HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1973/01/09 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday January 9, 1975
At the meeting of January 2, 1973, the Mayor adjourned the meeting to an Executive
Session to commence at 6:00 p.m. on January 9, 1973, for litigation purposes.
The Council met in Executive Session at 6:15 p.m~ in the Council Conference Room,
with the following members present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Bourcier, Director of Public Works Cole, Acting Director of
Planning Williams
The meeting reconvened at 7:25 p.m. in the Council Chamber.
ACTION TAKEN AT EXECUTIVE SESSION Mayor Hamilton announced that the Council
had discussed the proposed settlement rela-
ting to Apollo Unit No. 3 Subdivision. The
action taken by the Council was to reject
the compromise that was offered by Time
Development Company.
Motion to hold public hearing It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Scott, and unanimously carried
by those present to hold a public hearing
to consider the tentative map of Apollo
Unit No. 5 Subdivision on Wednesday, January
17, 1975, at 3:00 p.m.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hamilton, Scott, Hobel
Noes: None
Absent from vote: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl
RECESS A recess was called at 7:27 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 7:32 p.m.
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a mmment
of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF COUNCIL MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meetings of December
20, 1972, and January 2, 1973, be approved,
copies having been sent to each Councilman.
REPORT OF PORT CO~ISSIONER Mr. Robert Campbell reported on the activi-
ties of the Port District, noting the ef-
fect the initiative passed at the last
election would have on some of the Port
District's plans. Mr. Campbell remarked
that the Port District's Planning Director
and Mr. Williams, Acting Planning Director
of Chula Vista, have received the first
portion of the Sedway-Cooke planning study.
Within the next sixty days a final report
will be received. Mr. Campbell then dis-
cussed the Port's Master Plan, the South
Bay dredging project, status of security
operations at Lindberg Field, and a proposal
to provide places for transient boaters.
He added that the Chief of the Harbor
Police has reported illegal and polluted-
type dumping in the South Bay area, parti-
cularly the Chula Vista area. He asked that
if anyone sees this type of dumping in the
Bay, they should contact the Harbor Police.
QUARTERLY FINANCIAL REPORT Mr. Clinton Matthews, President, Visitors
BY VISITORS AND CONVENTION and Convention Burea~ requested a one week's
BUREAU continuance of this report.
Motion to continue for It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
one week by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this report be continued for one week -
to the meeting of January 16, 1973.
PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) Director of Public Works Cole reported that
INTENTION TO VACATE A Verl D. Mason, 1310 L Avenue, National
PORTION OF NITA COURT City, requested the vacation of the portion
~DJACENT TO INTERSTATE of Nita Court between Nacion Avenue and
805 FREEWAY Interstate 805 Freeway. The need for Nita
Court was negated by the Interstate 805
Freeway and Mr. Mason is consolidating
property on either side of this street for
the purposes of development. On December 4,
1972, the Planning Commission recommended
approval of the vacation of this portion
oF the street.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
the public hearing was declared opened.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either For or
against, the hearing was declared closed.
RESOLUTION NO. 6707 Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
ORDERING THE VACATION OF the text was waived by unanimous consent,
A PORTION OF NITA COURT passed and adopted by the following vote,
805 FREEWAY AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6708 In a report to the Council, Director of
DECLARING CITY'S INTENTION Public Works Cole explained that the plans
TO VACATE A DRAINAGE EASE- for the development of Vista Square Shopping
M~NT AT 534 BROADWAY Center call for the construction of a re-
taining wall along the westerly property
line. The developer, Mr, Mitchell Angus,
has prepared plans for construction of a
new drainage structure along another
alignment and has executed an easement for
this structure, along with a surety bond
to guarantee its completion. The Planning
Commission has reco~ended that the e×Sst-
ins easement be vacated.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote~
AYES: Councilmen Egdabl, Scott, Hobel,
H~mi~ton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent None
- 2 -
RESOLUTION NO. 6709 The sewer facilities, including gravity sewer
DETERMINING THE /B{OUNT main and pumping facilities for this area
OF MONEY WHICH SHOULD BE have been completed. Resolution No. 6363
ASSESSED AGAINST CERTAIN stipulated the manner in which the cost
PARCELS OF PROPERTY PRIOR of the project was to be divided among the
TO MAKING SEWER CONNECTIONS benefiting property owners.
BY SAID PARCELS BY THE Formal recommendations were submitted to
CONSTRUCTION OF A SEWER IN- the Council by the City Engineer regarding
STALLATION ON HILLTOP DRIVE the method of repayment to the City of
FROM "L" STREET TO DONAHOE funds advanced in behalf of non-participating
STREET property owners. This recommendation in-
cluded the imposition of a simple four
per cent interest to a maximum of ten years,
commencing January 1, 1973.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6710 Resolution No. 5545 authorized the City to
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL participate~'in the acquisition of rights-of-
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS FOR way for the Sweetwater Flood Control Project.
PARTICIPATION IN SWEETWATER The City agreed to pay thirty per cent of
RIVER FLOOD CONTROL PROJECT the interest involved in amounts advanced
by the State for the purchase of right-of-way.
Mr. Cole, Director of Public Works, reported
that the County Department of Sanitation and
Flood Control has revised their interest
cost projections and it is now necessary
that additional monies in the amount of
$4,000 be appropriated in order to meet the
City's obligation in accordance with the
Council discussion Council discussion ensued on the amount of
the increase. Mr. Cole explained the four
per cent interest rate and the special
legislation that enabled borrowing of
the money from the Highway Fund. The money
was not advanced, however, without charging
the interest. He agreed that the percentage
of increase was high, but that there was
no alternative but to meet this obligation.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6711 The City Clerk reported on the use of the
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL present tape recorder which was constantly
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS in need of repair. The Communications
FOR PURCHASE OF TAPE Technician recommended the purchase of a
RECORDER 9000X Tandberg which would be installed
as a permanent unit in the Council Chamber.
The present recorders (City Clerk and
Plmlning) would be installed with a locking
device to prevent anyone from accidentally
or deliberately erasing a tape.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6712 In a report to the Council, Director of
ESTABLISHING ACCOUNTING Finance Grant noted that the Federal
PROCEDURES IN ACCORDANCE Government has approved the annual Public
WITH THE EMERGENCY Employment Program budget for the year
EMPLOYMENT ACT OF 1971 1972-73. This resolution establishes
the budgetary entries necessary for this
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott~
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1440 In accordance with a request of a member
INCREASING THE MEMBERSHIP of the Parking Place Commission, the City
OF THE PARKING PLACE Council directed that the members for the
COb~IISSION FROM THREE Commission be increased from three to five.
First reading
Ordinance placed on first It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
reading ordinance be placed on its first reading
and that reading of the text be waived by
unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RECO~qENDATION OF SAFETY Councilman Scott stated he is abstaining
COMMISSION REGARDING from discussion of this matter.
At the meeting of January 2, 1973, the
Council reconsidered the motion made at
the previous meeting which was to remove
a portion of the center divider on J Street,
and the cost of the project to be on a
shared-cost basis with the Texaco station.
The Council subsequently referred this
matter to the Safety Commission for report.
At a special meeting held January 5, 1973,
the Safety Commission unanimously opposed
removal of this median, stating it would
create a safety hazard.
Reason for median strip Councilman Egdahl noted that the reason for
the median strip was to prohibit businesses
from encroaching down J Street, but he felt
the Council should be cognizant of the busi-
nesses that do exist in this area that have
entryways from that street.
Motion to reinstate It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that the
previous action Council reinstate the action taken once
before - that the median divider be removed
on a shared-cost basis, as the Texaco
Company has agreed (approximately $500.00).
No second to motion The motion died for lack of second.
Clarence Knight Mr. Knight declared that he failed to see
117 Jefferson Avenue how safety is being enhanced by keeping the
median and making the motorists cross six
lanes to get into the service station on
J Street (lanes on Broadway and J) whereby
if the median was taken out, the motorist
would only have to cross two lanes on J
Mr. Cole, Director of Public Works, discussed
the traffic pattern and the signalizations
in the area.
Motion to accept Safety It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded
Commission's recommendation by Mayor Hamilton that the Council accept
the recommendation of the Safety Commission
and deny the request considered at the
December 19, 1972, meeting regarding
removal of the median strip.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
Abstain: Councilman Scott
REQUEST FOR DETERMINATION In a report to the City Council, City
OF APPLICABILITY OF THE Attorney Lindberg discussed the adoption
CHNNGE IN GENERAL PLAN TO of Resolution No. 6140 which established
LARKHAVEN SUBDIVISION, UNIT 2 the policy of requiring a letter of approval
from the school districts prior to the
adoption of subdivision maps, indicating
the adequacy of school facilities to serve
a particular development. Resolution No.
6140 is an amendment to the General Plan
necessitating the same policy requirements
by reliance upon State law, which demands
compliance in conformity with the General
Plan of the City.
Mr. Lindberg referred to the Friends of
Mammoth case upon which building permits
were being refused. As a result of the
City's new procedures on environmental
impact reports, however, the subdividers
are now applying for those building permits.
Larkhaven Subdivision Unit No. 2 has satis-
fied all the required elements with the
exception of the school fee problems.
On December 5, 1972, the Council adopted
an amendment to the General Plan which
gives a more substantial basis for re-
quiring adequate facilities or some other
solution to the educational needs in new
School fees discussed Questions ensued as to the school fees being
charged. City Attorney Lindherg commented
that there is a basis for the fees, but that
the Council should not get involved in that
Larkhaven Unit No. 1 Councilman Scott questioned whether a build-
ing permit was issued for Larkhaven Unit No.
City Attorney Lindberg stated a building
permit was issued. Mr. Williams, Acting
Director of Planning, stated there was no
agreement between the school districts and
the subdivider for this unit. Mr. Lindberg
noted that the permits were issued prior
to adoption of the Council resolution.
Councilman Scott stated that the Council did
place the school condition on the tentative
map of Larkhaven, Unit No. 1 and questioned
why the building permit was issued.
RECESS A recess was called at 8:30 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 8:50 p.m.
Approval of tentative map Mr. Williams explained that the tentative
map of Larkhaven Unit No. 1 was approved
on March 28, 1972, with no provision for the
school sites. This was an oversight on the
part of the staff. Mr. Williams noted the
letters received from both school districts
regarding the school issue.
Councilman Scott remarked that the Council
placed the school condition on the Rancho
Rios Subdivision tentative map (meeting of
September $, 1972) and subsequently made a
motion that the condition apply also to
Motion to review minutes It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that this item be held over until the next
meeting so that the staff can review the
minutes of the Council meeting and come
back with the condition that the Council did,
in fact, put on the Larkhaven Subdivision.
Donald Worley, Attorney Mr. Worley stated he is representing Ameri-
Seltzer, Caplan, Wilkins & McMahon can Housing Guild and would question the
3003 Fourth Avenue ~alidity of having a condition placed on the
San Diego map after a public hearing on the tentative
map. Another issue they would raise is
whether or not the subdivider has satisfied
the condition and whether it is an appropri-
ate condition. Also, in the absence of such
a condition, whether the particular General
Plan change, in accordance with the new
ordinance, would be applicable to the building
RESOLUTION NO. 6713 Acting Director of Planning Williams submitted
APPROVING THE TENTATIVE the tentative map, noting that the subdivision
MAP OF LARKHAVEN contains 147 single family lots located on
SUBDIVISION, UNITS 3 AND 4 approximately forty acres of ground lying
both north and south of Orange Avenue.
The Planning Commission recommended approval
based on certain conditions. One condition
was the requirement of the formation of a
maintenance district for the treatment of
the landscaping along the rear of the double
frontage lots on Orange Avenue. Mr. Williams
then reviewed the other conditions as set
forth by the Planning Commission.
- 6 -
Mr. Williams commented on the area of the
subdivision lying east of Max and north of
Orange Avenue, which is proposed for R-3
development. He noted that if the zoning
is not granted and single-family development
occurs, it would necessitate access to
Orange Avenuo only, and this should be
planned as part of the single-family sub-
division proposed to the west.
The letters from the school districts were
noted which indicated they had no agreement
with the subdivider regarding the adequacy
of the schools. The Planning Commission's
recommendations do not contain the condition
regarding the schools.
Donald Worley, Attorney Mr. Worley stated he is the attorney for the
Seltzer, Caplan, Wilkins, McMahon applicant, American Housing Guild. As of
3003 Fourth Avenue December 7, 1972, the City has an ordinance
San Diego amending the General Plan requiring provision
for public facilities in new developments at
such time as they are needed, upon the is-
suance of building permits. In view of this,
Mr. Worley stated that the City has ample
protection regarding the school districts.
At the time of applying for the building
permits, it would then be appropriate to
determine whether or not schools were avail-
Mr. Norley then discussed the following
Planning Commission recommendations
(September 19, 1972):
1. Because of the varying slopes along
Orange Avenue, there will be a meandering
wall and will not match the wall on the
opposite side of the street. There
will also be a substantial amount of
property between the wall and the pro-
perty line. They are requesting that
the wall be placed at the property
3. Landscaping maintenance requirement -
The area requested by the staff to be
maintained includes a portion of
public property (a 10-foot strip). The
subdivider feels it would not be fair
to create a homeowners district to
maintain this section of public property.
5. Pedestrian walkway bordered by six-foot
high masonry wall -- they would suggest
a five-foot fence, perhaps a chain link.
7. Fence or wall requirement for those
properties adjoining the park land --
they would recommend a five-foot height
instead of six feet for a fence, perhaps
a grape stake.
6. Area lying east of Max and north of
Orange Avenue -- Mr. Worley noted the
terrain difference of the area and
stated the access route proposed by the
staff would create a street of substan-
tial grade. The subdivider feels that
the aligmment proposed is appropriate
and the area need not be deleted from
consideration tonight.
- 7 -
Planning Director's comments Mr. Williams substantiated the recommendations
as made by the Planning Commission, as dis-
cussed by Mr. Worley.
Motion regarding modifications It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
to Planning Commission's by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
recommendations that the following changes be made in the
Planning Commission's recommendations,
dated September 19, 1972:
Remove Condition No. 6: "All of the area
lying east of Max Avenue and north of
Orange Avenue shall not be considered at
this time because of its relationship with
the adjoining property not scheduled for
subdividing by this map."
No. 7: Height of fence reduced from six to five
feet. (Condition will read: "The sub-
divider shall submit a fence design for
staff consideration for those areas which
abut the park site, Walnut Avenue and C
Street. The fence shall be a minimum of
five feet high, solid fencing with pilasters,
and either block or wood to insure a sturdy
Added condition: That the subdivider reach
an agreement with the school districts in
conformance with Resolution No. 6671.
Park fees Acting Director of Planning Williams ques-
tioned the collection of thepark fees.
Councilman Scott stated he would include
in his motion that prior to recordation of
the final map, the $3S,000 park fee be
granted to the City. Councilman Hyde agreed
to the second. The amendment carried unanimously.
Mr. Worley stated they would agree to this
condition and added that they would also
transfer the other seven acres to the
City upon approval of this tentative map.
ORDINANCE NO. 1438 This annexation consists of two Yaeant lots
APPROVING ANNEXATION TO located on the east side of Hilltop Drive
SAID CITY OF CERTAIN at Center Street, prezoned R-I-10. It was
UNINHABITED TERRITORY placed on its first reading at the meeting
KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS of January 2, 1973.
reading and adoption
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading
and adopted and that reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1439 This annexation consists of two parcels
APPROVING HOUSER'S HILLTOP located in the 400 block of Hilltop Drive,
DRIVE ANNEXATION - Second each improved with a single-family house
reading and adoption and zoned R-i-10. The ordinance was placed
on its first reading at the meeting of
January 2, 1973.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Hobel that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on its second reading
and adopted and that reading of the text
be waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton~ Hyde
Egdahl, Scott
Noes: None
Absent: None
REPORT ON TWO-WAY LEFT In a report to the Council, Director of
TURN LANE ON BROADWAY, Public Works Cole discussed the TOPICS study
"G" TO "H" STREET - which indicated that a two-way left Urn lane
DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC was desirable on Broadway to help alleviate
WORKS accidents caused by mid-block left turns.
The Broadway Association has opposed the
two-way left turns because of the need for
on-street parking which would be eliminated
in front of some smaller businesses along
Broadway. However, the Assistant Vice
President of the United States National Bank
has stated that he has talked to thirteen out
of the eighteen businesses on the east side
of Broadway and has received positive responses.
It is reeonunended that the Council set this
matter for a Council Conference.
Councilman Egdahl suggested it be placed as
an item on a regular meeting.
Motion to schedule It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
matter for consideration by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this matter be scheduled for the Council
meeting of January 23, 1975, and that the
merchants on the east side of Broadway, from
G to H Streets, be notified.
REPORT ON LANDSCAPING OF Director of Public Works Cole reported that
FREEWAY ACCESS STREETS he contacted the railroad in regard to
landscaping the islands, since the islands
contain railroad equipment and signals, and
they gave approval. Mr. Cole submitted plats
showing the islands on E, H and L Streets.
He remarked that he talked to the
Landscape Architect of the State Division
of Highways, and he is checking the right-
of-way on L Street as to who has jurisdiction
in this area. If the State retains juris-
diction, they normally relinquish maintenance
of the service of the crossings, but they
would maintain the signals and other equip-
ment. Mr. Cole would recommend that this
island be landscaped along with the Inter-
state 5 landscaping which could be done with
Gas Tax funds. As soon as he receives the
report from the State, he will report back
to the Council on this matter.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the report of the Director of Public
Works be accepted.
- 9 -
LEAGUE OF CALIFORNIA Mayor Hamilton announced that the monthly
CITIES DINNER dinner meeting of the League of California
Cities will be held on Thursday, January
18, 1973, at Vacation Village in San Diego,
with the City of San Diego being the host
city. He asked that the Councilmen make
their reservations with the City Clerk.
LEFT-H~D TURN SIGNALS Mayor Hamilton questioned the Director of
Public Works as to what was being done with the
old left-hand turn signals being removed from
the intersections of H and E Streets on
Mr. Cole indicated they would be used for
replacements for other intersections. In
answer to the Mayor's query, Mr. Cole dis-
cussed the cost of signalizing a left-hand
turn intersection, indicating the biggest
cost would be the controller. He added
that he does not have any exact figures,
and could submit a report on this.
TRUCK MOVEMENTS INTO CARPETTOWN In answer to the Mayor's question, Director
of Public Works Cole stated it has come to
his attention that the trucks unloading at
this business establishment have been ex-
periencing difficulties in maneuvering their
trucks to the loading docks. He suggested
the manager of the business be requested to
have the trucks deliver the merchandise at
off-peak traffic periods.
Motion for study It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the staff make a recommendation as to the
use of the old left-hand turn signals for
use at the intersection of J and Broadway,
(activated by traffic rather than the select
computerized system), and submit an estimated
price as to the cost.
MOTION FOR ADDED ITEMS FOR Mayor Hamilton moved that the following items
COUNCIL CONFERENCE be added to the Council Conference scheduled
for Wednesday, January 10:
(1) Discussion of transit as it relates to
the Comprehensive Planning Organization; (2)
City Manager's report on a mini-bus system;
and (3) City Manager's report regarding
transit matters.
Motion carries The motion was seconded by Councilman Hobel
and carried unanimously.
SUGGESTION FOR MODEL OF Councilman Scott commented that he discussed
SPORTS WORLD COMPLEX with Dr. Bloom a suggestion to have a model
made of his proposed development - for "before"
and "after" in order to get a clear-cut picture
of the development. Dr. Bloom indicated it
would take six months to complete such a model;
they presently have one showing the existing
City Attorney Lindberg stated there is no
requirement of the P-C zone that would allow
the Council to impose such a condition.
- 10-
City Manager Thomson commented that the staff
could check into this.
ORDINANCE REGARDING GAS City Attorney Lindberg, in answer to Councilman
VAPOR LIGHTS Scott's inquiry, stated he is meeting with
representatives of the San Diego Gas & Electric
Company tomorrow, to get a reasonable defini-
tion of the type of lighting that the Council
would seek to prohibit, and not interfere with
public aspects of this lighting. He would have
the ordinance ready for the next Council meeting.
Otis Pemberton Mr. Otis Pemberton commented that he would
San Diego Gas & Electric submit a report to the Council on the different
Company types of outdoor lighting and its recommended
use in various areas.
City Attorney Lindberg asked for a two-week's
continuance on this matter.
SB 325 Councilman Hobel asked the Council to give
serious consideration to the discussion on
SB 325 at the Council Conference tomorrow, as
this will direct him in his voting on the
issue at the CPO meeting to be held on Monday,
January 15, 1973.
CITY BUS OPERATIONS Councilman Hyde asked if the Council would be
receiving a report in the near future on the
status of the City bus operations.
City Manager Thomson indicated he would have a
report on ridership either at the next meeting
or the one thereafter.
CAMPAIGN EXPENSES Councilman Hyde asked when the ordinance con-
trolling election costs would come before the
City Attorney Lindberg indicated he just
received the final ordinance which the com-
mittee in San Diego has worked on. He will
incorporate this with the Council's comments
made some time ago and have an ordinance ready
for Council consideration within the next two
CHANGES TO SIGN ORDINANCE Councilman Hyde inquired as to the status of
the changes to the sign ordinance.
City Manager Thomson remarked that the staff
hasn't been doing too much on it, based on
the workload in the department.
Acting Director of Planning Williams explained
that he has a man working overtime on this
FILM: "Public Will" Councilman Egdahl asked if the film has been
purchased by the City.
Councilman Hyde explained that the film has
been purchased--he has personally shown it to
two of his classes.
- 11 -
LETTER FROM CARL STRICKL~dqD Councilman Hobel referred to the letter
received from Mr. Carl Strickland regarding
the length of hair worn by the patrol boys.
City Manager Thomson stated he referred this
letter to the Chief of Police. He will report
back to the Council on this at the next
RESCHEDULING CONFERENCE ITEM City Clerk Fulasz asked permission to re-
schedule discussion of the Open Space District--
El Rancho del Rey--toJanuary 24, 1973. It
was originally scheduled for a Conference to
be set for January 17; however, Apollo 3 has
just been set for that date.
The Mayor directed that the item be rescheduled
for a Council Conference to be held on
January 24, 1973.
MEETING ON FIFTH TUESDAY City Clerk Fulasz asked the Council if there
will be a meeting on the fifth Tuesday of
this month.
Councilman Hobel felt the Community Forums
should be activated for the fifth Tuesdays.
Council Discussion ensued as to the merits
of having the Community Forums. The Council
should plan on having one each quarter, not
necessarily on a fifth Tuesday - it could
be a Wednesday or Thursday.
Mayor Hamilton remarked that he would meet
with the City Clerk and schedule another
Community Forum. He would report back to
the Council as to dates and the location.
It was the concensus of the Council that no
special meeting would be called for the fifth
Tuesday of this month.
Verified claim for damages - Mr. Clancy has filed a verified claim for
August L. Clancy, 464 Inkopah damages in the amount of $354.50. He alleges
Street that on December 18, 1972, at ll:00 a.m. the
roots in the main sewer line from a City owned
boulevard tree caused the sewer to back up
into his bathroom and bedroom.
Claim denied It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the claim be denied so that it can be turned
over to the City's insurance carrier for
Donald Worley, Attorney Mr. Worley stated he is representing Dale
Seltzer, Caplan, Wilkens, McMahon Horton Enterprises. On July 18, 1972, the
3003 Fourth Avenue Council considered the subdivision map of
San Diego Windsor View. They withdrew that map at that
time, as the Planning staff and Commission
felt that this 18 acre parcel along Telegraph
Canyon Road was premature at this time.
- 12 -
The Council, at that time, stated it would
consider a reasonable, economical development
of this property if the staff did not com-
plete the E1 Rancho del Rey plan within a
period of 90 days.
Mr. Worley asked that preliminary meetings
now be set up, in view of the fact that the
90 days has expired. In answer to a letter,
Acting Director of Planning Williams remarked
that it would still be the staff's recommenda-
tion that the property not be developed until
further planning in this area has been completed.
Request for Council Mr. Worley requested that the Council reaffirm
reaffirmation of position its position ~aken on July 18 and direct that
the City Manager direct his staff to commence
discussions with Mr. Horton and his engineers.
He also requested that the staff provide some
meaningful suggestions as to the type of
development that would be appropriate for this
Councilman Scott felt that this should go
through regular channels - submission of sub-
division map. If the Council feels the
staff's recommendations are unreasonable, it
has the power to overturn it.
Mayor Hamilton conunented that this matter
would be taken under advisement.
Cary Wright Mr. Wright stated he was informed that three
242 East J Street of the Councilmen have gone on record stating
that East J Street would never be approved
as the main access to the Sports Arena.
Mayor Hamilton stated there has been no
documented vote by the Council on this issue.
Mr. Wright asked the Council to reaffirm its
position and eliminate, in the early planning
stages, the use of East J Street as a main
arterial access to the Arena area.
Mayor Hamilton commented that he personally
has not ~een enought of the proposal to make
a decision on the use of any street. He wants
to see the staff's evaluation on this, and
reminded Mr. Wright that there will be many
other meetings on this subject, at which time
he (Mr. Wright) would have the opportunity to
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at 10:25
p.m. to the meeting scheduled for Wednesday,
January 10, 1973, at 3:30 p.m. in the Council
Conference Room.
City Clerk
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