HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1973/02/27 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
Held Tuesday February 27, 1973
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California was held on the above
date beginning at 7:00 p. m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue,
with the following Councilmen present:
Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Absent: None
Also present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City Manager
Bourcier, Director of Public Works Cole, Director of Planning Peterson,
Director of Finance Grant, Director of Parks and Recreation Hall, Assist-
ant Director of Planning Williams, Purchasing Agent Espinosa, Assistant
Planner Lettieri
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meetings of February
7, 14, 15 and 20, 1973, be approved, copies
having been sent to each Councilman.
INTRODUCTION OF NEW DIRECTOR City Manager Thomson introduced the newly-
OF PLANNING AND ADMINISTERING appointed Director of Planning, Mr. David
OATH OF OFFICE James Peterson.
City Clerk Fulasz administered the oath of
office to Mr. Petersen.
PUBLIC HEARING (CONTINUED) - Director of Planning Poterson explained
CONSIDERATION OF VARIOUS that Assembly Bill 1301 requires the City's
ZONE CHANGES TO BRING ZONING Zoning Ordinance and General Plan to be
INTO CONFORMANCE WITH THE consistent by July 1, 1973.
tie added these zone changes were originally
scheduled for consideration on January 23,
1973. The public hearing, however, was
continued to this date and since that time
"consistency" has become better defined and
it will be necessary to amend thc zoning map
or the General Plan only where the existing
zoning would permit a use not contemplated
by the Plan. Therefore, of the fourteen
revisions originally proposed, only seven
have been recommended by the Planning Com-
mission for consideration by the Council;
the Commission recommended referral of the
other seven back to them for further review.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Hayer Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Assistant Planner Lettieri described the
areas under consideration for rezoning as
fo 1 lows:
Area 1 Area 1 - Approximately 370' east of National
Avenue to North Fifth Avenue, north of
State Sa Freeway to City boundary from
C-C-F to
Area 2 Area 2 - East of North Fourth and Highland
Avenues, adjacent to the State 54 on and off
ramps from C-T-F to I-L-F;
Area 3 Area 3 ~ Small sliver of land 100' north of
Third Avenue, south of C Street from R-3 to
Area 5 Area 5 - Southeast corner of Davidson and
Garrett Avenue~ 7 lots, from R-3-D to C-O-D
(Civic Center Design Control District);
Area 7 Area 7 - South side of G Street, east of
Broadway frem C-T to C-O;
Area 11 Area 11 - Southwest corner of Bonita Road
and Sandalwood from R-3-D to R-3-G-P.
Larry Antinone Mr. Antinone stated he represents several
39 Sandalwood Drive people in the Bonita Cove-Rogan Hills area
who are opposed to the proposed zoning.
show of hands indicated there were fourteen
people present opposing this zoning.) He
referred to the original Planning Department
recommendation for R-1 zoning of this
Mr. Antinone remarked he had circulated a
petition requesting that the natural
boundaries between the multiple dwellings
and the family residences be upheld and that
the vacant lot and the Zumstein's residence
be zoned R-1 as originally recommended by the
Planning Department.
The petition to which Mr. Antinone referred
was received in the office of the City Clerk
on January 23, 1973. It bears sixty-one
signatures, representing virtually 100% of
the property owners who could be contacted.
Norman Williams, Mr. Williams eutlined the history of the
Assistant Director proper~iesinquestien and the original Planning
of Planning Department recommendation. He noted letters
received by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Zumstein and
Lucy and Roland Bergeron eppesing the proposed
zoning and requesting R-1 zoning for this area.
Alfred E. Pellerin Mr. Pellerin stated he was for zoning the
249 £ucalyptus Court area to R-1 and offered a proposal for alle-
viating the traffic and pollution problems
he and other property owners feel are caused
by the "overdeveloped" areas of the Cove.
He would propose elosing the entrance to
Sandalwoed Drive and indicated the property
o~ers would assume the cost of the street
Larry Antinone Mr. Antinone briefly described the proposal
as presented by Mr. Pellerin.
Bonita Glen Drive In answer to Councilman Scott's inquiry,
Mr. Lettieri remarked that Bonita Glen Drive
would connect to Vista Drive once the freeway
is completed.
Director of Public Works Cole stated this
connection i5 a part of the State Division of
Highways contract.
Randolph M. West Mr. West indicated a desire to have the
271 Eucalyptus Court property in question zoned R-l. He discussed
existing traffic problems and offered, as a
possible solution of these problems, a plan
for closing the exit from the apartment com-
plex and closing the exit from the shopping
- 2 -
center. He objects to high density zoning
for this area.
Do,n-zoning Mayor Hamilton remarked that the existing
zoning on this property is R-3-D and the zoning
recommended by the Planning Conunission is
R-3-G-P which decreases the density of this
property by more than 50%.
Martha Zumstein Mrs. Zumstein objected to property in back of
2704 Bonita Road hers being zoned higher density and stated she
would be in favor of R-1 zoning, which she
feels would alleviate traffic problems.
Frank Ferreira Mr. Ferreira requested that this matter be
Chula Vista dropped. He indicated the present zoning is
in conformance with the General Plan.
Motion to hold over It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
and readvertise for by Councilman Hobel that Area 11 be held over
public hearing and readvertised for a public hearing to
consider R-1 zoning.
Frank Ferreira Mr. Ferreira referred to Lot 1 - Bonita Cove
and the drainage problems in the drainage basin
south of this subdivision. He recommended
study of previous actions regarding this
matter before further action is taken.
City Attorney's opinion In answer to Councilman Hobel's inquiry as to
the propriety of the motion before the Council,
City Attorney Lindberg stated the motion may
be proper, but the Council has before it the
matter of rezoning and it may direct a re-
zoning to R-1 and ask for a report from the
Planning Commission on that particular item.
He added that the City does not enter into
contractual agreements relating to rezoning.
Frank Ferreira Mr. Ferreira noted the contract with the City
regarding this property in 1964 and would
expect the property to remain with R-5 zoning,
as was granted in 1964.
Speaking against motion Councilman Hyde spoke against the motion and
indicated he would prefer to proceed with the
action tonight on the basis of information at
Mayor Hamilton stated he thought it most proper
to return this matter back to the Planning
Conm~is~ion for further deliberations.
During discussion of the process to be followed
if this matter were to be referred back to the
Planning Commission, City Attorney Lindberg
remarked that if the Council desires to modify
the recommendation of the Planning Commission,
the matter must be referred back to said
Commission for a report, but a public hearing
is not cenducted. He added that in order to
have the Planning Commission proceed with a
public hearing on the rezoning from R-3-D to
R-1 zone it would be necessary to initiate that
and, at the same time, deny the recommendation
of the Planning Commission before the Council
this evening.
The zoning would then be left at R-$-D in the
interim period. Following would be readver-
rising and setting the matter for a public hearing
before the Council. He stated that the Council
could, however~ determine at this meeting what
course, other than that recommended by the
Planning Commission, they desire to follow
and direct the Commission to give a report on
this matter without a public hearing.
Councilman Scott expressed the intent of the
motion as being to obtain new information on
which to base a decision.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Noes: Councilman Hyde
Absent: None
City Attorney's opinion City Attorney Lindberg stated it would be
appropriate at this time to deny the zone
change as recommended by the Planning Commission.
Motion to deny It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
Area 11 be taken out of Item 1-B and denied.
Area 12 Area 12 - West of 1-805, 500' south of Otay
Valley Road from R-3-G and R-3-G-F to R-2
and R-2-F.
In answer to a question posed by Councilman
Hobel, Assistant Planner Lettieri explained
the density change brought about by this
zoning change would be from seventeen to ten
dwelling units per acre.
Correspondence noted The Clerk noted correspondence received from
requesting consideration Gus Pappas (on behalf of Omar Rendering
for deleted Area 13 Company),Virgil Clapp, Robert Jones,
Jimmie Shinohara and Renee Cokin requesting
the placement of Area 13 on the agenda for
consideration at this meeting.
Motion to place Area 15 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
on the agenda by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that Area 13 be placed on the agenda for
consideration this ovoning.
Area 13 Area 1S -North of Otay Valley Road, 600'
east of Brandywine Avenue, from A-8 to I-P.
Mr. Virgil Clapp Mr. Clapp stated he was the owner of fifty-
528 Third Avenue eight acres of property adjacent to the Omar
Rendering Plant. He spoke in favor of zoning
this property "industrial with a precise
Assistant Director of Planning Williams noted
the Planning Commission'sprevious recommendation
on this area and added there would be no
objections to the I-P zoning.
Public hearing closed There being no further comments, either for or
against, the public hearing was declared closed.
ORDINANCE NO. 1445 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
AMENDING ZONING MAP ordinance be placed on its first reading and
OR MAPS ESTABLISHED that reading of the text be waived by
BY SECTION 33.401 OF unanimous consent.
CODE, REZONING THAT The motion carried by the following vote,
LOCATED 370 FEET EAST AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
NORTH OF STATE 54 Absent: None
FRO~4 C-C-F TO I-L-F -
First reading
ORDINANCE NO. 1446 It was moved by Councilman Egdahi that this
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS ordinance be placed on its first reading and
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 33.401 that reading of the text be waived by
OF THE CHULA VISTA CITY unanimous consent.
PROPERTY LOCATED EAST OF NORTH The motion carried by the following vote,
ADJACENT TO STATE 54 ON AND AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
OFF RAMPS FROM C-T-F TO I-L-F - Hamilton, Hyde
First reading Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1447 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS ordinance be placed on its first reading and
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 33.401 that reading of the text be waived by
OF THE CHULA VISTA CITY unanimous consent.
PROPERTY LOCATED 100 FEET The motion carried by the following vote,
OF C STREET FROM R-3 to R-3-G-D- AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
First reading Hafailton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1448 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS ordinance be placed on its first reading and
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 33.401 that reading of the text be waived by
OF THE CItULA VISTA CITY unanimous consent.
PROPERTY LOCATED AT THE The motion carried by the following vote,
STREET AND GARRETY AVENUE AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
(7 LOTS) FROM R-3-D to C-O-D Hamilton, Hyde
First reading Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1449 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS ordinance be placed on its first reading and
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 33.401 that reading of the text be waived by unani-
PROPERTY LOCATED ON SOUTH The motion carried by the following vote,
SIDE OF "G" STREET, 115 FEET to-wit:
EAST OF BROADWAY, FROM C-T AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
TO C-O - First reading Hamilton, tlyde
Noes; None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1450 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS ordinance be placed on its first reading and
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 33.401 that reading of the text be waived by unani~
PROPERTY LOCATED WEST OF The motion carried by the following vote,
INTERSTATE 805, SOUTtt OF to-wit:
OTAY VALLEY ROAD, FROM R-3-G AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
AND R-3-G-F TO R-2 AND R-2-F - Hamilton, Hyde
First reading Noes: None
Absent; None
ORDINANCE NO. 1451 It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
AMENDING ZONING MAP OR MAPS ordinance be placed on its first reading
ESTABLISHED BY SECTION 53.401 and that reading of the text be waived by
OF THE CHULA VISTA CITY CODE, unanimous consent.
LOCATED NORTH OF OTAY VALLEY The motion carried by the following vote,
ROAD, 600 FEET EAST OF to-wit:
BRANDYWINE AVENUE FROM A-8 AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
TO I-P - First reading Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
- 5 -
RECESS A recess was called at 8:15 p.m., and the
meeting reconvened at 8:27 p.m.
PUBLIC HEARING - On February 6, 1973, the Council adopted
CONSIDERATION OF ESTABLISHING Resolution No. 6731, calling a public hearing
AN UNDERGROUND UTILITY DISTRICT to consider establishing an underground
ON "E" STREET utility district on E Street.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
Mayor Hamilton opened the public hearing.
Director of Public Works Cole reported this
hearing is being held to determine whether
public necessity, health, safety or welfare
requires the formation of an underground
utility district on E Street between the
Interstate 5 Freeway and Broadway. He added
that affected property o~mers must be ready
to receive underground service by August 1,
1973, and that all poles, overhead wires
and associated overhead structures must be
removed and the underground installation of
wires and facilities for supplying electric,
communication or similar associated service
must be completed on or before November 1, 1973.
Mr. Cole reported the estimated cost of the
undergrounding to be $145,000; this money
is allocated to the City by the San Diego
Gas & Electric Company. The work is performed
by them or by a contractor of their choice.
Next project Mr. Cole indicated the next project would
be on Broadway, G to H Streets, and that
San Diego Gas and Electric Company would
continue on with that after the E Street
district is established.
Starting date In answer to Councilman Hobel's inquiry,
Mr. Cole stated the design has already been
started by San Diego Gas and Electric Company,
but the starting dates are somewhat arbitrary
---possibly July to November, 1973.
Rationale Mr. Cole explained the rationale for including
or excluding certain properties in the district.
Public hearing closed There being no comments, either for or against,
the public hearing was declared closed.
RESOLUTION NO. 6752 Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of the
ESTABLISHING AN UNDERGROUND text was waived by unanimous consent, passed
UTILITY DISTRICT ON "E" Street and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott
Resolution offered Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6753 The current budget provides for the purchase
AUTHORIZING THE PURCHASE of eight police patrol vehicles. Purchasing
OF EIGHT POLICE VEHICLES Agent Expinosa reported that the City will be
able to secure said vehicles via a cooperative
purchasing arrangement with the County of
Los Angeles. The vehicles proposed for purchase
are the American Motors Matador Police Specials.
The low bidder under the County of Los Angeles
Bid is Bonanza American, Inc., of North Hollywood.
Mr. Espinosa stated the cost of acquiring the
eight vehicles is $27,906.65. These vehicles
do not have an option regarding LPG, however,
and if the City desires an LPG system, it will
cost $500.00 per unit, making the total cost of
- 6 -
the vehicles with LPG $31,906.65.
Two resolutions were provided the Council for
consideration: one for vehicles with LPG;
one for vehicles without LPG.
Resolution without
LPG offered Offered by Councilman Hobel.
Speaking against motion Councilman Scott spoke against the motion.
Councilman Hobel explained the reason he is
not ready to vote for LPG: (1) A previously
requested year-end report on maintenance had
not been received; (2) there has been no report
from the Police Department on the operation
of vehicles having LPG; (3) he would like a
safety-factor report in regards to this system;
and (4) he would also like to see a report on
the total installation cost of the current
eight units.
In answer to Councilman Egdahl's query,
Mr. Espinosa stated there is a critical time
factor in obtaining these vehicles.
Report to Council City Manager Thomson stated that odor problems
relating to LPG are being investigated. He
added that based on information available to
him there are no hazard problems. Mr. Thomson
indicated a detailed report on cost-unit
factors would be forthcoming.
Councilman Hobel expressed a desire to have
the study on safety factors performed by an
independent source.
Call for the question Councilman Egdahl called for the question.
The reading of the text'was waived by unanimous
Motion carried The resolution was passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6754 Mr. James Expinosa, Purchasing Agent, reported
CONCURRING WITH AWARD OF to the Council that bids for the City's
ANNUAL GASOLINE REQUIREMENTS annual gasolin~requirements were advertised
FOR THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA, via a cooperative purchasing arrangement with
UNDER COMBINED BID WITH THE the City of San Diego. The Purchasing Agent of
CITY OF SAN DIEGO TO San Diego has notified Mr. Espinosa that the
STANDARD OIL COMPANY low bidder is Standard 0il Company. The period
to be covered is February 16, 1973 through
February 15, 1974. Prices are: Premium -
.2220; Regular - .2111.
Cost of gasoline Councilman Egdahl asked about the amount of
gasoline being used now that LPG has been
installed in some of the vehicles as opposed
to when it was not. Director of Public Works
Cole stated that only police vehicles, one
sweeper and one truck have been converted to
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman llyde, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilman Hyde, Egdahl~ Scott, Hobel,
Noes: None
Absent: None
- 7 -
RESOLUTION NO. 6755 In a report to the Council, Director of
GRANTING A SEWER SERVICE CHARGE Public Works Cole stated that the San Diego
VARIANCE TO THE SAN DIEGO UNIFIED Unified Port District has requested a variance
PORT DISTRICT IN PROPERTY LOCATED from the standard sewer service charge for
AT THE CHULA VISTA BOAT LAUNCH its public comfort station at the Chula Vista
FACILITY AT THE WEST END OF "J" goat Launch Facility at the west end of J Street.
C~LA VISTA It is recommended that the variance be granted
and that the sewer charge billing by California-
American Water Company be a flat fee of
$3.00 per month.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of the
text was waived by unanimous consent, passed
and adopted by the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilman Hyde, Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6756 City Clerk Fulasz explained to the Council
PROVIDING FOR THE SPECIAL that in most cities, the job of maintaining
APPROPRIATION OF FUNDS the codification of the Code is the respon-
FOR COMPLETE RECODIFICATION sibility of the City Clerk's office. She
OF THE CITY CODE added that in our City the Code is used daily
m~d in view of the fact that a complete
Code has not been available for a few years,
she has asked that she be made responsible
for the codification. The proposed codifi-
cation will take over a year to complete
(or two fiscal years); however, the total
amount of $12,000 is being requested for this
fiscal year as contracts need to be signed
for the full amount. Any balance will be
encumbered for the next fiscal year.
Consideration at budget time Councilman Scott remarked that he thought this
matter should not be considered until budget
deliberations as he sees no need for a
special appropriation at this time.
Necessity for codification Mayor Hamilton spoke in favor of the proposal
due to the necessity of codification. He
felt it appropriate that the cost come from
Revenue Sharing Funds.
City Manager Thomson City Manager Thomson indicated support of this
request. He commented on the current need
for this codification.
City Clerk Fulasz spoke on the problems
caused by lack of an up-to-date City Code.
Mrs. Fulasz explained that the last supplement
to the printed Code was printed in 1965. She
added that the City Clerk's office receives
an average of 135 calls a month requesting
information which could be easily obtained
if an up-to-date Code existed; right now it
involves much staff time resemrching.
Mrs. Fulasz stated a conservative cost of
maintaining the Code would be from $1,500
to $2,500 annually.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hobel. The reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent. The
resolution was passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilme. n Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Absent: None
-8 -
RESOLUTION NO. 6757 At the meeting of February 20, 1973, the
URGING THE U.S. ARMY Council requested that a resolution be
CORPS OF ENGINEERS AND FEDERAL prepared roflecting the Council's commitment
AND STATE ENVIRONMENTAL to the preservation of the natural environment
AGENCIES TO ACT PROMPTLY insofar as possible in the Tia Juana Valley
IN RESOLVING THE FLOODING and the avoidance of the use of a concrete
SITUATION IN THE TIA JUANA channel which would encourage total development
VALLEY of the Valley area while at the same time
joining with the City of Imperial Beach in
expressing our concern for the obvious problems
that will be created through the developsent
of the Mexican flood control project.
Motion to file It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
by Councilman Hyde that this item be filed.
Motion failed The motion failed by the following vote,
Ayes: Councilmen Egdahl, Hyde
NOES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton
Absent: None
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Ilyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent None
RESOLUTION NO. 6758 Mr. GordOn Grant, Director of Finance, pre-
APPROVING AGREEMENT sented a report to the Council in which he
BETWEEN THE ciTY OF referred to Council's conceptnal approval
CHULA VISTA AND THE at the meeting of October 17, 1972, of pro-
CITY OF EL CAJON FOR viding data processing services to outside
DATA PROCESSING SERVICES agencies in order to defray the costs of
the computer.
APPROVING AGREEMENT Copies of the agreements ~re provided to
BETWEEN THE CITY OF the Council for review. The agreements state
CHULA VISTA AND THE that both cities desire the computer services
CITY OF IMPERIAL BEACH to pro~ess their payrolls and that the City
FOR DATA PROCESSING of Chula Vista now has the ability to do so.
SERVICES Also stated is tile fact that additionai
services may be authorized by the Finance
Department for additional data processing
services at prevailing rates when requested
by either city.
City Manager Thomson noted the total service
fees for the first twelve-month period,
effective January 1, 1973, as being $4,925.
Resolutions offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text of both resolutions was waived by
unanimous consent, passed and adopted by the
following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdabl
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6?60 At a Council Conference held on August 2,
APPROVING AGREEMENT BETWEEN 1972, the Council approved a proposal made
THE CITY OF CMULA VISTA by the Parks and Recreation Department for the
AND THE CHULA VISTA construction of a model railroad at
OPERATION OF A MODEL Director of Parks and Recreation Hall reported
RAILROAD AT ROHR PARK that the use agreement between the City and the
Chula Vista Live Steamers, Inc. is necessary in
order to delineate the responsibilities
- 9 -
of both parties with respect to the construc-
tion and operation of the model railroad.
The proposed use agreement has been reviewed
and approved by the Board of Directors of
the Chula Vista Live Steamers, Inc.
Motion to file It was moved by Councilman Egdahl that this
item be filed.
Motion withdrawn Councilman Egdahl withdrew his motion.
Master Plan Councilman Egdahl remarked that he thought this
proposal is an intrusion into the master plan
for this area as presented in earlier
discussions with staff. He stated he did not
favor this use for a public park, mainly due
to the amount of space devoted to this activity.
E. Emerson Hall
Director of Parks and Recreation Mr. Hall pointed out the area involved in
this proposal and commented on the changes
made since original discussions, tle stated
he did not feel this activity would interfere
with the picnic areas, but rather enhance it.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde. The reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent.
The resolution was passed and adopted by
the following vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: Councilmen Scott, Egdahl
Absent: None
AMENDING RESOLUTION NO. 5966, In a report to the Council, City Attorney
ENTITLED "RESOLUTION OF THE Lindberg referred to previous action of the
CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF Council declaring its intention to accept
CHULA VISTA, DECLARING ITS a gift of Chula Vista Community Hospital
INTENTION TO ACCEPT A GIFT OF facilities when tendered frcc and clear of
CHULA VISTA COMMUNITY HOSPITAL all indebtedness. The purpose of such dec-
FACILITIES WHEN TENDEP~ED AND laration was to enable the hospital to sell
MAKING DETERMINATIONS WITH first mortgage bonds as a means of financing
RESPECT TO THE ORGANIZATION thc facility on a nonprofit basis.
AND THE BONDS TO BE ISSUED Mr. Lindberg stated the previous resolution
BY SAID CORPORATION" should now be amended due to a substantial
change in the method of financing.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, ttobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent; None
REQUEST FROM CHULA VISTA Mr. Dick F. Chase, Sr., President of Chula Vista
SANITARY SERVICE, INC. Sanitary Service~ Inc., has requested auth-
FOR PROPOSED MERGER orization to merge with SCA Services, Inc.
SCA Services, Inc. is a Delaware corporation
operating in twenty-four metropolitan areas
in twelve states.
City Manager Thomson reported he has reviewed
this proposal with both the City Attorney
and Director of Finance and is reco~i~ending
approval of the request and that Chula Vista
Sanitary Service, Inc. negotiate with SCA
Services, Inc. for the possible merger.
- 10-
Dick F. Chase, president In answer to Councilman Hobel's inquiry,
Chula Vista Sanitary Service Mr. Chase stated he will have a contract with
a minimum of five years for management purposes.
He added the corporation would keep its same
identity and would retain the same officers.
Request granted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
this request be granted.
REPORT ON STATUS OF City Manager Thomson submitted a report to
HUD GRANTS the Council in which he outlined the status of
the Parks-in-Cities Grant (HUD). He stated
the updated formal appraisals for the
Otay Park site have been forwarded to HUD and
processing the refund papers for the
acquisition cost of Otay is the only thing
that remains to complete this part of the
grant. The refund on the acquisition will be
for $19,500.
At the Council meeting of February 20, 1973,
a question was raised about the City's
paying "delinquent" taxes on the Otay Park
site acquisition. City Attorney Lindberg
stated that payment of such a bill by the City
totally agrees with the understanding arrived
at pursuant to negotiations. Mr. Lindberg
recommended that an additional appropriation
be approved to cover these tax bills.
Mr. Thomson cgmmented on the Larkhaven Park
site and that it has been approved as the
alternative site for Harborside. At this
time the City is waiting for a contract
change to be forwarded from the HUD Counsel.
The Larkhaven acquisition should be completed
within sixty days.
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman ttyde and unanimously carried that
the report of the City Manager be accepted.
REPORT ON ANIMAL SHELTER - In a report to the Council, City Manager
COUNTY AND CITY COOPERATION Thomson reviewed the analysis made by staff
gf the possibility of entering into an
agreement with the County of San Diego for
the use of ~limal shelter f~ci~ities: Some
of the factors taken into consideration were:
1) Hours of O~era[,ion - County proposes
services from ~ - 5, Monday through Friday;
2) Staff Work - Due to requirement of neces-
sary paperwork, contracting with the
County would not release another full
position for animal control;
3) Location - County's proposed location is
one-mile more distant than that proposed
by the City;
4) Fees - County's fees are higher and charges
are made for some services City currently
provides free.
He indicated better service ~t a lower cost
would be provided with a City-owned and staffed
animal shelter, and therefore recommended that
the City proceed with property acquisition and
build a City animal shelter faci]~tM~
Motion to accept City It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Manager's report and Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
recommendation the City Manager's report and recommendation
be accepted.
REPORT ON SAFETY At the Council meeting of February 13, 1973,
COMMISSION RECOMMENDATION a recommendation was presented by the Safety
Commission for their participation in the
evaluation of all projects relating to vehi-
cular or pedestrian traffic safety within the
public rights-of-way within the City. The
staff was given direction at that time to
present a specific recommendation on this
matter on February 27, 1973.
City Manager Thomson included in his report
opinions from five departments affected by
this proposal. In su~nary, they are as
Chief of Police - Against the change;
objects to SaFety Commission being
given additional responsibilities;
Director of Public Works - Does not recom-
mend Safety Commission participation in
all routine operations
Acting Director of Planning - Would not
support mandatory referral; prefers
referral after review by staff
Fire Chief - No recommendations
Director of Building & Housing - Perhaps
appeals procedure to the Safety Commission
could be established relative to con-
struction of facilities adjacent to
major streets.
RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
POLICY WHEREBY THE SAFETY by Councilman Scott that the City Manager's
COMMISSION WILL BE CALLED report be accepted and that the resolution
UPON AT AN EARLY STAGE IN providing for non-mandatory referral from other
THE PLANNING PROCESS FOR departments be offered.
WHICH MAY RELATE TO MATTERS Discussion ensued on the original request of
OF VEHICULAR OR PEDESTRIAN the Council to have a resolution brought back
TRAFFIC SAFETY WITHIN THE on this matter for the purpose of bringing
PUBLIC RIGHTS-OF-WAY WITHIN about a change in the relationship of the
THE CITY OF CHULA VISTA function of the Safety Commission with the
planning process.
Motion to bring resolution back It was moved by Councilman Egdahl~ seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this resolution be brought back to the
meeting of March 6, 1973, for consideration.
City Manager Thomson asked that the content
of the resolutio~ be modified to reflect
referral from "staff" as opposed to spe¢ifically-
n~ned departments.
REPORT ON STATUS OF A~sistant Director of Planning Williams
CHULA VISTA BAYFRONT reported he has spoken with Mr. Tom Cooke,
STUDY consultant, Sedway/Cooke, and it is Mr.
Williams' understanding that the remaining
chapters of the final draft of the Chula
Vista Bayfront Plan and Program will be
submitted for review by March 7~ 1973.
The target date for receipt of the final
report is sometime between March 16 and 26,
Report accepted It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried that
this status report be accepted.
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SAN DIEGO TRANSIT Councilman Hobel reported that he, as Chula
Vista'$ reporesentative to the Comprehensive
Planning Organization, voted "~o" on San Diego
Transit Corporation's proposal at a recent
B6ard of Directors meeting.
SB 325 FUNDS In discussing previous information given to
the Council relative to Chula Vista's quali-
fication for SB 325 funds, Councilman Hobel
stated that a city does qualify if there is
no existing transit district and it can meet
the capital criteria.
Deadline for application City Manager Thomson stated he would check
this information out before the May deadline.
FUTURE TRANSIT SYSTEMS Discussion was held on possible planning of
future transit systems.
Councilman Hobel suggested the City Manager
report back to the Council relative to guidance
on this matter.
Motion to request interpretation It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded by
on rights and powers of City Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the City seek an interpretation from the
Attorney General or State Assemblyman as to
the rights and powers of the City for free
utilization of its funds for its own trans-
portation system.
Contact Assemblyman Mayor llamilton noted it would be preferable
to make this request through our Assemblyman.
Correspondence from Ernest Mr. Ernest C. Wuestenberg, Real Estate Broker,
C. Wuestenberg regarding 236 West Juniper, San Diego, has contacted
sale of San Diego and the City regarding its possible interest in
Arizona Eastern Railway acquiring the property mmed by San Diego
property and Arizona Eastern Railway on Center Street,
bordering Memorial Park.
~e indicated the City might be able to purchase
this property for $1.75 per square foot --
the total cost for 2.322 acres being $177,000.
Motion to take no action It was moved by Councilman geott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that no action be taken on this item.
City Attorney Lindberg noted, for the benefit
of Mr. Wuestenberg, that the Council did
receive copies of Mr. Wuestenberg's letter
and action taken this evening was made with
full knowledge of the circumstances.
Request from Chula Vista Mr. Patrick J. Patek, President of the Chula
Active 20-30 Club for Vista Active 20-30 Club, ~equested Council
permission to hold carnival permission on behalf of that club, to hold
a carnival in the Homefair parking lot
located at 475 H Street, from March 8-11,
1973. He further~equested a waiver of all
fees, licenses and permits necessary.
Motion to approve request It was moved hy Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this request be approved, subject to
staff approval.
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the Council recess to~xeeu~ive Session
following Oral Communications for personnel
Mr. Butt Leonard Mr. Leonard, representing Aztec Bus Lines,
6374 Parkside commented on the cities' eligibility for
Paradise Hills S8 325 funds, and that he had heard the
cities of Oceanside, San Diego and Chula Vista
were eligible for monies under this bill.
Mr. Leonard added that if the present contrac-
tual agreement were to continue, Aztec Bus
Lines would be ready to go into about
$75,000 worth of new equipment to continue
the agreement.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session
at 9:28 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at
10:10 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
110:11 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for
Wednesday February 28, 1973, at 3:00 p.m.
Deputy di~y Clerk
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