Held Wednesday ~ 3:00 p.m. August 9, 1972
An adjourned regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was
held on the above date beginning at 3:00 p.m. in the Council Conference Room,
Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Egdahl
Absent: Councilman Hyde
Also present: City Manager Thomson, Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City
Attorney Lindberg, Administrative Assistant Ratelle
SAN DIEGO TRANSIT CORPORATION San Diego Transit Corporation, intro-
TO DISCUSS NEAR-TERM TRANSIT duced Mr. Herb Davis and Mr. Richard T.
PROBLEMS AND PLANS Silberman, Chairman, San Diego Transit
Mr. Richard T. Silberman Mr. Silberman discussed the new programs
currently being initiated by the Corpo-
ration: the $10 monthly pass, the 25¢
fare entitling anyone to ride to any
destination on the route, and the initia-
tion of nine new express routes.
Mr. Silberman cormmented that although the
bus company is owned by the City of San
Diego, it is the philosophy of the Board
that they serve the region. In the next
5 to 10 years, the main transportation
will be the bus, and every city must look
upon this as a public service. He added
that with the advent of their new rate
structure, and the nine new express routes
which will go by and through Chula Vista,
they are in a unique opportunity to pro-
vide extremely good bus service to the r~
sidents of this City. Mr. Silberman sug-
gested that his staff meet with members
of the City staff to find out where they
can provide additional cooperation in the
bus system which would lead to one regional-
wide transportation program.
Mayor Thomas D. Hamilton, Jr. Mayor Hamilton stated he does not recognize
the Transit Corporation as the regional
transportation system, because the City of
Chula Vista does not have representation
on it, and its citizens receive very limited
Mr. Silberman Mr. Silberman explained that he didn't mean
their Corporation was the regional agency--
they are merely regional operators.
In answer to the Mayor's query, Mr. Silber-
man remarked that they do not want to get
involved in the CPO dispute - the law is
specific as adopted by the State Business
and Transportation Agency. It states
that in this area, CPO is the entity which
will be responsible for allocating SB 325
funds. Mr. Silberman added that the Trans-
it Corporation is qualified for funds, and
will go to CPO before the end of this month
with a proposal.
Councilman Frank Scott Councilman Scott asked if Mr. Silberman
anticipated the City of San Diego re-
linquishing some of its control over
San Diego Transit System and allowing
Chula Vista and the other outlying cities
to participate in some manner in the
system and have representation? Council-
man Scott cormnented that he was quite
surprised at the increase being sought by
the Transit system -- $116,000 this year
as compared to under $4000 last year, with
no increase in service.
Mr o Silberman Mr. Silberman felt the City of San Diego
would have no objection and would back a
regional board. He agreed that if you pay
for something, you should have the right
to say what the money is being spent for.
He emphasized the fact that his Board of
Directors would listen as much to the
problems of Chula Vista as they would to
their own City Council°
Councilman James Hobel Councilman Hobel asked how much of the
Transit's money comes from federal funds
and what formula was used by them to ar-
rive at the $116,000 figure for Chula Vista.
Mr. Prior Mr. Prior stated that 2/3s of their funds
come from the federal government, a little
over one million dollars. This was used
for equipment - new buses and a garage.
Last year, the Transit Company based their
revenue on a CPO study which indicated
that so many passengers would ride in a
given area. At the end of the year, how-
ever, there were no where near the number
of riders that was anticipated through the
CPO study.
For this fiscal year, San Diego Transit
came into Chula Vista and made an actual
passenger survey, which they projected over
a 12-month period.
Mr. Silberman indicated that the reduced
number of riders was the biggest factor -
they expected to get between $90,000 and
$100,000 in revenues.
Mr. Prior explained the formula -- take the
operating cost on a per mile basis, mult~
ply that by the number of miles operated
in the City of Chula Vista, then subtract
from that the anticipated revenue.
Council discussion A discussion was held concerning the level
of service and increase in rate for the
City of Coronado, and other outlying cities,
and whether or not the service as proposed
by the Transit Corporation would be good
for the City of Chula Vista.
SB 325 funds Mr. Silberman remarked that the City of
Chula Vista and the Transit Corporation
could develop programs between themselves
which would qualify for SB 325 money. If
the Transit Corporation were to provide
additional service, perhaps in the areas
now served by the City's independent com-
pany, those funds could come from SB 325.
This is the rapid transit part of the SB 325.
Federal funds Councilman Scott referred to the federal
funding received by the Transit Corpora-
tion last year. He said he believed that
one criteria set un by the government for
allocation of federal funds is that the
Transit Corporation be regional in scope.
City Attorney Lindberg Mr. Lindberg referred to his opinion sub-
mitted to the Council a year ago -- "the
willingness to provide service to the
area does not mean that they provide it
without cost to the communities being
Regional agency In answer to Councilman Scott's inquiry,
Mr. Silberman indicated he was for having
San Diego Transit being the regional
authority. He will discuss this at the
level of his Board, and try to also per-
suade the City of San Diego.
City Manager Thomson City Manager Thomson discussed the unit
cost of the other system last year which
he stated it was approximately 30¢ to 40¢.
The percentage of income to revenue, as
far as the City is concerned, is quite
marginal. He asked if it was feasible for
the Transit Corporation to use their more
expensive per unit cost basis on Chula
Vista's system.
Mr. Prior declared that there was no way,
in terms of dollars, they could provide
the same service in Chula Vista as is being
provided at a lower cost. They would have
to find some combination -- service versus
Mr. Thomson indicated that the search,
therefore, of the study should be for
other values.
At the direction of the Council, he stated
his staff will meet with representatives
of the San Diego Transit Corporation to
discuss the proposal in more detail. A
report will then be submitted to the City
UTILIZATION OF URBAN RENEWAL Mr. Jack Ratelle, Administrative Assistant,
PROGRAMS BY THE CITY OF CHULA referred to the report he submitted to the
VISTA Council. He stated that HUD has announced
they will close all their programs as of
September 1; this is in anticipation of
the revenue sharing. The discussion,
therefore, will have to be limited to the
State Redevelopment Act.
The Redevelopment Act involves redevelop-
ing a specific area, freeze the assessment
base, and hopefully the redevelopment will
increase the assessment base to a point
where tax increments could be set whereby
it would be a "pay as you go," or a bond
issue could be floated. Mr. Ratelle com-
mented that he believes the bond issue
should be the one to be considered. It
could be ~n interest-funding bond so that
the City would protect itself. It it takes
three years to complete the redevelopment,
the City would only have to ~ay the interest
until the tax increment is secured.
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Mr. Ratelle discussed his visit to Carson
City and their redevelopment plan.
He commented that the areas in Chula Vista
which could be considered under the re-
development program could be (1) a redeve-
lopment of the project area east of 1-805 --
shopping center; (2) bayfront; (3) Third
Avenue and Broadway.
Council discussion Discussion followed concerning the areas
which should be considered for the pro-
Mayor Hamilton questioned whether funds
could be obtained for public im~rovements,
such as a library, if it was included in
an improvement district for Third Avenue.
Mr. Ratelle said they would hope to gene-
rate a sufficient tax increment that could
reduce a bond issue that would exceed the
immediate improvements that would have to
be made. In this way, certain types of
public improvements could be made. Mr.
Ratelle further explained that these would
be tax allocation bonds that would not
need voter approval. It would be author~
zed here under the State Redevelopment Act,
and the maximum interest payment would be
City Manager Thomson Mr. Thomson asked for conceptual approval
of the program to consider this further.
The staff will then come back with specific
proposals tied to the item whereby the
Council would designate the Redevelopment
Motion for staff to proceed It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
with program by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the staff be authorized to proceed
with the program, and the Council basically
goes on record as being inclined to move in
this direction.
Motion for regional transporation It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
authority by Mayor Hamilton that a resolution be
prepared to be sent to the City of San Diego
asking them to consider initiating steps
to make San Diego Transit a regional
authority with representation from various
cities in the community.
Discussion of motion Councilman Egdahl commented that he felt the
regional group should decide this and make
the appropriate move to the ooerational
end of it. Chula Vista should encourage
CPO to implement the necessary steps
and they should make the overtures to the
City of San Diego.
Motion changed Councilman Scott changed his motion to
state that CPO be asked to look into
having San Diego Transit Corporation
become the regional authority with repre-
sentation from all urban cities. A copy
of the resolution is to be sent to San
Diego and all other cities affected. Mayor
Hamilton agreed to the second, and the
motion carried unanimously.
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Staff to contact San Diego It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
Transit by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried that the staff be directed to
contact San Diego Transit Corporation
regarding the feasibility of serving the
City of Chula Vista.
COUNCIL CONFERENCES Councilman Scott commented that scheduling
conferences on Wednesdays proves to be a
hardship, especially if the Tuesday even-
ing Council meetings are lengthy.
Discussion followed as to a next
suitable day. No action was taken.
APPOINTMENTS TO BOARDS AND Mayor Hamilton announced that at the
next Council meeting they will try
to make a~pointments to the Boards
and Cormnissions.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting
at 4:57 p.m. to the meeting to the
meeting scheduled for Tuesday,
August 15, 1972, at 7 p.m.
City Ci~
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