Held Thursday December 9, 1971
A joint meeting of the City Council and the Charter Review Committee of the City of
Chula Vista, California, was held on the above date beginning at 7 p.m. in the Council
Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue.
COUNCILMEN PRESENT: Councilmen Scott, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
COMMITTEEMEN PRESENT: Chairman Kingston, Haas, Kassebaum, Pavka, Richards, Swanson,
Thompson, Weimer, Wilson
STAFF PRESENT: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg
CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Hamilton called the meeting to order at 7:15 p.m. and
turned it over to Chairman Kingston.
INTRODUCTION OF Chairman Kingston introduced the Charter Review Com~nittee members
COMMITTEE MEMBERS to everyone present.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Mr. Kassebaum made the motion, Mr. Wilson seconded it, to
approve the minutes of the last Charter Review meeting as
mailed to each member. The motion carried.
PURPOSE OF COMMITTEE Chairman Kingston discussed the purpose for this committee being
set up. This being the time and place as advertised, he opened
the public hearing with the first item on the agenda.
DISTRICT REPRESENTATION Mr. Drew asked what ground had already been covered by the
committee on districting. Chairman Kingston anmwered that this
Frederick Drew matter was discussed with each Councilman, as well as with Mr.
1275 Banner Avenue Drew, himself. Chairman Kingston added that the committee has
Chula Vista not formulated any decisions as to any particular issue so far;
but it is the general feeling that ~e do.not need districts at
this time, but the day may come when we do.
Mr. Drew stated that without districts it is possible to have
all the members of the Council selected from one black in the
City; and, therefore, it would have one fixed point of view and
another segment of the community may be ignored. An area like
Otay would be such an example.
INCREASE COUNCIL Mr. Drew said an expanded Council may allow for better repre-
sentatlon; i~ may also be unwieldy, but not necessarily so.
Frederick Drew This committee might well investigate decreasing the number
of Councilmen, as well as increasing them.
Gene York Mr. York had no comments to add, but he did wish to know some
of the pro's and con's the committee had discussed. Chairman
Kingston answered, one of the pro's would be a closer rela-
tionship between a Councilman and his particular district. A
con would be with individual people representing individual
areas, there would not be a common unity of purpose or mind.
Also, enlarging the Council would possibly create the problem
of higher absenteeism.
Chairman Kingston continued that initially the committee looked
at the size of the City, and asked for the opinions of the
people who attended our meetings, and it did not appear t~at
there was segregation as far as Kepresentative groups is con-
At this time, with the opinions obtained, it is felt that
district representation is not needed; however, we should
continue to look at this issue in the future.
Future committees Chairman Kingston added that this committee will not only be
making certain proposals at the termination of its meetings,
but it will also forward items of continuing responsibility
to future committees of this nature.
Ada Thompson Mrs. Thompson stated that districting would cut down on the
Campaign cost cost of campaigning and she has a strong feeling in support
of district when the City has grown some.
City Manager Thomson Mr. Thomson said that there can be a tendency in districting
Improvement funds to parcel out the money from the Capital Improvement Fund and
the Gas Tax Fund for capital improvements on an equal basis by
districts versus looking at the City's overall needs.
Councilman Scott With districts, it would seem that there would more representa-
Representation better tion; but he was told by a Councilman from a City with districts
or not that when an issue came up, other Councilmen didn't feel they
had to vote for it. Do you or do you not get better representa-
Nick Slijk Mr. Slijk said in regard to districts we should keep in mind
Caliber of candidates the caliber of candidates. In one district you may have more
than one qualified candidate and the City would lose the
benefit of some of these people because they lived in that one
district. We should look at the total available candidates
to do the City as a whole good.
Councilman Scott Councilman Scott stated that with the Council serving the City
as a whole, an individual can come to any of the Councilmen
and talk to him about his issue. Each Councilman has a dif-
ferent philosophical background and the individual citizen has
five men to choose from or he can go to all five if he wishes.
With a district, you are pretty much confined to the one man
in thaZ district.
Nick Slijk Mr. Slijk asked if the committee had gone to the League of
Cities of similar size California Cities to obtain information on other cities our
size and the number of Councilmen they have. Chairman Kingston
answered that they had not but had conduced a survey on its
own, which covers such things as Councilmanic districts
and salaries.
Ada Thompson Mrs. Thompson added that districting is basic to our form or
representative government.
Frederick Drew Mr. Drew stated it is the tendency of ghetto dwellers to not
Ghetto dwellers come to public officials with their problems until they come
in force. This problem can be avoided by the representative
form of government; i.e. districting.
Councilman Hyde Councilman Hyde said this City Council has taken action to
Commissions created keep in touch with all segments of the community in the form
of creating appropriate commissions: the Human Relations
and Environmental Control Commissions, for emampl¢.
Councilman Scott Councilman Scott stated the Council has already passed an
Community councils ordinance whereby any area which desires to do so may form
their own community councils; and as yet, no one has come
forth and demonstrated a desire for this representation.
Dr. C. W. Bowers Dr. Bowers asked how much input this committee has received
Legislative Action Com. from the community as a whole, especially from areas that
Chamber of Commerce would probably benefit most. Chairman Kingston answered that
the amount was negligible.
Mr. Wilson stated that this is the second public meeting
held ~or just this purpose of hearing from everyone. Mr.
Kassebaum added that this committee itself is actually
representing a cross section of the people.
Mayor Hamilton Mayor Hamilton commented that the first public meeting of the
Public notification Charter Review Committee was well publicized and well in ad-
of meetings vance of the meeting and not one person showed up to take the
opportunity to speak. This is the second time it was pub-
licized in the paper, as well as by me at this podium at
various meetings. Also, I am sure other Councilmen and com-
mittee members have mentioned the meeting.
Councilman Scott Councilman Scott added that it is not even necessary for a
public hearing of this type and that the public has been well
represented over the past ten weeks of the Charter Review
NEXT MEETING The next meeting of the.Charter Review Committee will be
Wednesday, December 1S, starting at 7 p.m., in the Police
Conference Room.
MAYOR'S SALARY Chairman Kingston discussed the committee's study on the
Mayor's salary and stated the question of the mechanics of
how the Mayor's salary should be handled: 1) should the
committee set an absolute figure; 2) should the salary
matter be relegated to the Council for handling, along with
their own salary; 3) should a special salary committee be
set up to make recommendations on both the Mayor's and the
Council's salary.
Frederick Drew Mr. Drew said the people are not willing to spend money. He
doesn't think that taxpayers should be asked often to change
the Council's salary. He also thinks that a Councilman should
not determine his own salary. He thinks a rate should be set
and it would fluctuate with the cost of living.
Councilman Scott Councilman Scott stated that currently the Council can vote on
Council set salary the amount for its expense allowance and this authority has
not been abused. It is not fair to put something inflexible
into the Charter. That's what you do when you put dollar
amounts in. In a representative form of government, it is
better to once and for all put to the people a proposal for
handling the silaries. The Council is responsive to the
people and it can decide the salary item. The salary proposal
would be established by ordinance with public hearings on it.
It would be subject to referendum within 30 days. Both of
these give the people a chance to speak. There is protection
for the people and it allows the Council some flexibility and
prevents this issue from being put to the people year after
Against a raise year. Councilman Scott stated he is not for a salary raise for
either the Mayor or Councilmen.
Nell Haas Mr. Haas said it is not fair to limit people from trying for a
public office because he cannot afford to live on the salary
paid/for that position.
Fred Ross Mr. Ross asked if the commigtee has in mind a proposal for some
54 K Street Charter change to allow the Council to set their own salary.
Chula Vista Chairman Kingston answered no; the committee has not come to
that point of formulating proposals. He listed many of the
ideas the committee is considering.
City Attorney Lindberg Mr. Lindberg stated that ail of the General Law cities of this
state are enpowered to grant an amount of salary for the Mayor
in excess of that established in their schedule by population.
There is a great deal of flexibility for the Mayor's salary
already established in general law cities, which is not allowed
in Charter cities.
COUNCILMEN'S SALARY Councilman Hyde believes both the Mayor's and the Council's
salary should be decided together. The Mayor and Council
Councilman Hyde have the same amount of responsibility; the Mayor does,
Handle with Mayor's however, get more exposure to the public.
Dr. Bowers Dr. Bowers thinks the voters should be able to vote
separately on the stlary issue.
Mayor Hamilton Mayor Hamilton commented that at the next election the Mayor
will be elected for a five-year term; thereafter, election
for the Mayor will be held on an off year. Each Councilman
will have the opportunity to run for that office without
giving up his Council seat.
CASH BASIS FUND Chairman Kingston gave a brief background on the purpose of
the fund and what the Charter Review Committee is considering
by allowing the Council to use this money by Council vote.
Councilman Scott The purpose the fund was set up for no longer exists since
the 5% utility tax was emtablished--there are no dry financing
periods. He thinks it would make the Charter a much more
flexible document by allowing the City Council to utilize the
Cash Basis Fund, by possibly a 4/5 vote.
There was a discussion on the difficulty of wording such a
City Manager Thomson proposal. Mr. Thomson offered the following wording for
Proposal wording Section 1112 of the Charter to clarify the proposal: "all
money so transferred from the Cash Basis Fund shall be
returned thereto or to the General Fund as Council may direct
by a 4/S vote before the end of the fiscal year."
COUNCIL VACANCY Chairman Kingston discussed the background on this item and
stated the committee is considering changing the wording of
declaring a Council vacancy when either 30 days or four
regular meetings were missed. Mr. Kassebaum added that it
Mr. Kassebaum is possible to miss four meetings in a short time as meet-
Wording addition ings are called frequently, and he thinks the wording,
"whichever is greater," should be added.
SPECIAL LEVIES Chairman Kingston gave some background on this matter. He
Section 1106 stated, the question has been whether to retain the limita-
tions in sub-section C, do away with them all together and
leave the matter to the discretion of the Council, er to
change the limitations.
City Manager Thomson The limits are tight, but we can work with them. Adminis-
tratively, we can reorganize things so as not to be out of
balance with these limitations. There will come a day when
Parks & Recreation will have to be raised or possibly act
on an earlier consideration of consolidating these three
limits into one master limit. Administratively speaking, it
is better to consolidate these parts into a whole and work
with the whole.
Recess A five-minute recess was called.
Robert Riba Mr. Riba wanted to know if this committee has considered the
planning program and budgeting concept for running the City.
He added that many parts of the Charter-Ufunctionalwise or
administrative"--seem to be equated with dollars,
Chairman Kingston Chairman Kingston said the committee has not concerned itself
with the actual budgeting and operational program of the City
as this is out of the scope of this committee, per se.
Mr. Riba Mr. Riba further explained what he meant by the planning
program and budgeting concept. He said it provides for the
development of a visible budget where the results are
measurable. After further clarification, Mr. Riba was told
that this is the way the City is currently being run. This
plan has been in operation for the last budget and will be
complotely in operation by this budget.
Mr. Riba stated he had not noted this written in the Charter.
Councilman Scott said that there must be some flexibility
in this area as it is a management technique. If it were in
the Charter, in a couple of years if this did not work, we
would have to go to the people for a Charter change. Council-
man Scott said as far as the Charter is concerned, he would not
like to see a specific system of management put in it.
MAYOR MAKE APPOINTMENTS Councilman Egdahl made the comment that this proposal would
TO COMMISSIONS be more appropriate where there is the strong Mayor form of
government. He also added that the Charter gives the
Councilman Egdahl responsibility to the Council for making appointments and if
Council should make this becomes too cumbersome for the Council to handle as a
appointments whole, they can appoint a committee from within its own mem-
bers to bring back recommendations for Council ratification.
Councilman Scott Councilman Scott agrees with this and adds it would seem in-
appropriate to give the Mayor this authority as this seems
to be heading in the direction of the strong Mayor government.
Ad Hoc committees Councilman Hyde pointed out that the Mayor has the authority
to appoint Ad Hoc committees to perform special functions
that he feels are essential or to handle problems that come
Councilman Hyde up. Councilman Hyde feels this is proper, but the continuing
bodies of the City should be appointed by the whole Council.
It shows the entire Council takes the responsibility for these
Nick Slijk Mr. Slijk said that in studying these proposals, the committee
should not just look at the present Council, but it should
consider future Councils, as well; and by allowing one person
to make appointment% you may be limiting area-wide or City-wide
representation. There might be a loss of interest by the
Council if they know they are just there for ratification and
are not actively participating.
Mr. Riba Mr. Riba agrees with Councilman Egdahl's comments; he would
like to see the Council as a whole make the appointments.
Br. Bowers Dr. Bowers stated that it would not be in keeping with allowing
responsibility to be properly placed. He thinks more than one
person should make the appointments.
WRITTEN CO~UNICATIONS Chairman Kingston stated the written communications submitted
shall be taken up at the next Charter Review committee meeting.
He also added that any person can speak at any time during
the committee's regular meetings.
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Mr. Drew proposed that each commission, when recommending
something to the Council, it should first submit this recom-
Frederick Drew mendation to all the other commissions to see if they may be
involved in this matter as well so there is no duplication or
Mr. Kassebaum opposition. Mr. Kassebaum mentioned that even the slightest
Time factor proposal, if submitted to all the commissions first, could
take six months to be acted upon by the Council.
Mr. Haas Mr. Haas said the purpose of the commissions is to study
Purpose of commissions projects and to make recommendations to the Council to help
the Council make the actual decision. Councilman Hyde stated,
Councilman Hyde in recognition of the problem Mr. Drew pointed up, the
Council has already directed two members on one commission to
be ex officio members of other commissions. If there is a
demonstrated need, the Council shall continue this practice.
Nick Slijk Mr. Slijk thinks it would be desirable to have it stated in
the Charter that a member of a commission should be present
at the City Council meeting when it is considering a recommenda-
tion from that commission.
- $ -
This commission member could provide in-depth information for
the Council on why the recommendation was made. He made
specific reference to the Planning Commission.
City Attorney Lindberg Mr. Lindberg stated the Planning Commission is unique as
Planning Commission stated by both our own ordinances and the State laws, and he
Unique explained why it may be inappropriate to have one of their
members present when the City Council is reviewing one of
their recommendations. Mr. Lindberg could see that it might
be appropriate for a member of other commissions to be pre-
sent to add information. In the case of the Planning Com-
mission, by State law if the Council goes against the recom-
mendation of this commission on a matter of zoning, this
matter must be referred back to the Commission for a report
to be made back to the Council. This is unique to the
Planning Commission.
Mr. Haas Mr. Haas would like to see reports from a commission give
Commission to report both the pro's and the con's to the Council. The Council
Pro's and Con's should have the input from both sides. He doesn't believe
this is a Charter matter; however, it is a Council matter.
James Dyer Mr. Dyer stated he is representing the Chula Vista Fire
Chula Vista Fire Fighters Pighters Association. He is talking in regard to the Civil
173 Rivera Court Service Commission Rule No. 8, section 4: "the appointing
authority, who is the department head, may for discipline
Section 804 - Charter purposes only and without trial or right of hearing before
the Civil Service Commission or right of appeal, suspend
without salary an officer or employee holding a position
in the classified service for mot more than SO days in any
one calendar year. Mr. Lindberg informed him some time ago
that this would have to be changed by an election. He
feels this rule violates certain standards and possibly even
some Constitutional guarantees. He thinks it should be
He would like to see the same procedures used for dismissal
used in suspensions.
City Attorney Lindberg Mr. Lindberg stated this Charter section deserves attention,
but it may really be more of an administrative change--
perhaps an ordinance or policy change rather than mn actual
Charter change.
MOTION TO ADJOURN Mr. Kassebaum made the motion, Mr. Weimer seconded it, to
adjourn the meeting. The motion carried.
ADJOURNMENT The meeting was adjourned at 10:05 p.m. by Chairman Kingston.
Janet P. Marsh
Secretary to the City Council
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