POLICE FACILITY mends acceptance of the Police facility sub-
ject to the completion of 25 specific itoms.
The estimated cost of these items is $4,200.
It is recommended that the Council accept
the work performed under the contract between
the City and White-Shirley-Wark Construction
allowing the lien period to begin to run and
provides for the release of the $114,502.67
retention less the $4,200.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott~ Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ItECO~fl~EI~ATION OF PARKS AND Director of Parks and Recreation Jasinek
RECREATION COMMISSION REGARDING reported that the Parks and Recreation Com-
EXCAVATION OF ADOBE WALL AT mission has recommended that the request of
ROH!R PARK Michael Poe, Presidont of San Diego Archaeo-
logical Survoy, for permission to excavate
the adobe wall at Rohr Park this smmner be
denied, but that consideration be given for
such a project during the fall or winter.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that tho report be accepted.
RESOLUTION NO. 6047 - APPROVING City Attorney Lindberg explained that this
AMENDMBNT TO AGREEMENT WITH BONITA- resolution provides for "blanketing" in tho
SUNNYSIDE FIRE DISTRICT employees of the Bonita-Sunnyslde Fire Pro-
tection District into the City service of
Chula Vista if the Sweetwater Valley Annex-
orion venture provos ~uece~sful.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the roading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1328 ~ AMENDING It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
SCHEDULE IX OF TRAFFIC CODE TO ordinance be placed on its second reading
INCREASE SPEED LIMIT ON MOSS STREET and that reading of the text be waived by
- SECOND READING AND ADOPTION unanimous consent. The ordinance was passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
REPORT ON USE OF CABLE TELEVISION City Manager Thomson referred to the report
SYSTEM FOR CULTURAL, CIVIC AND submitted by Jack Ratelle, Administrative
EDUCATIONAL TELEVISION Assistant, in which he noted that this City
granted a 30-year franchise to Mission Cable
TV, Inc., on April 7, 1964. No provision
was made in this franchise for channel allo-
cations. Mr. Gary A. Hokenson, Assistant
Secretary-Treasurer and Operations Manager
of Mission Cable TV, was contacted as to
allocating free time to educational televi-
sion. Mr. Hokenson stated they are willing
to do this, and would like to meet with the
Council to discuss this matter.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted, and that at
some future time, at the convenience of Cable
TV, a Council conference be held on this
Term of lease Councilman Scott noted the 30-year lease
granted to this Company, stating that the
Charter allows a 25-year or an indeterminate
lease. He wondered if this would invalidate
this franchise.
City Attorney's opinion Mr. Lindberg stated that the City could not
enter into a 30-year lease period, and that
beeause of the Charter, it must be interpreted
to be 25 years. There will be an amendment
modifying that portion of the agreement.
Mayor Hamilton asked that this amendment be
made after the conference to be held with
this Company, in case there may be other re-
negotiations to add to the agreement.
REPORT ON SAN DIEGO TRANSIT City Manager Thomson referred to the report
CORPORATION ROUTE COSTS submitted to the Council in which he dis-
cussed the estimated cost of San Diego Transit
Corporation providing bus service only along
Broadway, from the northern to the southern
City boundaries. San Diego Transit states
that hourly services, as specified, would
require an annual City subsidy of $10,325.
Thirty-minute service would result in a sub-
sidy Beed of $12,830 per year.
City Attorney cormments Mr. Lindberg ~tated he has still not received
the papers relative to the two grants from
the Federal government, from the City of San
Diego and the Transit Company. It should be
fairly well accepted that the two entities
are one and the same.
Report filed It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the report be filed.
REPORT ON POLICE FACILITY City Manager Thomson reported that based on
DEDICATION CEREMONIES the recou~aendations by the Chief of Police,
Saturday, June 5, 1971 at 11 A.Mo would be
the dedication ceremony. It could be held
at the Police Parking lot (rear of the new
Police facility). The program could include
a band, presentations by the Mayor and other
public officials, a tour of the building and
re ire shment s.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
REPORT ON PARK SITES ON PARKS AND It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
RECREATION MASTER PLAN - DIRECTOR by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
OF PLANNING that this item be continued to a Council
conference to be held on May 17, 1971 at 3
PRESS CONFERENCE Mayor Hamilton announced that he received a
telegram from the County Board of Supervisors
urging attendance by a member of the Council
to attend a press conference on Wednesday,
April 28, at 10 A.M. This is in regard to a
Ford Foundation grant to be given to the
County of San Diego. Councilman Scott stated
he would attend.
CHARTER REVIEW COMMITTEE Mayor Hamilton stated he is initiating a
Charter Review Committee. He asked that
each of the Councilmen submit recormnendations
for membership to this cormnittee by next week.
LAW DAY Mayor Hamilton presented a Proclamation to
the City Attorney declaring May 1, as '%aw
City Attorney Lindberg announced that there
will bc observation of Law Day held on Sat-
urday, May 1, 1971, beginning at 9 A.M. in
the South Bay Municipal Courthouse to which
all citizens are urged to attend.
V-D AWARENESS WEEK Mayor Hamilton read a proclamation declaring
the week of April 24-30 as '~-D Awareness
Week" in Chula Vista.
FOURTH AND CENTER STREETS Councilman Hobel inquired as to the require-
ment that a fence be installed at the site
at Fourth and Center Streets.
Bruce Warren: Director of Planning Mr. Warren explained that the conditional
use permit granted for this property has
never been exercised and has since expired.
It is his understanding that the requirement
was for either a fence or that the excavation
be ~uch that esscntlally thc wall would do
just that. Mr. Warren added that what had
been done satisfied the requirements. He
will~ however, look into this.
Report to Council Mayor Hamilton asked that this report be
submitted to the Council.
SERVICE STATION - THIRD AND MADRONA In answer to Councilman Hobel's inquiry,
City Attorney Lindberg stated that his office
is proceeding with abatement processes
through the Court for both the service sta-
tion and the removal of the old tanks which
are a violation of the City's Fire Code.
BUS RATES Councilman Hobel asked the City Manager, in
his discussions with San Diego Transit, to
see if there can be a standardization of
rates in the City: 25¢ is charged by the
local bus system, and San Diego Transit
charges 40¢.
JOINT MEETING WITH BOARD OF It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
SUPERVISORS by Councilman Scott, and unanimously carried
that the Council initiate a letter to the
County Board of Supervisors requesting a
joint meeting, at their convenience, to dis-
cuss matters of planning, park and recreation
developments and other matters of mutual con-
cern. He suggested the Council specify a
date, and if this is not convenient, the
Board could suggest an alternate date.
REVENUE SHARING Councilman Hyde moved that the staff prepare
a resolution similar to that suggested by
the "California Revenue Sharing" organization
and that this be sent to our congressional
The Council noted that this has been done.
Councilman Hyde withdrew his motion.
TOUR OF METROPOLITAN SEWER SYSTEM Councilman Hyde directed that the City
Manager make the proper arrangements for a
tour of this facility. Councilman Scott
indicated that Saturday morning was the
time of the tour he attended three years ago.
City Representative Mayor Hamilton asked if the City's representa-
tive was appointed by the Council or by the
Mayor. Mr. Cole stated he would find out
and notify the Mayor.
PARKING ON DAVIDSON AND GUAVA Councilman Hyde commented that parking along
Davidson Street has increased significantly
since the Police have moved into their new
facility~ and he has received complaints
from some of the residents. It has been
suggested that perhaps the members of the
Police Department are parking along this
street rather than in the old parking lot.
He directed that the staff look into the
matter and ask for the assistance of the
Police Department to see if this situation
can be remedied.
UNIFIED DISASTER COUNCIL MEETING Councilman E~dahl reported on the meeting
held last Friday, April 23.
COUNCIL BUDGET Mayor Hamilton requested that each Council-
man submit any personal cormments he may have
regarding this budget to the City Manager.
Verified claim for damages - A verified claim for damages in the amount
Beverly J. DiGreg~rio of $5~586.01 has been filed by Beverly J.
DiGregorio~ 3430 Ingelow Street~ San Diego.
The claimant alleges that she was struck by
a golf ball at the Chula Vista Municipal
Golf Course on January 16, 1971 at approxi-
mately 4 P.M., suffering a broken nose.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Nobel~ seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the claim be denied.
Request to use 'tH" Street between A request has been received from the Junior
Hilltop Drive and First Avenue for Chamber of Coranerce for permission to use
Orange Crate Derby - Junior "H" Street, between Hilltop Drive and First
Chamber of Commerce Avenue, for their annual Orange Crate Derby.
The event is scheduled for May 22, 1971, at
11:30 A.M. to 2:30 P.M.
City Manager Thomson stated that the Police
Chief has indicated there would be no problem.
Request approved It was moved by Councilman Hyde~ seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the request be approved.
CIVIC CENTER AIR CONDITIONING City Manager Thomson reported that the arch-
itect for remodeling the Civic Center has
stated it would cost $5,000 for the design
work only for air conditioning the Civic
Center. He declared it would be his recom-
mendation that this money not be spent on
this alternate plan. The Council concurred
that no motion was needed on this.
DEFY Headquarters Mrs. Kay Erwin, 267 Church Avenue, con~nented
on the fact that this operation will be
located immediately across from the park°
She indicated that the organization will
bring in people that should not be associated
with the children that will be playing in the
park area; also, the Downtown Association is
trying to upgrade the Third Avenue District.
Charles Diablo, 763 Woodlawn Mr. Diablo spoke of the value of this organi-
zation and the fact that the office will be
constantly staffed. It will bring the teen-
agers into a closed area, under supervision,
rather than having them in the park.
Gary Wappes, 773 Madison Mr. Wappes stated they are fully aware of
the problems in the park area. Lt. Earl
Clark and Chief Winters have given their
support to this program.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton declared the meeting adjourned
at 10:10 P.M. to the meeting scheduled for
Tuesday, May 4, 1971.
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