Held Wednesday - 3:00 P.M. July 26~ 1972
An adjourned regular meeting was held by the City Council of Chula Vista, California,
on the above date beginning at 3:00 P.M. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center,
276 Fourth Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hobel
Also present: Acting City Manager Bourcier, City Attorney Lindberg,
Assistant Director of Planning Williams, Associate Planner Lee,
Administrative Assistant Ratelle
PARK SITES - Mr. Jerry Linton, representing American
~d~ERICAN HOUSING GUILD Housing Guild, 3247 Mission Village Drive,
San Diego, discussed the park sites in the
proposed Larkhaven subdivision. He is be-
fore the Council today to find out whether
or not they feel there is a need for a
park site here, and if they are prepared to
purchase the site. Mr. Linton explained that
AHG has been holding off filing a subdivision
map until these questions have been resolved.
The site involves approximately five acres
of land, and AHG is willing to sell it to
the City for $13,000 an acre.
HUD Negotiations Mr. Jack Ratelle, Administrative Assistant,
discussed the current negotiations with HUD.
After a meeting with its representative last
week HUD requested the City to make a formal
application for an alternative site. This
was done and an answer should be forthcoming
from HUD within a week. In answer to the
Mayor's inquiry, Mr. Ratelle remarked that
HUD has earmarked approximately $112,000
for Chula Vista.
Mr. Bourcier, Acting City Manager, stated that
amount was just for acquisition - the cost of
development needs to be considered.
Staff presentation Mr. Kenneth Lee, Associate Planner, submitted
a map of the area and the three alternative
park sites being considered. He reviewed each
site, its location, and access to the surround-
ing area. Mr. Lee noted the area in the County
for which a subdivision map has just been
Council discussion Council discussion followed relative to park
site fees, the fact that the subdivision did
not provide for right-of-way or access, and
~sking the County to have the developers con-
tribute the same amount of money for park
development since the proposed park will serve
the entire area.
Staff's recommendation Assistant Director Williams indicated the staff
was not ready, at this time, to make a specific
recommendation on any one of the three alter-
nate park sites - the cost factor would have
to be considered for one thing.
City Attorney's comments City Attorney Lindberg wondered what con-
sideration should be given to the LAFCO
requirement and the concern of the people
in the Woodla~m Park area. These people
were very much pleased with the fact that
they would have direct access to the park,
as originally proposed. To choose an al-
ternative site would remove the immediate
access and whatever benefit might be de-
rived from having a park land area immedia-
tely adjacent to Woodlawn Park.
Motion for park site It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that there be a park site in this area.
Park fees Mr. Williams, in answer to Councilman Hyde's
questions, stated this particular park is
not definitely pinpointed on the Park Plan.
The Park Service District Map, which has
recently been completed, has some revisions
to the Park Plan, which plan was adopted
based on current available land.
The present ordinance enables the City to
collect two separate fees: (1) park fee or
in-lieu dedication; (2) residential con-
struction tax. In this particular area, the
City would get little or no money from park
fees; however, the residential construction
tax will be a little over $70,000. In-lieu
fees would have to be spent in the area
where they are collected.
Staff to work with developer Mayor Hamilton informed Mr. Linton that the
Planning staff would work with him to accept
a plan that would not entail redesigning of
their subdivision.
Kathryn Moore Mrs. Moore discussed the meeting she attended
1134 Tobias Drive at the Castle Park High School last week in
which County representatives were present
and stated that the County would dedicate
three parks in this area. They didn't ela-
borate on the specific sites, and would not
commit themselves other than to say that one
site would be near the Oxford Street Post
Sphere of Influence Council discussion ensued on the City's sphere
of influence and requiring the County to
collect park dedication fees.
Motion to file protest with It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
County by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that an official protest be filed with the
County concerning the subdivision map re-
cently filed in this area stating that this
area is within this City's sphere of in-
fluence, and if it is developed in an urban
atmosphere, it should come into the City of
Chula Vista.
Supervisor Walsh to be called Councilman Hyde felt that the Mayor or City
Manager should call Supervisor Walsh and dis-
cuss this matter directly with him.
Greg Rogers Park Site Mr. Linton submitted a map noting a 28-acre
parcel of land lying between Greg Rogers
Park and Interstate 805, and'south of
Zenith Subdivision. He explained the negotia-
tions made with the City for the sale and/or
exchange of land for the property. AHG is
offering this for sale to the City at approxi-
mately $6,000 an acre.
Question of streets going councilman scott questioned whether Palomar
through Street and Oleander Avenue would be going through
this area. It would mean putting in the
public improvements: streets~ drainage, etc.,
plus the cost of the acquisition of the park
site - approximately $168,000, and it would
break up the open space.
Bond issue discussed Mayor Hamilton commented that perhaps now
is the time to discuss a bond issue for the
acquisition of park sites.
Council discussion followed as to the time
element involved in getting a bond issue on
the November ballot.
City Attorney Lindberg stated a request to
the Board of Supervisors for a consolidated
ballot would have to be made by August 25,
and all material relative to the bond issue
would have to be finalized by September 5, 1972.
Motion to refer to staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the staff be directed to come back
with a recommendation to the Council within
60 days, as to (i) question of whether Ole-
ander and Palomar will go through this area,
and (2) decisions as to the acquisition of
the park site.
Motion to refer to Planning It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
and Parks & Recreation Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
Departments for study that the Planning Department and the Parks
& Recreation Department conduct a study re-
garding acquisition and development of park
lands. A recommendation is to be brought
back to the City Council prior to the date
the Council must act on it in order to have
a bond issue on the November ballot. The
study is to cover the practicability, de-
sirability, and any other factors to be con-
AUTOMOBILE PARKS STUDY - Assistant Director of Planning Williams
DIRECTOR OF PLANNING referred to the report submitted to the
Council regarding the desirability of an
automobile sales park in the City. Mr.
Williams stated that the location of the
appropriate site, the actual development
of the auto park, and the interest and
investment which will hav~ to be made on
the part of the auto dealers would take
a considerable amount of time. It would
be the staff's recommendation that the
Council review the Auto Park Study plan
and direct the staff to continue the search
for an appropriate site for this sales park,
and to work with the auto dealers on this.
The staff will submit periodic reports to
the Council.
Motion for staff to continue It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
work on Auto Park by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the staff be directed to continue work
on the Auto Park, continue working with
the auto dealers, and to submit periodic
status reports to the Council.
SLIDE PRESENTATION Mr. Lou Quinney, Assistant Planner, showed a
slide presentation of an auto sales park in
COUNCIL CONFERENCES City Clerk F~lasz stated that the Chamber
of Commerce Lease was scheduled to be dis-
cussed at the Conference scheduled for
Thursday, August 3; however, she received
a call from Mr. Niek Slijk of the Chamber of
Commerce asking that this be postponed until
after August 15, in order that the Chairman
might attend.
The Council concurred that this matter be
COUNCIL REPRESENTATION A list of the different committees and or-
ON VARIOUS ORGANIZATIONS ganizations on which Council is represented
was submitted to the Council.
The different committee representations were
discussed with the following concurrences:
American Bicentennial Celebration Committee -
Mr. Sid Cornell
Border Cities Conference - Chairman of IFC
City Beautification (a Chamber of Commercei
committee - Councilman Hyde
Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors
Mayor will attend whenever possible
Civil Defense - Councilman Egdahl
Comprehensive Health Planning Organization -
no representation
Comprehensive Planning Organization -
Councilman Hobel
Financial aspect referred Council discussion followed as to appoint-
to City Attorney ing an Alternate. Councilman Scott suggested
the Vice-Mayor be the Alternate each year.
Councilman Hyde discussed the hardship it
would cause him to attend, stating he would
be docked approximately $100 per day from
his job, and with four meetings a month, this
would be unreasonable. Councilman Hyde in-
quired whether the City would bear the ex-
pense of the representative.
The Council directed that the City Attorney
research this matter and report back to the
International Friendship Club - no represen-
Legislative Committee - Councilman Scott
LAFCO - Mayor Hamilton
Park-School Committee - Councilman Scott
Street Tree Committee - Councilman Hyde
S.D. County Human Relations Commission -
no representation
San Diego Unified Port District - Commissioner
appointed by Council
Town Affliation Association - no representation
Economic Opportunity Commission - no represen-
G. I. Forum - no representation
Motion for appointments It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
to committees Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that all committee appointees be made by the
MEETING ON FIFTH TUESDAY Mayor Hamilton asked the Council members for
their opinion as to whether or not a meeting
should be scheduled for the fifth Tuesday
of this month.
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It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that no meeting be scheduled for August 29, 1972.
PUBLIC HEARING REGARDING Councilman Egdahl presented the Council with
BAYFRONT a note from Mr. Wayne Smith regarding public
hearings. Mr. Smith wrote the note after
listening to public testimony given at the
Bayfront Study hearing.
The Council asked Councilman Egdahl to obtain
more specifics on this matter.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
5:15 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for
Thursday, July 27, 1972 at 7:30 p.m. in the
Council Conference Room.
City Clerk
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