HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1971/08/17 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday August 17, 1971
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date, beginning at 7 P.M. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City
Attorney Lindberg, Assistant Director of Public Works Robens,
Senior Planner Williams~ Associate Planner Lee, Director of
Parks and Recreation Jasinek, Chief of Building and Housing
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of August 10,
1971, be approved, copies having been sent to
each Councilman.
INTRODUCTION OF RICHARD GAC, Mayor Hamilton announced Richard Gac, member of
YOUTH COMMISSION the Youth Commission had called, stating he would
not be able to attend this meeting as guest com-
SUPERVISORIAL REDISTRICTING Mr. Ken Wood, 5674 Sweetwater Road, Bonita,
representing the Chamber of Commerce Legislative
Action Cormnittee, gave a report on the redistrict-
ing proposal made by their Committee and the City
Clerks Committee of the South Bay Cities. Both
committees agreed they would recommend to the Board
of Supervisors that a South Bay District be formed,
known as District 2, including National City and
Chula Vista, as outlined on the plat distributed
to the Council.
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
support by the Council be given to the Chamber of
Cow~]erce proposal. Mr. Wood will attend the
meeting on Thursday, August 19, with the Board of
Supervisors~ at which time the support of this
proposal will be reported to them.
PRESENTATION OF AWARD - Mr. Emmett Lindquist and Mr. Hugh Singer, American
AMERICAN AUTOMOBILE ASSOCIATION Automobile Association representatives, presented
to the Mayor a special citation for casualty record
for the City in the Automobile Club's 32nd Annual
Pedestrian Safety Inventory.
PUBLIC HEARING - CITY'S INTENTION Deputy City Clerk Townsend stated a request had
TO BAN OR PROHIBIT ALL OUTDOOR been received from Foster and Kleiser to continue
ADVERTISING DISPLAYS WITHIN THE the hearing until a date in September. After
CITY OF CHULA VISTA Council discussion, it was moved by Councilman
Scott, seconded by Councilman Hyde, to continue
the hearing until September 7. Foster and Kleiser
are to be notified of this date.
ORDINANCE NO. 1358 - AMENDING The intent of the ordinance is to provide a means
CITY CODE RELATING TO DISTRIBUTION of control over unwanted advertising materials
OF ADVERTISING MATERIALS - FIRST being distributed by non-postage sources. This
READING will include distributors being required to register
annually with the City Clerk, and the advertising
media carry the name of the person or
company responsible for its publication.
Ordinance placed on first reading It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
ordinance be placed on its first reading
and that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent. The motion carried
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION APPROVING TENTATIVE Associate Planner Lee outlined the maps
MAPS OF EL RANCHO DEL REY of both units, stating Unit No. 1 of this
SUBDIVISION, UNITS 1 and 2 subdivision is located north of Telegraph
Canyon Road and abuts the western boundary
of Southwestern College with an area of
approximately 76 1/2 acres and 248 lots.
Unit No. 2 lies directly north of Unit No.
1 abutting Southwestern College and extend-
ing to "H" Street. It encompasses 23 acres
with a total of 189 units specifically de-
signed for townhouse development with various
common open areas. Both units are included
in the approved 300-acre Planned Unit Develop-
The Planning Commission has recommended
approval of the ter~tati~;e map~, subject to
certain conditions specified by the Com-
mission and the Engineering Division.
After lengthy discussion by Council and
staff, it was moved by Councilman Scott,
seconded by Councilman Hyde and unanimous-
ly carried to continue for one week to
resolve the various conditions set forth
by staff and questions posed by the developer.
RESOLUTION NO. 6166 - ACCEPTING Bids were received on August 10,1971 for
BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR City Hall remodeling, which is to be
ALTERATION AND ADDITION TO accomplished in three phases. The low
CITY HALL bidder, Edwin V. Harris Construction
Company, submitted the figure of $168,600.00,
with the alternate bid of $165,600.00.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the resolution
was passed and carried to accept the base
bid of $168,600.00. The reading of the text
was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6167 - ACCEPTING Four bids were received on the tennis courts
BIDS AND AWARDING CONTRACT FOR and auxiliary building at Southwestern
CONSTRUCTION OF TENNIS COURTS College, the low bid being submitted by
AND AUXILIARY BUILDING AT R. McAlpine Construction Company. The
SOUTHWESTERN COLLEGE AND Department of Public Works and Parks and
APPROPRIATING FUNDS Recreation Department recommend acceptance
of this bid including all alternates with
the exception of one (the public restrooms
in the auxiliary building since there will
be restrooms within 150 feet of the tennis
courts, adjacent to the parking lot).
It is further recommended that $120,000.00
be appropriated from the Capital Improvement
- 2 -
Program and that $10,000.00 be transferred
from the General Fund Unappropriated Reserves
to this account.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6168 - SUPPORTING This resolution gives Council approval and
ENVIRONMENTAL FILM MAKING PROJECT ratification of the Environmental Control
SPONSORED BY ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL Commission support of the environmental film
COMMISSION making endeavor.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6169 - APPROVING The original agreement with the County,
RESPONSIBLE LOW BIDDER FOR dated April 23, 1968, for the improvement
CONSTRUCTION OF OTAY LAKES ROAD of Otay Lakes Road sets the City's share
of construction costs at 62% plus costs
of right of way and engineering on the City
portion of the road. Since that time, the
City's share has increased due to annexations
but the percentage is still in effect.
Due to this increase, the City's share is
now estimated to be $205,000.00. It is
required that award of contract be made by
the County within 30 days after the opening
of bids, subject to approval of the City
of Chula Vista and the County of San Diego.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
REQUEST OF LIBRARY BOARD FOR The Library Board of Trustees is requesting
CONSIDERATION OF CLOSING LIBRARY the closing of the Library on September 4
ON SEPTEMBER 4 AND DECEMBER 24, and December 24, 1971, in order to allow
1971 the staff a three-day holiday.
After Council discussion, it was moved by
Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
Scott, and carried that this matter be
referred to the City Manager for further
consideration and brought back next week.
Councilmen Hobel and Hamilton voted no.
- 3 -
ORDINANCE NO. 1357 - ADOPTING It was moved by Councilman Scott that
UNIFORM BUILDING CODE, VOLUME III, this ordinance be placed on its second
HOUSING, 1970 EDITION - SECOND reading and that reading of the text
READING AND ADOPTION be waived by unanimous consent. The
ordinance was passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott,Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde,
Noes: None
Absent: None
I REPORT ON RELOCATION OF City Manager Thomson reported that,at
"OUR HOUSE" the direction of the Council, staff has
met with "Our House" representatives in
an effort to make recommendations for a
suitable relocation of "Our House" to be
provided for an Ad Hoc Committee set up
by the Mayor. The recommendation of staff
and Our House staff is that consideration
be given to placing a temporary structure
on City property at the corner of "F" Street
and Garrett preferably modular in concept.
Mr. Thomson stated he would have the cost
figures ready within a week for the Ad Hoc
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl, and carried unanimously
to accept Mr. Thomson's report on the re-
location of Our House.
REPORT ON AZTEC BUS LINES City Manager Thomson reported that staff has
ADVERTISING been working with the Chamber of Commerce, as
directed by Council, and Mr. Carson who has
received aid from the local news.media with
regard to advertising program and an amount
of money for this program. They feel ad-
vertising should be on a weekly basis in a
variable scope and approach with the cost
not to exceed the estimated City revenue.
Staff concurs with this recommendation.
Mr. Thomson stated he will have a written
report later.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde, and unanimously carried
to accept this interim report.
REPORT ON REQUEST FOR COUNCIL City Attorney Lindberg stated it was his
SUPPORT URGING PASSAGE OF opinion that the legislation is worthy of
SB5l - AUTO REPAIR DEALERS - support although the Legislative Committee
t CITY ATTORNEY has not had an opportunity to meet on this
matter butÅ’alø that any regulation in this
area is certainly in the interest of consumer
protection. He would suggest discussing the
proposal with the local automotive repair
Motion to Refer Back to City It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Attorney and Legislative Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried,
Committee that this matter be referred back to the
City Attorney and the Legislative Committee,
and seek opinions from the people in the
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City who have auto repair dealerships.
Councilman Hyde further suggested that
the appropriate Chamber of Commerce
committee be made aware of this item.
STATUS REPORT ON MODEL RAILROAD Parks and Recreation Director Jasinek
INSTALLATION IN ROHR PARK - outlined his written report submitted
DIRECTOR OF PARKS AND RECREATION in accordance with Council request and
pointed out the Landscape Planner's
proposed layout. This proposal includes
the City cost of $300.00 for paving access
road after installation is made.
81 Referred to Parks and Recreation After discussion, it was moved by Council-
Commissd.øn man Hyde, seconded by Councilman Scott.and
unanimously carried that this proposal be
referred to the Parks and Recreation Com-
mission for their comment with a copy of
¡his information to the Environmental Con-
trol Commission as a matter of interest.
REPORT ON REPAIRS TO GOLF COURSE Director of Building and Housing Grady
RESTAURANT - DIRECTOR OF BUILDING reported a list of repairs made to the Golf
AND HOUSING Course Restaurant had been received from
Mr. Agee. Mr. Grady stated, in his opinion,
some of the repairs were made for the operator's
It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that a written report and the list of repairs
be brought back for Council consideration in
one week.
REPORT ON ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Mr. Williams, Senior Planner, referred to the
OF GERSTEN DEVELOPMENT - written report submitted to the Council relative
DIRECTOR 6F PLANNING to the environmental impact study for the
Gersten Development. The type of analysis
recommended should result in the development
of a procedure for a local or regional agency
to use in evaluating the consequences of any
major development proposal prior to making
land use decisions.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hobel to accept the report. Council-
man Hyde questioned the amount of work load
necessary for such a procedure. Mr. Williams
replied it was the proposal of staff to submit
this to the Integrated Regional Environmental
Management Project of the Ford Foundation.
The motion carried by the following vote to-wit:
81 AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETINGS City Attorney Lindberg made mention of the fact
REQUIRED BY LAW that a commission meeting had been held without
proper notification which falls under violation
of the Brown Act. He would suggest the Council
admonish this action and warn all commissions
to make proper notification of all called meetings.
- 5 -
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this action be taken. Mayor Hamilton
directed the City Attorney to make all
Board and Commission, members aware of the
State rules regarding meetings.
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that each year new chairmen be also made
aware of such rules.
I REPORT ON SWEETWATER VALLEY City Attorney Lindberg repørted briefly on
ANNEXATION PETITIONS - CITY petitions in opposition to the Sweetwater
ATTORNEY Valley Annexations. He believes all petitions
of protest would be legally acceptable whether
or not they included affidavits. In answer to
a question by Councilman Scott regarding the
meeting Friday night, August 20, 1971, the
City Attorney stated the hearing could be
continued due to the lack of a quorum or by
motion made by Council that night.
REAPPORTIONMENT - BOARD OF Mayor Hamilton announced the Board of Super-
SUPERVISORS visors meeting on reapportionment at 9:30 A.M.
Thursday, August 19, 1971. He asked for
attendance by any of the Council members who
can go.
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried to go
to executive session after "Oral Communications"
for personnel matters.
ABSENCE REQUESTED Councilman Egdah1 asked permission of the
Council to be absent for the meetings of
August 20 and 24, 1971. Permission granted.
Verified Claim for Damages - This is a verified claim against the City
Ralph L. Reaner, 752 Brightwood for damages alleged to have been caused by
Avenue the street sweeper running into the rear of
a parked vehicle. Damages are claimed in
the amount of $68.60.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this claim be denied.
Request for reinstatement of It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
I Business License for Bonita Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
Cab Company this item be referred to staff and report
back to the Council.
Request for street closing for This letter requests that Poinsettia Avenue
block party, Poinsettia Avenue, be blocked off from traffic for the purpose
August 22, 1971 of holding a neighborhood block party on
August 22, 1971, from 1:00 P.M. to 9:00 P.M.
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
- 6 -
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
approval of this party be given if it meets
the requi~ements of the Police and all other
requirements the City may have.
Safety Signs Requested - Mrs. Williams, representing the residents of
Mrs. Williams, 634 Mariposa Mariposa Circle, requested for the safety of
Circle so many small children on the street a sign
stating speed limitations and children at play.
I It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried to
refer this to the Safety Commission and staff
for study and referred back to City Council.
William Rathje, Attorney Mr. Rathj e requested reinstatement of Mr. Mineo' s
124 Beech Street, San Diego - cab license since the matter of his insurance
Frank Mineo, Bonita Cab Company had been resolved.
Mayor Hamilton suggested that Mr. Rathje meet
with the staff since the matter had been referred
to them with a report back to Council. The City
Attorney stated a copy of this report would be
sent to Mr. Rathj e also.
Sweetwater Valley Annexation - Mrs. Mace presented to the Deputy City Clerk
Melvina K. Mace, 3855 AHa additional petitions of protest for the Sweet-
Loma Drive water Valley Annexation.
In answer to Mrs. Mace's question, the City
Attorney asked only for proof of ownership
in any cases where it was not possible to check
from the assessor's list.
Safety Procedures Requested- Speaking in regard to American Automobile
Mr. Besker, 267 Woodlawn Association Award, Mr. Besker requested proper
Avenue procedure in having a section of road or area
surveyed for safety purposes, speed limits,
parking, etc; otherwise how does one obtain in-
formation 'on a particular section with regard
to road hazards, leaving from private parking
facilities onto public roads.
Mayor Hamilton suggested he contact the staff,
specifically the Traffic Engineer.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 9:25 P.M.
to Executive session to the meeting scheduled
t for Wednesday, August 18, 1971 at 3:00 P.M.
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Deputy City Clerk
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