HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1971/09/30 JOINT M~ETING
Held Thursday September 30, 1971
A joint meeting of the City Council and Environmental Control Commission
was held on the above date beginning at 7 p.m. in the Council Chamber,
Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue, Chula Vista, California, with the fol-
lowing Councilmen present: Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Fgdahl
Absent: None (Mayor Hamilton left the meeting at
8:10 p.m. and Councilman Egdahl arrived at
8:20 p.m.)
Also present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg,
Director of Planning Warren
Environmental Task Force- Councilman Scott discussed the newly formed
Claremont Environmental Task Force in Claremont. For
one year, they have been conducting studies
pertaining to density, population control -
all the things that have to do with the
ecology. They made a complete inventory of
all these problems and then came up with
findings. Councilman Scott felt that one of
the greatest things this Commission can do is
to start a study of this magnitude, whereby
the problems would be catalogued, and give
the Council a report as to the solutions and
the opinion of the Commission.
Councilman Hyde's Councilman Hyde agreed commenting that the
suggestions first charge of the Commission should be an
analysis of the Dhysica~ resources in Chula
vista. He discussed the two basic problems
in regard to environmental quality: (1)
preventing further degradation of our environ-
ment, making the necessary inventories,
studies and analyses, as to the primary
causes; and (2) tidy up the mess we'll got.
utilization of college Chairman Glenn recommended that college interns
interns be used in connection with these environmental
studies. City Manager Thomson stated that the
staff contacted San Diego State-the new center
for regional and environmental studies, and
they have indicated an interest in such a
program. Councilman Scott remarked that he
would be willing to go for one or two interns
in this area.
Commissioner Hooper Mr. Hooper discussed some long-range projects.
and said there are many things happening right
now, that if the Commission was to wait for
studies, it would be too late to do anythin~
about the other problems such as the popu-
lation problem.
Councilman Hyde Councilman Hyde felt the Commission should
start first with the General Plan; (2) an
analysis of the E1 Rancho del Rey development;
(3) prezoning of the Sweetwater Valley; (4)
Port development project. These are thinqs
that need to be studied right away, and the
ECC should make a priority list.
City Manager Mr. Thomson cautioned about duplication of
effort, since both the staff and the Commis-
sion would be doing certain things in connec-
tion with these items.
City Attorney Mr. Lindberg declared that many of the situ-
ations the Commission speaks of cannot be
controlled by the City of Chula Vista, without
the cooperation of other agencies in the State.
This is the area where the Council seeks
assistance from the Commission--advice to go
to State and County agencies and come up
with programs.
Mayor Hamilton Mayor Hamilton spoke of the Uniform Building
Codes whereby a builder, following the Code,
can build in Chula Vista and National City.
He suggested the Commission recommend minimum
environmental standards which, if reasonable~
could be adopted by this City, and probably
by the United States, in conformance to the
Uniform Building Code.
Councilman Hyde Councilman Hyde commented that the mandate of
this Commission calls for close liaison with
the Planning Commission and Department, and
Parks & Recreation Department and Commission
in regard to responsibility. He feels the
Commission should have a role in the considera-
tion of subdivisions. In the matter of open
space--consideration is being given to a park
land dedication, three acres for every 1000
people. This amount perhaps should be recon-
sidered by this Commission.
Councilman Hobel Councilman Hobel felt a priority list should
be the first charge of the Commission.
(Mayor Hamilton left the meeting at this time.)
Commissioner Coleman Mr. Coleman declared the City should have a
department of environment, not a Commission,
because of the numerous problems facing the
City at this time.
City Manager Mr. Thomson discussed the Emergency Employment
Act funds, through which the staff is pursuing
some of the questions that have been brought
up here in terms of environment and community
Council discussion A discussion was held on the prospect~ of
having an expertise in the field of environ-
ment on the City staff.
Councilman Hyde Councilman Hyde suggested representatives from
this Commission become ad hoc members of
other Commissions, specifically Planning and
Parks and Recreation.
Bottle Ordinance Council and Commission discussion ensued
concerning the disposable bottle ordinance.
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Item No. 9 The Council agreed that they would be willing
Would the Council be willing to consider these items.
to support alternate beverage
container ordinances? These
might be:
ao mandatory deposits
b. requirement that stores
handling beverage con-
tainers have returnables
making up at least 50%
of their stock (i.e., the
customer would have a
free choice).
c. prohibiting "pop-tops"
because they are health
hazards as well as litter
Item NO. 2 Bruce H. Warren - Director of Planning
Would the Council be amen-
able to the requirement of Mr. Warren stated it was necessary that the
environmental impact state- ECC become part of the planning process.
ments for all capital im- It may be possible for them to become in-
provements and all zoning volved in the capital improvements program
changes, building permits and but almost impossible to become involved in
annexations? each and every building permit. Mr. Warren
added that there has been an absence of
environmental concern in the planning and
zoning process, and it was up to this Com-
mission to bring in this concern.
Councilman Scott Councilman Scott indicated that if there was
going to be an environmentalist on the
Planning staff, this man could sit on the
ECC. He further suggested that the ECC look
over the subdivision ordinance and put in
this environment input to make sure that the
Planning Commission has to consider these
Recess A recess was called at 8:40 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
Chairman Glenn Chairman Glenn stated the need for environ-
mental input was made adherent a few weeks
ago when the State Division of Highways
called a meeting, a copy of which was re-
ceived by the Public Works Department. The
Highway Division ~tated it was not an impor-
tant hearing--"you need not attend, you
need not reply;" therefore, this City did
not reply. Chairman Glenn added that the
meeting regarded all future highways in this
area. Councilman Scott stated he would be
w~ll'ir~to ~on record that before any high-
ways are even mentioned, the Council first
consider the environmental i~pact.
Item No. 5 - The Council indicated they did desire this
Does the Council desire a policy.
policy on growth and the
ultimate size of the City
(Population and terri-
Item No. 6 - City Manager Thomson discussed the intern
Would the Council be amenable program, stating he will be meeting next
to the creation of staff week with a representative of the environ-
positions to serve the ECC mental center of State College to discuss
and other groups attempting such a program.
to handle environmental
problems? Many areas of
ECC investigation are too
Complex to expect reasonable
reports without the assist-
ance of environmental
CPO Mailing List At the suggestion of Councilman Scott,
Councilman Hobel stated he would get this
Commission on the mailing list of the CPO.
Item No. 3 -
E1 Rancho del Rey Develop- Councilman Scott suggested having a separate
ment. What is the Council's meeting on just this item. City Manager
attitude on the development? Thomson explained the work the staff is doing
How can the City best con- with IPEM. Councilman Hyde felt the City
trol this development? What should do what it can with its own resources-
do you see as the City's role that the ECC should become as cognizant as
in the Environmental Impact possible as to what is involved here. If
Study to be carried out they see areas that would cause concern,
through IREM? they should let the Council
Transportation Councilman Scott suggested the ECC look at
the question of the fastest way the City
can implement rapid transit for a complete
metropolitan transportation system. There
are many studies put out by CPO that the
ECC can look at, and advise the Council.
The Council has taken a stand opposing
County take-over of transpor~tion, and
Supporting SANCOG - this is an area on which
this Commission can advise the Council, and
would be an excellent project for the ECC.
Item No. 7 - The Council discussed this subject as anothe~
What can be done to devise area of concern. Councilman Hyde suggested
bus routes to serve all the ECC form sub-committees to study the
areas of the City. How problem, having one member of the ECC as the
can we discourage car use head of the committee and investigate all
(especially by single in- problems as regard to transportation. Other
dividuals) and promote major facets of environment that may come up
other forms of transpor- may be in the area of public utilities,
tation? population density, park programming, etc.
Councilman Scott suggested looking to the
Federal government as a possible source of
Item No. 8 - The Council discussed the recently approved
What is the status of bicycle bike routs, commenting that the whole con-
routes and would the Council cept of the program was approved, with the
be amenable to the creation exception of how to fund the project. Chair-
of free bicycle parking man Glenn spoke of not widening the roads -
spaces (perhaps at the ex- keeping them narrow in order to discourage
pense of car spaces)? It car use.
has been suggested that gas
tax monies could be used to
finance both the routes and
parking. Is this so?
City Manager Thomson reported on the
discussions held with the bus companies
relative to providing service to South-
western College.
Item No. 10 - Chairman Glenn explained that if the staff
Would the Council support were more aware of environmental problems,
environmental seminars which someone would have been at the public hear-
would be specifically de- ing recently held by the State Division of
signed to make the City staff Highways. He stated the seminars would
more aware of environmental include all problems ranging from world wide
problems and their solutions? to small ones, and assistance (both financial
Such seminars would also be and physical) could be obtained from the
open to the public. County Education Department
Councilman Scott indicated he would support
the intent of the seminars for the staff, if
it could be scheduled and worked in feasibly.
Item No. 11 - The concurrence of the Council was that the
Submission of an annual ECC should submit a report to the Council
report, as ordained, at any time, and then update it in July of
every year.
Item No. 12 - The Council discussed various alternate se-
Why has the Council taken lutions to the "No Smoking" request, such as:
a negative attitude on a breaks every hour or so, smoking in the halls
"No Smoking" policy in or coffee room only, smoking outside. The
public meetings? There ECC will submit a recommendation to the
are sufficient studies to Council on this.
indicate that smoke is
hazardous as well as
Display at Fiesta de la Luna Chairman Glenn discussed the offer received
from the Chula Vista Jaycees of a 10' x 10'
booth for a display at the Fiesta. City
Attorney Lindberg stated the Commission has
the latitude to take this action, at this
time. Council endorsement can come at a
later time. The Council agreed that the
booth would be acceptable.
Item NO. 13 - Councilman Scott suggested holding an execu-
Explanation of Councilman tiv~ session on this matter.
Scott's statements regard-
ing Commissioner Hastings A general discussion was held between ~r.
statements. The ECC does Hastings and the members of the Council.
not recall the conversation
the same way as did Coun-
cilman Scott.
Executive Session called The Council concurred that an executive
session would be called at the meeting of
October 5, 1971.
Mr. Hastings asked for a deferment of one
week - to October 12, 1971.
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Richard Morasso Mr. Morasso suggested having a "commission
5492 Ithaca Court of commissions'' in order to get some sort
of survey to see what the various commis-
sions are doing and the office of the City
Manager, in order to avoid duplications.
City Manager Thomson indicated this "com-
mision of commissions" is actually the City
Council. He commented that he would try to
make better contact with the commissions.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pro Tempore Egdahl adjourned the
meeting at 10:08 p.m. to the meeting
scheduled for Tuesday, October 5, 1971.
City Clerk
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