HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1971/05/04 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday May 4, 1971
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on
the above date beginning at 7 PoM., in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276
Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City
Attorney Lindberg, Director of Planning Warren, Director of Parks
and Recreation Jasinek, Fire Chief Smithey, Acting Park Super-
intendent Bradstreet
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meetings of April
26 and 27, 1971, be approved, copies having
been sent to each Councilman.
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST CO~ISSIONER Mayor Hamilton introduced Mrs. Mary Taylor,
member of the Human Relations Conm~ission,
as guest ~ommissioner for this meeting.
QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT - Mrs. Phyllis Foster, Executive Secretary,
CHULA VISTA VISITORS AND submitted the quarterly financial report
CONVENTION BUREAU to the Council, noting that as of April 28,
they are now serving the public from their
new quarters at 750 '~" Street.
PRESENTATION OF PROCLAMATION Mayor Hamilton presented a proclamation to
Herb Latham, Commander, Disabled Veterans,
proclaiming Thursday, June 17, 1971, as
Disabled American Veterans Day.
50th ANNIVERSARY OF FIRE Mayor Hamilton thanked the Fire Department
DEPARTMENT for the helmet presented to him, and com-
mended the department on their fine service
to the cormmunity.
PUBLIC HEARING (continued) - Director of Planning Warren explained that
CONSIDERATION OF CHANGE OF ZONE these two items will be discussed together
FROM R-3 TO I-L FOR PROPERTY AT since the Conditional Use Permit is depemd-
621 "L" STREET - IMPERIAL TRUCK ant upon the rezoning. The requests con-
LINES, INC. earn the property on the north side of "L"
Street between Broadway and Riverlawn Avenue.
2t[BLIC HEARING - APPEAL OF HERBERT The property is zoned R-3 and contains a
YOUNG OF PIANNING COMMISSION trucking terminal which was established by
APPROVAL OF GRANTING A CONDITIONAL a variance granted in September 1950.
INC. - 621 "L" STREET Mr. Warren discussed the history of the
objections of the adjacent property owners
to this use. The applicant was advised
that he would need to file for a zone change
if further additions were to be made to this
operation. The Planning Cormmi~sion recom-
mends approval of the change in zone, and a
denial of thc appeal of the Conditional Use
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
the public hearing was declared opened.
Donald R. Worley, Attorney, Mr. Worley stated he is representing the
Seltzer, Caplan, Wilkins & McMahon, owner of the property, John Wanders and
3003 Fourth Avenue, San Diego Imperial Truck Lines. He recapped the
history of the trucking operation which
he stated has been at this location for 21
years. They now wish to construct a maint-
enance building at the northeast corner of
the site and an addition to the dock build-
ing. Mr. Worley asked Council approval of
their request declaring that the City Would
benefit, since it would give greater control
over the business through the guide-lines
delineated in the precise plan.
Herbert Young, 873-B Riverlawn Mr. Young requested a 60-day continuance
Avenue so that he could notify the people in the
area of the impact of the industrial zone.
City Attorney's opinion Mr. Lindberg stated that the City has ful-
filled the legal obligations insofar as
notifying the residents of this area of
the public hearings held before the Plan-
ning Cormnission and the City Council.
Director of Planning Warren Mr. Warren commented on the abatement sec-
tion in the Zoning Ordinance, and briefly
explained the Performance Standards as it
relates to the level of noise.
Noise problem Mr. Lindberg remarked that this matter has
been before the Court, and the Court has
found that there was no violation of the
basic noise ordinance as it pertains to
this particular trucking operation.
Herbert Young Mr. Young commented on the noise factor:
before they built the wall, it was 95 deci-
bels; after they built the wall, it was 80
decibels. During the summer momths, the
noise is greater, since more of the activity
is centered outside.
Petition noted City Clerk Fulasz noted: for the record,
the petition received by the Planning Com-
mission protesting the request, signed by
eight residents representing six properties.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for
or against, the hearing was declared closed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1331 - APPROVING It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
REZONING FROM R-3 TO I-L-P FOR ordinance be placed on its first reading
PROPERTY AT 621 "L" STREET - and that reading of the text be waived by
FIRST READING unanimous consent. The motion carried by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Appeal of Conditional Uge It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
Permit Denied by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously car-
tied that thc appeal of the conditional
use permit be denied.
PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF A letter was received from William B. Rick,
WAIVING UNDERGROUND UTILITIES FOR on behalf of the developers, withdrawing
F.B.M. SUBDIVISION the appeal of the requirements of Ordinance
No. 956 for undergrounding of utilities in
this subdivision.
City Attorney Lindberg explained that he
received a call from the attorney represent-
lng the subdividers. They requested the
matter be filed because the subdivision pro-
visions relative to undergrounding are not
applicable, and they feel they are exempt
from those provisions. The attorney stated
he could not be present to speak on this
tonight and requested a continuance.
Continued for two weeks It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the matter be continued for two weeks.
Councilman Scott explained that the part
of the ordinance referred to by the subdi-
vider was some language that was there only
for the inception of the ordinance and had
nothing to do with anything subsequent after
Motion to amend ordinance It was moved by Councilman Scott~ seconded
by Councilman Egdahl that this ordinance be
brought back to the City Council with that
particular language deleted.
Additional amendment suggested City Attorney Lindberg felt it would also
be appropriate at this time to have staff
look at an amendment to this provision in
light of the potential changes of the exist-
ing multiple-family dwellings to condominium
units~ and require that as one of the regu-
lations of all condominiums in the City.
If there were any conversions to this type
of development, the developers could look
to undergrounding as well.
Included in motion Councilman Scott stated he would include
this in his motion. Councilman Egdahl
agreed to the second. The motion carried
ORDINANCE NO. 1332 - ADOPTING The Board of Appeals has recommended adop-
UNIFORM PLUMBING CODE, 1970 tion of the amendments° The primary reason
EDITION, WITH AMENDMEIqTS AND for the proposed amendments is to provide
APPENDIX A AND F - FIRST HEADING for adaptation to new and acceptable materials
now available.
It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
ordinance be placed on its first reading
and that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent. The motion carried by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6048 - DECLARING This property involves 999.3 acres of land,
CITY'S INTENTION TO ANNEX EL located north of Telegraph Canyon Road with
RANCHO DEL REY, PHASE I ANNEXATION the San Diego Gas and Electric Company right-
of-way as the northern boundary and is pre-
dominately owned by the Otay Land Company.
~he Local Agency Formation Con~nission has
approved the annexation, and the City Plan-
ning Cormnission recommends approval. Since
this proposed annexation does not have 1007o
consent of the remainder of the property
owners, it is necessary to set this for
public hearing. The hearing will be sched-
uled for June 8, 1971.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6049 - DECLARING This property involves 92.4 acres located
CITY'S INTENTION TO ANNEX RANCHO south of Otay Valley Road and west of Inter-
RIOS MAIN STREET ANNEXATION state 805 right-of-way. The Local Agency
Formation Commission has approved the annex-
ation, and the City Planning Con~nission
recon~ends approval. Since this proposed
annexation does not have 1007o consent of
the property owners, it is necessary that
it be set for public hearing. The hearing
will be scheduled for June 8, 1971.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman ggdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
Set for public hearings It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that thc two proposed annexations (El Rancho
del Rey and Rancho Rios Main Street) be set
for public hearing for June 8, 1971.
RESOLUTION NO. 6050 - AUTHORIZING The resolution authorizes the expenditure
EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR STORE of $850 for this operation for the balance
FRONT OPERATION of this fiscal year.
Community Promotion fund questioned Councilman Scott commented that this should
not come out of the Cormnunity Promotion
account, since it does not fit that cate-
gory; that perhaps it should come out of
the Council budget.
City Manager Thomson explained that it would
come out of the General Fund, and that the
Con~nunity Promotion account is actually
under the custodianship of the Council budget.
Councilman Scott requested that an internal
accounting change be made, and that this
expenditure be taken out of the Council
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
KESOLUTION NO. 6051 - APPROVING This agreement provides fire protection to
AGREEMENT WITHWOODLAWN PARK the District for a fee of $100 per month
FIRE PROTECTION DISTRICT FOR to be obtained from a District tax rate of
FIRE PROTECTION SERVICE $1.28 per $100 assessed valuation. The
revenues remaining after the payment of
this $100 contract fee are to be applied
to fire hydrant rental costs and other ad-
ministrative coots of the District.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
REQUEST FROM ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL This Conanission is requeoting an additional
COMMISSION FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS FOR $225 for the balance of this fiscal year
SECRETARIAL SERVICES for secretarial services.
The Council questioned the recent appro-
priation made to this Conwnission which
included secretarial services.
City Manager Thomson explained that he
talked to the Chairman of this Cormuission,
and he explained that the services of their
secretary have increased to about 20 hours
a week; that there will be no let-up on
this -- if anything, it may increase.
Motion to have ECC Chairman It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
appear before Council by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the Chairman of the Environmental Con-
trol Cormnission come before the Council and
explain the need fo~ this amount of secre-
tarial service: what the workload is, what
the secretary is doing, and why one Cormnis-
sion needs a one-half time employee. This
matter is to be tabled until such time as
the Chairman appears before the Council.
ORDINANCE NO. 1329 - APPROVING It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
PREZONING FOR PROPERTY EAST OF THIRD ordinance be placed on its second reading
AVENUE, SOUTH OF KENNEDY STREET, and that reading of the text be waived by
FROM C-2/R-2 TO C-C-P AND R-3 - unanimous consent. The ordinance was passed
SECOND READING AND ADOPTION and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobe!, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1330 - APPROVING It wao moved by Councilman Scott that this
CHANGE OF SETBACK FOR PROPERTY ordinance be placed on its second reading
FRONTING ON FIFTH AVENUE, NORTH and that reading of the text be waived by
OF "H" STREET - SECOND READING unanimous consent. The ordinance was passed
AND ADOPTION and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
REPORT ON ESTABLISHING BICYCLE PATHS Director of Parks and Recreation Jasinek
IN CITY - DIRECTOR OF PAP, KS AND referred to his written report submitted
RECREATION to the City Council which the Acting Parks
Superintendent, Dave Bradstreet, obtained
from his recent trip to Davis.
Mr. Bradstreet then presented slides show-
ing the unique bicycle lanes, trails and
the Arboretum adjacent to the University
of California at Davis campus.
Councilman Egdahl con~nented that he would
like to see bicycle trails going out to the
scenic spots, such as the College, to Otay
Lakes, etc., as Telegraph Canyon Road is
being developed. The same is true with the
construction of '~" Street extension in an
easterly direction. Sweetwater Regional
Park is providing bicycle trails, and the
City should think of providing accesses to
these. Councilman Egdahl then commented on
the area at Silverwing Park which is desig-
nated as a bike route.
Referred to Parks and Recreation It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
Cormnission by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to the Parks
and Recreation Commission for further study.
YOUTH IN GOVERNMENT DAY Mayor Hamilton announced that Monday, May
24, 1971, has been set aside for "Youth in
Government Day!'. The Council will be par-
ticipating with the Chula Vista High School
in this event. Mayor Hamilton added that
two such programs are planned each year --
one in the Spring and one in the Fall, al-
lowing participation by the various schools.
REDISTRICTING THE SUPERVISORIAL Mayor Hamilton referred to a letter received
DISTRICTS from Mayor Kile Morgan of National City.
Mayor Hamilton directed that a letter be
written to the County to find out how the
Districts now stand from population figures,
so that this information will be available
to the Council. Also, that the Council
should determine whether the City Clerk
should rep~ementthe Council, as suggested,
and to make some decision as to whether or
not they would favor a seven-man Board. If
all the cities favor this, then this Council
can work on a district for seven, as well as
five, as now exists.
Referred to Council Conference It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this matter be set for the Council con-
ference scheduled for May 17, 1971, at 3
P.M. to discuss the alignment of districts;
whether the Council should endorse or reject
the proposal to go to meven supervisorial
dist~ict~, and the relationship of these
matters to the over-all problems of regional
EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Hamilton moved, seconded by Council-
man Scott and unanimously carried that the
Council adjourn to Executive Session, after
Oral Cormnunications, for personnel negotia-
Councilman Hobel asked that the motion
include discussion of possible litigation°
Mayor Hamilton stated he would include this
in the motion; Councilman Scott agreed to
the second.
CPO VOTING FORMULAS Councilman Scott commented on the proposal
submitted. He suggested the following
alternative: That the cities be given a
proportionate to their population on the
day-to-day issues. That four out of the
thirteen entities could call for a special
vote. On a special vote, it would take
seven entities to pass it (this would be
a one city, one vote). On the former, it
would be strictly proportionate to their
population. This would not give San Diego
a majority, and it would have the safeguard
whereby, if something was drastically wrong,
the majority of the cities could protect
themselves on a one vote, one city basis.
Further discussion The Council discussed this further, offer-
ing comments and suggestions.
Conference called It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that an adjourned regular meeting be called
for Thursday, May 6, 1971, at 3:30 P.M. to
discuss the voting formulas.
PARK-SCHOOL COI~4ITTEE Councilman Scott suggested the Park-School
Committee be made a coordinating group be-
tween the schools and the City to discuss
drugs, recreation, problems, etc.
Councilman Scott moved, seconded by Council-
man Hyde and unanimously carried that the
Mayor be directed to write a letter to the
school districts asking for their comments.
Councilman Hyde suggested this Cormnittee
also discuss the problem of planning for
facilities when large subdivisions are
brought in; and coordinating for educational
programs~ such as the Police and Fire pro-
grams with the schools.
SPECIAL MEETING OF THE ASSEMBLY Councilman Scott noted that on May 6, 1971,
OF LOCAL GOVERNMENT a special hearing has been called, chair-
maned by John Knox, as it relates to annex-
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobet and unanimously carried
that the City Attorney and the Mayor, if
possible, attend this meeting and represent
the City of Chula Vista.
POWER POLES Councilman Scott cormnented on the ugly
poles erected by the San Diego Gas and
Electric Company and wondered if there
was some action this Council could take
to have these changed.
City Attorney's opinion Mr. Lindberg commented on the aesthetics
of the poles, stating there was no legal
authority to dictate to the SDG&E what
type of poles they must erect.
Motion to rescind former action It was moved by Councilman Scott that if
the money appropriated by the City for this
use was not expended, that this money be
retracted, and that action be rescinded.
The motion died for lack of second.
Motion for resolution to be It was moved by Councilman Scott that a
brought back resolution be brought back to the City
Council rescinding the action on the $92,000
expenditure for the towers. The motion died
for lack of second.
Motion for report It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the staff bring back information to
the Council as to whether or not the money
has been expended, and that this money not
be expended until the Council reconsiders
this action.
SANCOG MEETING Councilman Hobel con~nented on the meeting
held Monday. He did not attend, but was
informed that Council Counsel Berry (County) and
Attorney Hamilton, representing the Board
of Supervisors, attended. Their cormnents
were that the joint powers agreement would
never go. If decisions were to be made on
a regional basis, it would have to be by
legislative mandate.
LANDSCAPING FREEWAYS Councilman Egdahl commented on landscaping
the freeways that run through Chula Vista.
He directed the staff to bring back a report
as to what the responsibilities of the City
and the State are in this respect, especially
as it relates to the work being done on 805
Freeway and Interstate 5.
BILIMOARDS Councilman Scott commented on the ordinance
passed two y~ars ago abating the billboards
along the freeways. He spoke of pending
litigations in Es¢ondido and the recently
enacted ordinance of San Diego, and indi-
cated it may now be appropriate to eliminate
all billboards from the City of Chula Vista.
City Attorney con~nents City Attorney Lindberg asked for the oppor-
tunity to investigate this and report back
to Council.
STREET SWEEPING AND TRASH PICKUPS Councilman Egdahl suggested these two be
coordinated in such a way whereby the trash
pickup could occur perhaps a day later than
the street ~weeper.
City Manager Thomson stated he would look
into this and report back to Council.
Request to paint addresses on The letter, written by Pastor Jim Runyan,
City curbs - Calvary Foursquare is for permission to paint addresses on
Church city curbs. He states that the monies
derived from this project will be used in
a program to counteract the high rise of
drug use.
Referred to staff for action It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to staff for
decision and action.
Request for support of SB 333 - The City of Santa Barbara is requesting
City of Santa Barbara Council support of its stand for strong
opposition to the enactment of Senate Bill
333. They contend that this would inject
third parties who have no fiscal responsi-
bility into the local government arena, in-
viting unrest, create a special group of
employees, and would have a long range
damaging effect on employer-employee rela-
tions in California.
Motion to oppose It was moved by Councilman Scott~ seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the Council strongly oppose this
REQUEST FOR ENDORSEMENT OF Attorney General Younger is requesting
LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS - EVELLE J. Council endorsement of a series of proposals
YOUNGER, ATTOIhNEY GENERAL in the fields of criminal justice, environ-
mental control, consumer protection, and
the rights and obligations of 18-year olds.
Referred to Legislative It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
Co~nittee by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this be referred to the Legislative
Con~ittee for report back to Council at
the next meeting.
Mr. Pochodowicz, 10 East Mr. Pochodowicz stated he was concerned
Palomar Drive with the one access approved for the Apollo
2 Subdivision. If a major catastrophe
should ever occur, the people living in
that area would be in danger.
Planning Director comments Mro Warren commented that there are two
access-ways to this development.
City Attorney con~ents Mr. Lindberg cautioned the Council that
the matter has been previously discussed
by both the Planning Corm~ission and the
City Council.
Mr. Pochodowicz stated he is merely asking
the Council to take a stronger look at these
things in the future~ and perhaps refer
these matters to the Safety Commission, as
well as Planning Commission and Council.
Jim Daughn, 286 Seavale Mr. Daughn stated he was from the South
Bay Branch of the YMCA and spoke of inter-
agency communication and assistance as it
relates to DEFY and youth-type programs.
He asked why his organization wasn't eon-
tacted for their expertise in this program.
He also asked about rumors that all agencies
that are leasing property from the City would
have to vacate within five years.
Lease of City property The Council assured Mr. Daughn that this was
strictly a rumor -- there is no phasing out
of these agencies leasing City property.
Coordination of groups Councilman Scott felt there should be a
greater amount of coordination among all
these groups~in solving these problems,
and they should report to the Council as to
what they are doing. Councilman Scott sug-
gested this matter be referred to the Human
Relations Commission for this coordinated
Mrs. Mary Taylor Mrs. Taylor agreed and stated she will re-
port this back to her Commission for coordi-
nation of these groups.
Herb Latham, Commander, Mr. Latham thanked the Council for the
Disabled American Veterans Proclamation presented to his organization.
He stated there were 1936 members, over 600
of them from Chula Vista.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council adjourned to Executive Session
at 9:25 P.M. and the meeting reconvened at
10:05 P.M.
PURCHASE OF PROPERTY, 400 BLOCK It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
OF EAST "J" STREET by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the staff be directed to look into the
feasibility of purchasing the property
located in the 400 block of East "J" Street,
across the bridge, southeast corner, (tri-
angular shaped parcel) presently zoned R-1.
This matter is directed to staff for dis-
cussion with Parks and Recreation in regard
to the Master Plan, and also as to priority.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton declared the meeting adjourned
at 10:10 P.M. to the meeting scheduled for
Thursday, May 6, 1971 at 3:30 P.M.
City Cl~rk