HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1972/12/05 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday December 5, 1972
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Bourcier, Director of Public Works Cole, Acting Director of
Planning Williams, Director of Personnel McCabe, Director of
Parks and Recreation Hall
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meetings of
November 20 and 21, 1972, be approved,
copies having been sent to each Councilman.
GUEST COMMISSIONER Mr. Phil Pulido, member of the International
Friendship Commission, was the guest com-
missioner for this meeting.
PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) - City Attorney Lindberg explained that Mis-
CONSIDERATION OF AMENDING sion Cable TV has requested that no action
ORDINANCE NO. 882, GRANTING be taken to amend the existing franchise
A FRANCHISE TO MISSION until the Certificate of Compliance has
CABLE T.V. been issued by the Federal Communications
Commission. However, two amendments are
being proposed: (1) raising the franchise
fee from 2% to 3% and (2) authorize the
additional service of subscription tele-
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
the public hearing was declared opened.
Public hearing closed There being no comments either for or
against, the hearing was declared closed.
Mayor's comments Mayor Hamilton discussed the workshop he
attended at the National League of Cities
Convention in Indianapolis at which cable
television was discussed.
In answer to the Mayor's inquiry, City
Attorney Lindberg stated the Council has
the right to approve the purchaser of
the system, should Mission Cable TV ever
decide to sell.
ORDINANCE NO. 1428 = AMENDING It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
THE GRANT OF FRANCHISE TO AREA ordinance be placed on its first reading
TELEVISION ANTENNA, INC., NOW and that reading of the text be waived by
KNOI~N AS MISSION CABLE T.V., unanimous consent.
ANTENNA TELEVISION SYSTEM IN The motion carried by the following vote,
reading AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION City Attorney Lindb~rg explained that the
OF GRANTING OF FRANCHISE TO purpo$~e of the hoaring was whether the
VIDEO CABLE T.V. City of Chula Vista would desire to auth-
orize the application of Video Cable TV
for a franchise in the E1 Rancho del Rey
area of the City. The terms and condi-
tions of the franchise ordinance would
thereafter be drafted if Council so directs
and brought back at a subsequent meeting.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Clifton E. Reed, Attorney Mr. Reed stated he is the attorney repre-
1010 Second Avenue senting Video Cable, Inc. He gave a brief
San Diego history of the company, and stated they
are in the position whereby if the fran-
chise is granted, they will provide the
cable service to the first home occupied
in the development. At the present time,
Video Cable does not have the contract
for pay television; however, arrangements
can be made to provide this service. The
originating facilities for the cable ser-
vice will be from Chula Vista, and not
from some other city. Video Cable is
asking for permission to service one area
in the City -- they would be happy to com-
pete with Mission Cable "head on";
however, the economics of having two
systems service one area are not feasible.
In answer to Councilman Scott's query,
Mr. Reed indicated that the company can
provide a 40-channel capacity, and they
would have to service approximately 3,000
homes to break even.
Franklin D. Dodge, Attorney Mr. Dodge stated he is the attorney repre-
San Diego Trust and Savings Building senting Misison Cable TV. He discussed
530 Broadway the following four issues:
San Diego
1. Gran~n~ an additional f~nchise would
regult ina fragmentation of cable
2. It would be an unwarranted grant of
a franchise since no need has been
3. It would result in a substantial
inconvenience to Chula Vista.
4. Serious consideration should be given
to the ability or inability for re-
development of the service with this
rapidly growing industry.
Mr. Dodge discussed the micro-wave system
and the current operation of the company.
At present, they are servicing 30,500 or
80% of the people in ChulaV%sta, Fifty-
two schools in the San Diego area are
being serviced free on educational
Mr. Dodge further stated that Mission
Cable TV is ready to.service the Gersten
area. If Mr. Gersten wants the service
and wants to choose who he has the service
with, the City should entertain the idea
of putting on a plan for people with
- 2 -
private property in Gersten's development
for temporary licenses, Under the tempo-
rary license, Mr. Gersten would be able
to achieve CATV service with the proviso
that the system would be built to Mission
Cable specifications and Mission would have
the opportunity to buy it back from Mr.
Gary Hokinson, Vice-President Mr. Mokinson, in answer to the Council's
Mission Cable TV, Inc. questions, stated his company will be
prepared to offer forty channels when it
becomes available; presently they are
building a 26-channel system in ~he San
Diego area.
Their present plans call for locating
an office in Chula Vista in the southern
part of the City with public access
studio facilities. Programs will be
originating at this studio. It will not,
however, be a studio of the size and
magnitude that they have in E1Cajon.
Mr. Hokinson discussed the micro-wave
facilities now being built with the re-
ceiving tower on Palomar Mountain.
Percentage of gross receipts In answer to Councilman Scott's query,
Mr. Hokinson explained that he did meet
with Mr. Pasquale and described Mission's
services to him. He told Mr. Pasquale that
he could not commit his company to giving
Mr. Pasquale a percentage of the gross
receipts that would be derived from the
Gersten development. It was his feeling
that only the City of Chula Vista had the
right to a percentage of the gross receipts.
Clifton Reed, Attorney Mr. Reed stated it was his understanding
that Mission's demands were excessive in
what it would cost to put in the system
immediately. He added that the Gersten
people are assuming some of the responsi-
bility for underwriting the cost of the
construction of this system, in the event
the system is granted. This money is
entitled to be returned.
Motion for staff recommendation It was moved by Councilman Hyde and
seconded by Councilman Egdahl that this
matter be referred to the staff (City
Manager and City Attorney) for recom-
mendation to the City Council as to whether
or not the City should stand in favor of
having more than one TV franchise.
Councilman Egdahl noted that the City
Discussion Council had not received the Annual
Report of the company, as requested.
He suggested that in the staff's report,
that pros and cons - why the City should
consider more than one franchise and why
this should not be considered - be in-
Councilman Hyde indicated he was interested
also in the staff's recommendation and the
management problems: zones, fees,
- 3 -
Motion modified Councilman Hyde modified his~ motion to include
having the Staff submit pros and cons in
the report, and that the public hearing on
this matter be continued for two weeks.
Motion carried Councilman Egdahl agreed to the second and
the motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel,
Noes: Councilmen Scott, Hamilton
Absent: None
RECESS A recess was called at 8:30 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 8:47 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING - CONSIDERATION This hearing was scheduled to provide for
OF ESTABLISHING ORDINANCE publie input as to the adoption of a
RELATED TO CATEGORICALLY Categorically Trivial Project Listing
TRIVIAL PROJECTS TO IMPLEMENT regarding environmental impact of projects.
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL The intent is to allow ready processing
ACT of project permits which will cause no
significant environmental impact. ~ithout
such an exemption tool, the delay in pro-
cessing all permits would be unreasonable.
Acting Director of Planning Willimms stated
that Senate Bill 889 deals with the con-
servation element, and since this City
does not have any, he suggested that item
B-1 be eliminated: "Projects which are in
conformance with the Conservation Element
of the General Plan."
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Kathryn Moore Mrs. Moore discussed tho meeting of her
1134 Tobias Drive Committee and stated that the following
Chairman, South Bay Citizens items were questioned with these comments:
Planning Committee
Under "B" - Private Projects:
2. The Committee was not aware that any
reports had been written within the
last two years and, if written, they
should have been put up for public
3. Land could be left graded and subject
to erosion.
9. This could block someone's view.
15. The Committee suggested that Interstate
5 should be put into this statement,
otherwise it would go all the way to
the Bay. Also, some consideration
should be taken for historical sites.
Under II - Public Works Department:
10. Banks may erode and wash on other
people's property.
11. Street vacations - it should state
that only if it does not increase
traffic on other streets.
13. Drainage - the impact would be too
gr~at in drainage of 100 acres - this
is a great deal of land.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either
for or against, tke hearing ~as declared
Motion on Item #15 It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously car-
ried that the wording "Interstate 5" be
included in Item #15:
Permits for the construction of
a new detached single family resi-
dential structure to be built in
the urbanized area between Inter-
state 805 and Interstate 5, provided
that the owner of the lot upon which
construction is to occur owns no
contiguous undeveloped property.
ORDINANCE NO. 1429 - ESTABLISHING It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that
THOSE PROJECTS THAT ARE CATEGORI- this ordinance, with the deletion of
CALLY TRIVIAL AND NON-SIGNIFICANT Item B-l: (projects which are in confer-
FOR PURPOSES OF ADMINISTERING THE mance with the Conservation Element of
ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY CONTROL ACT the General Plan), be placed on its
OF THE STATE OF CALIFORNIA - First first reading and that reading of the
reading text be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1430 - City Manager Thomson presented a "system
INTERIM ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT plan" for the environmental impact report
REPORT PROCEDURES - First reading procedures. This included general in-
and adoption structions on the Environmental Assessment
Form, a listing of the agencies or groups
to be contacted during the review, a draft
outline of the Impact Report and a fee
schedule for filing.
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its first reading
and adopted. The reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6670 - City Manager Thomson presented the amend-
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL ment to the current fiscal budget to pro-
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS vide for the operation of the Environmental
FOR ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT Review Coordinator in the amount of
$~5g0~,uo0~ ~r which covers the salary, material
and supplies.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
- 5 -
RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A City Attorney Lindberg explained that the
POLICY FOR THE LICENSING OF revised resolution which sets forth policy
TEMPORARY CABLE T.V. SYSTEMS guidelines of the City Council to eliminate
OR MASTER ANTENNA SYSTEMS the conflict between the existing cable
system or systems and the interests of
developers to initially establish their
own tenqporary cable system within their
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel.
Discussion Discussion ensued on providing the master
antenna system. City Attorney Lindberg
indicated this may never happen if the
Federal Communications Commission lifts
the ban and cable system is provided to
all areas of the City.
Councilman Scott questioned why the need
to incorporate both the cable television
system and the master antenna system into
this resolution.
City Attorney Lindberg stated this was to
provide a miniature cable system that does
not have all of the capabilities required
of the franchisee of the City. This
wm~ld be an expediant service to give
the best possible signal to the people
in a certain area. No certificate of
compliance is required for the master
antenna system. City Attorney Lindberg
further explained the difference between
the cable and master antenna system.
Resolution offer withdrawn Councilman Hobel withdrew his offer of
the resolution.
Motion for revised resolution It was moved by Councilman Hobel and
seconded by Councilman Scott that the
resolution be sent back to the City
Attorney for revision to incorporate
Master Antenna Systems only and delete
the portion dealing with cable television
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Scott, Myde,
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1431 - City Attorney Lindberg noted that this
PROHIBITING THE RESALE OF ordinance has been prepared to prohibit
CABLE T.V. SERVICES AT A the resale of cable television service
RATE MORE THAN OR DIFFERING at a rate higher than or different from
FROM THE RATE ESTABLISHED the rate established by the City of Chula
BY THE CITY COUNCIL PURSUANT Vista for apartment units in multiple family
First reading
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
first reading ordinance be placed on its first reading
and that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6671 - This interim emergency resolution, effec-
A~ENDING THE GENERAL PLAN tire for ninety da~s, amends the General
TO PROVIDE FOR PUBLIC Plan to specifically require adequate
FACILITIES public fac%lities, primarily school
facilities, in order to conform to the
requirements of the State of California
Environmental Quality Act. It is recognized
that adequate public facilities should be
specifically required by the General Plan
in order to satisfy the needs created by
newly developed areas.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6672 - This resolution provides for a reduction
ESTABLISHING REDUCED GREEN of green fees for senior citizens as follows:
1.18 hole weekday plan - $2.00/round
2. 9 hole weekday plan - $1.2S/round
3. Monthly ticket - $12.00
The effective dates are from December 8,
1972 through January 8, 1974.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6675 - In order to receive additional funds under
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN Section 6 of the Public Employment Program,
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND it is necessary to extend the agreement
THE COUNTY OF SAN DIEGO FOR with the County of San Diego, The present
THE EMERGENCY EMPLOYmeNT agreement expired on October 31, 1972,
PROGRAM and is operating presently on a month-to-
month basis.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6674 - Edbro California Handyman 106 Inc. are plan-
ACCEPTING, DEDICATING AND ning o~ relocating theirfacility from North
NAMING A PORTION OF KENNEDY Fourth Avenue to a new location on the
STREET FOR STREET PURPOSES east side of Third Avenue between Kennedy
Street and Palomar Street. They have
offered to dedicate a portion of Kennedy
Street in accordance with conditions imposed
by the Director of Public Works and the
Acting Director of Planning subsequent to
review of their tentative parcel map.
- 7 -
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, ttobel,
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6675 - Mr. Edward Fia has submitted a tentative
ACCEPTING, DEDICATING AND parcel map to divide his property. Thirty
NAblING CERTAIN REAL PROPERTY feet of right-of-way exist on the northerly
FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY PURPOSES half of Mclntosh Street, except in front
LOCATED AT 527 MclNTOSH STREET of the property at 527 Mclntosh Street
where the existing right-of-way on the
northerly half is 20 feet. Mr. Fia has
offered 10 feet of additional right-of-way
to the City.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman ggdahl, the reading
of tile text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6676 - At its meeting of May 9, 1972, the City
AUTHORIZING EXPENDITURE OF Council approved the proposed location of
FUNDS FOR ACQUISITION OF a new animal shelter facility on Otay
SCHOOL PROPERTY ON OTAY Valley Road. ~e recommendation was
VALLEY ROAD FOR ANIMAL that an offer to purchase in the amount of
SHELTER SITE $7,500 be submitted to the owner, the
Chula Vista City School District. A
deed to the site contains a provision that
the site must be used for school purposes
or "revert to the grant~s herein."
It is recomended tbat the expenditure
be approved, that the City purchase the
District's interest in the property,
and concurrently initiate such actions
as are reasonably necessary to culminate
in acquisition of clear title to the site.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
VISITORS AND CONVENTION BUREAU It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the motion made by the Council at the
meeting of November 21, 1972, be rescinded.
RESOLUTION NO. 6677 - This agreement reverts to the original agreement
APPROVING AMENDED AGREEMENT with the clear understanding that tile #3100
WITH CHULA VISTA VISITORS loan previously granted would be deducted
AND CONVENTION BUREAU from the special projects fund. In addition,
the loan would be extended to and until June
30, 1973.
- 8 -
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by th~ following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
Motion regarding matching funds It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Mayor Hamilton and unanimously carried
that the City Attorney's suggestion re-
garding matching funds, delineated in his
letter to the City Council dated December 1,
1972, be adopted.
(A copy of this letter is on file in the
City Clerk's office.)
RESOLUTION NO. 6678 - Director of Personnel McCabe submitted the
ESTABLISHING AN AFFIRMATIVE report to the City Council explaining that
ACTION POLICY TO REALIZE the purpose of the Policy Statement and
THE RCKNOWLEDGEDGOAL OF Program is to provide a formal and meaning-
EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES ful method by which the City Council shall
FOR MINORITY AND DISADVANTAGED inform the public of its continuing com-
PERSONS mitment to equal employment opportunity
and the specific actions which shall be
taken to achieve that goal.
This Affirmative Action Policy and Program
work toward creating a job environment
and operational processes most conducive
for minorities and women "to pass through
doors that are now open."
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, ltobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous con-
sent, passed and adopted by the following
vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6680 - Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading
APPROVING ENCROACHMENT PERMIT of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
AUTHORIZING THE USE OF THE passed and adopted by the following vote,
WITHIN THE PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
RESOLUTION NO. 6681 - Offered h¥ Councilman Scott, the reading
APPROVING THE RE~EASE OF of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
THAT CERTAIN DEFERRED IM? passed and adopted hy the following vote,
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA AND AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
JOHN F. ;uND BERDINE E. }~de, Egdahl
196S, AS FILE NO. 122810 Absent: None
COUNCIL .'~P, PROVAiOF City Manager Thomson announced that, effective
ENVIRONMENTAL COORDINATOR - December 8, 1972, Mr. Douglas Reid, currently
TEMPORARY APPOINTMENT Assistant Planner, will fill the temporary
position of Environmental Report Coordinator.
To allow an unclassified status of this
position and to conform to the City Charter,
this position is established in tho Department
Head status, and therefore, Council approval
of the appointment is necessary.
Approval of appointment It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the appointment of Mr. Douglas Reid
as the temporary Environmental Report Coor-
dinator be approved.
REPORT ON PROPOSED INSTALLATION Director of Public Works Cole submitted
OF GAS TURBINE GENERATING a detailed report regarding the application
UNITS BY SAN DIEGO GAS AND of San Diego Gas and Electric Company re-
ELECTRIC COMPANY - DIRECTOR questing certification for construction of
OF PUBLIC WORKS three gas turbine generating units at the
South Bay Power Plant site.
Mr. Cole's recommendation was that the
submission be regarded as preliminary and
informational only, pending receipt of a
formal submission to this agency. Further,
that an Environmontal Impact Report be pre-
pared and considered by the City only
at such time as San Diego Gas and
Electric Company makes application for
building permit and other permits as may
be necessary.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously car-
ried that the report be accepted.
Report to be sent to Councilman Hyde asked that a copy of this
Environmental Control report be sent to the Environmental
Commission Control Commission.
Councilman Scott agreed to include this in
the motion and Councilman Hobel agreed to
the second.
NATIONAL LEAGUE OF CITIES Mayor Hamilton reported on the Convention,
CONVENTION - INDIANAPOLIS and suggested a Council Conference be held
the first part of the year to discuss the
events of the Convention with the members
of the Council who did not attend.
Councilman Scott remarked that it was a
well-run convention - the best he has ever
Councilman Hyde noted there were thirty-
seven different workshops and the Mayor,
- 10-
Councilman Scott and he split up and attended
as many as they could. He observed that the
entire City Council of San Diego was in
AMENDMENT TO UNDERGROUND Councilman Scott commented that not all
UTILITY ORDINANCE zones are required to put in underground
utilities - the industrial zone is presently
exempt from this requirement.
Motion for ordinance It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the staff bring back an ordinance
whereby all new areas in the City of Chula
Vista would be required to install under-
ground utilities.
LOCAL AGENCY FORMATION Councilman Scott discussed the formation
C0~ISSION~ of the Special District Advisory Board which
was created in !969. He said he called
Mr. Skip Schmidt of LAFCO and suggested
the formation of a Municipal Advisory
Committee. Mr. Schmidt indicated he would
be willing to propose this, and asked for
a resolution from the City of Chula Vista
and support of the other cities.
Resolution to be brought back It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that a resolution be brought back to the
next meeting to be sent to LAFCO and the
other members of the municipal governments
asking for support of starting a Municipal
Advisory Committee to LAFCO to perform the
same functions as the Special District
Advisory Boards perform on the Special
Councilman Hyde suggested the purpose and
the objectives be expressed in the resolu-
COASTLINE COMMISSION Councilman Hyde suggested the Council
pursue the suggestion of having a member
of this Council serve on the Coastline
Councilman Scott commented that the Mayor
has indicated he would be willing to place
his name in nomination.
Councilman Hobel noted that the two appoint-
ments to be made will be handled through
the Mayors' committee.
RAILROAD CROSSING Councilman Egdahl remarked that the indi-
AT "L" AND INTERSTATE 5 cators of the railroad stand ~pproximately
six to eight feet in the roadway. He asked
if there were any plans to have these
Director of Public Works Cole explained that
this is part of the State construction,
and will be moved at some time in the future.
COMMENT OF GUEST COMMISSIONER Mayor Hamilton read a statement from Mr.
Phil Pulido, guest commissioner (who had
to leave early)~ in which he announced that
ten students and six adults from Irapuato
will arrive in Chula Vista on December 17,
1972, for a ten-day stay.
- 11 -
MEETING OF DECEMBER 26 It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the meeting of December 26, 1972, be
Requests of Dr. Alfred Madison Dr. Alfred Madison, Principal, ~ueller
and Mrs. Ralph Williams for School, and Mrs. Ralph Williams, 718-B
reduction in speed limit and Jefferson Avenue, have requested a re-
stoplight at "J" and Oaklawn duction of the speed limit and a stoplight
at J and Oaklawn Avenue to insure the
safety of the school children crossing
that intersection.
Director of Public Works' comments Director of Public Works Cole explained
that they have been working with Sergeant
Zeilheback regarding the school patrol and
the crosswalk in this area. Warning signs
will be posted which will change the
situation immeasurably.
Council comments Councilman Hyde asked the City Manager if
it would be appropriate to put in a patrol
unit at this intersection during the peak
times of student traffic.
~ouncilman Scott noted there used to be a
woman crossguard at this area at one time;
this could be another alternative.
Referred to staff and It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
Safety Commission by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this~'matt~r be referred to the City
'Manager and Safety Commission for report.
Request for extension of time Mrs. Marjorie M. Miles has requested an
to install street improvements - extension of time to install curb, side-
Marjorie M. Miles walk and paving along the north side of
Center Street. She stated the work was to
have been completed by December 31, 1972,
and had requested bids from three paving
contractors. Since she has not received the
bids she is requesting the extension of
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman }~de and unanimously carried
that this request be referred to staff for
a recommendation back to the Council in two
Recommendation of Chamber The Chamber of Commerce has endorsed a
of Commerce for consideration suggestion of the Streets and Highways
on feasibility of rounded Committee that Chula Vista make a feasi-
or sloping curbs on corners bility study to have rounded or sloping
and crosswalks on Third Avenue curbs on corners and crosswalks on Third
Avenue, between E and G Streets in order
to facilitate wheelchairs and baby buggies.
They feel this would greatly enhance the
Downtown Shopping Center.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously car-
ried that this matter be referred to staff.
- 12 -
December 5, 1972
Request from Chamber of Commerce Mr~ Richard Kau, President, Chamber of
for feasibility study of Commerce, stated that the Board of
opening rear fence of Post Directors requested a feasibility study
Office into Kearney Street to of opening up the rear fence of the Post
facilitate traffic movement Office facility onto Kearney Street
for vehicular access during the hours the
Postal Service is open to the public -
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. daily and 8:00
a.m. to 12:00 noon on Saturdays.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously car-
ried that this matter be referred to
staff for report back to Council in two
Report on undergrounding San Diego Gas and Electric Company reported
funds for 1973 - San Diego that the amount of $3,740,000 has been
Gas and Electric Company budgeted for the conversion of overhead
electric lines to underground for the
year 1973. Of this amount, $164,190 has
been allocated for the City of Chula
Vista. There will also be available the
carryover of any unexpended amounts from
the budgets in earlier years for con-
version work in the City
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
Request for Council support Mr. Harold Coupar, Chairman, Junior
of Christmas home decorating Chamber of Commerce, stated that the an-
contest - Chula Vista Jaycees nual Christmas home decorating contest
will be held again this year. The
judges will review the homes on December
15, 16 and 17, 1972, and the awards will
b~ presented on December 23, 1972. They
hope that the Council will not only
enter into the competition, but also
support them in their efforts in recog-
nizing the residents of this City for
their home beautification at this time
of the year.
Support noted The Council noted its support of this
POSTPONEMENT OF APOLLO III City Attorney Lindberg requested that the
public hearing scheduled for Wednesday,
December 6, 1972, be cancelled. The sug-
gested date for rescheduling the hearing
is December 14, 1972, at 3:30 p.m.
Mayor Hamilton suggested the meeting be
scheduled in the evening.
City Attorney Lindberg asked that the
City Clerk adjourn the meeting scheduled
for December 6, 1972, to the next regular
meeting of December 12, 1972. At that
time, he would bring in a suggested time
for starting the public hearing.
- 13 -
Motion to postpone hearing It was moved by Councilman }Cdc, seconded
hy Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried that the public hearing scheduled
for December 6, 1972, be cancelled and
the new date for hearing be set for Decem-
ber 14, 1972.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
10:03 p.m. to the next regular scheduled
meeting to be held December 12, 1972, at
7:00 p.m. It was noted that the public
hearing scheduled for December 6, 1972,
at 3:00 p.m. has been postponed to
December 14, 1972.
City Cle~
- 14-