Held Wednesday October 27, 1971
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held
on the above date beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276
Fourth Avm~ue, wi~ the following Councilmen
present: Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Absent: Councilman Egdahl
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City
Attorney Lindberg, Chief William Winters, Director of Public
Works Cole
RESOLUTION NO. 6250 - Chief Winters explained the need for the fifteen mobile
PROVIDING SPECIAL APPRO- radios and six portables as being the first step in the
PRIATION OF FUNDS FOR mutual-aid Coordinated Communications System. The rea-
PURCIJASE OF CO~ICATION son for the urgency at this time, is because of the
EQUIPMENT FOR POLICE convention scheduled to he held in San Diego in August
DEPARTMENT of next year.
In answer to Councilman Hobel's inquiry, City Manager
Thomson stated that this appropriation was not presented
to the Council at budget time because the need was not
prevalent at that time; the National Convention slated
for San Diego was decided some weeks after the budget
was finalized. Mr. Thomson added that three companies
are considered likely to bid on the radios; it will be
a joint bid with ~e City of San Diego.
Councilman Hyde expressed his concern about having this
request presented to the Council "at the eleventh hour"
based solely on the emergency needs of another city.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent; Councilman Egdahl
Councilman Hobel left the meeting at this time.
}~4ERGENCY EMPLOYMENT ACT City Manager Thomson distributed a su~nary of requests
GRANT for positions in the new PEP Program. The total package
amounts to $518,267, which will result in the creation of
73 new positions.
Grant explained City Manager %Jlomson detailed the agreement indicating
that, wherever possible, civil defense equipment will be
used for the material needs of these new employees. He
then cited other factors for Council consideration:
The influx the new personnel may have on the productivity
and morale of the regular employees; (2) The departments
may asstnne that money for the new employees will be in-
cluded in the budgets for future years; (3) Persons hired
under this program may be likely to apply pressure to be
sure they are retained; (4) Once the program is started,
it may be psychologically difficult to terminate it, once
the funds are cut off; (5) There will be the extra work-
load on the part of the staff.
Mr. Thomson stated it would be his recumi~ndation that
the grant be pursued mid the City participate in the
Sunday opening of Library Councilman Scott questioned the one item as it pertained
to the possible opening of the Library on Sundays. He
commented that at the last budget session, this matter
was rejected by the Council,
Mr. Thomson remarked that this item was not placed on
this program as an administrative decision--it was put
in for Council consideration.
New position suggested Councilman Hyde suggested the position of Administra-
tive Assistant to the Mayor and City Council be included
in the program.
Under general discussion, it was agreed that the Mayor
and Council could use the services of the person who
would be the Boards and Co~nissions liaison officer.
Motion to accept It was moved by Councilman Hyde that the general con-
cept be approved unless the City Council specifically
directs that a given portion of it be modified or
~nendment to motion Councilman Scott asked that the motion be amended to
delete item #14 (opening the library on Sundays) and
the rest of the items be renumbered accordingly.
Coancilman Hyde agreed to the amendment; the motion was
seconded by Councilman Scott and carried unanimously.
Mayor Hamilton commented that if any member of the
Council wishes to bring up the item pertaining to the
opening of the library on Sundays, it would be his
prerogative to do so.
RESIGNATION OF EUGENE Mr. Eugene Coleman, member of the ECC has sent in a
COLEMAN - £CC letter submitting his resignation from this Cormnission.
Motion to accept resignation It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hyde, and unanimously carried that Mr. Coleman's
resignation be accepted and a letter be sent to him
thanking him for his services on this Co~nission.
VERIFIED CLAIM FOR DAMAGES- Anna Fox, 7809 Shorewood Drive~ has filed a claim for
Anna Fox damages in the amount of $23.00 ~esulting from a seed
pod dropped on the trunk of her car when Public Works
Department was trimming palm trees in front of 685
Third Avenue. This alleged accident occured on Septem-
ber 23, 1971, at 1~:30 p.m.
Clain~ denied It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hyde, and unanimously carried that the claim be denied.
VERIFIED CLAIM FOR DA~IRGES- Mr. Raymon Stearns Garner, 849 North 215t Street, San
Raymon Stearns Garner Diego, has filed a verified claim for damages in the
amount of $750,000.00 or more for being falsely arrested
and imprisoned. The dates of the alleged occurrences
are July 9, 1971, through August 13, 1971.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
Scott, and unanimously carried that the claim be denied.
LETTER FRDM ASSEMBLYMAN A letter has been sent by Assemblyman Eckin Z'Berg re-
EDWIN L. Z'BERG - SUPPORT questing Council support in urging Governor Reagan to
OF AB 3066 support AB 3066 which provides for a park and recreation
bond issue in the amount of $250 million of which $65
million will go to cities, counties and districts for
the acquisition and development of park and recreation
Motion to support It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Council-
man Scott, and unanimously carried that a letter be
sent to Governor Reagan asking for support of this Bill.
REQUESTS FROM (~ER OF Two requests have been received from the Chamber of
(1) Request amendment to Subdivision Ordinance which
would state:
"Subdivider shall provide cable television to each unit
or a master television antenna if cable television is
not available. If a master antenna is utilized, it
shall be placed in an easement in such a manner to limit
itself to visual exposure while facilitating clear re-
ception. Cable television or master television antennas
shall be the exclusive external methods of television
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
Scott, and unanimously carried that this request be
referred to staff and to the Environmental Control Com-
mission for report and reco, unendation.
(2) The City Bmautification committee is recca~nending
that the City Council incorporate a policy for watering
and maintaining street trees. The Ccmmittee has sub-
mitted cost figures for this maintenace program which
would amount to $23,000 including the cost of a tanker
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
Scott, and unanimously carried that this recomnendation
be referred to staff, Environmental Control Commission
and the Tree Committee for report.
RESOLUTION OF CITY OF SAN The City of San Marcus is requesting Council support of
MARCOS OPPOSING THE PRO- their opposition to the proposed redistricting of
POS£D REDISTRICTING OF California Senatorial District No. 39 urging that the
CALIFORNIA S~ATORIAL Legislature of the State of California reconsider the
DISTRICT NO. 39 boundary revision between the 38th and 39th senatorial
Request filed It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by Co~u~cilman
Scott, and unanimously carried that the request be filed.
WOODLAWN PARK FIRE PROTECTION The Board of Commissioners of the Woodlawn Park Fire
DISTRICT Protection District have sent in a letter requesting
withdrawal or cancellation of fire protection with this
district. The reason for this request is the. recent
consolidation of Woodlawn Park and Montgemery Fire
Resolution be brought back It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hyde, and unanimously carried that a resolution be
brought back withdrawing our contractual agreement.
TREE PLANTING POLICY Director of Public Works Cole reviewed the proposed
street tree planting policy.
Councilman Scott commented on the phrase "tree schedule"
as used in the proposed policy. Since this refers to
the type or species of trees to be planted, rather than
a schedule as such, he suggested the wording be changed.
Trees along H Street Mayor Hamilton discussed the removal of the poles along
H Street, in accordance with the undergrounding of
utilities. As suggested by Councilman Hyde, he would
agree that the possibility of planting a tree, such as
a palm tree, should be investigated.
He con~ented that perhaps Sm~ Diego Gas & Electric
could donate the trees in lieu of putting in the
concrete to fill up these holes.
Referred to staff It was moved by ~ouncilman Hyde, seconded by Councilman
Scott, and ungnimously carried that the staff investi-
gate the possibility or desirability of planting trees,
of the appropriate t~-pe, in the wells created by the
removal of poles on H Street in the undergrounding
program. Included in this recommendation should be
the type of tree to go in and the cost.
Tree Planting Policy approved It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hyde, and unanimously carried that the proposed street
tree planting policy be adopted.
H STREET UNDERGROUNDING Director of Public Works Cole reviewed the program
noting the two properties that have not complied with
the undergrounding. These two properties have since
taken out electrical pem~its to accomplish the work.
J STREL~F PROJECI In answer to Councilman Scott's inquiry, Director of
Public Works Cole stated they will soon be cm~ing to
the Council to establish this District and set a hear-
ing date.
PLANNED PARENTHOOD CLINIC Dr. Richard Glenn, Chairman, F~lvironmental Control Com-
mission, asked for questions from the Council.
Clinic bankrupt Councilman Scott asked about the report that the
Plan_ned Parenthood Clinic was bankrupt.
Dr. Glenn remarked that they are going through a tur-
moil right now, but are continuing their programs
through voluntary efforts.
Representative of Clinic to Councilman Hyde indicated he would like to hear frm~ a
be present representative of this Clinic.
Motion to take no action It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by Councilman
Hyde, and unanimously carried that action on this item
be withheld m~til a presentation can be made to the
Council by a representative of the Planned Parenthood
Mayor Hmmilton suggested the scheduled conference to be
held on November 17. He asked Dr. Glen to make this
arrangement and notify the Cit~ Clerk.
ADJOU~ Mayor Hamilton~ourned the meeting at 4:30 p.m. to the
meeting scheduled for Tuesday, November 2, 1971.
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