HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1973/02/20 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday February 20, 1973
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City
Manager Bourcier, Director of Public Works Cole, Acting
Director of Planning Williams, Director of Personnel McCabe
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES Councilman Scott referred to the motion to
grant the appeal of Mark Fishauf which failed
by a three to two vote. The explanation should
have stated that it takes a four-fifths vote
to ~erride the decision of the Planning Com-
mission on this appeal.
It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of February 13,
1973, be approved, as corrected, copies having
been sent to each Councilman.
PROCLAMATION FOR ADULT Mayor Hamilton presented Mr. Ralph Skiles,
CONTINUING EDUCATION Assistant Superintendent of Instructional
WEEK Education and the Director of Adult Education,
a proclamation declaring the week of March 5
through 11, 1973, as "Adult Continuing
Education Week."
REPORT BY C. ROBERT CAMPBELL, Mr. Campbell reported on the activities of
PORT CO~qlSSIONER the Port District for the past month.
He discussed the boat launching ramp which
he stated was not complete, Mr. Campbell
commented on the mud flats, a bird island,
continued landscaping of the area, installa-
tion of buoys and the plan of putting in
picnic tables.
Mr. Campbell added that the Port Comm~issioners
are disappointed in the time that is being
taken to obtain the final report of the
Sedway/Cooke ~%mdy. Mr. Fred Trull, Planning
Director of the Port District, contacted
Mr. Tom Cooke and was informed that it will
take another three months to complete the
PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) Acting Director of Planning Williams explained
CONSIDERATION OF VARIOUS that Assembly Bill 1301 requires the Zoning
REVISIONS TO THE CHULA Ordinance and General Plan to be consistent
He remarked that the proposed revisions are
being presented %~n three parts~ (1) revi-
sions to the General Flan Map; (2) revisions
to the Zoning Map~ and (3) revisions to the
General Plan text. Thc last item will be
brought to the Council in March 1973.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing,
noting that each item will be considered
Mr. Tony Lettieri, Assistant Planner, noted
the locations of the properties and the pro-
posed revisions:
(a) area north of Seavale adjacent to Broad-
way - from C-T to high density residen-
(b) area north and south of E Street adjacent
to Interstate $ - from C-T to C-V;
(c) area north and south of H Stree~ adjacent
to Interstate 5 - from C-T to C-V;
(d) area south side of H Street approximately
half way between Broadway and Interstate
5 - from high density residential to C-O:
Motion to consider Item 1.(d) It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
separately by Councilman Egdahl that this matter be
lifted out of context, set aside, and not
he,acted on tonight, and separately considered.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote, to-
Ayes; Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl
NOES: Councilmen Scott, tlobel, Hamilton
Absent: None
[e) north side of L Street west of Broadway -
from high density residential to research
and limited industrial;
(f) area south of Moss Street west of Indus-
trial ~ from research and limited indus-
~trial~o,high density.;resi~ntial~and
thoroughfare commercial;
(g) area at the southeast corner of Third
Avenue and C Street - from thoroughfare
commercial and high density residential
to -rcsearc~ and limited industrial;
(h) north side of Third Avenue Extension - from
retail commercial to professional and
administrative office commercial;
(i) area east of Fourth Avenue north of
Davidson from very high density resi-
dential to professional and administra-
tive office commercial;
(j) area east of Broadway commercial frontage
south of G Street - from very high den-
sity residential to professional ~nd
administrative office commercial;
(k) area on'Fourth Avenue north of H Street
from very high density residential to
pro~ssional and administrative office
- 2 -
(il) ~rea north side of I Street approximately
~ ~,[~alf ~a~ het~een Fourth and Fifth Avenues
~ i[' from retail commercial to professional
and administrative office commercial;
Motion to consider Item 1.(1) It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
separately by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that Item 1[1) b~ pulled out and voted on
(m) property on north side of J Street approxi-
mately's00 feet west of Third Avenue -
from medium density residential to high
density residential;
(n) area at the northwest corner of Third
Avenue and J Street from thoroughfare
commercial ~o retail commercial;
(o) area at the northwest corner of Third
Avenue and K Street - from professional
and administrative office commercial to
retail commercial;
(p) area on the south side of J Street, just
to the east of Broadway - from medium
density residential to high density
(q) area south of K Street, east of Broadway -
from medium density residential to
thoroughfare commercial and high density
(r) south of L Street to the east of Broadway
from medium density residential to high
density residential and professional
and administrative office commercial;
(s) west side of Second Avenue south of
State 54 - from research and limited
industrial to high density residential;
Motion to consider r tom 1.(s) It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
separately by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this item be taken out and considered
(t) east side of Third Avenue north of D
Street - from medium density residential
to high density residential;
Motion not to rezone Item 1.(t) It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
separately by Councilman Scott that this property not
be rezoned and leave it as it is,
Discussion of motion Acting Director of Planning Williams ex-
plained that these are zone changes that
have already taken place. If the General
Plan density is to remain, then the alter-
native is to rezone the property to something
less than R-3-G.
Frank E. Ferreira Mr. Ferreira discussed AB 1301, stating it
Chula Vista was his understanding that the Bill was not
mandatory and did not require all these changes
being considered at this meeting. It was
his further understanding tkat the Bill
refers to acreages that are forty acres or
more; anything less than forty acres fails
into the option of the cities as to whether
or not they care to comply.
Opinion of City Attorney City Attorney Lindberg explained the ruling
of thc Attorney General, and added that most
of the cities are making every effort to
bring about the changes that would allow
development in accordance with an ad6pted
General Plan ~ or at least not prevent any
obstacle to development in accordance with
that Plan,
Mayor Hamilton noted that any change of zone
initiated by the Council would have to go back
to the Planning Commission for a public hearing.
Motion changed It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the previous motion be changed to state
that Item 1.(t) be extracted from approval
and dealt with separately.
(u) north and south side of E Street, 500 feet
east of Second Avenue - from medium
density residential to high density
Motion to consider 1.(u) separately It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that this item be pulled
out for further consideration.
Mr. Lettieri noted that this property was
rezoned about one year ago, and a precise
plan for the property has been approved.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Egdahl stated he wished to with-
draw his motion.
Second not in agreement Councilman Hyde did not withdraw his second.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote,
Ayes: Councilman Hyde
NOES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobe],
Absent: None
(v) west side of Second Avenue between E
and H Streets - from high density resi-
dential to medium density residential;
(w) two areas east of Third Avenue, one on
the south side and one north of I Street -
£rommcdium~dengity residential to high
density residentail;
(x) area at northeast corner of J Street
and Third Avenue z from thoroughfare com-
mercial to retail commercial;
(y) area north of K Street east of Thlrd
Avenue from professional and administra-
tive office commercial to retail commercial;
(z) area on south side of K Street east of
the commercial area z from medium density
residential to kigk density residential;
(aa) area at the northeast corner of Third
Avenue and Palomar - from high density
residential to retail commercial;
(bb) the Otay/Albany school-park site changed
from conceptual form to its final config-
- 4 -
(cc) area on south aide of Bonita Road
adjacent to Sandalwood Drive from low
density realdentiil tO medium density
residential and retail commercial;
Frank E. Ferreira Mr. Ferreira requested that this item be
Chula Vista considered separately.
Motion to consider Item 1.(cc) It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
separately by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this item be taken out and considered
(dd) area on the south side of East J Street
just west of the fire station - from
medium density residential to retail
(ce) area north of Orange Avenue around
Melrose Avenue - from medium density
residential to high density residential
~d retail commercial;
(fl) two park sites in the design of Larkhaven
Subdivision from medium density residen-
tial to open space;
(gg~ north side of Bonita Road near the golf
course restaurant from the configura-
tion of the high density residential
and open space land uses to be revised
to conform to the new zoning patterns;
(hh) two areas along Otay Lakes Road - one
north of Bonita Bel Aire Subdivision,
and the other north of San Diego Gas
and Electric Company easement from
low density residential to medium
density residential;
Motion to consider Item 1.(hh) It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
separately by Councilman Hyde that this item be removed
from consideration at this time and considered
at a later time.
Mr. Lettieri explained that the property is
presently zoned R-l-10 which is not consistent
with the low density residential on the
General Plan, and therefore the General Plan
would have to be changed to medium density
Motion withdrawn Councilman Egdahl withdrew his motion and
Councilman Hyde withdrew his second.
(ii) Halecrest Park site to be shown as such
on the General Plan;
(jj) area along ~elegraph Canyon Road occu-
pied by the Elks Club to be redesignated
as medium density residential;
(kk) area west of Oleander, north and south
of Palomar - from open space to medium
density residential
(11) designate the precise location of the
Brandywine Park and school site on the
General Plan;
- $ -
~mm) ar~a south of Brandywine from medium
density reai~ntial to research and
~1 1~ limited industrial;
i(nn) area east of North Second and Edgemere
north of C Street ~ from medium density
residential to open space;
(ce) area west ef Interstate 5, north of
Palomar Street and south of L Street
on and off ramps from research and
limited industrial to general industrial.
Motion to approve Area No. 1 It w~s moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that Area No. 1 be approved and the resolu-
~io~be amended to exclude the following
items: 1.(1); 1.(s); 1.(t); 1.(cc).
AREA NO. 2 To redesignate from high density residential
to medium density residential, the following:
(a) south of E Street, north of Davidson,
Fourth Avenue to Broadway;
(b) north of E Street, approximately mid-
block between Third and Fourth;
(c) area at the northwest corner of E Street
and Second Avenue;
(d) south of H Street, west of Fourth Avenue;
(e) south of I Street, between Fourth Avenue
and the Broadway co~m~erclal;
(f) west of Broadway between H Street and
L Street;
(g) east of Fourth Avenue, J Street to L Street
~{otion to approve Area No, 2 It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that Area No. 2 be approved, as recommended.
AREA NO. 3 That the following areas be changed from
very high density residential to high density
residential and medium density residential;
(a) east of the professional and administra-
tive office designation on Church Avenue
between E and F Streets;
(b) south of E Street, east of Fourth Avenue;
(c) south of Center Street, to the east of
Third Avenue;
(d) south of Par~Wmy, east of Fourth Avenue;
(e) south of F Street, west of ~aur~th Avenue;
(f) south of G Street, west of Fifth Avenue;
(g) south of H Street, east m~dwest of Fourth
Discussion Councilman Hyde commented that these areas
were designated for high-rise classifications
in an effort to encourage redevelopment
whereby small parcels of land could be
accumulated,.~eaulting in broad open areas
with deep setbacks and high rise dwellings.
Mr. Williams stated ke understands why these
classifications were put there, but the Coun-
cil should understand that the General Plan
- 6 -
i~ t6n yeara old and there has been no indi-
c~ation whatsoever during the past years that
thi~ will he implemented,
Frank E. Ferreira M~i P~rreira commented that a large sum of
Chula Vista mopey was spent on a consulting firm which
made a study of the Downtown area. The
areas being considered tonight were the
"crux" of the entire Sketch Plan. Mr.
Ferreira asked that this be held in abeyance
for further study.
Councilman Scott noted that the Downtown
element of the General Plan was never adopted.
Motion to approve Area No. 3 It was moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded
by Councilman Scott that the recommendations
on Area No. 3 be accepted.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Scott, Hamilton
Noes: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
AREA NO. 4 (a) propose change in Gene:~l Plan to show
a schematic location for fire station
south of Orange Avenue to the east of
Interstate 805 (from medium density resi-
dential to general industrial.
(b) Area bounded on north by the County Park
and on the south by 0tay Valley Road
snd the Otay River flood plain, on
the west by I-L zoning and on the
east by a collector road and agricultural
reserve area from medium density resi-
dential to general industrial.
Motion to approve Area No. 4 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that thc recommendations for Area No. 4 be
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for
or against, the hearing was declared closed.
RESOLUTION NO. 6746 - Offered by Councilman Hyde, subject to the
REVISING TI~ CHULA VISTA amendments made, the reading of the text
GENERAL PLAN IN ACCORDANCE was waived by unanimous consent, passed and
WITH THE RECOMMENDATIONS adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
OF THE PLPuNNING COMMISSION AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
PCM-72-26, ADOPTED ON THE Alosent: None
RECESS A recess was called at 9:06 p.m. and the
meeting recon~ened at 9:25
RESOLUTION NO. 6747 - City Manager ~mmson reported that as a
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL result of the experience in processing
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS environmental assessments and environmental
FOR ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW impact reports, it has become obvious that
COORDINATION ACTIVITY additional staffing is essential in order
to adequately perform the functions as
required by t~e State of California.
- 7 -
He added that to provide for this staffing
and necessary non~.p~sonal expenses for the
balance of tile fiscal year, an appropriation
in the anlount of $8~840.0Q is requested.
Discussion Councilman Egdahl questioned whether the
amount of fees Being collected is covering
the costs involved.
Mr. Thomson commented that a study will be
made on this.
Councilman Scott suggested placing this oper-
ation Back in the Planning Department.
City Manager Thomson explained the reason
for initially placing it under Administra-
tion; however, when the new Director of
Planning arrives, this will be one of the
things to be considered.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Nobel, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6748 - The following bids were received on February 6,
OF HEATING SYSTEM IN REPAIR Certified Air Conditioning, Inc. $ 5,591
BUILDING, PUBLIC WORKS CENTER J. W. Renzulli, Inc. $ 9,699
A. O. Reed and Company $13,546
This project consists of installing a new
heating system in the repair building at
the Public Works Center. Director of
Public Works Cole recommended the bid be
awarded to Certified Air Conditioning, Inc.
in the amount of $7,000 ($5,591 plus $1,409
for contingencies).
Contingencies Councilman Egdahl noted that 25% is being
requested for contingencies. Mr. Cole stated
that this should be 10%, making the amount
requested $6,150.
Resolution offered Offered by Com~cilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6749 - In a report to the Council, supported by the
AMENDING CIVIL SERVICE opinion of the City Attorney, Director of
RULES RELATING TO Personnel McCabe reported that the existing
RESIDENCY AND CITIZENSHIP residency and citizenship requirements as
REQUIREMENTS AND GRANTING contained in Rule III, Section 2 of the
SICK LEAVE IN CASES OF Civil Service Rules are no longer valid as
PREGNANCY a result of Court actions. He further noted
that it has now Been d~tormined that sick
leave should be granted in pregnancy situa-
tions in accordance with the trend undertaken
by most jurisdictions ~oday.
Mr. McCahe concurred with the recommendation
of the Civil Service Commission tkat these
amendments to the Civil Service Rules be
Pregnancy section Councilman Scott spoke against the proposed
amendment, stating there was no discrimina-
tion involved -- it is something that is
planned and to approve the res61ution would
result in a waste of taxpayers' money.
City Attorney Lindberg stated he did not have
a legal opinion on this; however, most agencies
are making this change.
Discussion Discussed followed regarding the discrimina-
tory element of the proposal.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl. The reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent.
The resolution was passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Hobel, Hamilton,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6750 - City Attorney Lindberg explained that Pacific
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN Telephone Company has agreed to annex cer-
THE CITY OF CHUI~ VISTA AND rain property at 4619 Otay Valley Road if
PACIFIC TELEPHONE COMPANY the City would agree to provide sewer
FOR CONNECTION TO SEWER service. The County has granted all en-
MAIN FOR PROPERTY LOCATED titlements, including building pem~its,
AT 4619 OTAY VALLEY ROAD contingent upon this City's assurance that
PRIOR TO ANNEXATION TO sewer service will be provided.
C. E. Horn Mr. Horn presented the sewer connection agree-
Chief Engineer, ment for the 5.2 acres. The date on the
Telephone Company agreement is March 1, 1974 as the date in
which annexation to the City of Chula Vista
must be made.
City Attorney Limdberg noted that the agree-
ment ~hic5 the C~[[B~ll 'has s~a~9:~ that date
as June 1, 1973.
Mr. Horn explained the construction time
element involved for this plant operatiag
center, staging that the March 1974 date
was necessary to clear all these details.
Mr. Williams, Acting Director of Planning,
explained that this area is in an agricultural
zone at the present time and an environmental
impact report would have to be made.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, with the change
in date to be March 1, 1974, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
- 9 -
RESOLUTION NO. 6751 - Councilman Hohel stated he ~euld abstain
APPROVING THE TENTATIVE from discussion of this matter as he did
MAP OF A SUBDIVISION TO not attend all the hearings.
NO. 3 City Attorney Lindberg reported that the
resolution incorporates the revised condi-
tions, as agreed upon and discussed at the
p~evious public hearings held on this matter.
He noted the changes made in the revised
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hamilton, Iiyde,
Noes; None
Abstain: Councilman tlobe!
Absent: None
Motion to require environmental ~t~as moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
impact report by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that an environmental impact report be re-
quired £or this subdivision - Apollo, Unit
No. 3.
ORDINANCE NO. 1443 - This zoning includes three acres west of
AMENDING MAP OR ~PS Tobias Drive and four acres east of Tobias
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION Drive to Hilltop Drive on the north side
33.401 OF THE CHULA VISTA of Quintard Street. ~e maximum density
CITY CODE, REZONING THAT will be ten to fourteen dwelling units an
CERTAIN PROPERTY LOCATED acre and each lot shall ~rtt~in a mixture
NORTH OF QUINTARD STREET, of one-story and two-story structures.
FIRST AVENUE TO HILLTOP The ordinance was placed on its first
DRIVE FROM R-3-G-D TO reading on February 13, 1973.
L. K. Wirth Mr. Wirth referred to a petition submitted
29 Plymouth Court at the last meeting signed by 135 residents
in the area for consideration to a zoning
density of twelve units instead of the
sity of ten to fourteen units.
Mr. Wirth made the following comments: (1)
the buffer zone should start at Quintard
Street; (2) the area is now over-populated;
(3) only ten investors will profit from
the rezoning; (4) traffic problem is severe;
(5) rights of the people in the area should
be given serious consideration.
Mr. Wirth asked that the Council reconsider
the matter and call another public hearing.
~ a~t~t~.~ that the notices should be properly
written so that the people in the area would
readily understand the zoning classifications
and also that the City Council meetings be
given more publicity so that people would
be aware of the fact that these meetings are
held on Tuesday evenings.
Mayor Hamilton made reference to the calendar
(annual report) sent to all of the residents
in the City, which clearly indicates the
dates of all meetings of the Council and
- 10-
He further explained that there will be
another public hearing held to amend the
General Plan for the density approved by
the Council (ten to fourteen units) and
the people in the area will be notified.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on second reading and
adopted and that reading of the text be
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1444 - This change of zone would limit development
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR to one unit to 2,660 square feet for approx-
MAPS ESTABLISHED BY imately 4-1/2 acres located east of Max
SECTION 33.401 OF THE Avenue and north of Orange Avenue.
REZONING THAT CERTAIN It was placed on its first reaOing at the
PROPERTY LOCATED ON THE meeting of February 13, 1973.
Ordinance placed on second It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
reading and adoption ordinance be placed on second reading and
adopted. The reading of the text was
waived by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, ilamilton,
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
REPORT ON PALOMAR STREET- In a report to the Council, Acting Director
OLEANDER AVENUE EXTENSION of Planning Williams and Director of Public
STUDY - ACTING DIRECTOR OF Works Cole discussed the Palomar Street
PLANNING extension east of Interstate 805 and
Oleander Avenue.
This was considered at the Council meeting
of April 19, 1972, at which time staff was
directed to investigate the possibility of
not developing Palomar Street and Oleander
Avenue as major collector streets.
Two public meetings were held on this matter
in order to get input from the property
owners in the area as to various alterna-
tives and ramifications of each.
The recommendation of the staff was that both
streets ultimately be extended through the
park to complete the circulation system,
but that these streets be extended through
the park at a reduced width (minus parking -
travel ways only, which would make Oleander
two lanes and Palomar four lanes) and that
the streets be designed and constructed as
part of the overall design of the park to
insure a functional relationship between the
streets and the park.
- 11 -
Cost estimates were submitted for each
street segment.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the report be accepted.
MOTION FOR EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
the Council recess to Executive Session at
the end of the meeting for pending litigation
and personnel reasons.
FLOOD CONTROL FACILITIES Mayor Hamilton announced that Mayor Stites
- TIJUANA YALLEY of Imperial beach has requested that this
Council adopt a resolution supporting some
type of flood control facility for Imperial
Beach as Mexico is now preparing to concrete
their channel.
Councilman Egdahl related the discussions
held at the Comprehensive Planning Organiza-
tion meeting regarding this subject.
Mayor Hamilton read the resolution submitted
by Mayor Stites in which support was re-
quested for a continuing channelization to
the Pacific Ocean in order to protect the
habited areas of Imperial Beach and the
natural wildlife from flooding.
Discussion A discussion followed concerning the Council's
previous consideration of this matter and
its strong objection to a concrete channel.
Motion for resolution It was moved by Mayor Hamilton and seconded
by Councilman }lobel that a resolution be
brought back supporting some type afflood con-
trol Of that area in Imperial Beach which
might be affected by the channel being built
in Mexico - the support to be based on the
health, safety and welfare of the area.
Motion carried The motion carried by tho following vote,
AYES: Mayor Hamilton, Councilmen Nobel
and Egdahl
Noes; Councilmen Scott, Hyde
Absent; None
OTAY PROPERTY FEES Councilman Scott commented that in the
recent purchase of the Otay property, the
City agreed to pick up all the fees that
were incidental to the purchase of that
property. The Director of Finance has in-
formed him that part of the fees were
delinquent taxes.
City Attorney Lindberg indicated he was not
aware of this, and would check into it.
City Manager Thomson commented that the staff
will have a report at the next meeting.
DENSITY STUDY Com~cilman Hobel suggested that the staff
make up an overview map showing high,
medium and tow densities in the City.
- 12 -
SUPPORT OF SUPERVISOR Councilman Hyde noted the letter received
WALSH'S FORMULA PLAN from Supervisor l~alsh, proposing a voting
formula acceptable to all interested parties
that would lead to the County joining the
Comprehensive Planning Organization.
Councilman Hyde added that he could support
most of this proposal.
Discussion Discussion followed as to the proposah and
the County joining CPO.
Mayor H~milton reported that the Mayors'
Committee will be sending out a resolution
shortly to all the cities supporting
Supervisor William Craven's move to join
Request from Bonita Division Mrs. Gretta J. Arnold, Co-Chairman, submitted
of Chamber of Commerce for a request for permission to fly banners across
permission to fly banners to Bonita Road at the Otay Lakes and Willow
promote Golf Tournament Road intersections from April 26 to May 6,
1973. This is to promote ~he Save-A-Heart
Golf Tournament. Mrs. Arnold also asks for
the street width at these two intersections.
It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this request be approved with staff in-
put into it -- whether or not it will be
ORAL COMMUNICATIONS There were no Oral Communications.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session
at 10:50 p.m. The meeting reconvened at
11:20 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
11:21 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for
Tuesday, February 27, 1973.
- 13-