HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1971/12/14 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday December 14, 1971
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 7 P.M. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center~ 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdaht
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City
Attorney Lindberg, Director of Public Works Cole, Director
of Planning Warren, Fire Chief Smithey, Director of Building
and Housing Grady
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led byMayor Hamilton, followed by a
moment of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES Mrs. Rosalie Kaufman~ 326 Center Street, sent
in a letter asking that her testimony given
at the last meeting be corrected. The City
Clerk stated she provided the Council with a
verbatim transcript of Mrs. Kaufman's testi-
It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of December
7, 1971, be approved in accordance with the
verbatim transcript, copies having been sent
to each Councilman.
PRESENTATION - COMMENDING THE Mr. Herb Lathan, Director, American Veterans
CITY COUNCIL ON VETERANS' HIRING organization, introduced Mr. Gordon Elliott
PRACTICES who presented the Council with a certificate
cormnending them on Veterans' hiring practices.
Mr. Elliott is the Southern California Director
for the U. S. Veterans' Administration, Chair-
man of the State Jobs for Veterans Task Force,
appointed by Governor Reagan.
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST COMMISSIONER Mayor Hamilton introduced Mr. Edward Potter,
- EDWARD POTTER~ SAFETY COMMISSION member of the Safety Cormmission, as guest
commissioner for this meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION Director of Planning Warren submitted a map
OF ZONING TO P-C AND AMENDMENT of the area noting the properties in question.
TO GENERAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR He explained that the request involves 170.2
EL RANCHO DEL REY PROJEGT - 170.2 acres of land that was excluded from the pre-
ACRES NORTH OF TELEGRAPH CANYON zoning to F-C of the 3,140 acres owned by the
LAKES ROAD Mr. Warren discussed the feasibility of zon-
ing the "out-parcels" in order to have some
consistency in the plan. He then related the
arguments presented to the Commission at its
hearing, noting that the Commission and the
staff will now be reconsidering the total plan,
and all of the property owners will be involved
in the reconsideration of the plan.
The Commission is recormnending the adoption
of the P-C zone and the originally approved
general development plan as it covers the area.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
the public hearing was declared opened.
Wally Nickel, Consulting Land Mr. Nickel stated he is representing the Kovens
Planner and Michaels. They feel that their properties
should be zoned in accordance to that deline-
ated on the General Plan. Mr. Nickel noted the
zoning of his clients' properties on the Gen-
eral Plan (13-26 units per acre for Michael's
property), and that proposed by this zoning
to P-C. He discussed the time schedule for
which a Planned Co~nunity should be initiated
by establishment of specific uses within two
years of the zoning. The schedule as presented
by the Planning Director is for development for
this acreage in 1976-77. Mr. Nickel asked that
the Council deny the request for P-C zone and
establish the zoning as outlined by the General
Plan. He then submitted a map to the Council
outlining the zoning for his clients' properties.
City Attorney's opinion Mr. Lindberg explained the legal aspects of the
two-year limitation which is imposed when a
property owner comes before the Commission and
Council requesting P-C zoning in accordance
with a general development plan. This allows
for a forced review after a two-year period.
No requirement for the two-year limitation is
required if the zoning is initiated by either
the Conmaission or Council since that is a
determination of the Council and sets the time
schedule for the development.
Time schedule In answer to Councilman Scott's inquiry, Direc-
tor of Planning Warren stated the revised plan
will be submitted to the Council in July 1972.
James Bennett, Telegraph Mr. Bennett asked for clarification of the
Canyon Road zoning on his parcel of property.
It was explained that he would be held to the
P-C zoning, until such time as he applied for
a change of zone.
Public hearing closed There being no further c~L~ents, either for
or against, the hearing was declared closed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1377 - REZOHING It was moved by Councilman Myde that this
170.2 ACRES EAST OF 1-805, NORTH ordinance be placed on its first reading and
OF TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD TO P-C that reading of the text be waived by unani-
- First reading mous consent. The motion carrisd by the fol-
lowing vote~ to-wit:
AYES; Councilmen Nyde~ Egdahl~ Scott~
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION AMENDING GENERAL The Zoning Ordinance requires that along with
DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND SCt{EDULE an ordinance adopting P-C zoning, a resolution
be adopted approving the general development
schedule. This schedule sets forth the details
of implementation.
Councilman Hyde commented that he did not re-
ceive the schedule in his mailing.
Motion to continue one week It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
this resolution be carried over for one week.
ORDINANCE NO. 1378 - AMENDING Palomar Street has been constructed to a 64-
SCHEDULE IX OF TRAFFIC CODE TO foot traveled way for a distance of approxi-
INCREASE SPEED LIMIT ON PALOMAR mately 1,000 feet between Industrial Boulevard
STREET - First reading and I-5. A radar speed check indicated that
85% of the vehicular traffic traveled 39.9 MPH.
Accordingly, the area was posted for 40 MPH
eights months ago on a trial basis and has been
functioning satisfactorily. It is recommended
that it be made permanent.
Ordinance placed on first reading It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
ordinance be placed on its first reading and
that reading of the text be waived by unani-
mous consent. The motion carried by the fol-
lowing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION APPROVING INTEBBST- City Attorney Lindberg explained that this
FREE LOAN TO DOWNTOWN ASSOCIATION resolution involves the grant of a $2,000
interest-free loan to the Downtown Association
to defray the costs of Christmas decorations
in the Third Avenue business district. The
loan is to be repaid fr~n the additional tax
levy to be collected in conjunction with the
new Downtown Promotion District.
Council discussion The Council questioned the legality of loan-
ing the money to one entity (Downtown Associa-
tion) and the money to be repaid by the newly
established Improvement District.
K. Nick Slijk, Chamber of Mr. Slijk explained the need for the loan.
Commerce He stated that the DowmtownAssociation has
been eliminating the dues structure because
the Improvement District is taking over;
therefore~ they have no funds to pay off this
loan for the Christmas decorations. They were
assured that they could obtain this loan and
it would be repaid by the newly created Dis-
~ity Attorney's opinion In answer to Councilman Scott's inquirys City
Attorney Lindberg stated he believes the City
would be reimbursed for this loan, and there
would be no difficulty in obtaining this° Me
would not agree, howevers that this is the
appropriate method of handling this (making
the loan to the Downtown Association and being
repaid by the Improvement District). Either
the Downtown Association should make its ar-
rangement with the Improvement District or
the Improvement District should submit this
as part of its budget.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde that this matter be held
over for throe weeks.
Suggestion for modification of Councilman Egdahl suggested the resolution be
resolution reworded. As long as the Downtown Association
continued to function, the loan be given to
the. ms and it would be their responsibility to
make the arrangements with the Improvement
District to repay the loan.
Mr. Slijk stated there was no way in which the
Downtown Associatlon could accept this loan;
they are no longer charging dues and have no
Continuance requested Mr. Lindberg asked for a one week's continu-
ance. He commented that it was assumed that
the Downtown Association would become the
entity managing the Improvement District, but
such is not now the case.
Motion modified Councilman Scott amended his motion to continue
the matter for one week. Councilman Hyde sec-
onded the motion and it carried unanimously.
RESOLUTION NOo 6285 - AMENDING In a report to the Council, the Director of
SCHEDULE V OF TRAFFIC CODE - NO Public Works stated that on the west side of
STOPPING AT ANY TIME ON HILLTOP Hilltop Drive, from the north curb line of
DRIVE AT QUINTARD STREET Quintard Street to a point 180 feet north,
motorists were double parking along the
shoulder of the road, which reduced the sight
distance at the intersection to a dangerous
minimum. Due to the absence of any curb in
this area, a "No Stopping at Anytime" regula-
tion was imposed for a trial period of eight
months. This has been functioning satisfact-
orily and it is recormnended that it be made
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6286 - AMENDING The Director of Public Works reported that
SCHEDULE V OF TRAFFIC CODE - NO Hilltop Drive, in the area of Telegraph Canyon
STOPPING AT ANY TIME ON HILLTOP Road, is 40 feet wide and has an ADT of 9,000
DRIVE AT EAST "J" STREET vehicles of which a large percentage of those
southbound turn left onto Telegraph Canyon
Road. A "No Stopping at Anytime" regulation
was installed on Hilltop Drive from the south
curb line of East "J" Street to the north curb
line of Telegraph Canyon Road (east side only)
on a trial basis eight months ago. This has
been functioning satisfactorily and it is
reconm~ended that it be made permanent.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilman Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes; None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6287 - ACCEPTING This subdivision is located at East Rienstra
PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS - APOLLO Street and Aries Court, and consists of 44
SUBDIVISION, UNIT NO. 1 lots. The Director of Public Works states
that all of the improvements have been com-
pleted in accordance with the original agree-
ment dated January 5, 1971.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6288 - APPROVING Eugene Grady, Director of Buildiag and Hous-
AND ADOPTING UNIFORM BUILDING lng, explained that in keeping pace with actual
VALUATIONS AS RECOI~MENDED BY THE construction costs, the Board of Appeals recom-
BOARD OF APPEALS mends the adoption of construction valuations.
This revision of construction valuations is in
keeping with the request of San Diego Building
Contractors' Association of the San Diego Area
Chapter of the International Conference of
Building Officials. The purpose of the re-
quested action is to increase the fee base in
order to have the permit fees cover the costs
of municipal inspection operations.
Amendment suggested Councilman Scott suggested the provision for
the billboards be eliminated from the valua-
tions, to make this consistent with the City's
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, subject to dele-
tion of the billboard provision, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6289 - APPROVING Reporting to the Council, Fire Chief Smithey
FUNDS FOR REPLACEMENT OF FIRE stated that a City fire engine sustained major
TRUCK damage in a traffic accident on November 9,
1971. Because of the age of the fire truck
(15 years) and the difficulty in obtaining
replacement parts, it is recommended that this
damaged vehicle be replaced rather than repaired.
The coet would be $43,471.051 the final cash
settlement from the insurance company will be
returned to the general fund
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous eonsent~ passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobal, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
Recess The Council adjourned for a recess at 8:30
P.M. and reconvencd at 8:42 P.M.
Unanimous Consent Item:
RESOLUTION NO. 6290 - APPROVING During the Christmas Holiday season, many
ENCROACHMENT PERMIT FORT HE citizens of this City desire to place decora-
INSTALLATION BY RESIDENTIAL tions in front of their homes; such decorations
PROPERTY OWNERS OF TEMI~ORARY often extend to the lawn, trees and shrubs
CHRISTMAS DECORATIONS located within the public right-of-way. By
this resolution, the Council recommends that
such use be approved for the purpose of dis-
playing Christmas decorations between the dates
of Thanksgiving, November 25, 1971, and the
Twelfth Day of Christmas, 3anuary 5, 1972.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES; Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Unanimeus Consent Item:
RESOLUTION NO. 6291 - EXONERATING City Attorney Lindberg explained that this
LIEN ON PROPERTY AT 4215 BONITA ROAD resolution was needed in order for the appli-
cant to close escrow.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
REPORT ON EXTENSION OF TIME BY Director of Planning Warren explained that
PLANNING COMMISSION ON CONDITIONAL at its meeting of December 6, 1971, the City
USE PERMIT FOR AUTO STORAGE LOT - Planning Commission approved an extension of
200 BLOCK OF CHURCH AVENUE - time on a conditional use permit for Castle
CASTLE PLYMOUTH, INC. Plymouth, Inc., for a storage lot for new
and used cars in the 200 block of Church
Avenue. The extension was approved to Decem-
ber 31, 1972, or when their facility at Third
and "E" Street is completed (whichever occurs
Joseph Husk, Manager, Mr. Husk discussed the construction in progress
Castle-Plymouth stating he hoped the first phase would be com-
pleted within six months, during which time
they would need the storage facility on Church
Avenue to house the automobiles. He commented
that the Council held this matter in delibera-
tion for approximately five months before they
were permitted to start construction.
Referred back to Planning It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
Commission by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the Planning Commission be requested to
reduce this extension time to six months,
after which time it can be reviewed. (This
is to come back to the Council for review
after six months).
RECOMMENDATION OF PLANNING This is an Assembly Constitutional Amendment
COMMISSION ON A.¢.A. 49 RELATING introduced by Assemblyman Deddah which would
TO PROPERTY TAXATION delete present provisions relating to property
taxation and provide instead for taxation of
land and possessory interests in land only,
exempting personal property, publicly owned
property, improvements to land and a $1,200
exemption for land on which owner-occupied
dwelling is situated, and provides for assess-
ment at full market value.
The Planning Commission is recon~nending that
the Legislative Committee consider whether
or not this should ba supported by the City.
Referred to Legislative It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
Committee by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the matter be referred to the Legisla-
tive Committee.
REPORT OF HUMAN RELATIONS In response to Council's inquiry, the Human
COMMISSION REGARDING QUESTION- Relations Cormnission reports that the purpose
NAIRE FOR BUSINESS LICENSE of the survey is to ascertain the employment
HOLDERS IN CITY OF CHULA VISTA patterns of business in Chula Vista as they
relate to minority groups. It is also the
intent of the Gon~nission to make the business
cormnunity aware of the advantages, both human-
istic and monetary, in hiring minority personnel.
Request accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report be approved and the request
REQUEST FROM YOUTH COMMISSION Mr. Tim Nader, member of the Youth Commission,
RELATIVE TO IMPLEMENTATION OF explained that they are requesting the City
PLANS FOR A "YOUTH BIKE RIDE" Council to direct the Parks and Recreation
staff to assist them in the organization and
implementation of a Youth Bicycle Trip. If
the program works out well, they may request
more of these programs.
Referred to Parks and Recreation It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
Cormnission by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the request be referred to the Parks
and Recreation Cormnission, for referral back
to the City Council.
ORDINANCE NO. 1373 - REZONING In a report to the Council~ the Director of
PROPERTY EAST OF OTAY LARES ROAD~ Planning explained that this rezoning was
NORTHOFBONITAVISTAJUNIOR HIGH based upon a Planned Unit Development and a
SCHOOL, FROM R-E TO R-i-10-P - tentative map which was approved by the Plan-
Second reading and adoption ning Commission and City Council. Problems
concerning the access to the site are still
pending, and it is requested that this matter
be deferred until January 11, 1972.
Letter received City Clerk Fulasz noted a letter received
from Mr. Rick, Engineer for the project, in
which he stated that his company has agreed
to a modification of the subdivision design
which would move the streets and slopes off
the adjacent property owned by Gersten Con-
struction Company. He asked that the Council
adopt the second reading and refer the map to
thc Planning Director so they may submit the
required modification.
Director of Planning Mr. Warren indicated this was a "gentlemen's
agrccment"~ and recommends the deferral of
the second reading. He related some of the
problems encountered with the access to this
proposed subdivision.
Second reading deferred It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the second reading be held over until
3anuary 11~ 1972.
REPORT ON "OUR HOUSE" In a written report to the Council, City Man-
agar Thomson reported on the availability of
locating "Our House" at 666 Third Avenue, a
two-story cormnercial structure located on
C-0 zoned property. Mro Thomson listed the
advantages of the site for this organization,
commenting that the cost is $400 per month.
Planning Cormnission hearing Since this is a controversial issue, it is
recormmended that this be sent to the Planning
Commission for a formal hearing on a condi-
tional use permit. Mr. Thomson asked for
Council's approval of this matter, and re-
quested they direct staff to bring back a
resolution appropriating $1:050 -- the dif-
ference of the lease payments, plus $250 for
maintenance purposes and permission to use
City forces to trim the trees.
Motion to set public hearing It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that this matter be sent to the Planning Com-
mission to hold a public hearing on January
3, 1972, and a resolution be brought back at
the next meeting incorporating the recommen-
dations of the City Manager.
Co~unity involvement Councilman Scott cormnented on the need for
more cor~nunity involvement in the "Our House"
program. He wondered if the City was remiss
in not contacting the various organizations
and businesses in the City asking for their
Councilman Hyde felt the Board of Directors
of "Our House" should initiate a program to
get financial and other support from the com-
tLEPORT ON SWEETWATER VALLEY FLOOD On November 16, 1971, the Council considered
CONTROL PROJECT - Director of a request from the Environmental Control Com-
Planning, Director of Public Works mission to oppose the proposed Sweetwater
Valley Flood Control. A copy of the reports
submitted from the Director of Planning and
the Director of Public Works were sent to the
In the reports, both department heads agree
that the opportunity to preserve the valley
in its natural state passed fifteen to twenty
years ago, at which time the land could have
been zoned agriculture to prevent the intru-
sion of commercial and industrial developments,
thereby negating need for the flood control
It is their rec~nendation that the Council
file thc proposal from the Environmental Con-
trol Commission.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Seott~ seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
Councilman Myde questioned that portion of
the proposed channel between 1-805 and Bonita
Mr. Cole, Director of Public Works, stated
in his report that he suggested opposing that
portion of the channel; the amount of money
it would take to construct this segment would
be disproportionate to the properties it would
Council discussion Council discussion ensued on the report and
on the proposed development of the shopping
center on the Bonita Golf Course; and the im-
pact on the Regional Park Plan.
Councilman Scott commented that the develop-
ment of the shopping center has been put aside
at this time, so zoning there now doesn't meet
the demand -- it is more in the form of specu-
lation. It would be his suggestion that the
Army Corps of Engineers and National City be
contacted to reconsider this flood control
REVENUE AND TAXATION MEETING Mayor Hamilton announced the meeting to be
held in the Council Chamber on Thursday,
December 16, and one in San Diego on Wednes-
day, December 15, 1971 by Waddie Deddah on
Revenue and Taxation. He asked that the
Legislative Committee be present to make
con~nents, or send in a report.
LECTURES ON CITY GOVERNMENT It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that meetings be held sometime during the
Spring semester on the Course in City Govern-
ment program.
INTER-COMMUNITYMEETINGS Councilman Scott discussed having a meeting
on the fifth Tuesday of the months in which
the Council would go out into the different
high schools to hold a Council conference.
He suggested one meeting a quarter be held
rather than fix it on the fifth Tue~da]z of
the month.
Motion to hold meeting in It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
February Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried that
the staff make every effort to set up an Inter-
community Council conference in February. The
staff is to select the high school in which
this meeting will take place.
JOINT MEETING WITH PARKING Councilman Hyde discussed the minutes of the
PLACE COMMISSION Parking Place Commission in which they dis-
cussed the availability of lots in the Park-
ing District.
Motion to hold meeting It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and carried that a joint
meeting be held with the Parking Place Com-
mission sometime in January.
Mayor Hamilton suggested it be set for the
next scheduled Council conference.
Councilman Hyde modified the time to set this
for the next Council conference (after Decem-
ber 15, 1971).
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde~ Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: Councilmen ggdahl~ Scott
Absent; None
NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITI~S FILM It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that in keeping with the recormnendation made
by the City Manager, if the San Diego County
Chapter of the League of California Cities
decides to purchase the film, that Chula Vista
offer to be the member City under whose name
the film is purchased.
BAYFRONT STUDY COSTS Councilman Egdahl discussed the related costs
which will be necessary since the consultants
will exceed their contract obligation in ex-
tending the time schedule to meet with the
various interested organizations.
City Manager Thomson stated the staff will
have a resolution prepared for the next
Council meeting.
Schedule approved It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried that
the schedule, as submitted by the Director
of Planning, be followed.
Request of City Council of The Vallejo City Council has sent a copy of
Vallejo for support of petition a resolution adopted at the 1971 Annual Con-
and League of California Cities ference of the League of California Cities
resolution regarding revenue meeting in San Francisco (September 29, 1971)
sharing requesting the Federal legislators to adopt
revenue sharing measures which would immedi-
ately benefit local governments and that it
be enacted within three months. Along with
the resolution, the Vallejo City Council
sent several pages of a petition for which
they would llke signatures obtained of the
residents of this City.
Resolution accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott~ seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the resolution be accepted and the Coun-
cil try to get the petition signed.
Letter from Human Relations In a letter from the Human Relations Commis-
Commission regarding "No sion, they state that the "No Smoking" policy
Smoking" policy is infringing upon personal rights, and that
some other solution should be sought to this
Letter from Youth Commission The Youth Commission has sent in a letter
regarding "No Smoking" policy commending the City Council on the recent
"No Smoking" policy.
The Council acknowledged receipt of the
Letter from Chamber of Commerce Mr. K. Niek Slijk, Director of the Chamber
regarding drainage ditch adjacent of Commerce, requested that the strip of land
to General Roes Park used for drainage between the curb on "C"
Street and the park fence of General Roca
Park be paved into a shallow V-shape so it
could be used for a parking area. The park-
ing lot, presently used by the Park, could
then be replaced by grass and trees. Mr.
Slijk also commented that once this is eom-
plcted, the adjacent businesses could be
asked to clean up their properties.
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Mayor Hamilton~ and unanimously carried
that this be referred to the staff for cormuent.
Resignation of Frank Williams Mr. Frank Williams, member of the Safety Com-
- Safety Commission mission, has sent in his resignation stating
he has been assigned to a new position in San
Diego, and because he will be out of town a
number of days during the week, it would be
difficult for him to do a proper job on this
Resignation accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the resignation be accepted with regret
and a letter be sent to Mr. Williams commend-
ing him on his services on this Commission.
Air Pollution Implementation Dr. Glenn, Chairman of the ECC, stated that
Plan - Richard Glenn, the Board of Supervisors must adopt a plan
Environmental Control Commission to improve air quality to meet Federal 1975
air standards. These standards must provide
the citizenry with minimal protection of their
basic rights of health, welfare and protection
against property damage.
Dr. Glenn referred to the report submitted to
the Council entitled "San Diego Clean Air
Council Conference". A public hearing will
be held by the County Board of Supervisors on
December 22, 1971, at 9:30 A.M. It is the
request of the ECC that the Council provide
recommendations to the Supervisors for this
Dr. Glenn outlined the shortcc~mings in the
implementation plan.
In answer to Mayor Hamilton's inquiry, Dr.
Glenn stated that Dr. Askew of the County
Health Department was responsible for recom-
mendations made to the Board of Supervisors
since he is the head of that department.
Air Monitoring System City Manager Thomson noted the air monitoring
station proposed for Chula Vista that will be
checking various items of air pollution. Dr.
Glenn stated that Dr. Askew's report indicates
it will be checking just the o~idents, wind
speed and wind direction.
A. Joekel, San Diego Mr. Joekel spoke on the Clean Air Council,
chairmanned by Dr. Alan Schneider, and made
up of volunteer citizens. Ha discussed the
severe air pollution problem prevalent in
San Diego County, particularly because of its
geographical location.
He co~mmented on the proliferation of community
growth and housing. He stated the Council has
the power to condition the pattern of growth
in the City. The Council could encourage the
people to ride bicycles.
Suggestion to pass resolution Mr. Joekel suggested that it would be helpful
for the Council to pass a resolution to be
forwarded to the Board of Supervisors indicat-
ing their support in whatever measures the
Board takes in implementing this Plan; encour-
age them to implement it sooner than 1975, if
possible, and also to maintain an open atti-
tude about the Plan; refine it as technical
possibilities arise.
Motion to bring back to next Councilman Scott asked that the Council re-
meeting calve a copy of this report and that it be
brought back to the next meeting.
DECEMBER 28 MEETING Mayor Hamilton asked for Council's comments
regarding cancellation of the meeting of
December 28, as suggested by the staff be-
cause of the short work week.
Motion to cancel meeting It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Mayor Hamilton and carried that the meeting
scheduled for December 28 be cancelled.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 10:30
P.M. to the conference scheduled for Wednes-
day, December 15, 1971, at 3 P.M., and to the
next regularly schedule meeting to be held
December 21, 1971.