Held Monday June 14, 1971
A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council was held on the above date begin-
ning at 3 P.M., in the Administrative Conference Room, Civic Center, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Egdahl, Hyde
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City
Attorney Lindberg
In the absence of Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Pro Tempore Egdahl presided over the
MEETING WITH REPRESENTATIVES OF Councilman Scott explained that a request
MISSION CABLE TV TO DISCUSS was received from the schools requesting
FRANCHISE AND EDUCATIONAL TV 20% allocation of channel space for educa-
tional TV.
Dr. Burten Tiffany, Superintendent, Dr. Tiffany explained the concern of the
Chula Vista School District schools to obtain this channel reservation
now; he felt if it wasn't done now, the
opportunities of getting it in the future
would be limited or lost.
Cost factor Councilman Scott com~nented that this would
be with no cost to the school districts,
since it was part of the franchise agreement.
Franchise terms explained City Attorney Lindberg explained that the
City has a non-exclusive franchise whereby
Mission Cable TV is obligated to serve all
of the incorporated areas in Chula Vista.
The franchise fee is 2% of the gross receipts.
They have been limited to serve new areas by
the restrictions imposed by the FCC; however,
they are able to take on new customers in
the areas presently being served. The City
can, by public hearing, examine the rates
from time to time.
Mr. Lindberg commented that there is another
cable TV company interested in serving the
areas not presently covered by Mission
Cable TV.
Mr. Gary Hokenson, Assistant Mr. Hokenson stated there are no plans to
Secretary-Treasurer, Mission change the rate structure at this time.
Cable TV, Inc. They presently service 14,300 people in
this City° He noted the areas being served
in the E1 Cajon and Fletcher Hills area.
He added that the TV freeze may be lifted
this year.
Mr. Hokenson declared that no one has come
forth from any of the school districts to
discuss educational TV with them. At the
present time, Mission Cable TV has been
giving three to four hours free time daily
to the San Diego Instructional Television.
Channel space is available, and they are
willing to talk to the educators and cooper-
ate in any way they can.
Mr. Don Hilliard, Coordinator, Mr. Hilliard commented on the meetings held
Audio-Visual, Sweetwater Union with people in the San Diego area concerning
District this allocation of space. Their main con-
cern right now is to get channel space, and
they look at it as a free thing. Mr. Hilliard
explained that it wouldn't cost Cable TV any-
thing to allocate this space to them. At the
present time, they have 12 channels which can
be split into six different signals on each
channel. The only equipment needed by the
schools to pick up the signals would be head-
in equipment and convertor, which the schools
would either buy or rent.
Joseph Odenthal, Chula Vista Mr. Odenthal commented that the City should
City Schools be thinking about the possibility of using
TV also~ The areas are boundless. What
they are talking about is its use by ele-
mentary schools, high schools (junior and
senior), and colleges. It can be used for
re-runs of films, fire alarm systems, young-
sters that are home-bound, or to and from
school; for classes held in the evenings --
he can safely say that if 16 channels were
set aside for co~nunity service, they would
certainly be used.
Discussion of franchise Councilman Scott con~nented that the main con-
cern here was a reservation of channel space
before a franchise is granted. He added that
a franchise isn't forever~ and somewhere along
the line modifications must be made whereby
the TV people may come in and ask for an
increase in rates, etc.
Motion to bring back resolution It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that a resolution be brought back that would
state the intent of the City Council embrac-
ing the idea of the 20% space allocation~ in
Picture quality of channels 8 and 10 Councilman Scott discussed the poor picture
quality of channels 8 and 10.
Mr. Hokenson explains Mr. Hokenson noted that there were several
areas in the San Diego area that have this
problem. It is a technical problem which
will be alleviated when they build to a 20-
channel capability (after the freeze is
lifted). In this way~ they will be able to
build off-channels which will solve the
570 franchise fee In answer to Councilman Scott's inquiry, Mr.
Hokenson said they are negotiating with the
City of Imperial Beach and 5% franchise fee
is being discussed.
MEETING WITH INTEGRATED REGIONAL Mr. Robert Small: Director, explained the
ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT DIRECTOR-- criteria for submitting applications: there
FORD FOUNDATION GRANT must be a significant environmental impact,
and it must be partially regional in nature;
perspective as to improved regional manage-
ment must be developed; a determination must
be made as to the need for long-term research
and development efforts of regional conse-
The approach his agency must take is to
balance or evaluate each individual issue
in terms of its significance within the
entire County.
Proposals solicited Mr. Small added that they haven't received
any proposals from any of the cities, and
what they are trying to do is to expose this
criteria to all agencies. After receiving
the proposals, one of his staff will meet
with the City Manager and Planning Director
and discuss the criteria with them.
Councilman Hyde's cormments Councilman Hyde discussed the technical
aspects involved in this project, comment-
ing that studies regarding undergrounding
utilities, hillside developments, sewer dis-
tricts, etc., could easily involve the entire
$725,000. He is hoping that this agency
would take such problems as those threaten-
ing the San Diogo region, publicize them,
and come up with recommendations as to how
to cope with them. Areas such as land use
and population density are considered to be
the most critical problems in the area at
this time. Mr. Hyde felt these problems
should be tackled first and then technical
aspects should be handled secondly.
Dr. Richard Glenn~ Chairman~ Dr. Clenn questioned Mr. Small as to ways
Environmental Control Commission of limiting growth, or slowing it down in
this area. He discussed having San Diego
Gas and Electric Company build another power
plant to serve the people and what the
results of this plant would have on the area.
Mr. Small indicated he did not know the
answer of the power plant as opposed to eco-
nomic growth or transportation systems -~ it
becomes a complex question. He felt a process
should be initiated whereby the policy makers
of this region would lay down more definitive
growth and development policies for the en-
tire region. Without that, they would have
to continue with the individual issues with-
out understanding the inter-relationship,
one to the other.
Mrs. Kathryn Moore, South Bay Mrs. Moore referred to the sameness of the
Citizens Planning Committee coastal range of Los Angeles terrain as com-
pared to this area, and questioned why the
data of what is known up there (i.e., smog)
isn't used here.
Mr. Small declared that the data is not
known as much as the effect of what is
Mrs. Dorothy Rudolph, South Bay Mrs. Rudolph read a report from her Commit-
Citizens Planning Committee tee reeon~anding such priorities as (1) Water
Systems Research; (2) Regional Services and
Policy Research; (3) Communications and Edu-
cation. They also recommend that the Council
request IREM funds and technical assistance
for the Environmental Control Cormnission to
undertake and prepare a community education
City Manager comments Mr. Thomson remarked that what this agency
(IREM) is working toward is taking the means
they now have available for items that would
aid in the development of the whole process
which would lead to later environmental de-
cisions. This agency may study one thing,
and the value of that study would perhaps
benefit another area; there would be an
overlapping of information gathered. There-
fore~ if it is regional in application, and
would aid in this "building block", it would
stand a chance of being accepted by this
Mayor Pro Tempore Egdahl co~nents Mayor Pro Tempore Egdahl co~nented that this
Council should look at things they might con-
sider as possible projects to be considered,
and if they specifically meet the criteria--
what significance this study would have on
a regional impact--it may be accepted by
this agency.
Rancho San Diego Mr. Small elaborated on the studies made by
his agency regarding Rancho San Diego, indi-
cating that this data might be of some assist-
ance in the development of thc Gersten project.
Councilmen to draw up priorities Mayor Pro Tempore Egdahl suggested that each
of the Councilmen draw up what he believes
to be of top priority. He asked that these
be written suggestions and it be placed as
an agenda item for the meeting of June 22,
in order to give the Mayor a chance to sub-
mit his proposals.
UNIFORM SALES AND USE TAX Councilman Scott referred to the resolutions
submitted by the various cities asking for
support of this measure. He remarked that
there are presently no bills before either
the Assembly or the Senate relating to this
Tax Law.
ADJ~NT Mayor Pro Tempore Egdahl adjourned the meet-
ing at 5:05 P.M. to the meeting scheduled
for Tuesday, June 15, 1971, at 7 P~M.