Held Thursday - 3:30 p.m. March 23, 1972
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council was held on the above date beginning at
5:30 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Egdahl, Hyde
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
Also present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City
Manager Bourcier, Director of Planning Warren, Director of
Public Works Cole, Senior Planner Williams
CALL TO ORDER In the absence of Mayor Hamilton, Mayor Pro
Tempore Egdahl called the meeting to order.
ADDITIONAL OFFSTREET Mr. Huntington referred to the report made
PARKING AREAS IN THE by Director of Public Works Cole, in which
DOWNTOWN BUSINESS Mr. Cole stated, based on the existing usage,
DISTRICT adequate justification for additional off-
street parking facilities does not exist.
Thomas Huntington, Chairman Mr. Huntington disagrees with parts of the
Parking Place Commission report. He stated the Parking District was
formed with the purpose of being a low
revenue source -- the revenue to be used for
obtaining further parking facilities and to
upgrade existing facilities.
Mr. Huntington added that the National
average for parking meters is $65-$7S/yr.
and that Chula Vista averages $40/yr. a
meter. From his own observation, Mr.
Huntington commented the average parking
rates in larger cities is 10{/hour and
S{/half-hour. This City charges about
half this rate, and he recommends these
rates be increased.
Referring to the staff recon~nendation that
further City development take place prior to
the addition of more parking, Mr. Huntington
remarked that this will slow the progress of
development; whereas, ample attractive park-
ing would promote development. The Parking
Place Commission has been considering three
lots in the east city area, which they believe
will be needed within the next year; however,
more study is needed for lot location.
Mr. Huntington further added that providing
additional parking lots will not hinder the
overall development plan for the City. Lot
sites can easily be utilized for building
sites in the future, but parking is needed
in the meantime.
Bruce Warren Mr. Warren commented that the staff report
Director of Planning asked for a plan indicating the need for
additional parking prior to actually putting
in the parking.
He added that the Planning Department and
City Engineer conducted a survey of existing
conditions and concluded there isn't an
overwhelming need for additional parking.
He remarked that the area west of Church
Street is a desirable location for a parking
Bruce Warren facility in the event the downtown area and
Director of Planning adjacent area develop.
The staff's report stated there should be
development of parking lots on the basis of
a plan that shows this need -- the Downtown
Association (or Downtown Improvement District)
is responsible for the request of a plan
being developed.
In answer to Councilman Egdahl's inquiry
Mr. Warren affirmed the fact that the staff
was proposing the Council impose a moratorium
on any development in the downtown area,
within the parking district, for provision
of offstreet parking spaces for their build-
ing until a downtown development plan is
Standlee McMains Mr. McMains commented that businesses that
Parking Place Commission currently provide offstreet parking are not
happy with it. He didn't think people coming
into the district would want to establish
their offstreet parking because customers for
other businesses would also use this parking
space. Mr. McMains recommended the City
acquire property now while it is still
available for possible development into
parking facilities
Motion for report from It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
Parking Place Commission by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
(Mayor Hamilton absent) to have the Parking
Place Commission prepare a report, studying
the entire parking district, submitting
numbered priorities and estimated values.
This report and recommendations to be made
within 50 days.
City Attorney's comments City Attorney Lindbcrg remarked that he
hopes to receive a report from the Downtown
Improvement District Advisory Committee, as
well as from the Parking Place Commission,
and that these two bodies and the staff
work together toward receiving and utilizing
State and Federal funds to revive this
district, taking into account the Planning
Department's ultimate plan.
Thomas Huntington Mr. Huntington stated he would like to see
the other parties interested in a general
redevelopment and the Parking Place Com-
mission work together for redevelopment,
and he hopes that some preliminary plans
will be forthcoming shortly. Mr. Huntington
added that his Commission will hold a
special meeting next Tuesday (March 28) to
initiate a request that staff start working
on some redevelopment plans.
Councilman Hyde's comments Councilman Hyde suggested establishing an ad
hoc committee composed of representatives of
the various interested parties, including
the staff, to recommend the course of action
for possible formation of a redevelopment
district in the area.
INDUSTRIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT Mr. Warren summarized the staff's written
report to the Council regarding the investi-
gation of a suitable location for an
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INDUSTRIAL PARK DEVELOPMENT Industrial Park in the Castle Park area.
The report included: (1) a brief history of
industrial parks, (2) a description of the
study area, (3) design considerations,
(4) feasibility analysis of the study area,
(5) ownership and assessed valuation,
(6) market survey (?) conclusions.
The staff concluded: (1) the property is
very expensive, (2) the land is divided
among many owners, making acquisition of a
large area difficult. The report generally
recommends not to pursue any of the sites in
the Castle Park area, but to continue the
study to the eastern part of the City.
Motion to accept report It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
(Mayor Hamilton absent) to accept the interim
report and its recommendations for the staff
to continue looking for another site.
Councilman Scott discussed the difficulty of
the City purchasing land since all discussions
must be held at open meetings and wondered
whether it is possible to amend the Brown
Act to allow such discussions to ~ake place
in Executive Session. City Attorney Lindberg
commented that the acquisition of land for
public use is an expensive proposition and
is of great concern to the taxpayers. He
said there must be a balance between pre-
serving public interest and letting the
public know as much as possible of what is
public business.
Motion to contact
San Diege County Legislators Councilman Scott made the motien, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
(Mayor Hamilton absent) to write to the San
Diego legislators to consider amending
the Brown Act to include land negotiations.
Councilman Hyde commented he hoped this
amendment would include the Council being
allowed to take options on land as a result
of Executive Action and make the final
decision by action taken at a public meeting.
Jack Cummings Mr. Cummings suggested the City purchase
342 "F" Street 2,000 acres of the Tidelands, running from
National City to Otay, for industrial use.
Councilman Hyde commented there are only 600
existing acres. In answer to City Manager
Thomson's inquiry, Mr. Cummings stated he
was including the marshlands area for indus-
trial development.
Motion for industrial use Councilman Hyde made the motion that at the
in General Plan Review time the General Plan Review is submitted,
specific commentary be directed toward
industrial development. The motion died for
lack of a second.
Report to be brought back After further discussion, Vice Mayor Egdahl
asked that the staff bring back a report next
week, at which time the Council can take
appropriate action.
Mr. Warren asked for the Council's determina~
tion of its philosophy of whether it really
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wishes to pursue the development and
marketing of an industrial park itself or
simply to assure that planning will accom-
modate land for industrial development in the
Jack Cummings Mr. Cummings spoke in favor of more indus-
trial development in this City.
REGIONAL PARK It was moved by Councilman ttobel, seconded
IMPLEMENTATION STUDY by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
(Mayor Hamilton absent) to accept the report
and that a resolution be drawn up in support
of this study and be brought back to Council.
ADJOURNMENT Vice Mayor Egdahl adjourned the meeting at
4:40 p.m. to the meeting of March 28, 1972
at 7:00 p.m.
Secretary to the City Council
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