Held Thursday February 3, 1972
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council was held on the above date beginning
at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue with the follow-
ing Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Attorney Blick, Director
of Public Works Cole, Assistant Director of Public Works Robens,
Senior Planner Williams, Street Tree Maintenance Foreman Leo
Mr. George Frank Mr, Frank stated he has been working on this pre-
CPO Staff Member mature development policy since its inception in
July 1971. The policy, entitled, "Policies and
Recommendations for Determining Regional Signifi-
cance and Prematurity of Development," has three
main purposes. (1) to define regional significant
projects, limited to housing projects and expan-
sion of public facilities such as water, sewer and
road systems; (2) proposes that subjects with
regional significance be reviewed by CPO for the
purpose of bringing in regional consideration with
the local consideration for working toward a develop-
ment for approval; (3) it defines the criteria that
CPO will look at to determine whether it is pre-
mature or mature growth.
In January, the CPO staff rewrote the report incor-
porating most of the comments received from the
member jurisdictions, the Subdivision Advisory Com-
mittee and other comments which seemed appropriate.
The staff will submit the new draft to CPO and at
the same time submit it to the member jurisdictions
with a letter from the CPO Po]icy Committee asking
what action would specifically have to be taken in
order to implement this policy. In Chula Vista, this
would require two actions: (1) establish a policy
in the City to st~mit ail projects of regional signif-
icance to CPO for review; (2) adopt a large scale
development review procedure and define large scale
development and development of major impact in Chula
This is only a proposal at this time.
Councilman Hyde asked, if such a policy were adopted
in Chula Vista, and items were submitted to CPO for
review, how long would it take to receive a reply
from CPO? Mr. Frank went through the possible actions
that could be taken on any one proposed development
plan and said the maximum time CPO would have it
would be 6-7 weeks. The normal procedure would only
require a month. Mr. Frank also suggested that the
determination of whether a project has regional signifi-
cance could be made by the City staff (Planning or
Public Works) ra~her than by the City Council. The
policy is totally voluntary.
Mr. Frank added that within this last year, a ruling
was passed that whenever any FHA financing is involved,
the proposals go to CPO for review.
Policy on holding capacity Councilman Hyde asked Mr. Frank if he knew any-
thing about Chula Vista's resolution asking CPO
to consider asking all member communities of CPO
to consider not changing any additional agricul-
tural land to another zoning until completion of
a study of a population/holding capacity of the
area. Mr. Frank said CPO has an agrigultural policy
near its final stages.
SANCOG-type legislation Councilman Scott asked ~. Frank if he knew of anyone
in CPO or the County working on a proposal similar to
SANCOG. Mr. Frank's understanding is that someone
is working on a "spot bill" to be submitted to the
PROPOSED STREET TREE Director of Public Works Cole presented his policy,
MAINTENANCE POLICY - stating the first three items listed in the policy
Third Phase are the most important: (1) Public safety; (2) Street
tree health; ($) Street tree appearance.
Mr. Cole's policy lists the implementation of the
street tree trimming program in order of importance.
Councilman Scott brought up the matter of a root
prunner, aerial tower and other items requested that
were cut out at the last budget session. Assistant
Director of Public Works Roberts stated those items
total approximately $30,000--$7,000 of which was for
the root prunner. Councilman Scott indicated he
would be in favor of reinstating some of these items
even before budget time in the form of a special
appropriation as it appears Chula Vista may soon be
implementing a significant tree preservation program.
Councilman Hyde supported this idea.
Motion to have staff submit Councilman Scott made the motion, seconded by
figures to Council Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that the
staff submit figures for Council consideration of
these items.
During further discussion on the items cut from last
year's budget, Councilman Scott said these items
were cut because the assessment figures weren't in
so a study was going to he made. He also noted that
Los Angeles has their tax assessment figures in be-
fore budget time. Councilman Scott recommended that
someone contact Assemblyman Deddeh to see if San
Diego County can be put in the same category as Los
Angeles so that the tax assessments are in by budget
Ladybug, chemical controls Councilman Scott commented that Clairemont uses
Ladybugs to control insects. Street Tree Maintenance
Foreman Levesqu¢ stated that Ladybugs won't eat all
types of insects and things (bacteria, fungus, etc.)
that affect trees. He also added that to have ade-
quate control of insects for a city this size would
be impractical because of the vast number of Lady-
bugs that would be needed. At this time, biological
control instead of spraysis not advanced enough for
adequate control. The method of injecting trees or
the ground with sprays or poisons is now being inves-
Public utilities Mr. Cole stated that utility companies have the right
to protect their property, but that the City is con-
tacted when trimming is going to be done. The
utilities try to work with the City in this matter.
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Councilman Hobel questioned why No, II, Park and
Golf Course Trees, has priority over block trim-
ming of secondary or neighborhood street trees
(I.B. 7) and visibility for motorists (I.B. 6).
Motion to change priority Councilman Hobel made the motion, seconded by
on Park & Golf Course tree Councilman Scott and unanimously carried to amend
trimming the policy by changing No. II, Park and Golf Course
Trees, to priority No. 8 under Section I.B.
NURSERY POLICY Councilman Hobel asked when would the nursery policy
be available. Mr. Cole indicated that this is the
next policy and will be ready for the Street Tree
Committee in a month and should be before the
Council in four to six weeks.
Motion to accept policy Councilman Scott made the motion, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried to accept
the policy as amended.
PARKWAY ON THIRD AVENUE Councilman Hyde commented that on the parkway area
EXTENSION on Third Avenue were it turns into the Third Avenue
extension there are 7 or 8 tree wells; he would
appreciate the staff looking into this matter i
making recommendations to correct it. Council~m
Scott indicated that there are asphalt burns ther~
and wondered if Gas Tax funds could be used to
make it a concrete island. Mr. Cole asked if the
Council would consider the idea of removing the
island if it weren't needed. The Mayor commented
that would be better than what is there now and
asked that the staff bring back several recommenda-
ORAL CO~UNICATIONS The Mayor noted the number of people in the audience
and asked if any of them wished to come forth and
Dr. Richard Glenn, Dr. Glenn stated he had expected to report on the
Chairman Environmental Clairemont study today and had asked the members of
Control Commission the ECC to each submit a report on the study. After
studying the reports, Dr. Glenn stated he felt there
is a great deal of information from the Clairemont
report that would be pertinent to Chula Vista. The
Mayor asked that Dr. Glenn make copies of the re-
port available to the Council's secretary for the
Council mailing tomorrow and stated that this matter
would be scheduled for the next Council Conference
later this month.
AIR POLLUTION CONTROL Dr. Glenn stated he has some further information
DISTRICT from the Air Pollution Control District regarding
the variance for San Diego Gas ~ Electric Company.
Mayor Hamilton asked if Dr. Glenn had a report from
the hearing and the results of the hearing that took
place in Dr, Askew's office this mor~ing, to which
Dr. Glenn answered no. Councilman Egdahl reported
that they gave SDG&E a variance until the end of this
year except for the Chula Vista plant.
Dr. Glenn said, in Chula Vista there are three genera-
tors in operation now and a fourth one will start
operation soon, after some testing is completed.
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Dr. Glenn stated new levels of standard on nox
emissions were set for January 1972, that must be
met; in a year or two, these levels will be lowered.
As a general rule, oil burning causes more emissions
than gas burning. Lowering electrical output usually
lowers nox output; so that if SDG&E now has excess
electrical output, they can meet the standards merely
by lowering this output. Boiler Nos. 1 and 2 are
considerably lower in emissions than required for the
January guideline. Boiler No. 3 exceeds the limit
and is unique in that it puts out less nox when
burning oil rather than gas, Dr. Glenn said that if
this boiler reduces its capacity and burns oil, it
could possibly meet the standard. Data on boiler
No. 4 is not available yet.
Motion to contact SDG&E and Councilman Scott made the motion, seconded by Coun-
request representation cilman Hyde and unanimously carried that San Diego
Gas ~ Electric Company be requested to send a
representative to the Council Conference scheduled
in two weeks and that they be informed of the dis-
cussions held today and minutes of previous dis-
cussions be sent to them.
PARKING DISTRICT Councilman ttyde reminded the Council to set for
Council Conference a meeting with the Parking Place
Commission to discuss a parking district. It was
recommended that this matter be set for the next
Council Conference after the one in two weeks.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 4:15 P.M.
to the meeting scheduled for Tuesday, February 8,
Secretary to the City Council
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