HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1971/05/25 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday May 25, 1971
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 7 P.M., in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth
Avenue, Chula Vista, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City
Attorney Lindberg, Director of Planning Warren, Director of
Public Works Cole, Assistant Director of Public Works Robens
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of May 18,
1971, be approved, copies having been sent
to each Councilman.
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST COMMISSIONER Mayor Hamilton introduced Mr. John A. Smith,
member of the Parking Place Commission, as
guest Commissioner for this meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF Director of Planning Warren stated his de-
VARIOUS AMENDMENTS TO THE PROVISIONS partment has been unable to complete its
OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE work on the proposed changes due to utiliz~
lng staff time on other projects. He re-
quested a continuance to the meeting of
June 8, 1971.
Public hearing continued It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the public hearing be continued to the
meeting of June 8, 1971.
ORDINANCE NO. 1334 - APPROVING This property includes 20 acres lying south
GREGG ROGERS PARK ANNEXATION NO. 2 of Gregg Rogers Park and is owned by the
- FIRST READING City of Chula Vista for park purposes. The
Local Agency Formation Commission has ap-
proved annexation of this property to the
City, and the City Planning Con~nission has
recommended approval.
Ordinance placed on first reading It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that reading of the text be waived by unani-
mous consent. The motion carried by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES; Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1335 - AMENDING City Attorney Lindberg stated he has pre-
ORDINANCE NO. 1283 REGARDING pared two ordinances: one provides for resi-
ORGANIZATIONAL FORMAT AND MEMBER- dency requirements in the City of Chula
SHIP REQUIREMENTS FOR YOUTH Vista and the other allows for residency
ADVISORY CO~R4ISSION - FIRST READING outside the City but school attendance re-
quirements in the City. Other changes in
the ordinance are those requested by the
(a) Appointment dates of Commissioners to
be effective June 1 of each year.
(b) Selection of Commissioners to be from
the cormmunity at large.
(c) Membership to be 9 voting members with
a 5-member quorum, except if membership
is less than the maximum allowed, the
quorum shall be one-half of the members
plus one.
(d) The word '%dvisory" be deleted from the
Residency requirement Councilman Hyde stated he favors the ordin-
ance which states that the person must
either be a resident of the City of Chula
Vista or be enrolled in a junior or senior
high school located within the City of Chula
Mike Schaeffer, 689 Myra Avenue Mr. Schaeffer stated that with the lowering
of the voting age limit to 18 years of age,
it would place the upper age limit to 20
years and 4 months. Mr. Schaeffer felt the
age limit for this Oo~anlssion should be 23
or 25 years of age.
City Attorney's opinion Mr. Lindberg stated that the ordinance speci-
fies the age limit to be that age of eligi-
bility to hold elected office in the City,
which would be set at 21 years plus two years
of qualification as an elector in the City
plus 54 days. If the age limit is going to
be increased beyond that, the Council should
consider whether or not this really will be
a Youth Cormmission.
The Council concurred that if any serious
problems occurred as a result of the age
limit restriction, an amendment would be
made to the ordinance.
Ordinance placed on first reading It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that reading of the text be waived by unani-
mous consent. The motion carried by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen~yde, Egdahl~ Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6061 - GIVING This resolution gives notice of intent to
NOTICE OF A PUBLIC HEARING TO hold a public hearing to consider the adop-
CONSIDER THE ADOPTION OF THE BUDGET tion of the budget. The hearing will be
OF THE CITY OF CHUIA VISTA FOR THE held on Tuesday, June 15, 1971.
Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton~
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6062 - APPROPRIATING This resolution provides for an appropria-
FUNDS FOR SECRETARIAL SERVICES FOR tlon of $200 as additional funds for secre-
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL COMMISSION tarial services for the Environmental Control
Commission for the balance of this fiscal
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6063 - APPROVING Mrs. Blume Levine, City Librarian, explained
FOURTH AMENDMENT TO JOINT EXERCISE that the State of California has designated
OF POWERS AGREEMENT IN REGARD TO the County of San Diego as contracting agent
SERRA REGIONAL LIBRARY SYSTEM for the Serra System. This amendment is
required in order to make the change over
from the City of San Diego as contracting
Council inquiries The Council questioned Mrs. Levine as to the
advantages of having the County be the con-
tracting agent rather than the City of San
Mrs. Levine indicated there was no real
advantage. It was simply a procedure whereby
the County would be handling the fiscal mat-
tars--payroll, bills, etc. The City of San
Diego has had staff and space problems~ how-
ever, there would be no increase in personnel
in having the County take over this function.
City Attorney coranents Mr. Lindberg commented to the inquiries of
the Council that should the City of Chula
Vista not sign this agreement, then it would
just no longer belong to the Serra System.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6064 - AMENDING This resolution provides the tenth day of
AGREEMENT FOR OPERATION OF each month for the payment of rent by Dick
RESTAURANT/BAR AT GOLF COURSE, E. Agee to the City of Chula Vista for the
SPECIFYING DATE FOR RENTAL PAYMENT operation of the restaurant and bar facili-
ties at the Chula Vista Municipal Golf
Course. The amendment also adjusts the
delinquency period for rental payments from
15 days to 10 days.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6065 - APPROVING Mr. B. I. Gentry has purchased excess prop-
SEWER ASSESSMENT RELIEF FOR 985 arty from the Division of Highways located
NACION AVENUE on the easterly aide of Naeion Avenue, south
of Lot 396 of Robinhood Subdivision, Unit No.
8. The property has a street frontage of
178.83 feet, north lot line of 86.55 feet
and south lot line of 24.18 feet. B~cause
of its irregular shape, Mr. Gentry is re-
questing relief on the front-foot assess-
ment charge of $4.25 per front foot, re-
quired by Ordinance No. 997.
It is the recommendation of the City Engi-
neer that the property be charged $4.25 for
76.4 lineal feet of frontage which would be
co~nensurate with the single-family prop-
erties in the irmnediate area.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6066 - APPROVING AVCO Cormmunity Developers, Inc., is request-
IMPROVEMENT AGREEMENT - BRANDYWINE lng that the final map of Brandywine Subdi-
SUBDIVISION, UNIT NO. 1 vision, Unit No. 1, be approved by the City
Council subject to the submission of the
required bonds within 60 days after approval
of the final map. The bonds are:
Faithful Performance Bond - $235,600
Material an~ Labor Bond 167,800
Surveying and Monumentation Bond - 6,000
Resolution offered Offered by Oouncilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent~
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6067 - APPROVING This unit contains 200 residential lots and
FINAL MAP - BRANDYWINE SUBDIVISION, 9 open space lots on 26.9 acres, and is
UNIT NO. 1 located between Sequoia and Timber Streets,
east of Oleander Avenue. The final map has
been checked by the Engineering Division
and found to be in conformance with the
tentative map. The City Planning Commission
recormnends approval. It is recommended that
the Council approve the final map and accept
DRIVE, SEQUOIA STREET and alleys, subject
to compliance with Sections 28.6 and 28.7
of the Municipal Code.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
County Rehabilitation Center Councilman Scott asked if any contact has
bean made with the County to annex that
property east of Brandywine Subdivision,
which was purchased for the County facility.
City Manager comments Mr. Thomson stated there has been none either
by the staff or the County.
Staff to contact County Councilman Scott suggested the staff contact
the County as to annexation proceedings for
this property.
Meeting at Board of Supervisors Mayor Hamilton announced that he has re-
ceived a letter from Supervisor Bear re-
questing that a member of this Council be
present at a meeting tomorrow morning at
7:30 A.M. in the Supervisors' Library at
which time a presentation will be made
regarding the Rehabilitation Center on Otay
Councilman Scott stated he would attend
this meeting.
REQUEST FOR AUTHORIZATION TO CALL Director of Public Works Cole explained that
FOR BIDS FOR UNDERGROUNDING UTILITIES the Gas Tax Program includes the underground-
ON '~" STREET, FROM THIRD AVENUE TO ing of utilities and installation of oma-
INTERSTATE 5 FREEWAY mental street light standards and luminaires
on "H" Street, between Third Avenue and Int-
erstate 5. The estimated cost of the project
is $39,750, and the amount budgeted is $30,000,
with the difference being available in the
2106 fund reserves.
Authorization to call for bids It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that authorization be given to advertise for
bids for this project.
REQUEST OF SAFETY COMMISSION FOR The Safety Con~nission is requesting prompt
ASSISTANCE FROM THE CITY ATTORNEY assistance of the City Attorney to draw up
REGARDING A STUDY OF USING THE a resolution to Assemblyman Deddeh request-
DEFENSIVE DRIVING COURSE AS A lng that he direct the State Department of
REQUIREMENT OF LICENSING OR RE- Motor Vehicles to make a study as to the
ISSUING OF DRIVERS' LICENSES practicality of using the Defensive Driving
Course as a requirement of licensing or re-
issuing of drivers' licenses.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Scott~ seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to the staff
for cormnents.
RECOMMENDATION OF SAFETY COMMISSION William Wappes, Chairman of the Safety Com-
THAT AN EXIT GATE BE PROVIDED ONTO mission, explained the racormnendation that
KEARNEY STREET FROM TILE NEW POST an exit gate be provided onto Kearney Street
OFFICE PROPERTY from the new Post Office property to relieve
traffic congestion or traffic hazards which
may be created on Third Avenue. The matter
was referred to this Cormnission by a member~
who abstained from the vote. Mr. Wappes
stated there were only two residences on
Kearney Street and the number of trucks that
would be using the exit would not create any
traffic hazard.
Suggestion for turns Councilman Egdahl suggested limiting the
turns coming out of the Post Office to a
right turn on Third Avenue, then either a
right or left on '%" Street and over to
Fourth Avenue.
Director of Planning~ Bruce H. Mr. Warren asked that this request be referred
Warren to the Planning Cormnission.
General discussion The Council discussed having a locked gate
at this exit; once the exit is allowed, there
would be no more control over it; and a con-
tinued discussion of right turns onto the
different streets.
City Attorney's opinion Mr. Lindberg cormnented that they cannot
limit egress or ingress of U. S. Government
property, and it is not the obligation of
the City to limit access onto any of the
public rights-of-way.
Report not accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that the report of the
Safety Cormnission not be accepted. The motion
carried by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott~ Hobel, Hyde,
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
RECOMMENDATION OF SAFETY The Safety Cormnission is recommending Coun-
COMMISSION SUPPORTING SB 318 cil support of SB 318. This bill provides
RELATIVE TO IMPACT PROTECTION TO passenger vehicle impact protection to Ye-
VEHICLE OWNERS hicle owners; prohibits the sale of any
passenger vehicle, except motorcycle or
motor-driven cycle, manufactured after Jan-
uary 1, 1973, and provides that the manu-
facturer shall be liable for treble damages
or not less than $500 if there is damage
because the vehicle does not meet the re-
quirements of such provisions.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
RECOMMENDATION OF HUMAN RELATIONS The Human Relations Commission is recommend-
COMMISSION TO PROHIBIT CITY EMPLOYEES~ing that the Council adopt a policy prohib-
IN THEIR CAPACITY AS CITY EMPLOYEES, iting City employees~ in their capacity as
FROM PARTICIPATING IN ANY FUNCTION City employees, from participating in any
OF ANY ORGANIZATION THAT ENGAGES IN function of any organization that engages
RACIAL DISCRIMINATION in racial discrimination.
Motion to accept recommendation It was moved by Councilman Scott that the
recon,nendation of the Human Relations Com-
mission be accepted.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Motion to recognize discrimination It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hobel that the Council recog-
nize the situation of discrimination to be
a deplorable one, but that the Council not
adopt the recon~endation to remove from the
employees the right of their judgment in
regard to invitations. Also, that it be not
placed upon the employees the burden of de-
ciding which groups fall within this classi-
City Attorney explains Mr. Lindberg explained the recormnendation
recon~nendation proposed by the Human Relations Commission,
stating that it would be within the province
of the City to determine what activities of
its employees, within the scope of their
employment, would bring discredit upon the
Mayor Hamilton comments Mayor Hamilton commented that there were
other types of discrimination other than
the racial one, which many organizations
throughout the country have which limit
their memberships. He felt the Council
should not just single this one problem
out and ignore the others.
Motion to bring back resolution It was moved by Councilman Scott that a
resolution be brought back that deals with
all discriminations.
It was noted that another motion was on the
floor for discussion.
Suggestion to refer it back to Councilman Hobel suggested this be sent
Human Relations Commission back to the Human Relations Cormnission
and have it better defined. He would also
like to know how many of the members were
present and voted on this issue.
City Attorney comments Mr. Lindberg stated that this whole matter
deserves greater analysis, and he would be
willing to present a written, detailed
report on it.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Egdahl withdrew his motion;
Councilman Hobel withdrew his second to the
General discussion The Council and Attorney discussed the dif-
ferent forms of discrimination: racial and
Motion to refer to City Attorney It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hobel that the City Attorney
bring back a report of his rendering and
judgment in this matter, for further con-
sideration. This is for both items (15 and
16) on this subject.
Suggestion for addendum City Attorney Lindberg suggested an addendum
be added to the motion--the legal obligation
of this body as a legislative body within
the State of California.
City Manager John Thomson Mr. Thomson asked that the motion include
the scope of definition--those terms that
may be defacto as well as open, and which
may come up sometime in the future. He
would like to see a clear statement covering
all types of discrimination, not only the
common one of racial discrimination, but
that pertaining to the difference in sexes
as well.
Added to motion Councilman Egdahl stated he would add this
to his motion; Councilman Hobel agreed to
the second.
Motion simplified Councilman Hyde remarked that the motion
should be for the City Attorney, in con-
junction with the City Manager, give the
City Council his legal opinion and advice
with regard to the proper policy of the
City Council concerning the matter of dis-
crimination, in whatever form.
Councilman Esdahl agreed that this was the
intent of his motion.
Motion carried The motion carried unanimously.
RECO~KENDATION OF HUMAN RELATIONS The Human Relations Cormmission reported
COMMISSION URGING THAT CITY COUNCIL that the Commission is requesting Council
SUPPORT LEGISLATION PROHIBITING THE support of an Assembly bill which would pro-
ISSUANCE OF CUT-RATE LIQUOR LICENSES hibit the granting of cut-rate liquor licenses
TO PRIVATE CLUBS PRACTICING RACIAL to non-profit organizations adhering to racist
DISCRIMINATION membership policies.
Referred to City Attorney This matter was referred to the City Attorney
along with the previous item.
REQUEST OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL The Environmental Control Cormnission wishes
COMMISSION REGARDING CONSULTATION to be consulted regarding the joint tide-
ON BAYFRONT STUDY lands study contracted with this City and
the San Diego Unified Port District, in order
to provide environmental input prior to ac-
ceptance of the final report.
Motion to accept request Councilman Hyde moved that this request be
approved, and the staff be directed to advise
the consultants, asking them to contact the
Environmental Control Cormmission.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Director of Planning Warren Mr. Warren indicated that this Commission
would be contacted, as well as the Parks
and Recreation Commission, and various others
in this study.
Motion Councilman Hyde moved that the Environmental
Control Cormnission be contacted for their
con~nents in regard to this matter, by the
consultants, in the development of their
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Interim report Councilman Scott felt an interim report
should be submitted to the Environmental
Control Con~nission.
Mr. Warren explained that the contract
requires incremental reports and this Com-
mission would get one.
No action to be taken It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Scott that the matter be filed;
that no action be taken on this request.
Motion carries The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hamilton, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Hyde
Absent: None
REQUEST OF ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL The Environmental Control Con~ission is racom-
COMMISSION REGARDING PAPER PURCHASED mending that at least 507° of the quantity of
BY THE CITY paper purchased by the City be reconstituted
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to staff for
report back to the City Council.
City Manager comments Mr. Thomson remarked that the Purchasing
Agent looked into this matter some weeks ago,
and he reported that there was just one firm
in the country that makes this paper. The
cost runs 15% to 18% higher. It would be
his recommendation that no action be taken
on this matter until such time as the pres-
ent contract with Columbia Paper with the
City expires and at that time, they can look
into this situation.
ORDINANCE NO. 1333 - REZONING It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
PROPERTY AT 176 THIRD AVENUE FROM ordinance be placed on its second reading
R-3 TO C-T-P - SECOND EEADINGAND and that reading of the text be waived by
ADOPTION unanimous consent. The ordinance was passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
DISCUSSION OF ACTION TO BE TAKEN Councilman Scott stated he is abstaining
ON PROPOSED ORDINANCE PROHIBITING from this discussion due to a possible con-
SALE OF CERTAIN NON-RETURNABLE OR flict and~ also that he was not present at
It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the Council:
(1) Withdraw adopting an ordinance for the
City for 90 days during which time re-
search be done with the other cities
that have such an ordinance, such as
Vancouver, B. C., and any possible
litigations that may be involved as a
result of the ordinance;
(2) A resolution be prepared encouraging
the Board of Supervisors to consider
adopting this matter on a County-wide
(3) Encourage the citizens of Chula Vista,
in this 90-day period, to make known
their desire for returnable bottles to
the merchants from whom they shop; in
this way, they would register their
interest, if there is that, in such an
ordinance for the City of Chula Vista.
Explaining the second recon~endation, Coun-
cilman Egdahl commented it would be to en-
courage the Board of Supervisors to make an
investigation to consider such an ordinance
on a County-wide basis.
Mayor Hamilton asked that the citizens also
make known their conanents to the City Coun-
cil as well as the merchants.
STATUS REPORT ON SAN DIEGO City Manager Thomson discussed the meeting
TRANSIT CORPORATION he had with the representatives of the Transit
Corporation at which he discussed the matter
or re-routing~ reducing the subsidy payments,
periodic statements, and the transfers. He
also contacted Mr. Carson from the Transpor-
tation Committee of the Chamber of Commerce
in regard to the advertising for Aztec Bus
Lines. The Transit Corporation indicated
there would be no problem with the Council
REPORT ON REQUEST FOR SEWER SERVICE - The Council referred to the written report
HILLTOP DRIVE, "L" STREET AND DONOHOE submitted by Director of Public Works Cole.
STREET - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC WORKS It is his recon~uendation that interested
City residents in this area be canvassed to
determine interest in participating on a
cash basis to install sewer facilities;
estimated cost for this system is $15~100.
Mr. Cole added that if the residents can
raise 507° or over of the estimated cost, he
would recommend that the City advance the
balance and establish a sewer service charge
to secure reimbursement; also that the City
prepare the plans and specifications and not
charge for maintenance and operation on the
system after installation.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott~ seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
REPORT ON '~" STREET DETOUR, I-5 Mr. Lane F. Cole, Director of Public Works,
IMPROVEMENT - DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC stated that he wrote a letter to the State
WORKS Division of Highways requesting that they
install additional black top to provide for
two lanes, eastbound, on that portion of "E"
Street west of the bridge. They stated it
was in the works and will be constructed.
REPORT ON DISTRIBUTION OF AGENDA City Clerk Fulasz stated that she received
AND MIN~S - CITY CLERK a request from the Environmental Control
Commission requesting that each of the mem-
bers receive a copy of the Council minutes
and agenda. The Chairman of this Cormnission,
as well as the other 11 Con~aissions in the
City, do receive the minutes and agenda.
Mrs. Futasz noted the cost of printing and
mailing the minutes and asked Council direc-
tion as to the distribution--to the members
of this Commission and to the members of the
other various Commissions in the City.
Motion for Council mailing It was moved by Councilman Scott~ seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the Council minutes and agenda go out
only to the Chairmen of the various Commis-
sions plus any member that shows an interest.
A review of the mailing list should be made
every six months.
APPOINTMENT OF CHARTER Mayor Hamilton made the following appoint-
REV]~W COP~4ITTEE ments:
John Kingston
Bud Wilson
Ada Thompson
Steven Co Parka
Nell Haas
Mrs. Lois Richards
. David Kassabon
Lester Swanson
Ken Weimer
MEETING ON JUNE 2 IN SACRAMENTO Mayor Hamilton announced the meeting to be
held June 2 in Sacramento regarding SB 333.
Motion to attend meeting It was moved by Councilman Scott~ seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the Mayor, and whoever he delegates, be
authoriEed to go to Sacramento to attend this
Othe~ bills pending Councilman Scott discussed AB 813 - the
annexation bill and stated that this should
also be discussed.
Councilman Hobel referred to the coastal
bill which he felt should also be investi-
BOARD OF APPEALS VACANCY Mayor Hamilton announced that there was one
vacancy on the Board of Appeals and asked
the Council to submit any names of anyone
interested in serving on this Board.
ASSEMBLY BILL 813 Councilman Scott moved that the Council
endorse AB 813 and send this to the appro-
priate San Diego County Legislators.
Councilman Egdahl seconded the motion and
it carried unanimously.
TRANSPORTATION DISTRICT Councilman Scott discussed the proposal by
Supervisor Jim Bear whereby the County would
take over the regional transportation prob-
Motion to oppose It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the Council object to this proposal for
the following reasons:
(1) They do not believe the County is the
one to take over this regional function.
(2) It is fractionalizing the problem. You
should take all the regional problems
as a whole and not just transportation
as one, health as another, etc.
HIGH RISE DEVELOPMENT Councilman Scott discussed the possibility
of building high rises on the property owned
by the Otay Land Company--thereby saving the
canyons and open space. He would like to
see this concept referred to the Environ-
mental Control Cotmnission for report.
Motion to refer to Cormmissions It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to the Environ-
mental Control Commission and the Planning
Cormmission for report back to Council.
FEASIBILITY STUDY It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that the City of Chula
Vista apply to the appropriate source (Ford
Foundation Grant) for a feasibility study to
see if this type of development would be
Priorities discussed Councilman Hobel com~nented that he was not
sure this project should have the #1 priority
fo~ use of these funds.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Scott withdrew his motion and
Councilman Hyde withdrew his second.
Staff directed to make Councilman Scott moved, seconded by Council-
feasibility study man Hyde and unanimously carried that the
staff make a feasibility study for a list of
priorities for the application of grants to
the Ford Foundation.
Mayor Hamilton asked that this be brought
back within two weeks, if possible.
COMMENDATION TO CHULA VISTA Councilman Scott con~ented on the trucks
SANITARY SERVICE AND VETS used in cleaning up the area along Otay
ORGANIZATION Lakes Road. He stated that both the Chula
Vista Sanitary Service and the Vets Organi-
zation of Southwestern College should be
commended for their efforts in this project.
Councilman Hobel requested that a copy of
this letter be sent to the Board of Super-
visors since County property was involved.
COUNTY SERVICES Councilman Scott referred to a newspaper
article regarding a fee for the sanitation
fill in which the Board of Supervisors stated
that perhaps the City of Chula Vista would
be willing to pay an additional sum for that.
He felt that with this concept, it should be
extended: that if the Board of Supervisors
was serious about this, the Council should
get together with them and the City should
pay for the services it doesn't have, and
get credit for the services it provides that
the County doesn't.
AZTEC BUS LINES Councilman Hobel questioned whether any
progress reports have been received from
City Manager Thomson stated he received a
call from them indicating their willingness
to get together after conferring with Mr.
Carson from the Chamber of Cowanerce.
METROPOLITAN SgWER SYSTEM TOUR Councilman Hyde discussed the tour he went
on last Saturday (May 22), stating it was
exceptionally good and reconanended the other
members of the Council and Cormaissioners to
make this tour in the future.
SAN JOSE LETTER Councilman Hyde referred to a letter received
from the City of San Jose dated October 29,
1969, and moved that the staff prepare a
similar agenda for this City's joint meeting
with the Board of Supervisors. This motion
was seconded by Councilman Scott and unani-
mously carried.
BUDGET REVIEW Councilman Hyde stated he would not be able
to be present at the Budget Review tomorrow
(May 26) until 2:30 or 3 P.M.
"H" STREET SURFACING Mayor Hamilton questioned Mr. Cole, Director
of Public Works, as to the type of resurfac-
lng that will be put in after this under-
grounding of utilities.
Mr. Cole stated there were no immediate plans
flor re~urfaclng, as such; however, they are
patching, and this should be smooth. He
stated he would check into this matter.
EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Hamilton moved, seconded by Council-
man Scott and unanimously carried that the
Council adjourn to Executive Session, after
Oral Cormmunications, for personnel reasons.
BUDGET REVIEW Councilman Scott discussed the Budget Review
Sessions that are scheduled to begin Wednes-
day, May 26 at 1 P.M. He suggested the
Council continue the session until at least
8 P.M. with a break for dinner.
Verified claim for damages - Mrs. Anna Mae Wright, 4662 Point Loma Avenue,
Anna Mae Wright San Diego, has filed a verified claim for
damages in the amount of $38.17 for the cost
of tire damaged when she allegedly ran over
the sharp end of a traffic counter cord at
3 P.M., May 3, 1971, at Ash Avenue and "L"
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the claim be denied.
Request for funds for permanent Based on a recommendation by the Community
display for Fairs and Fiestas - Promotion Committee of the Chamber of Com-
Chamber of Commerce merce, the Board of Directors is requesting
that the City Council appropriate the neces-
sary funds, not to exceed $1,500, to con-
struct a permanent display for Fairs and
Fiestas. The Board also requests that this
booth be stored in the City Yard and trans-
ported to and from the Southern California
EXPO grounds by City truck. The Southern
California EXPO is scheduled for June 24
through July 5, 1971.
Niek Slijk, Manager, Chamber of Mr. Slijk presented a model of the proposed
Commerce booth, stating it will be 16'x16'. He dis-
cussed the construction of the booth comment-
ing that storage was a problem.
City Manager Thomson requested that the
matter be referred to the staff since there
may be a problem with storing it at the
Public Works Yard.
Motion to approve request It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that the request, as sub-
mitted by the Chamber of Cormmerce, be approved.
Time element C~cilman Hyde noted there was a time ele-
ment involl~ed here and felt the Council should
take action on it.
Motion carries The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel Hamilton,
Noes ' Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
Request for feasibility study of The Board of Directors is recom~ending favor-
grade crossing problems at rail- able consideration of a reccm~nendation by the
road intersections from Inter- Streets and Highways Co~nittee for a feasi-
state 5 into Chula Vista - bility study of the grade crossing problems
Chamber of Commerce at railroad intersections from Interstate 5
into Chula Vista.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that this request be referred to staff for
report back to Council.
Request to close alley adjacent to The Board of Directors of the Chamber of
Post Office to through traffic and Commerce is requesting that the City Coun-
the mail box relocated on the cil oonsider the following recommendation
island in Memorial Way - Chamber of the Streets and Highways Conmaittee: that
of Commerce the alley adjacent to the Chamber and Post
Office be closed to through traffic and the
mailbox be relocated on the island in
Memorial Way. In this way, the people can
come in off Fourth Avenue going west, deposit
their mail, and exit onto Fourth or Memorial
Way. It is further recommended that once
the alley is closed, the posts on Fourth
Avenue be removed, as these were erected only
for traffic control of postal patrons.
Referred to Staff and Safety It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Cormnission Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried to
refer this matter to the staff and Safety
Con~nission for co~nent.
Councilman Scott moved, seconded by Council-
man Hyde and unanimously carried that the
Safety Cormmission consider the entire parking
lot area (Post Office, Civic Center, and
Memorial Way).
EXECUTIVE SESSION AND ADJOURNMENT The Council adjourned to Executive Session
at 9:20 P.M. and from Executive Session at
9:55 P.M. to the meeting scheduled for
Wednesday, May 26, beginning at I P.M.