Held Wednesday September 22, 1971
A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista , California, was
held on the above date beginning at 3:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center,
276 Fourth Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Scott, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hobel
Also present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant
City Manager Bourcier, Senior Planner Williams, Director
of Public Works Cole
CONSIDERATION OF T(~N PLANNING In answer to Councilman Egdahl's inquiry, City
COUNCILS Attorney Lindberg explained the question con-
cerning the 4/5's vote on the part of the Plan-
ning Cormnission to override a recommendation of
the Cormmunity Council.
He stated that it was his opinion sometime ago,
that a 4/5's vote limiting the City Council in
their ability to make legislation was contrary
to the Charter and to the State Constitution.
On legislative matters, all ordinances (except
emergency ordinances) should be susceptible of
being adopted and modified by a majority vote
of the Council. In administrative ~atters--
conditional use permits and variances--a standard
majority vote should be accepted.
Comments by Councilman Hyde Councilman Hyde made the following observations
concerning the proposed Community Council:
(1) The name should be changed eliminating the
word "Council." He would suggest "Community
Planning Committee."
(2) He objects to the creation of another ad-
ministrative step whereby there would be a
duplication of function--matters going both to
this Planning Committee and the City Planning
Commission. He felt it necessary to provide a
system whereby this Planning Committee would
function more within the framework of the exist-
ing steps. This Con~nittee can receive all the
information on all requests presented to the
Planning Commission (for that particular area).
They could be given a certain amount of time--
21 days--to make their recommendations to the
Planning Commission.
Comments by Councilman Scott Councilman Scott spoke against the 10% require-
ment of the citizens in a eormnunity expressing
their desire to form a Community Council; he
felt it should be 25%.
The election of the members is another area
whereby all types of problems can occur. Coun-
cilman Scott suggested the membership be by
appointment rather than election.
Comments by City Attorney Mr. Lindberg explained the difficulties in
coordinating the election of the members with
other propositions on a ballet in an election.
He suggested a method whereby a ballot could
be mailed to everyone in that area theieby
eliminating the City in the actual appointments~
James Miller Mr. Miller stated he is speaking for himself
4819 Whipporwill Lane and not representing the Committee. He dis-
Bonita cussed the struetural organization and agreed
that there should not be a dual layer of
advisory agencies.
Since a Community Plan is approved, he sees no
reason to recycle precise zoning and zone changes
to a Planning Commission. He would suggest the
following: Appoint people in that area who would
act as a Planning Cormnission for those matters
within that geographical area° As a compromise,
he would suggest that this Planning Committee hold
public hearings on the zone changes, conditional
use permits and variances. If no objections are
filed, it goes directly to the City Council; how-
ever, if objections are filed, the applicant has
the right to appeal to the Planning Co~nission.
City Attorney's Opinion Mr. Lindberg stated the City was bound by State
Law and Charter to have a Planning Commission and
to give them the authority and role the State Law
Gene Martin Mr. Martin stated they have no objection to
Putter Drive deleting the 10% vote requirement for the
Bonita Planning Committee and substituting 25%.
They object to the name "Town" in the title,
but have no strong objection to an appointive
rather than an elective cormnittee.
They would request a yearly or biannual review
of the organization and would recorm~end that the
Council meet with the Sweetwater Valley Civic
Association when making the appointments to this
Mr. Martin added that they do favor the 4/5's
majority vote of the Planning Commission in
overriding the recommendations of this Committee.
They do favor receiving all the proposals sub-
mitted to the Planning Con~nission for this
geographical area and agree to a time element
being imposed whereby this group would have to
act on the proposal.
Proposals discussed In discussing the proposals, the Council con-
curred that they were reasonable ones and should
be incorporated into the resolution.
Katherine Moore Mrs. Moore stated she favored this plan 100% and
1134 Tobias Drive feels it would work out very well for the Castle-
Park area, as well.
Motion to approve It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by Coun-
cilman Hyde and carried that a resolution be
brought back modifying the Co~unity Planning
proposal as follows:
(1) The name of the committee be the "Community
Planning Con~nittee," with the name of the com-
munity attached to the title; (2) 10% require-
ment of the citimens to form this Committee be
deleted and 25% requirement be imposed; (3)
Public hearing and review be annually; (4)
Extraordinary vote of the Planning Co~nission
be required on those items where an extraordinary
vote is required by the Counoil for Planning
Coa~nission matters; (5) all material made avail-
able to the Planning Commission be made available
to this Planning Committee formatters within that
geographical areai
(6) no action will be taken by either the Planning
Commission or City Council before receiving a
recommendation from the Planning Committee of the
area affected; if no recommendation is received
within 21 days, the Planning Commission can
proceed with its consideration of the matter.
RESOLUTION NO~ 6221- Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL text was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
ATTENDANCE BY DIRECTOR OF AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hobel
REPORT FROM FIRE CHIEF City Manager John Thomson submitted a written
PERTAINING TO CONSOLIDATION report to the City Council from Fire Chief W. M.
OF THE WOODLAWN PARK AND Smithey, whereby it would be his recommendation
MONTGOMERY FIRE PROTECTION that no action be taken by the Council regarding
DISTRICTS the consolidation of the two Fire Districts.
Future annexations Councilman Scott discussed the political ramifi-
cations, whereby future annexations to the City
would be jeopardized. He felt the Council should
oppose it based on the fact that the area needs
additional City services, not just the fire service.
Motion to oppose It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by Coun-
cilman Scott and unanimously carried that the
City Council go on record as opposing the consoli-
dation of the Woodlawn Park and Montgomery Fire
Protection Districts predicated upon the fact that
they feel the people in Woodlawn Park need more
services than just the fire protection, and this
City can provide full City services to them. The
Council also wishes to discourage the perpetuation
of special districts.
REPORT ON LANDSCAPING OF Director of Public Works Cole stated the schedule
MEDIAN STRIP IN 600 BLOCK for this project is as follows: they will ask the
OF EAST J STREET Council at the next meeting for authorization to
receive bids; on December 14, bids will be received;
Feburary ?, 1972~ will be the day to commence work,
and 60 days thereafter, April 6, the work will be
REPCRT FROM LEGISLATIVE Councilman Scott reported that the Assembly voted
COMMITTEE REGARDING AB 1471 today and passed this Bill by one vote; therefore,
no Council action is needed on this.
PRESENTATION BY WELLS FARGO Mr. Dick Cordova, representing the Bank, presented
BANK thc Council with pictures of the Bank's grand
SIGNALIZATION AT "L" STREET Director of Public Works Cole stated he will ask
AND NACION the Council, at the meeting of October 5, for
authorization to go to bid. The signals will be
operating by December 31, 1971.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Han ilton adjourned the meeting at 5:15 p.m.
to the meeting acheduled for October 5, 1971, at
7 p.m.