HomeMy WebLinkAboutcc min 1973/06/12 MINUTES OF A REGULAR MEETING
June 12, 1973
Held Tuesday
A regular meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California, was held on the
above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber, Civic Center, 276 Fourth
Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde, Egdahl
Councilmen absent: None
Also present: City Mmnager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg, Assistant City
Manager Bourcier, Director of Public Works Cole, Director of
Planning Peterson, Director of Parks and Recreation Hall
The pledge of allegiance to the Flag was led by Mayor Hamilton, followed by a moment
of silent prayer.
APPROVAL OF MINUTES It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the minutes of the meeting of June 5,
1973 be approved, copies having been sent
to each Councilman.
PUBLIC HEARING - In a report to the Council, Director of
CONSIDERATION OF THE Public Works Cole explained that in order
VACATION OF A PORTION to complete the conditions for approval
OF PUBLIC RIGHT-OF-WAY of the tentative map of Rancho Rios Sub-
FOR OTAY VALLEY ROAD division, Unit No. 2, in relation to the
improvements on Otay Valley Road, it will
be necessary to vacate a portion of Otay
Valley Road at Main Street. He added that
the proposed vacation amounts to 1,463
square feet; the developer dedicated 12,969
square feet of right-of-way along Main
Street on the subdivision map to accommodate
the required improvements.
The Council, on May 22, established June 12,
1973 as the date for a public hearing on
this proposed vacation.
Public hearing opened This being the time and place as advertised,
the public hearing was opened.
Public hearing closed ~]ereheing no comments, either for or
against, the public hearing was declared
RESOLUTION NO. 6885 Offered by Councilman Scott, the reading of
ORDERING THE VACATION the text was waived by unanimous consent,
OF A PORTION OF PUBLIC passed and adopted by the following vote,
VALLEY ROAD AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1468 - On September 12, 1972 the City Council asked
AMENDING ORDINANCE NO. that a revision to the Ordinance be brought
1335 BY AMENDING CHAPTER 1, back changing the appointment time of all
ARTICLE VI, SECTIONS 1.602(C) members to serve from the first of October,
AND 1.602(E) RELATING TO TERM of each Fear instead of from June, as
OF OFFICE FOR YOUTH CO~4qISSION - presently Written.
Ordinance placed on It ~aa moved h7 Councilman Scott that this
first reading ordinance he placed on its first reading
and that reading of the text be waived by
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
ORDINANCE NO. 1469 - This ordinance would amend Schedule X of
ESTABLISHING A PRIMA the Traffic Code to decrease the speed
FACIE SPEED LIMIT OF limit on Telegraph Canyon Road as follows:
TELEGRAPH CANYON ROAD Beginning at Ending at Speed Limit
ON TELEGRAPH CANYON Halecrest Avenue A point 2,458 45 MPH
ROAD - FIRST READING feet east of
Crest Drive
A point 2,488 Otay Lakes SS MPH
feet east of Road
Crest Drive
Director of Public Works Cole reported that
there has b~en:no increase in traffic acci-
dents and the speed limits, set in September
1972, have proven to be satisfactory.
The Safety Commission approved this at its
regular meeting of May 23, 1973.
Ordinance placed on It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
first reading ordinance be placed on its first reading
and that reading of the text be waived
by unanimous consent.
The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton,
Hyde, Egdahl
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6886 - The necessary grant of easement for a new
ACCEPTING GRANT OF EASEMENT storm drain constructed from Madison Avenue
FROM MITCHELL ANGUS, to an existing private 36" R.C.P. storm
PEGGY ANN ANGUS',, FRANK M. drain within the Vista Square Shopping
GOLDBERG AND HOME FEDERAL Center has been executed by the owners and
SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION has been submitted to the Council for
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: N~ne
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6887 - Pacific Engineers, the contractor, has re-
EXTENDING TIME ON THE quested a twenty-day extension of time to
CONTRACT FOR THE HALECREST complete their contract based upon additional
PARK AND HILLTOP-TELEGRAPH time required for the construction of a re-
CANYON PARK taining wall not covered in the original
contract and delays caused by relocation of
utilities and work being performed by City
Director of Public Nork~ Cole recommended
approval of th~ae~ten%ionwhi~h would change
th~ Contract co~le.t!on date to July 3,
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6888 On July 27, 1971 the Council accepted a
ACCEPTING, DEDICATING report from the Director of Public Works ~n
AND NAMING CERTAIN REAL a method of improving the sight distance at
PROPERTY IN SAID CITY the northwest corner of Fourth Avenue and
FOR STREET AND HIGHWAY H Street. This report recommended the
PURPOSES LOCATED ON "H" removal of the existing screen block wall,
STREET AND AUTHORIZING THE landscaping, lowering of the existing high
EXPENDITURE OF FUNDS FOR texture block wall to a height of three
RIGHT-OF-WAY CLEARANCE feet and replacement of landscaping. In
this report, Director Cole stated the work
would be done at City's expense by City
forces in exchange for Zhe necessary right-
of-way to construct a thirty-foot radius
curb return at some time in the future when
new traffic signals are installed.
In a recent report to the Council, Mr.
Cole explained that the proposal, as outlined
above, has been accepted by the property
owner and included is the reconstruction
of a directory sign board beyond the area
for safe intersection sight distance in
exchange for the necessary right-of-way.
He has recommended the City accept the grant
deed, dedicate and name the property as H
Street and authorize the expenditure of
$850 from Gas Tax Fund 2106 Unexpended
Reserve to perform the work contained in
the proposal.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hy~e, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6889 - Director of Finance Grant reported that
APPROVING THE DECLARATIONS recipients of Open Space Grants are required
OF COVENANTS, CONDITIONS, to record a restriction on the deed or land
AND RESTRICTIONS FOR OTAY records so that the property's ownership
AND LARKHAVEN PARK SITES cannot be transferred without the prior
approval of the Secretary of Housing and
Urban Development. Once the deed restriction
has been recorded, the City of Chula Vista
will be eligible to recoup $72,079.82.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Hyde, the reading of
the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Scott,
Hobel, Hamilton
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6890 - The Cit h~5 a for!aal contract agreement with
APPROVING COST SERVICE th~ f~r~ of Gri~f~hagen~K~0eger, !nc. to
CONTRACT AGREEMENT prov~d~ ~r¥icea ~ tke ~rem~ of cla~sifi-
BETWEEN THE CITY OF cation plan development, test construction
CHULA VISTA AND THE and resource docLmlentat~on. The Testing
STATE PERSONNEL BOARD Service~ Division Of this company is termin-
ating its operation5 effective 3uly 1,
1~73. Therefore, Cooperative Personnel
Services, a div~aion of the State Personnel
Board, has been contacted in order that they
may provide the necessary assistance to the
No additional funding is required for this
contract, Budget allocations for fiscal
year 1973-74 encompass projected testing
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdhhl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION NO. 6891 - The City retained the services of a certi-
PROVIDING FOR THE lied shorthand reporter for the hearings
SPECIAL APPROPRIATION concerning Sports World. The costs for
OF FUNDS TO COVER reporting the meetings of May 8 and May 16 .
SERVICES OF SHORTHAND 1973 total $333. This resolution ap-
REPORTER propriates this amount from the unappro-
priated surplus of the General Fund.
R~solution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading
of the text was waived by unanimous consent,
passed and adopted by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
RESOLUTION APPROVING City Manager Thomson stated that this agree-
AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE ment calls for the current level of service.
CITY OF CHULA VISTA The total City contribution is $781, the bal-
AND SAN DIEGO TRANSIT ance of which is to secured from the City's
CORPORATION FOR BUS share of Senate Bill 325 funds.
Council discussion Councilman Hobel questioned several elements
of the proposal. Discussion followed with
the City Uanager explaining portions of the
Set for Council Conference It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this agreement between San Diego Tran-
sit Corporation and the grant for Aztec Bus
Lines be scheduled for a Council Conference
on Wednesday, June 13, 1973 at 3:30 p.m.
RESOLUTION NO. 6892 - This appeal was gmanted and:continued from
GRANTING THE APPEAL OF the meeting of June 5, 1973 in order that
ROY F. ADAMS FROM THE a resolution could be prepared with the
CHULA VISTA PLANNING CO~qISSION conditions of approval.
Resolution offered Offered by Councilman Egdahl, the reading of
the text was waived hy unanimous consent,
passed and adopted hy the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Egdahl, Scott, Hobel,
Hamilton, Hyde
Noes: None
Absent: None
PRESENTATIDN ON CITY At the meeting of May 8, 1973 the Council
ORDINANCE NO. 1305 considered the request of Attorney
AS IT RELATES TO John 8. K~ngston to make a presentation
CARD ROOMS at a subsequent meeting regarding Ordinance
No. 1305 as it refers to the operation of
card rooms and particularly the provision
which calls for phasing out of existing
licenses within a seven-year period of
John B. Kingston Mr. Kingston reviewed the past history of
535 K Street card rooms in this city. He stated he is
representing the owners of the Village Card
Room, 429 Broadway, and submitted a render-
ing of a new proposed facility which they
will construct at a cost of $200,000. Mr.
Kingston testified that there have been no
problems with this type of operation, and
reviewed the criminal complaints which he
s~ated were minor.
Mr. Kingston noted that the owner of the
card room has been in the business for ten
years and spoke against the phasing out of
the operation. The following alternatives
were offered:
1. Get rid of any maximum on the longevity
of the licenses.
2. A ten-year elongation from this point
on plus, additionally, removing some
of the problems with reference to
5. Put this on,a formula basis - issue
one license for each 3,500 people.
This would cause no problems now or
for a long time to come.
Referred to staff It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that this matter be referred to staff.
REQUEST OF YOUTH CO~ISSION On February 24, 1972 a recommendation was
FOR CHANGES IN ORDINANCE forwarded to the Council from the Youth
NO. 911 ( DANCE ORDINANCE ) Commission for suggested changes to City
Dance Ordinance No. 911. The Council re-
ferred these recommendations to staff and
to the Parks and Recreation Commission.
Section 11.71 - Parks and Recreation Commis-
sion recommended "no change." Youth Commis-
sion recommended it read: "There shall be
no dress restrictions other than those
already provided by established health and
decency codes. Sufficient adult supervi-
sion shall be provided at all youth dances
to insure that accepted standards of social
conduct are followed."
- 5 -
Section I1~74 - Parks and Recreation Commis-
silbn reco~nended "no change,u Youth Conunis-
sion recommended UforSiddfng the mixing of
'senior' and 'Junior' youth at dances should
be deleted."
SectiOn lli7S ~ Parks and Recreation Commis-
sion~re~om~nded "no change." Youth
Commission recommended that "prohibiting
participants to leave a dance and come back
should be deleted.~'
Section 11.62(f), (1) and (2) ~ Parks and
R~¢reation C°m~is§i0n"~ecommended section
be amended to read: "'Senior youth' is to
be redefined as youth between the ages of
fifteen through nineteen, and 'junior
youth' is to be redefined as youth between
the ages of thirteen through sixteen."
Youth Commission recommended "separating
'senior' and 'junior' youth should be
deleted, and all reference throughout the
rest of the Ordinance to separate 'senior
youth' and 'junior youth' dances should be
changed to 'youth dances.'"
Referred to staff and It was moved by Councilman Egdahl, seconded
Human Relations Commission by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this request be ~eferred to staff and
the Human Relations Commission for input.
REPORT ON PAR~S AND The City Council, at its meeting of May 15,
RECREATION CO~ISSION 1973, referred a request to fence Hilltop-
REGARDING FENCING AT Telegraph Canyon Park to the Parks and
HILLTOP-TELEGRAPH Recreation Commission. The Commission's
CANYON PARK recommendation was that a suitable fence
be erected at the City's expense.
City Manager Thomson recommended that the
costs of the fencing be on a fifty-fifty
basis, as originally indicated by the
Director of Parks and Recreation Director of Parks and Recreation Hall
disnussed the Parks and Recreation
Commission meeting in which testimony was
heard from several adjacent property
owners. Mr. Hall reiterated bls recommenda-
tion that the Council consider installing
a fence in this area on a mutual sharing
basis with the property owners.
Mayor's comments Mayor Hamilton noted that the park has not
been open to public use, and wondered if
the Council was reacting to a situation
where a demonstrated need has not been
Letter read City Clerk Fulasz read a letter from Dr.
Art Robbins, pastor, Otay Baptist Church,
in support of installing a fence.
Motion for fence It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that the portion of the
Parks and Recreation Commission's recom-
mendation which calls for the construction
of an appropriate fence around Hilltop-
Telegraph Canyon Park be approved.
Councilman Hyde explained that this is for
the whole area, but not along First Avenue.
- 6 -
Discussion of motion Mr. E~ge~ne Otto~ 83 Millan Court, discussed
the need for a fence and pr~ented a dia-
gram of th~ park area, He charged that
vanaalism was prevalent in the park area
and the o~rner~ needed the fence to protect
their properties.
Motion carried ~he motion for a fence carried by the fol-
lowing vote, to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Egdahl, Hobel,
Noes: Councilman Scott
Abse~a{: None
Recommendation of Parks It ~as moved by Councilman Hobel and seconded
and Recreation Commission by Councilman Hyde that the recommendation
accepted ~ the Parks and Recreation Commission be
~ /~ a~cepted regarding the costing of the fence
/: ~h~ the City pay for cost of the fence).
Discussion In ahswer to Councilman ggdahl's query, Mr.
Hall indicated that it would take approxi-
mately 3~715 feet of fencing which is
about $1.50 to $2.00 a running foot. %he
fence would cost about $7,~30.
Councilman Hyde asked the Director to bring
back some alternatives as to the types of
fencing to be installed.
Councilmen Bgdahl and Scott spoke against
the motion. Councilman Scott commenting that
a park is generally considered an asset and
not a liability and felt that it would
greatly benefit the adjacent property owners.
He suggested the property owners deed their
banks to the City and the City would then
be obligated to take care of this area.
Motion fails The motion for the City to pay for the in-
stallation of the fence failed by the fol-
lowing vote, to-wit:
Ayes: Councilmen Hobel, Hyde
NOES: Councilmen Hamilton, Egdahl, Scott
Absent: None
Motion for a S0/S0 cost basis It was moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Councilman Egdahl that the fence be in-
stalled on a S0/S0 cost basis.
Discussion of motion Councilman Egdahl questioned how the City
would arrive at a decision to state the need
for a fence and then to assess the property
owners for one-half of the cost.
City Attorney's opinion City Attorney Lindberg explained that if the
City wants the fence and the property o~¢ners
refuse to pay for it, the City will pay for
it. If, on the other hand, the property
owners want the fence, they will have to
combine their efforts and come up with
tho 50% share of their cost. There is
no assessment district involved.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
" to-wit:
AYES: Councilmen Scott~ Hmmilton~ Hyde,
Noes: Councilman Hobel
Absent: None
Recess A recess was called at 8:40 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 8:S7 p.m.
CONSIDERATION OF REVISING At Jig meeting of June S~ 1973 the Council
CONSTRUCTION TAX ORDINANCE considered thi,~ matter as it relates to
the Chula Vista I~n~ The Council directed
that the item be brough~ back for further
Director of Planning Peterson Director of Planning Peterson stated that
he received a report from Mrs. Jeanne
Campbell listing seven residential hotels
in this country and the statistics regarding
their occupancies.
Mayor's comments Mayor Hamilton spoke of having some adjust-
ment in the tax.
Councilman Hyde discussed the purpose of the
construction tax ordinance and compared this
with mobile homes.
Bob Brant Mr. Brant, the owner and operator, explained
28 East Field Drive the origin of this type of facility. It is
Rolling Hills, California a place for persons who need help, who are
self-sufficient, but not sick enough for a
convalescent home. The average stay is for
three years, and the cost per month is $231.
Council discussion Discussion followed as to the impact these
residents will have on the public facilities.
Motion for revision to ordinance It was moved by Councilman Egdahl and seconded
by Councilman Hobel that a revision to the
ordinance be brought back:
1. Revising the fee for mobilehomes to
bring it more in line with the rest of
the ordinance since this does impose
a great use of public facilities.
2. Discuss the issue of including resi-
dential hotels and motels in the
ordinance at a reduced rate below the
one-bedroom apartment.
Councilman Egdahl clarified his motion to
indicate that the staff set the figure for
the fees.
Motion carried The motion carried unanimously.
Motion for applicant It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
to pay fees by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that the applicant pay the fees as required
by the ordinance with the understanding that
when the proposed revision is returned, if
there is a reduction which would affect
his development, a rebate be afforded to
STATUS REPORT ON PROGRESS City Manager Thomson reported that his staff
OF REVISED SB 325 GRANT is working with Aztec Bus Lines to revise
FOR INTRA-CITY BUS SERVICES the original grant in order to conform with
the requirements of the State and Comprehen-
sive Planning Organization. This grant ap-
plication is due June 14, 1973.
He asked that this matter be deferred to the
Council Conference scheduled for tomorrow
(June 13) at 3:30 p.m.
- 8 -
Deferred to Council Conference rt Has moved b~ Councilman Egdahl~ seconded
hy Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that this matter be deferred to the Council
Conference scheduled for June 13, 1973.
REPORT ON ASSESSMENT DISTRIiCT Director of Public Works Cole submitted a
TO UNDERGROUND UTILITIES IN report outlining initiating procedures to
BONITA VILLAGE establish an a~$essment district in the
Bonita Village area. The improvements
proposed to be included are the~.under-
grounding of overhead utilities, the instal-
lation of street lights and those street
improvements necessary to complete all
street improvements along Bonita Road
from Willow Street to Otay Lakes Road.
Staff to initiate proceedings It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hobel and unanimously carried
that staff be directed to initiate proceedings
for the establishment of an assessment
district in the Bonita Village area.
REPORT ON COMPREHENSIVE City Attorney Lindberg explained that the
PLANNING ORGANIgATION Comprehensive Planning Organization is now
REIMBURSEMENT reimbursing its members for attendance
at one regular 'and erie board meeting a
month for '$S0' a meeting. This money
is paid by CPO. The City Charter
prohibits any compensation being paid other
than prescribed by the Charter, but does
provide for reimbursement, by resolution,
for ~t-of-pocket expenses to the Councilmen
for performing Council work.
Resolution to be brought back It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by ~¥or Hamilton and unanimously carried
that a resolution be brought hack regard-
ing reimbursement for CPO meetings.
ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT REPORT - City Attorney Lindberg stated he is still
SPORTS WORLD investigating this and will have a report
to the Council by the end of the week.
LEAGUE DINNER Mayor Hamilton ~nnounced that'the next
League~:dinn~r WilI beheld on June 21,
t973 with the City of Carlgbad as the
host city.
CHAMBER MEETING Mayor Hamilton reported that the Board of
Directors of the Chamber of Com~nerce will
be meeting at noon, June 14, 1973 at the
Royal Inn.
ABSENT FROM MEETING Mayor Hamilton stated he will be attending
the Mayors' Conference in San Francisco
next week and will be absent from the
June 19 meeting.
EXECUTIVE SESSION It was moved by Mayor Hamilton, seconded
by Councilman Egdahl and unanimously
carried that an Mxecutive Session be held
for personnel reasons at the end of the
- 9 -
PLANNED UNiT DEVELOPMENTS Councilman Hyde di.$cu~sed the Brandywine
deyelopm~n~ and questioned th~ status of
the planned Unit Development ordinance.
He ~pecificallF referred to the densities
involved, and wondered what criteria would
be used for the Brandywine development.
Motion not to approve It wa~ moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
further developments by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the staff be directed not to process
any further developments in the Brandywine
planned communities until the City Council
has acted upon the revisions to the Planned
Unit Development standards.
Discussion of motion City Attorney Lindberg indicated that the
Council is not talking about any portion of
the development where a tentative map has
been submitted, but rather were density
assignments have been made in the P-C zone.
These matters should hot be deferred for
any length of time,
~r; Peterson stated that the Planning Commis-
sion will be considering this at its meeting
tomorrow night (June 13, 1973).
CENTER DIVIDER ON EAST "H" Councilman Egdahl asked when this center
STREET EAST OF OTAY LAKES divider will be landscaped.
City Clerk Fulasz remarked that her office
received a petition on this and it is
scheduled for Council consideration at the
meeting of June 19, 1973.
Request from Bonita Dr. Robert R. Faucher, President, requested
Business and Professional a reduction in the speed limit on Bonita
Division of Chamber of Road to thirty-five miles an hour to
Commerce for speed conform with "E" Street, as well as the
reduction on Bonita speed limit currently posted for Bonita
Road Village.
City Manager Thomson reported that the
Chief of Police stated the problem area is
not within the City, and that the City
portions of the road are appropriately
~peed-zoned. Staff will cooperate with the
County regarding its approach to this
Letter to be sent It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
to County by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that a letter be sent to the County, along
with a copy of this letter, stating that
the City would appreciate any cooperation
the County can give to this request.
County of San Diego's The Board of Supervisors adopted a resolu-
request for amendment tion on May 24 in which it resolved to re-
to the CPO Joint Powers join the Comprehensive Planning Organization
Agreement predicated on San Diego County "having no
less voting participation than any other
governmental agency in the region."
The Board of Supervisors has requested
support of this resolution.
- 10 -
Motion to file It ~as moved by Councilman Scott and seconded
by Mayor Hamilton that the request be filed.
Council discussion Dis-cuss~ion en~ued. Councilman Egdahl felt
that thi~ matter s~ould ~e re~olved and
sugges.ted the following alternatives: (1)
pulling out of CPO; (2) encourage other
cltie~ in th~ County to pull out of CPO.
Substitute motion It was moved by Councilman Hyde and seconded
by Councilman Scott that the Council respond
to this letter, telling the Board of Super-
visors that its request has been considered
and that although the Council cannot support
the Supervisors' position, the Council hopes
the Supervisors will join CPO and work for
modification within the organization.
Motion carried The motion carried by the following vote,
AYES: Councilmen Hyde, Scott, Hobel,
Noes: Councilman Egdahl
Absent: None
ORAL CO~UNICATIONS - Speaking in support of a fence were:
Regarding fencing of
Hilltop-Telegraph Canyon Jokn Baker, 50 J Street; Mrs. George
Road Park Megele'in, 82 Vallecito Way; Willis H.
Dalleth, 47 Millan Court; A. Mandra,
801 Vista Way; Robert Reardon, 43
Millan Court; Eugene Otto, 83 Millan
Court; Patrick Mahoney, 53 Millan Court;
and Wilbur G. Blink, 23 K Street.
All refused to participate on a 50-50 cost
basis stating that the City should pay the
full cost, based on the following reasons:
(1) the size of some of the properties
would result in having to install a
lengthy fence which they cannot afford;
(2) there has been a great increase in
traffic through J Place; (3) their
~backyards will become thoroughfares
to the park area; (4) a great number of
children will be playing on the banks
and the Council should consider the
safety of these children; (5) moral
obligation of the City to pay for the
entire fence; (6) protect their properties
against vandalism and other happenings
in the park~ (7) consider the flood waters
through the park area; (8) other parks in
the City are fenced; (9) willing to land-
scape their side of the fence; (10) the
City put the park there, therefore, it is
the obligation of the City to pay for the
fence; (11) homes in this vicinity are
$50,000 and over and parks are constructed
for the low-income and underprivileged;
the parks are not for their benefit as
they do not have time to attend the parks;
(12) didn't want the park so can't see
why they have to pay for the fence.
Kathryn Moore Mrs. Moore declared she was amazed at the
1134 Tobias Drive last gentleman's remarks. A park benefits
all the people, and is an opportunity for
these people to know a lot of young people
and to influence them in good ways.
- ll -
Steve yar~o20ugk Mr~ ya~Qrough qaid ~g w,a~ a ~tudent of
638 Carla Avenue Hilltop High ~chQgl. graduati.ng on Friday.
He gi,ll b~ a ~em~er ~ a te4~a this summer
going to S~de~, Pinland and Russia to
compete on youth ~port team~ - he is
currently, the champion pole vaulter in
San Diego CountF. The trip will cost
$72,000 and they are short $20,000 with
only 12 days left before departure. Mr.
Yarborough asked for Council's assistance
for this track team.
EXECUTIVE SESSION The Council recessed to Executive Session
at 10:32 p.m. and the meeting reconvened
at 12:26 a.m.
Motion for Executive It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded by
Compensation Councilm~ Scot~ andunanimo~sly carried that
executive s~laries be set ag follows:
The Public Works Director, Assistant City
Manager, Finance Director, Planning Director,
Fire Chief, Building and Housing Director,
Personnel Director, City Librarian,
Purchasing Agent and City Clerk at a full
year net salary increase of 2.8%; on long
term disability insurance at 1.5%; and the
improved dependents medical insurance at
an average of about 1.7% for an average
aggregate total of 6.0%.
The Police Chief and Parks & Recreation
Director: for a full year net salary
increase of 4.3%; long term disability
insurance at 1.5% and improved dependents
medical insurance at an average of
about 1.7% for an aggregate total of 7.5%.
These are effective on both the long term
disability insurance and dependents medical
insurance on July 1, 1973.
The City Manager: a full year net salary
increase of 8.8%; long term disability of
1.5% and improved dependents medical in-
surance at an average of about 1.7% making
the aggregate total 12.0% - effective July
1, 1973.
Councilman Hyde detailed the City Attorney's
salary: the Attorney has the option of the
6% package (2.8% pay increase; ~ong term
disability 1.S% and dependents insurance at
1.7%) or, at his option, an $80 a month car
allowance~ in lieu of the de~dndenfs medical
insurance - effective July 1, 1973.
Discussion of motion City Manager Thomson noted that the medical
coverage cost percentages are averages and
will vary according to the salary level.
Motion concerning extended It was moved by Councilman Egdahl
vacation and secended by Councilman H6bel
that a maximum of one week of vacation can
be carried over accumulative for two years.
Clarification of motion Councilman Hobel clarified the motion to
indicate that t~ose employees having three
or four weeks vacation on the books can
carry over one week.
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Counci,l~an Egdahl %nd%cated that the
philoaoph~ b~hind hi,s~ mQtipn wa~ to en-
courage the de~partment h~ads to take their
vacati.on~ or a major portion of the time
they have, ~o that they will be more
efficient and effective upon their return.
Included in motion Councilman Egdahl included in the motion
that this be phased out over a three-year
period of time.
Motion carries Councilman Hohel agreed to the second and
the motion carried unanimously.
City Manager to report Council directed the City Manager to bring
back a report to the Council as to the
specifics of the proposal regarding the
limitations on vacation credits and accumu-
lations regarding department heads,
ALLOW DEFERRED COMPENSATION City Manager Thomson explained the bookkeeping
which this would entail and asked that it be
integrated into the system.
Motion to include It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded by
Councilman Egdahl and unanimously carried that
this be included.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
12:35 a.m., to the meeting scheduled for
Wednesday, June 13, 1973 at 3:30 p.m. to
discuss the bus issues.
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