Held Thursday May 6, 1971
A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council was held on the above date begin-
ning at 3:30 P.M. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue, with
the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
Also present: City Manager Thomson
In the absence of Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Pro Tempore Egdahl opened the meeting by
stating it was for the purpose of discussing regional planning problems, in prep-
aration for the scheduled meeting of the San Diego Council of Government (SANCOG)
on May 17, 1971.
The problem is selecting a voting formula
PLAN RATIFIED BY 11 AGENCIES for SANCOG suitable to the City of Chula
Vista. The plan, ratified by 11 agencies,
has been rejected by Chula Vista. This
plan would give San Diego 40% of the vote,
the County 30% and the other 12 cities com-
bined 30%. (Chula Vista's share would be 5%).
Councilman Hyde's proposal Councilman Hyde submitted his proposal, stat-
ing it was a slightly different version than
the Brown plan, whereby the two largest en-
tities in terms of population would have up
to 49% of the vote divided between them pro-
portionately, the remaining entities would
have 51% of the vote divided among them pro-
portionately. The second voting phase would
be each entity would get one vote and would
require a 50% vote to pass; very similar to
the Escondido formula.
Councilman Scott stated, in his opinion,
the real question is should the regional
decisions be made by the County of San Diego,
the Board of Supervisors, or the combined
Motion made It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that Council action be
rescinded in opposing the Brown or E1 Cajon
plan and ratify the Escondido plan.
Escondido formula Discussion then centered around the Escon-
dido formula whereby the City of San Diego
and San Diego County would have a combined
vote of 45% with the other 55% divided among
the remaining smaller cities.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Scott withdrew his motion and the
second was withdrawn.
New motion made It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that Chula Vista not ratify the Brown pro-
posal, that they ask reconsideration on the
floor, and in the mean time, contact Escon-
dido~ discuss their proposal with them to
see if they will support Chula Vista's posi-
tion on the reintroduction of it.
Alternate requested Councilman Hobel requested an alternate be
named to represent the City. Following dis-
cussion, it was decided in the event neither
the Mayor or Vice Mayor could attend as an
alternate, then any Council member could
attend and be able to vote. The Council
concurred that the City Manager should al~
attend the meetings.
PARK-SCHOOL FROBLEMS Councilman Scott cormnented on the Park-
School problems (1) that the open space
around Gregg-Rogers, Park View and Palomar
Schools is being used as a place for dumping
trash. He feels the City should pick up the
trash immediately and make provision for
keeping cars from entering this open space
area. (2) He feels more than a 10-year
lease is necessary with San Diego Gas and
Electric Company on the utilization of the
easement in the Loma Verde project; also
negotiations should be started on area behind
Palomar School since we already have two par-
cels of land there.
City Manager Thomson stated the City Attorney~
the Purchasing Agent and the Parks and Recrea-
tion Director are working on this with SDG6~
and he will have a report back to Council on
both the trash problem and negotiations.
PUBLIC HEARING ON BEVERAGE Councilman Hobel stated he feels the public
CONTAINERS hearing scheduled for May 18 on beverage
containers should be discussed in Council
conference prior to public hearing.
Councilman Hyde stated he was of the opinion
the conference could be held after the hear-
img to reach a decision if necessary.
DAVIDSON STREET PARKING PROBLEM City Manager Thomson reported on the problem
of parking on Davidson Street. Police Chief
Winters is putting out a departmental order
to his staff, directing that his employees
which are considered to be the ones that
are using that area, to use the two employee
parking lots provided, and it is also noted
that the situation on Davidson Street could
be corrected (if this does not handle the
situation) by putting a two-hour parking
limit in this area as there are no fronting
residences on Davidson Street at this loca-
PUBLIC FORUM - YOUTH ADVISORY Councilman Hyde brought attention to the
COI~ISSION public forum tonight at 7:30, Loma Verde
School by the Youth Advisory Co~mission.
ADJOUtLNMENT Mayor Pro Tempore Egdahl declared the meet-
ing adjourned at 4;35 P,M. to the meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, May 18, 1971 at 7 PoM.
for City Clerk