HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1972/03/28 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday March 28, 1972
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, ttobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City
Manager Bourcier, Assistant Director of Public Works Roberts,
Director of Planning Warren
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of March 21,
1972 be approved, copies having been sent
to each Councilman.
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST CO~ISSIONER Mayor Hamilton introduced Mrs. Margaret
Helton, member of the Human Relations
Commission, as guest commissioner for this
Herb Lathan Mr. Lathan stated he was requested by the
631 Carla Street Director of the Veteran's Administration
to find a place in Chula Vista where a
representative of the Administration could
come down one day a week to help people
with the problems associated with the
Veteran's Administration, such as home
loans, etc. He would prefer that it be a
space within the Civic Center complex.
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously car-
ried that the staff find a suitable space
for this representative.
PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION OF Director of Planning Warren submitted a
PREZONING OF PROPERTY LOCATED ON plat noting the location of the property.
THE SOUTH SIDE OF ARIZONA STREET, The prezoning is to R-$ and includes 3.18
200' BAST OF BROADWAY acre~ of land with lot sizes ranging from
approximately 3,600 square feet to 19,800
~quare feet. Existing County zoning is
R-S; the General Plan designates the
area as medium density residential. The
Planning Commission recommends approval.
Mr. Warren noted that the recent Castle
Park Zoning Study by the County Planning
Department resulted in a rezoning of the
property from R-2 to R-3. The annexation
of the area is still pending before the
Local Agency Formation Commission. At
the initial LAFCO hearing, opposition was
heard from a representative of the Mont-
gomery Fire District.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as adver-
tised, the public hearing was opened.
Opposition to annexation Councilman Scott commented that if there
was opposition to the annexation, perhaps
the staff should not proceed with it.
Mayor Hamilton indicated he would like to
know the reasons for the opposition. City
Attorney Lindberg explained that there is
a great deal of confusion with the annex-
ation and the 1911 Block Act--as to which
one the people are actually opposing. At
this time, a determination cannot be made
as to whether a majority protest exists.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either
for or against, the hearing was declared
ORDINANCE NO 1392 - PREZONING It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
TO R-3, 3.18 ACRES LOCATED ON ordinance be placed on its first reading
THE SOLrrH SIDE OF ARIZONA STREET, and that reading of the text be waived by
200' EAST OF BROADWAY - FIRST unanimous consent. The motion carried by
READING the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION City Attorney Lindberg explained the
OF OPEN SPACE DISTRICT PROCEDURAL proposed ordinance as one providing an
ORDINANCE OF 1972 assessment process similar to that of
the 1911 Act for acquisition, development
and maintenance of open space and park
areas. The ordinance would consider a
means for formulating districts when
presented with a petition signed by the
owners of 2S% of the total assessed value
of land only within the district. The
staff submits a preliminary report and
the planning Commission forwards a
recommendation to City Council. A
public hearing is then set. If a major-
it~ of.protests is made at the hearing,
all proceedings shall be terminated. If
no majority protests are made, the Council
may adopt a resolution ordering the formu-
lation of the district.
El Rancho del Rey - comments Mr. Lindberg added that the E1 Rancho del
Rey developers have reviewed the proposed
ordinance a~d have made the following
requests for changes:
(I) The ordinance should clearly spell
out the types of areas: natural unde-
veloped areas, constructed slope areas
not part of individual lots, etc.
(2) Maintenance - The City should maintain
out of general tax revenues areas that
will be open to the general public such
as large wilderness parks or other
recreational facilities.
(5) It is unclear what the relationship
will be between the proposed ordinance
and the existing statute providing for
parks or in lieu fees.
(4) The ordinance should authorize the
City to construct improvements such as
recreational buildings, swimming pools,
(5) A time limit should be set in
Section 3S.214 for the preparation of the
Delay requested City Attorney Lindberg asked that the hearing
be continued and that these revisions be
made in the ordinance and redistributed to
- 2 - all interested parties
Director of Planning %qarren remarked that
the San Diego Building Contractors'
Association has asked to meet with the
staff on April 12. Mr. Warren suggested
a one-month continuance.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as adver-
tised, Mayor Hamilton declared the hearing
William Johns, Attorney Mr. Johns stated he is representing the
S39 "B" Street E1 Rancho del Rey developers. He com-
mented that the City Attorney presented
their case very well and requested con-
sideration of the postponement.
Katherine Moore Mrs. Moore questioned whether the general
South Bay Citizens public would be able to use an area put-
Planning Committee chased and maintained by the people in
a certain district.
City Attorney Lindberg explained that
under this ordinance, all land acquired
would become public dedicated park lands.
Eugene Coleman Mr. Coleman stated he is speaking in op-
1670 Gotham Street position of the ordinance. He questioned
whether the present ordinance was ade-
quate to provide the necessary land for
open space. He felt the City should
provide the open space for the people,
and not assess them to pay for it.
Council discussion ensued as to the purpose
of the ordinance.
Frederick A. R. Drew Mr. Drew commented that he was speaking
1275 Banner Avenue neither for nor against, and questioned
who was liable for maintaining the areas
between a sidewalk and curb, and an area
between his home and the San Diego Gas
& Electric Company right-of-way.
City Attorney Lindberg explained that it
is assumed that rights-of-way in front of
Homes be maintained by that property owner.
Mr. Lindberg discussed slope areas that
are part of a single family lot and are
beyond a fence or wall extending to a
public right-of-way. A solution to these
problem areas would be to utilize this
type of district ordinance.
Council discussion Discussion was held by the Council and
Attorney relative to certain aspects of
the ordinance: deeds of land, maintenance,
use of City forces, and failure to pay
Distribution of ordinances In answer to Councilman Hobel's inquiry,
the City Clerk stated she sent out approxi-
mately 20 copies of the proposed ordinance
on March 16 to a list compiled with the
cooperation of the City Attorney and
Director of Planning. A copy of the re-
vised ordinance will be sent to this
same list.
Continued for one month It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously car-
ried that this hearing be continued for
one month - to the meeting of APril 2S, 1972.
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RESOLUTION NO. 6375 APPROVING The Council, at its regular meeting of
REQUEST FOR EXTENSION OF TIME March 21, accepted the report of the Director
ON CONTRACT FOR REMODELING AND of Public Works regarding a request for
ALTERATION OF CITY HALL time extension and authorized preparation
of resolution granting 65 days, extending
the completion date of the contract from
February 21 to April 26, 1972.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION - PROVIDING FOR In a report to the Council, the Director
SPECIAL APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS of Public Works reported that all items
FOR FINAL PAYMENT ON POLICE have been completed on the police facility
FACILITY relative to clean up and other required
work. It is now necessary to make final
payment to the contractor. The resolution
appropriates the amount of $5,084.64 neces-
sary for this final payment.
Councilman Egdahl commented that he did
not receive the reports associated with
this resolution.
Continued for one week It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this matter be continued for one week.
RESOLUTION NO. 6376 APPROPRIATING In a written report to the Council, the
FUNDS TO PURCHASE STREET TREE MAIN- Director of Public Works submitted the
TENANCE EQUIPMENT list of additional personnel and equip-
ment required by the Street Tree Main-
tenance Section to maintain City street
trees at a level consistent with the
goals of the recently adopted tree
maintenance policy.
It is being recommended that a Senior Tree
Trimmer, Tree Trimmer and Maintenance Man
be hired in July to form one additional
tree maintenance crew.
It is further recommended that a 35'
aerial personnel lift and miscellaneous
other equipment be purchased immediately
to implement this program. The amount of
$50,500 is being requested to be appro-
priated from the fund balance of the
general fund for the immediate purchase
of these items.
3/4 Ton Truck Councilmen Scott discussed the need of the
3/4 ton truck at this time. He suggested
this appropriation wait until budget time
to check priorities of need.
Motion to delete It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously car-
ried that the 5/4 ton truck be deleted in
this appropriation.
Mobile Radio Unit Councilman Scott questioned the need for
another mobile radio unit.
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Assistant Director of Public Works Robens
explained the emergency calls and the con-
venience of having the mobile radio unit.
Motion to delete radio unit It was moved by Councilman Scott that the
$840 for the appropriation of a mobile
radio unit be deleted.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6377 APPROVING Director of Planning Warren submitted the
TENTATIVE MAP OF LARKHAVEN tentative map noting the location as en-
SUBDIVISION, UNITS 1 AND 2 compassing 28.7 acres bisected by Orange
Avenue. Units 1 and 2 will be developed
with 116 single family dwellings. Mr.
Warren reported that to meet the park
dedication needs, American Housing Guild
(the developers) will dedicate 7 acres of
property lying north of Orange Avenue;
Henry Rienstra (owner of the property)
will donate an additional 7 acres, and
the developers will donate $33,000 for
development of the 7 acres.
The Planning Commission recommends approval
with the recommendation that an additional
S-acre park site be located south of Orange
Mr. Warren detailed the park sites in this
area (approximately 30 acres).
Cost of S-acre parcel The Council questioned the approximate
cost of acquiring the 5-acre parcel. City
Manager Thomson indicated the City received
an unofficial price of $S0,000; there is
then the cost of improving the area.
In answer to Councilman Hyde's questions,
City Attorney Lindberg explained that in
lieu fees of any circumstances should be
available for acquisition or development
of park land any place within the park
service district without a demand that it
be specifically earmarked for that park
acquisition or maintenance of an area of
closest proximity to the subdivision.
Councilman Hyde suggested this be made a
condition of the resolution.
Jerry ninton Mr. Linton stated it was his understanding
American Housing Guild that the 14 acres being dedicated by
American Housing Guild would satisfy the
total park requirement for their entire
development (Units 1, 2 and 3). In addi-
tion, they are donating $35,000 toward
development of the park. They have given
up a choice S-acre parcel for the City
to purchase from Mr. Rienstra.
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Continuance suggested Councilman Hyde suggested this matter be
continued and the staff find out the cost
of the acquisition of the property, and
the cost of developing the property in
terms of improvements, such as the drainage
Recess A recess was called at 8:47 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 9:00 p.m.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, with one
exception: a modification be made
stating that the $$S,000 shall be
available for development or land ac-
quisition within the park service dis-
trict concerned.
Park site commitment The Council discussed whether or not, by
approving the resolution, a commitment was
made as to the S-acre park site.
City Attorney Lindberg explained that the
Council is defining the subdivision boun-
daries of the two units shown. If, in the
future, the Council wishes to reject the
S-acre park site, this can be done. The
S-acre parcel is not part of the subdi-
vider,s property.
The motion to approve the resolution passed
by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: H~de, Egdahl, Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: Scott
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1390 AMENDING At the City Council meeting of March 21,
ORDINANCE NO. 1572 RELATING 1972, this ordinance was approved and
TO THE IMPOSITION OF A placed on its first reading. It is now
MORATORIUM AND ESTABLISHING placed before the Council for its second
A PROCEDURE FOR THE ELECTION reading and adoption.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading
and that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent. The ordinance was
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1591 AMENDING At the Council meeting of March 21, 1972,
SECTION 28.302 OF SUBDIVISION this ordinance was approved and placed on
ORDINANCE TO ALLOW FOR TITLE its Eirst reading. It is now before the
GUARANTEE IN LIEU OF CERTIEI- Council for its second reading and
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading
and that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent. The ordinance was
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
STATUS REPORT ON BI-LINGUAL In a written report to the Council, City
DIFFERENTIAL Manager Thomson reported that the Civil
Service Commission has indicated general
conceptual agreement of the bi-lingual
pay differential plan, and has asked the
Manager's office to forward a plan of
A status report has been submitted to the
Council and sent to the Director of
Personnel. It will be reviewed by the
Civil Service Commission and a report will
be back to the Council.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the status report be accepted and
final action be deferred until a formal
proposal is submitted.
REPORT ON THIRD AVEN~ In a written report to the City Council,
RESTRIPING, "J" to "L" The Director of Public Works stated that
STREETS - Director of a thorough investigation has been made of
Public Works this area and it is recommended that all
parking on Third Avenue between J and L
be eliminated and that 2-way left turn
lanes be installed throughout the entire
Mr. Cole noted the traffic count per day
in this area and the number of accidents.
He added that with the construction of the
Post Office and the proposed Chula Vista
Office Center on the east side of Third,
between K and L, additional traffic will
be generated which will add to the con-
gestion in this area.
The Safety Commission approved 2-way left
turn lanes on Third Avenue from J to K at
its meeting of March 22, 1972.
Notification of business Councilman Scott asked if all the businesses
merchants along Third Avenue have been notified of
this recommendation.
Mr. Robens, Assistant Director of Public
Works, stated they have not.
Report held over It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this matter be held over until such
time as all these businesses have been
COURSE IN CITY GOVERNMENT Mayor Hamilton announced that the fourth
session will be held on Wednesday, March
29, 1972, at 7:00 p.m. in the Council
Chamber. The program will be presented
by the Public Works, Fire, and Police
EASTER EGG HUNT INVITATION Mayor Hamilton reminded the Council and
the public of the invitation to the City-
wide Easter Egg Hunt and Parade to be
held at CmeggRogers Park from 10:30 a.m.
to 1:50 p.m. on March 29, 1972.
- 7 -
STATEWIDE TAX AND LEGISLATIVE Mayor Hamilton reported that the League of
CONFERENCE California Cities is holding a Statewide
Tax and Legislative Conference on April
26 and 27 in Sacramento. Any Councilman
wishing to attend should contact the Clerk
for reservations.
Permission given City Clerk It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
to attend Conference by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the City Clerk be given permission to
attend the City Clerks' Institute on
May 10-11-12 in Monterey, sponsored by the
League of California Cities.
BIKE PATHS Councilman Egdahl asked for a staff report
on plans for a bicycle path up Otay Lakes
Road, in the new widening of this road in
which the City cooperated with the County
(up to the college).
GRADING ON PRIVATE DRIVEWAYS Councilman Egdahl asked whether the sub-
division ordinance precludes the problem
raised at the last meeting -- that of
driveways not being connected to
garages and unusable.
City Attorney Lindberg stated the subdivi-
sion ordinance is presently being amended
to incorporate the matter of gradings on
private driveways.
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL REQUEST Councilman Egdahl asked that the Compre-
FOR C P O REPORTS hensive Planning Organization be requested
to place the Environmental Control Commis-
sion on their mailing list. This is in
response to the request by ECC that they
receive these reports for evaluation.
Council discussion Council discussion followed as to the
exact request by HCC. Councilman Hobel in-
dicated the ECC wanted to be a part of the
study prior to CPO meetings. Based on the
timing schedule, this becomes impossible
since it would be almost one week's time
before reports go through the technical and
policy committees.
Motion for ECC assistance It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried that the City Manager respond to
the ECC, on behalf of the City Council,
that he would be willing to have the ECC
provide information as an assisting source
in parallel with and independent of the
staff process.
Staff assistance to ECC Councilman Scott discussed the issues
before the ECC. He remarked that someone
of an environmental background in the
Planning staff should attend ECC meetings -
someone who is conversant with environmental
City Manager Thomson explained the staff's
assistance to ECC at the present time.
-8 -
Motion for reevaluation of It was moved by Councilman Hyde that the
staffing arrangements City Manager reevaluate the staffing ar-
rangements for the Environmental Control
Commission and make recommended modifica-
tions, if any.
Mr. Thomson explained that in the tenta-
tive budget, under General Services, a
position of Environmental Analyst is being
Motion withdrawn Councilman Hyde withdrew his motion.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
9:55 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for
Tuesday, April 4, 1972 at 7:00 p.m.
City Clefk~ ~
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