HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1972/12/19 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday December 19, 1972
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fgurth
Avenue, with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: Assistant City Manager Bourcier, City Attorney Lindberg,
Acting Director of Planning Williams, Director of Public
Works Cole, Director of Parks and Recreation Hall
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of December
12, 1972, be approved, copies having been
sent to each Councilman.
INTRODUCTION OF GUEST Mayor Hamilton announced that there would
COMMISSIONER be no guest con~issioner for this meeting.
PUBLIO HEARING (CONTINUED) - Acting Director of Planning Williams re-
CONSIDERATION OF APPEAL OF ported that the applicant is seeking re-
FAIRWAY-DOWNS, INC. OF zoning to R-l-10 which would allow 93 units
PLANNING COMMISSION DENIAL on the proposed Planned Unit Development.
FOR CHANGE OF ZONE FROM At the Council meeting of October 31, 1972,
R-E-20-F TO R-I-10-F FOR the hearing was continued to this meeting
PROPERTY LOCATED AT 4370 to give the City the opportunity to de-
SWEETWATER ROAD velop procedures for processing Environ-
mental Impact Reports. This procedure was
adopted on December 5, 1972; therefore, it
is requested that the public hearing be
continued to the meeting of February 13,
1973 in order to give all parties involved
sufficient time to complete the Environ-
mental Review process.
Public hearing continued It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the public hearing be continued
to the meeting of February 13, 1973.
PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) - City Manager Thomson submitted a report
CONSIDERATION OF GRANTING in which he discussed certain aspects of
A FRANCHISE TO VIDEO the unaudited financial statement. He
CABLE T.V. stated it would be his recommendation that
the Council take no action and file the
application until such time as an audited
financial report, a detailed statement
of Video Cable, Inc.'s pending litigation
and a program plan on its proposed opera-
tions are provided,
City Attorney Lindberg stated it would be
his recommendation not to close the hearing
but to continue the matter for a period
of sixty days for further staff analysis
of the material submitted to the City
Motion for continuance It ~as moved by Councilman Hyde and
seconded by Councilman Hobel tkat the
public hearing be continued for sixty
Discussion In answer to Councilman Hyde's query, City
Attorney Lindberg stated the applicant
can make a new application, if the Council
does not continue the matter.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Hyde withdrew his motion;
Councilman Hobel withdrew his second tb
the motion.
Motion to file application It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously car-
ried that the public hearing be closed and
the application be filed.
Clifton Reed, Attorney Mr. Reed stated his clients have no ob-
Video Cable TV, Inc. jection to continuing the hearing. A
financial statement was provided the City
Manager; however, because of the short
period of time Video has been in operation,
no audited financial statement was made.
He received a copy of the City Manager's
memo to the Council listing the additional
information needed by staff and they would
be happy to provide this material. Mr.
Reed asked for a thirty-day continuance,
if possible.
Alfred J. Ferris Mr. Ferris stated he is the attorney re-
Ferris Weatherford & Brennan presenting Mission Cable TV, and is present
1200 Third Avenue - Suite 1500 tonight to answer any questions.
San Diego
Motion carried The motion to close the hearing and file
the application passed unanimously.
PUBLIC HEARING - City Attorney Lindberg reported to the Council
PRELIMINARY CONSIDERATION OF that it cannot, in the light of the existing
AMENDMENT TO THE GENERAL evidence, reach a legally sustainable position
DEVELOPMENT PLAN FOR THE EL either for or against the proposals of Dr.
RANCHO DEL REY PROJECT FOR THE Bloom on anything more than a conceptual or
PURPOSE OF LOCATING A SPORTS preliminary basis which might offer encourage-
ARENA AND SHOPPING CENTER ment for immediate and concentrated pursuit
of the development of the data which can
prove or disprove the validity of the proposal.
Report of Planning Director Acting Director of Planning Williams referred
to his detailed report sent to the Planning
Commission for the meeting of December 11, 1972,
in which he recommended preliminary approval
of the plan as submitted with the following
1. The completion of an environmental impact
report and approval of that report by tbe City
before the issuance of any permits for any type
of construction or grading.
2. The completion of a detailed General Deve-
lopment Plan and Schedule as required by the
P-C zone provisions of the Zoning Ordinance.
Planning Commission decision Said preliminary or conceptual approval was
rejected by the Planning Commission at its
meeting of December 11, 1972.
Commercial acreage In answer to the Council's inquiries, Mr.
Williams noted the following acreages:
The proposed regional skopping center -
77 acres net and 109 gross;
Recreational commercial - 48 net and 83 gross
Arena - 76 acres net and 88 gross
Total requested: 201 acres net and 281 gross
The original request for the shopping center
acreage for the Gersten development was 87 net
and 93 gross.
The San Diego Sports Arena comprises 5 acres
for the arena and 33 acres for parking.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton declared the hearing opened.
Planning Commission action For the record, Mr. Williams stated that at
the meeting of December 11, 1972, the Planning
Commission, by a vote of 5 to 2, voted
against accepting his recommendation for a
preliminary approval. The Commission indicated
they could make no findings to approve the
P-C zone.
A second Planning Commission motion was made
to recommend denial of the application - or
"denial of the amendment to the P-C develop-
ment plan as submitted by Dr. Bloom."
The motion was amended to add:
1. The sports arena would not be a desirable
addition to the City of Chula Vista;
2. The commercial development proposed is
premature without the incorporation of a
completed highway network.
3. It appears that the general concept and
the preliminary ideas of the housing develop-
ment and open space are consistent with the
ideas of the Planning Commission.
Findings of fact Mr. Williams then read the report of the
Commission listing eight pointSof why they
could not establish findings of fact to
recommend the amendment.
Mr. Niek Slijk, Executive Vice- Mr. Slijk announced that the Board of
President, Chamber of Commerce Directors of the Chamber endorses the sports
arena in concept. They feel that having the
arena in the City limits would allow the
Council to secure the proper safeguards for
the development and make it compatible with
the adjacent residential area.
Downtown Association A recommendation was also submitted by the
Board of Directors of the Downtown Association
approving the arena in concept. They feel
the long-range economic benefits to Chula
Vista will be great.
Favoring the proposal Speaking in support of the proposed arena
wore: Irma Morris, 114 Third Avenue; Ed Vadim,
1642 Elmhurst Street; Kay Erwin, 267 Church
Street; Maurice Blanken, realtor, Guy Estes,
long-time resident of Chula Vista; John
Kingston, 535 H Street.
They listed the following reasons for their
support: (1) feel it would be in the best
interest of the City; (2) a telephone survey
made to ~everal hundred citizens in the
city revealed that three-fourths of them are
in favor of th~ arena; (3) if necessary, a
petition can he circulated supporting the
proposal; (4) in favor of any development
that will create jobs and bring in employment;
(5) Dr. Bloom is very much interested in up-
grading the quality of the City; (6) the City
should help Dr. Bloom work out the problems
confronting the development; (7) talked to
over 100 people and only 6 were opposed to
the plan; (8) the traffic problem is the
major argument, and the people should remember
that they have no vested right to travel any
of the streets and highways without some
impediment; (9) the Council has the responsi-
bility to the community at large and should
look at the advantages of the development to
the City.
Dr. Leonard Bloom Dr. Bloom stated he currently resides "at the
Peterson Gym in San Diego" and he hopes the
Council will permit him to have a permanent
address in Chula Vista. He is seeking pre-
liminary approval of his plan which he
believes is a good one. The property was
prezoned P-C and did contain a shopping center,
apartments, residential and commercial. His
proposal is an amendment to the Plan to which
he is adding an arena and recreation uses. Dr.
Bloom discussed certain aspects of h~s Plan
commenting that he feels the development will
benefit everyone in the City of Chula Vista.
Dr. Bloom added that the development would
generate three million dollars in revenues -
one and one-half million would go for expenses,
thereby leaving the balance as a benefit to
the City.
Ownership of property In answer to Councilman Hyde's inquiry, Dr.
Bloom stated that the attorney is holding
the deed in fee title for 1400 acres in Dr.
Bloom's name, and the balance, or 700 acres
is basically an option to be recorded at a
later date, for interest and tax purposes.
The property is a sale, and documents have
been signed.
Amount of commercial zoning A discussion ensued as to why Dr. Bloom needs
triple the amount of commercial acreage, as
that requested by the Gersten development.
Dr. Bloom detailed the acreages requested
noting the special zone for recreational-
commercial to which the sports arena would
In answer to Councilman Hyde's question, Dr.
Bloom stated that he does need this amount
of commercial zoning in order to make the
project a financially viable one.
Mayor Hamilton noted, for the record, that
the arena need not go into a commercial area -
it could go under another zone.
Councilman Scott remarked that it should also
be noted that the development includes the
extreme low density and open space.
City Attorney's opinion City Attorney Lindberg explained that the
applicant is requesting a modification to
the p-C zone - this is an overall plan with
precise designations of land use. The
precise acreages of commercial land use will
be worked out through the general development
plan and schedule.
Questions posed by the Councilman Scott asked the following ques-
Planning Commission tions of Dr. Bloom asked by the Planning
Commission to which they received no
1. Analysis of the financial viability of
the arena recreation-commercial complex.
Df. Bloom: This information was given to
the Director of Planning. It
showed that they needed 200 events,
and 289 written commitments
were received.
2. Analysis of the fiscal impact of the
total Sports World development on the City's
tax rate.
Dr. Bloom: There will be approximately
three million dollars in
revenue; one and one-half million
dollars in expenses with a net
income to the city of one and
one-half million dollars.
3. Environmental Impact Report.
Dr. Bloom: This report was prepared but
without all the guidelines.
The Commission had the report
which was submitted prior to
the adoption of guidelines by
the City. His environmental
man will be in the City
tomorrow to work on this.
4. A solution to the traffic problems on
H Street in the vicinity of the recreation-
al commercial complex and the shopping
Dr. Bloom: Their projection for street
design was based upon the
total development to the year
2000. He has been assured the
answers have been met; however,
there are many things in traffic
that cannot be determined.
Council discussion In answer to Councilman Egdahl's query~
Dr. Bloom discussed how his consultants
arrived at the three million dollar
revenue figure.
Correspondence noted City Clerk Jennie Fulasz noted the
following letters and petitions received:
In support: Letter from Downtown Associa-
Petition with 22 signatures
Opposition: Letter from 0pdycke family,
129 Shasta Street;
Letter from Robert Povondra,
22 Palomar Drive;
Letter from Peter Watry, Jr.
81 Second Avenue
Petition containing 18 signa-
tures from residents of
Halecrest area.
Show of hands Mayor Hamilton asked for a show of hands
of those in favor of the proposal.
It was noted that approximately 80 people
raised their hands (from those that could
be seen from the Chamber).
Recess A recess was called at 8:40 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 8:56 p.m.
Speaking in protest Speaking in protest to the proposed develop-
ment were: Peter Watry, Jr., 81 Second
Avenue. Mr. Watry presented graphs and
outlines and read from a detailed statement
(on file in the City Clerk's office). He
presented an analysis of the complex
covering the Arena, the Regional Shopping
Center, the Taxes, and Tax Base, and
summarized by requesting that the Council
not approve "this type of industrialization"
in the City.
Others speaking against were: Allen Miller,
1054 Halecrest Drive; Kathryn Moore, 1134
Tobias Drive, speaking on behalf of the
South Bay Citizens Planning Committee;
Carey Wright, 242 East J Street; ~lichael
McQuillan, 4425 Vista Nacion; Raquel
McDonald, 614 Sheffield Court; Eugene
Coleman, Gotham Street; Donald Sims, 1644
Ithaca; Charles Dukes, 3880 Rio Vista Place.
Reasons for the protests were as follows:
(1) do not believe the arena should be
located in that particular area; (2) it
will not be a viable financial undertaking;
(3) the traffic; (4) the pollution problem;
(5) in all instances where developments
were allowed to proceed, it has always been
based on a logical and pragmatic process;
(6) the impact the proposed development will
have on the schools in the area; (7) the
safety of the school children; (8) the
traffic at the late hours will interfere
with PTA meetings and school events; (9)
people in the City are willing to pay the
higher taxes rather than have a development
come in that will produce smog and pollution;
(10) consider the environment and the fact
that heavy equipment will need to use the
roads leading to the arena; (11) the
character of the city will be lost if the
proposal is approved; (12) how does the city
plan to spend the one and one-half million
dollars; (13) will Dr. Bloom be allowed to
build on the earthquake fault; (14) Disney-
land cost 150 million and it took five years
of planning before he even presented it to
the City Council; (15) this plan will cost
200 million and Dr. gloom wants approval
after only eight weeks; (16) the proposed
arena will be surrounded by residences
rather than commercial and industry as in
other cities; (17) the tax bases of the
adjacent cities were noted; (18) this is
an attempt to make a "fast buck" at the
expense of the community; (19) it will not
be safe to drive on our own streets and the
homes will not be fit to live in; (20)
there will be 160 miles of cars leaving
the arena; (21) the City would need to
have a police officer at every intersection
manually operating the traffic.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either
for or against, the hearing was declared
Recess A recess was called at 10:20 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 10:35 p.m.
Show of hands Mayor Hamilton asked for a show of hands of
those people in opposition to the develop-
ment. It was noted that approximately
45 people raised their hands, from what
could be observed from inside the Chamber.
Director of Public Works' In answer to Councilman Hyde's questions
comments concerning the intersection of 805 and H
Street, Mr. Cole stated there was concern
over this intersection at the time Gersten
submitted his development and the State
Division of Highways was attempting to work
out a design that would handle the traffic;
there would be a traffic problem here
whether or not a regional shopping center
was approved; a traffic assignment run was
made by the County which was projected on
the ultimate development; the computations
made for the traffic flow did not include
those that will be generated by the arena.
Mr. Cole further stated that the "solutions"
arrived at by the staff and Dr. Bloom's
engineer were "marginally satisfactory."
When the complex is developed, there will
be congestion at the peak hours. With the
exception of Broadway and E, there is no
street in Chula Vista that can adequately
handle this. Eight lanes are being pro-
posed through the arena area; however, this
could drop down to six.
Mr. Cole further added that completion of
805 Freeway is planned for mid-1975.
Motion not to reject proposal It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that the Council not
reject the proposal of Dr. Bloom, and that the
staff be directed to continue to work with
him and his consultants in the normal
channels; and further, that this be subject
to the conditions that the Acting Director
of Planning made in his recommendations to
the Planning Commission on December 11,
which read as follows:
1. The completion of an environmental
impact report and approval of that report
by the City before the issuance of any
permits for any type of construction or
2. The completion of a detailed General
Development Plan and Schedule as required
by the P-C zone provisions of the Zoning
Motion clarified Councilman Egdahl clarified his motion
by stating the options available: (1) the
Council is not interested in the develop-
ment; (2) the Council likes the idea and
will give Dr. Bloom what he wants; (3) there
are a number of unresolved issues - major
problems to be solved and the Council is
not in a position at this time to approve
either one of the two preceding options.
Second withdrawn Councilman Hobel stated he misunderstood the
motion and therefore withdraws his second.
Motion seconded Councilman Hyde stated he would second the
Discussion of motion Discussion ensued as to the motion. Council-
man Egdahl commented that he felt the
Council would be be better advised not to
give conceptual approval at this time because
of the many problems and issues still pending.
City Attorney Lindberg declared that the two
conditions recommended by the Acting Director
of Planning must be met legally, regardless
of the wording of the motion.
Legal interpretation of Mr. Lindberg stated that he is not sure, at
Planning Commission's aetion this point, of the actual action of the
Planning Commission. In light of the re-
iteration of their action at the meeting
of December 18, it is not certain as to
whether or not they may have completely
denied the applicant's request for a modifi-
cation of the P-C zone.
Motion carried Councilman Egdahl's motion carried unanimously.
(See bottom of page for change in vote)
Recess A recess was called at 11:25 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 11:37 p.m.
Reconsideration of motion Mayor Hamilton stated he was dissatisfied
with the motion, as there was no firm
commitment made by the Council. He would
like to have the people know where he stands
on this question and would like to make a
motion to take the Planning Director's
recommendation and support the arena in
concept predicated on all the safeguards
brought forth in the last motion, and that
the previous motion be rejected.
It was moved by Mayor Hamilton and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that the previous
motion be reconsidered.
Councilman Scott indicated that everyone
concerned with the issue has gone home, and
he doesn't feel it would be a proper
procedure, at this time, to reconsider the
Motion fails The motion failed by the ~ol'~awi~g ~te, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Hamilton, Hobel
NOES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Absent: None
Change of vote Mayor Hamilton asked that the affirmative
vote he cast in the original motion (made by
Councilman Egdahl) be changed to a "no" vote,
since he does not feel it expresses his
attitude toward the public hearing held
this evening. His original vote does not
clarify how he feels about the project.
Councilman Hobel remarked that he would not
change his vote, but for the record, he
feels the motion, in the weeks and months
to come, will prove to be nothing.
PUBLIC HEARING - Associate Planner Lee submitted the amend-
CONSIDERATION OF AMENDMENTS TO ments which regulate the following:
AND 33.905E, ADDING THERETO 1. Permanent outside sales and display;
SPECIAL PROVISIONS APPLYING TO 2. Temporary outside sales and display;
PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY OUTSIDE 3. Service station display;
SALES AND DISPLAY 4. Special events;
S. Temporary promotional signs.
The Planning Commission recommended approval
of the proposed amendments at its meeting
of November 27, 1972.
Mr. Lee showed slides of the various areas
in town displaying outside merchandise.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or
against, the hearing was declared closed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1436 It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
AMENDING SECTIONS 33.507 H, ordinance be placed on its first reading
PARAGRAPH 1; 33.509 G, PARAGRAPH 1; and that reading of the text be waived by
33.510 G, PARAGRAPH 5; 33.511 G, unanimous consent.
PARAGRAPH 5; 33.901 B; 33.950 F,
PARAGRAPH 2 OF THE ZONING ORDINANCE The motion carried by the following vote,
Noes: None
Absent: None
EMERGENCY ORDINANCE NO. 1437 This is an emergency legislation to insure
AMENDING SECTION 34.201 OF the undergrounding of public utilities
ARTICLE 2 OF CHAPTER 34 within industrial as well as residential
OF THE CHULA VISTA CITY CODE zones for all new structures not subject
RELATING TO THE UNDERGROUNDING to such undergrounding requirements as set
OF PUBLIC UTILITIES FOR ALL NEW forth in the controls established for new
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its first reading
and adoption. The reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Abgent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6690 Director of Public Works Cole reported that
ACCEPTING INSTALLATION OF SEWER a final inspection of the contract work for
AND SEWER LIFT STATION IN THE the construction of sewer and sewer lift
900 BLOCK OF HILLTOP DRIVE station in the 900 block of Hilltop Drive
was made on December 8, 1972. All of the
public improvements in the project by the
contractor, Walter H. Barber, have been
completed in accordance with the require-
ments of the City.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent None
RESOLUTION NO. 6691 On October 16, 1972, the Planning Commission
AUTHORIZING THE DEFERRAL OF THE granted a deferral of public improvements
INSTALLATION OF CERTAIN PUBLIC relative to the alley adjacent to 556 G
IMPROVEMENTS ON THE PROPERTY Street based upon the fact that no improve-
OWNED BY LOYAL D. AND FRANCES ments existed on the alley between Smith
COCHRANE AT 5S6 "G" STREET Avenue and Broadway and the impracticality
of constructing only half of the width of
the 1S-foot alley. The property owners
have chosen to execute a lien agreement
to serve as a performance guarantee.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6692 Formal bids were received on December 12,
HILLTOP-TELEGRAPH CANYON McGahey Construction, Orange $13,500
PARK AND HALECREST PARK Robert E. Fulton, La Habra $14 990
R.E. Hazard, San Diego $23 854
Napier Construction, E1Cajon $25 812
Cody Goddard, San Diego $26 343
C.W. McGrath, E1Cajon $29 000
John Murphy, Spring Valley $29 236
R.H. Werden, E1Cajon $29 700
It is recommended that the award of the
contract be given to McGahey Construction,
the low bidder.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6693 A quitclaim deed, executed by Henry and
ACCEPTING AND DEDICATING CERTAIN Tessie L. Rienstra, presents a gift of
REAL PROPERTY IN SAID CITY FOR approximately 7 acres of land to the City
PARK PURPOSES to be used for park purposes. The acreage
is located north of Orange Avenue, south
of Loma Verde Park and east of Loma Lane.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
Councilman Egdahl noted with appreciation
this thoughtful gift to the City.
RESOLUTION NO. 6694 On December 14, 1972, the following four
AGREEMENT OF A MODEL B-2510 Security Pacific National Bank 3.90%
TO THE BANK OF AMERICA United California Bank 4.628%
The Director of Finance reported that the
bid on the seven-year lease agreement sub-
mitted by Security Pacific National Bank
deviated from the specifications and was
ruled ineligible by the City Attorney. It
is, therefore, recommended that the contract
be awarded to the Bank of America.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION PROVIDING FOR THE Acting City Manager Bourcier explained that
SPECIAL APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS the Parking Place Commission is requesting
FOR PAYMENT OF APPRAISALS OF the sum of $10,000 (to be taken from the
ADDITIONAL PARKING LOT SITES unappropriated surplus of the Parking Meter
IN THE CHULA VISTA PARKING Fund) for appraisal costs of three pro-
DISTRICT posed sites in the Third Avenue District
area. The properties would be used for
additional parking lots. It was the
recommendation of the staff that the acqui-
sition of the parking lots not be undertaken.
Motion to continue It was moved by Councilman Hyde that this
matter be deferred to the next regular City
Council meeting so that the Council can
take more time in handling the question.
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Second to motion Councilman Scott agreed that the amount of
money requested was a substantial sum, and
therefore, seconded the motion.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen ltyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6695 In a report to the Council, City Manager
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL Thomson stated he met with the two Youth
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR Commission representatives (Chris Klinkenberg
HIRING A PEP POSITION ASSIGNED and Mark Fiocco) and the City Clerk to
AS ASSISTANT TO THE BOARDS AND discuss the Youth Commission's needs for
CO~4~ISSIONS SECRETARY its scheduled Youth Conference in February.
Basically, they need a full-time position
to work on their project for about 2-1/2
months plus funds to cover supplies.
Mr. Thomson explained that two options
are available:
1.Hire a temporary regular position at
a cost of $1,855 (including supplies);
2. Hire a PEP position and appropriate the
amount of $265 to cover the cost of
It was the recommendation of the City
Manager to accept alternate 2.
Recommendation of Youth Commission City Clerk Fulasz stated that the Youth
Commission met this evening and requested
that the Council approve Alternate "A."
Acting City Manager Bourcier remarked that
he met with the PEP Coordinator today,
and there ~e additional funds in the
Program whereby some of the people who
were to be terminated on December 31 will
be allowed to remain an additional three
months. Mr. Bourcier added that approving
Alternate "B" would not be a problem.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the te~was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6696 City Attorney Lindberg explained that the
ESTABLISHING AN INTERIM POLICY resolution would permit the staff to
FOR THE ADMINISTRATION OF proceed with the administrative ordinance
ORDINANCE NO. 1430 ADOPTING which adopted procedures for filing
INTERIM PROCEDURES FOR FILING Environmental Impact Reports. It covers
AND PROCESSING OF ENVIRONMENTAL the following: (1) Public projects -
IMPACT REPORTS review required; (2) Private projects -
no review required; (3) Private projects -
final discretionary actions - no review
required - administrative determination of
significance and (4) private projects -
review required.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
ttamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
Waiver of fees Councilman Scott felt that those items
caught in the middle, and are obviously
trivial, should not have to pay the fee of
$50 to prove that there is no environmental
Motion for staff study It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
by Councilman Scott that the staff be re-
quested to reexamine the fee provision of
the current ordinance regarding Environmental
Impact Statements and make recommendations
to the City Council as to whether any
modification in fees should be considered
based upon the merits of the particular
circumstances of those applications caught
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Scott, Egdahl,
Noes: Mayor Hamilton
Absent: None
RECOMMENDATIONS REGARDING In a letter to the Council, the Environmental
BOTTLE ORDINANCE SIGNS - Control Comn~ssion noted three basic problems
ENVIRONMENTAL CONTROL with the bottle ordinance sign:
COMMISSION 1. Message does not contain reference to
economic value.
2. Credit space for the sign occupies
one-third of the sign space.
3. Color of sign is objectionable.
The ordinance stipulates that the signs must
be approved by the Environmental Control
Commission, and it was the request of the
Environmental Control Commission that addi-
tional signs meet this criteria.
City Attorney Lindberg stated it was agreed
that the signs would be changed occasionally
and would go to the ECC for approval. This
first sign was sent from the San Diego
Grocers Association and it is a first step
to initiate the program.
Motion for ECC approval It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the recommendation as pointed out by
the ECC to the City Council be accepted
taking special note that the ECC approve all
signs prior to their going into the different
RECOMMENDATION REGARDING The Library Board of Trustees recommended
EXPENDITURE OF FEDERAL REVENUE that the Council set aside the bulk of
SHARING FUNDS - LIBRARY BOARD monies received d~ring the next two or
OF TRUSTEES three years from the Revenue Sharing Fund
for the construction of a new Library
Request deferred to It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
Council Conference by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the request be deferred to the Council
Conference scheduled for January 10, 1973,
at 3:30 p.m.
RESOLUTION - Acting Director of Planning Williams re-
APPROVING THE TENTATIVE MAP OF quested continuance of this item to the
LARKHAVEN SUBDIVISION, UNITS 3 meetlng of January 9, 1973, ±n order to
AND 4 allow time for processing an Environmental
Assessment of the project.
Continuance granted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the matter be continued to the meeting
of January 9, 1973.
ORDINANCE NO. 1432 The ordinance states that the "flipper type"
AMENDING SECTION 22.1 OF pinball machine was a game of skill and
CHAPTER 22 OF THE CHULA VISTA not a game of chance, and therefore, not
CITY CODE RELATING TO THE subject to prohibition by State Law or
LICENSING OF CERTAIN TYPES local ordinances, as ruled by Judge George A.
OF PINBALL MACHINES - Lazar of the San Diego Superior Court.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading
and adoption. The reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1433 This revised ordinance stipulates that a
A~NDING SECTIONS 18.66 AND license fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) a
18.71 OF CHAPTER 18 OF THE CHULA year shall be paid for the operation of a
VISTA CITY CODE, ALL RELATING TO pool hall or billiard hall. In addition
THE LICENSING OF POOL AND BILLIARD thereto, a sum of twelve dollars ($12.00)
HALLS AND THE TABLES AND DEVICES a year shall be paid for each and every
USED THERE~tN- SECOND READING pool table or billiard table and fifteen
AND ADOPTION dollars ($15.00) a quarter for each pinball
machine maintained therein.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading
and adoption. The reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1434 This ordinance establishes a license fee
ADDING TO CHAPTER 18 OF THE of $250.00 a year plus 5% of gross receipts,
CHULA VISTA CITY CODE A NEW payable semi-annually for the operation of
SECTION 18.73 RELATING TO THE pay television.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading
and adoption. The reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the £ollowing vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1435 The ordinance reduces the xerox cost of City
AMENDING SECTIONS 2.402 AND 2.404 documents from $1.00 a page to 50¢ for the
OF CHAPTER 2 OF THE CHULA VISTA first page and 10¢ for each additional page
CITY CODE RELATING TO FEES CHARGED or copy (8-1/2" x 11"). The cost for an
FOR REPRODUCTION OF CITY DOCUMENTS - 8-1/2" x 13" document will be 75¢ for the
SECOND READING AND ADOPTION first copy and 15¢ for each additional page
or copy.
Ordinance placed on second
reading and adoption It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
ordinance be placed on its second reading
and that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
to wit
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Nyde
Noes: None
Absent None
REPORT ON ANIMAL SHELTER - City Manager Thomson submitted a report to
COUNTY AND CITY COOPERATION the Council that he met with Mr. Jim Tennant
of the County Veterinarian's Office at
which Mr. Tennant discussed the County's
negotiations to purchase land on which to
build a new South Bay animal shelter. The
facility is planned for completion within
12 months and will provide seven-day,
24-hour service. Mr. Tennant indicated
that Chula Vista could, if desired, lease
shelter space from the County but continue
to provide animal regulation service with
City employees.
Discussion Councilman Scott asked about the $7500
quitclaim deed the Council agreed to accept
from the school district for an animal
shelter site.
Mr. Bourcier, Acting City Manager, recom-
mended this be held up for two weeks, and
in the meantime, the staff will meet with
the County and discuss whether there should
be any negotiations on this matter.
City Manager's report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the City Manager's report be accepted
and he be authorized to continue study on
this matter and report back to Council~
Further, that expenditure of $7500 approved
at the Council meeting of December 5, 1972,
to purchase the school district's interest
in the property on Otay Valley Road for a
new animal shelter facility be held up for
two weeks, pending the City Manager's report.
Pd~PORT ON PENDING PROJECTS Mr. Douglas Reid, Environmental Review
REQUIRING ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT Coordinator, submitted a list of ail projects
REPORTS that have been delayed due to the Environ-
mental Review process. Mr. Reid noted the
projects which require an Environmental
Assessment and those projects which require
a full Environmental Impact Report; those
requiring building permits or ministerial
grading permits tentatively determined to be
December 19, 1972
trivial; and those Environmental Assess-
ments that have been filed as trivial.
Acceptance of report It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
REPORT ON REQUEST OF MARJORIE MILES Director of Public Works Cole reported
FOR EXTENSION OF TIME TO INSTALL that three contractors, contacted by the
STREET IMPROVEMENTS - DIRECTOR OF Division of Engineering, have provided a
PUBLIC WORKS written quotation to Mrs. Miles. However,
it is apparent that the December 31, 1972,
deadline to construct the improvements
will not be met. It was, therefore, re-
quested that a 60-day extension of time be
granted for the completion o£ the time to
install the public improvements along the
north side of Center Street.
Extension granted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that a 60-day extension of time (to March 1,
1973) be granted for completion of the
public improvements.
REPORT ON CONTINUOUS LEFT TURN Director of Public Works Cole reported on
LANE ON THIRD AVENUE FROM "J" the traffic conditions in the area of the
STREET TO "K" STREET - DIRECTOR new Post Office building. The generated
OF PUBLIC WORKS traffic has increased 20% with the opening
of the Post Office facility, and the amount
of accidents have also increased. It
would be the recommendation o£ the Public
Works Department that a two-way left turn
lane be installed on Third Avenue from J
to K Street and that "No Parking" regulations
be adopted to provide for this installation.
The Safety Commission approved the two-way
left turn at the meetings of March 22,
April 26 and December 7, 1972.
Motion to approve two-way It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
left turn on Third Avenue by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that approval be given to install a two-
way left turn on Third Avenue from J to
K Street and that "No Parking" regulations
be adopted to provide for this installation.
REPORT ON VEHICULAR ACCESS ONTO Acting Director o£ Planning Williams
KEARNEY STREET FROM THE POST reported on the traffic circulation pattern
OFFICE SITE of the Post Office noting that during the
original review of the site plan, it was
determined that the amount of parking
provided would be adequate during normal
operations, but that even under the most
optimum conditions, there would not be any
way to provide sufficient parking to cope
with the Christmas rush.
December 19, 1972
Staff's recommendation The staff recommends that Kearney Street
remain closed to Post Office traffic and
further, that approval be given to the
relocation of the curbside mail drop
boxes to the area on the interior of the
parking lot as originally proposed to
permit the circulation in the parking lot
to function as designed.
Recon~endation of Safety It was noted that on December 7, 1972, the
Commission Safety Commission requested that ingress
and egress from the Post Office be provided
onto Kearney Street.
Petition noted The City Clerk noted a petition containing
100 signatures, protesting the opening of
Kearney Street from the rear of the new Post
Office on Third Avenue. The petition states
that it would create a traffic hazard,
jeopardize the safety of small children,
and destroy the residential character of
the neighborhood.
Motion to accept report of It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
Planning Department by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the report of the Acting Director of
Planning be accepted, with the direction
that a copy of the report be provided to
the Safety Commission and the Chamber of
REPORT ON CHULA VISTA ALLIANCE Acting Director of Planning Williams reported
CHURCH CONSTRUCTION PROJECT - that on September 13, 1972, the Chula Vista
ACTING DIRECTOR OF PLANNING Alliance Church submitted an application to
construct a church and Sunday School building
at 623 Telegraph Canyon Road. The plans
were not approved by the Planning Department
pending a study to be made of the alignment
of Telegraph Canyon Road, traffic circulation
pattern and the coordination of grading with
surrounding properties. This study will be
completed by March 1973.
It was the recommendation of the staff that
the request for a temporary building be
disapproved since the time period between
the possible completion of the building
and the anticipated completion of the
studies that would permit a pormanent
structure is so short.
Request not approved It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the request to erect a temporary
building at 623 Telegraph Canyon Road not
be approved, as recommended by staff.
COASTAL REPRESENTATIVE Councilman Hobel reported that Councilman
Frazee from Carlsbad was appointed as the
Comprehensive Planning Organization coastal
representative, and it now becomes quite
important to back Mayor Hamilton's appoint-
ment to this committee.
COUNCIL CONFERENCE - Councilman Hyde commented that he received
American Housing Guild a call from the representative of American
Housing Guild asking for a Council Conference
to discuss proper modifications of their
planned unit development.
Mr. Williams, Acting Director of Planning,
noted that this is scheduled to be before
the Planning Commission on January 15, 1973.
Councilman Hyde requested that the Director
of Planning contact Mr. Linton of the American
Housing Guild to clarify whether he wants to
have a Council Conference prior to the
January 15 Planning Commission meeting.
PARK-SCHOOL COMMITTEE MEETING Councilman ttyde referred to the minutes of
the meeting of November 8, 1972, in which
Dr. Burton Tiffany remarked that the County
would be willing to participate in the
acquisition and development of Albany Park.
Councilman Hyde felt this should be pursued.
Councilman Scott explained that the County
was approached on this subject once before,
and at that time they were not interested.
He would, however, bring this subject up
tomorrow (December 20) at the meeting of
the Park-School Committee and will report
back to the Council.
POST OFFICE BUILDING It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that the City Manager's report relating to
alternate uses of the old Post Office
building be scheduled for the Council
Conference to be held on January 10, 1973.
CENTER DIVIDER ON "J" STREET It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Hyde, that a portion of the
center divider on J Street be removed, speci-
fically that narrow portion closest to
Broadway be terminated at the point where,
moving west from Broadway, it begins to
Rationale for motion Councilman Egdahl explained that the primary
purpose for the center divider was to prevent
commercial development along J Street; how-
ever, it works a hardship on existing
businesses. Councilman Egdahl compared this
area with that of Nation and Telegraph Canyon
Road, and added that no such divider on J
Street east of Broadway is contemplated or
exists, thereby giving competitive business
an unfair advantage.
Abstain from discussion Councilman Scott indicated that, by the last
remark made by Councilman Egdahl, he will
abstain from further discussion of this subject.
Motion carried The motion made by Councilman Egdahl to
remove a portion of the center divider on
J Street carried by the following vote:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Councilman Scott
Comments for Director of Mr. Cole commented that he did not have the
Public Works actual cost figure for removing the portion
of the center island, but he presumed it
would be approximately $2.50 to $3.00 a
foot. He noted the traffic pattern in the
area and the improbability of anyone making
a left turn onto Broadway. The letter from
Jesse H. Jenkins, Jenkins Texaco Station,
696 Broadway, was noted as the person making
the request. Mr. Cole asked if the cost of
the work will be borne by the City.
Motion to share cost It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
by Mayor Hamilton to amend the motion to
add that the cost of the work be on a
shared-cost basis.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel,
Noes: None
Absent: None
Abstain: Councilman Scott
Request from Chula Vista Community Hellen M. Snortland, Administrator, Community
Hospital for exemption of Hospital of Chula Vista, 553 F Street,
Environmental Impact Study requested an exemption in the Environmental
Impact Study for the proposed new Community
Hospital project.
Deletion requested The City Clerk stated she just received a
letter from Ms. Snortland asking that the
item be deleted from this agenda.
Request from Apartment and Mr. Marvin A. E'Golf, President, 901 Bank
Rental Owners Association for of America Building, San Diego, stated the
clarification of Mission association represents 2,200 apartment owners
Cable TV rates and 30,000 tenants. They (the Association) are
concerned over the increase in the cost of
Cable TV service to apartments and other
commercial users. Mr. E'Golf stated that the
rate was $1.$0 to $1.80 a month for each unit,
and now they understand they will be charged
$5.50 a month for each unit. He would like
to know what the City's position is in the
matter and the appeal process available to them.
Discussion of rate schedule City Attorney Lindberg explained that there
has been some difficulty in terms of the
installation charges; however, they must
adhere to the rate schedule approved by the
City Council.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to the staff for
report as to whether or not any Council action
is necessary.
VOTE ON SPORTS WORLD Councilman Scott reiterated that he voted
against the motion to reconsider because
it was made after the people interested in
the matter had left the Chamber. He added
that in two weeks hence (meeting of January 2,
1973) he would consider a motion to reconsider
this position, and at that time will vote to
approve it in concept.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton declared the meeting adjourned
at 1:00 a.m. to the joint meeting scheduled
with the Environmental Control Commission,
Wednesday, December 20, 1972 at 7:30 p.m.
City C l/~rk ~