Held Wednesday - 3:00 pom. June 21, 1972
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held
on the above date beginning at 3 p.mo in the Council Conference Room, Civic Center,
276 Fourth Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: Mayor Hamilton
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Manager Bourcier,
City Attorney Lindberg, Director of Finance Grant
A>iBULANCE SERVICE Mr. Steve Ballard, owner, Bay Cities Ambulance
Service, discussed a recent court modification
of the ambulance ordinance regarding other
ambulances coming into a city and making pick-
ups. Ne stated he received a vote of confi-
dence from this Council that his company
would be the only one operating in this city;
however, another ambulance service is coming
in (Gold Cross) and is allowed to make certain
City Attorney's opinion Mr o Lindberg explained that the City's ordinance
has not been modified by the court decision -
no other ambulance is allowed to come into the
City to make pickups for hire° He added that
this other ambulance service is making pickups
for the Kaiser Foundation~ and the courts have
held that this city's ordinance does not apply
in this instance.
Telephone calls prior to Councilman Egdahl suggested that Kaiser be
pickup required to call the Police Department and
notify them when Gold Cross will be coming
into the City for a pickup.
Mr~ Lindberg commented that Kaiser Foundation
does not have an extensive contract with Gold
Cross Ambulance Service - the Foundation can
call on any ambulance service.
Other ambulance services Mr. Ballard reported that Monroe Clinic and
in the City Fredericka Manor have just purchased ambulances.
Councilman Scott commented that Fredericka
uses its ambulance (station wagon) for trans-
porting their patients from the convalescent
home to a hospital - it is not for public hire°
City Attorney Lindberg agreed, adding that
once you eliminate the public-for-hire con-
cept, and recognize that these ambulances are
used internally for their own patients, then
the City does not have the right to regulate it.
Pickups at no cost Mro Ballard discussed the drug traffic patients
brought to the two hospitals in this city by
the police° These people have been picked up
from the border and all parts of the city; and
since he operates the only ambulance service,
he is obligated to pick up everyone of these
people from the two hospitals and transport
them to University Hospital at no compensation
whatsoever. This accounts for 20 to 40 calls
a month.
Medical and Medicare The Council held a general discussion re-
lating to Medical and Medicare patients, and
the responsibility of collecting from these
patients. Mr. Ballard remarked that there
is a vast amount of bookwork involved here.
Three doctors comprise the Emergency Medical
Care Board in San Diego. For a person to be
transported out of Bay General Hospital to a
local nursing home, for instance, just be-
cause he is on Medical doesn't mean the am-
bulance service will be paid. A call must be
put through to one of these doctors on the
Board and get verification that the run is a
good one and that they will authorize payment
for the ambulance service.
Councilman Scott questioned what would happen
if the ambulance service refuses to take any
non-emergency scheduled patients (not emer-
gency or indigent).
City Attorney Lindberg declared that this
policy can be made by the City Council -
that the ambulance service in the City is to
be used for emergency purposes only without
prior check as to the means of payment.
Gold Cross Service Councilman Hobel questioned the number of times
the police had to check on Gold Cross coming
into the City within the last 60 to 90 days.
Chief William Winters stated he hasn't seen
any report during this last period.
Mr. Ballard contended that there is no way
to accurately check this - the ambulance
service has been known to come into the City
with their lights and sirens off, go down side
streets, and make its pickups.
Suggestion for motion Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde suggested that the
staff and City Attorney make arrangements to
discuss this further with Mr. Ballard and
come up with recommendations to the City
Council for action to be taken. Investigation
should be made of the Monroe Clinic ambulance
and see if this operation is in violation of
the ordinance. Also~ the staff should explore
the possibility of having the County assume
some of the responsibility for the non-paying
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
(Mayor ~amilton absent) that this matter be
referred to the staff for investigation of
the areas discussed by the Council and to
come back with a recormmendation.
AZTEC BUS LINES Mr. PatriCk Doogan, Vice President, submitted
a financial statement, noting that the general
accounting costs in the handling of monies on
a recurring basis has rasulted in a nat savings
to the City of approximately $1800~00 a year,
when this accounting was taken over by Aztec.
Ridership record The Council discussed the increase in ridershipo
Mr. Doogan declared that the company has
carried over one-quarter million riders since
its inception; 140~000 people rode the buses
during the past year.
A greater percentage is expected this year
with the extended route to the college.
Wayne Carroll~ Auditor Mr. Carroll stated he just received the
report; it is an unaudited statement showing
an 8.7% return on the cash receipts. There
is not a breakdown on the actual costs, so
he cannot make any further evaluation of the
Cost of service Discussion ensued as to the cost of the service
to the City. Councilman Scott questioned the
use of the SB 325 funds. He commented that
he talked to Assemblyman Deddeh and Senator
Mills and was told that a spot bill would be
put on the legislative floor this year as it
will be an amendment to SB 325.
Jim Klein, Assistant Dean of Mr. Klein spoke in support of the extended
Student Activities bus service to Southwestern College.
Southwestern College
Eleanor Anderson~ Chairman Mrs° Anderson spoke in support of the continoed
TASK Force Cormnittee bus service.
City subsidized service Councilman Scott discussed the inception of
the bus service and the extended time on the
agreements° He felt the Council should
acknowledge the fact that bus service to the
citizens of this city will remain. The
question becomes one of subsidy - how much
is it worth to the City to subsidize the
Councilman Hobel felt that with a different
contract, as ridership increases, the revenues
to the City would be greatar and there would
be no need for a total subsidy. The transpor-
tation system in this city is here to stay;
however, the citizens should be fully aware
of the fact that it is a subsidy. If SB 325
allows the use of some of its fund for con-
tractural services, this will alleviate the
subsidy somewhat; if not, then the City must
stand the cost. Councilman Hobel added that
with rapid transit five or ten years away, a
bus service for the residents of this city is
a necessity prior to that time.
Mrs. Folsoff Mrs. Folsoff spoke in support of the service
Terry's Mobile Home stating she likes the personal service ex-
G Street tended by the drivers.
Report to be presented City Manager Thomson explained that his staff
is working on a study of the transportation
system in this city. A status report will be
ready on June 27; they are still waiting for
the report from San Diego Transit°
Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde summarized the discus-
sion by stating that the report, as submitted,
has been accepted and the staff will have a
recommendation to the Council at next Tuesday's
meeting (June 27) at which time the Council
will make a decision as to the contractual
Motion for College participation It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
(Mayor Hamilton absent) that the staff con-
tact Southwestern College concerning parti-
cipation in the bus service.
Bike spaces Councilman Egdahl suggested some of the
seats be removed in the rear of some of the
buses so that people who ride bikes can take
them on these buses.
Transfer slips Mr~ Doogan indicated that tickets will be
available for interchanges between bus lines.
Recess A recess was called at 4:35 p.m., and the
meeting reconvened at 4:45 p.m.
SIGN CONTENT AND DESIGN Mr. Bruce Warren, Director of Planning, spoke
of the problems his staff is having with sign
design and content. His recommendation would
be to strengthen and broaden to a greater
degree the way the sign requests are reviewed°
Mr. Warren declared that a three member Design
Review Board should be appointed: one member
to be an architect~ one a landscape architect,
and the other someone in a design-oriented
profession. Advisors to this Board (without
vote) would be the Zoning Administrator, a
sign maker, a businessman at large and a
Building Department official. Design and
content would still be made at the Planning
Department counter based on more defined
standards, but with an automatic referral to
the Board, on request. Appeal from the Board
would be to the City Council.
Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde felt the decision of
the Board should be final and no appeal
provision should be made to the Council.
Recorm~endation accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
(Mayor Hamilton absent) that the recommenda-
tion of the staff be enacted and the basic
composition of the Board and its advisory
members be as recommended. These members are
to draw up the initial criteria and would
function as outlined by the Director of
There shall be no provision in this new
Board for an appeal to the City Council.
30 days time City Manager Thomson stated the Planning
staff would need 30 days to inaugurate this
new concept, and will report back to the
Council at that time (July 25, 1972).
Fran Burger Mro Burger asked the staff to check out the
Pacific Sign Company Architectural Control Review Board in the
616 Oaklawn City of La Mesa, for possible suggestions.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Pro Tempore Hyde adjourned the meeting
at 5:00 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for
Tuesday~ June 27~ 1972, at 7 p.m.
City Clerk ~7~
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