HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-19 Agenda Packet 1 dalsrc under pent�ty of pery'ury thst I em employcd by the Ciry of Chula Vis[a in the o�ce of the Ciry Clvk and dut 1 po�ted the document aceording to Brown Act requircmrnn. De�ed;,�,l�rd� 2f,� � � CHULA VfSTA / �- �����'�� � Mary Casillas Salas, Mayor Patncia Aguilar, Councilmember Gary Haibert, City Manager Pamela Bensoussan, Councilmember Glen R. Googins, City Attomey John McCann, Councilmember ponna R. Norris. City Clerk Steve Miesen. Councilmember Tuesday, July 19, 2016 5:00 PM Ciry Hall -Executive Conference Room 276 4th Avenue, Building A Chula Vista, CA 91910 SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL Not�ce is hereby given tAat the Maya o/ tAe Gty of Chu/a Vista has ca/!ed and will convene a Special Meetlng o/ Me Ciry Councd on Tuesday, July 19, 2016, at S:OOp.m. in the Executive Carference Room 703. lceated at 276 Fourth Avenue. Chula Vis1a. Cali/omia lo consider Me dems on Mis agenda. CALLTO ORDER ROLL CALL: Councilmembers Aguilar, Bensoussan, McCann, Miesen and Mayor Casillas Salas PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG AND MOMENT OF SILENCE ACTION ITEMS The Item(s) listed in this section ol the agenda will be conside2d individually by the Council and a�e expected to elicit discussion and defiberation. 1/ you wish to speak on any item, please fill out a "Request to Speak" /orm (available in the lobby) and submd it to the City Clerk pnor to the meeting. cny oi ce�a r�.,m P.y.r pn�ew o��nv�ore  !"%-3&*+,-.'F%& !?><!8@?: ?Q HKOJTKJ,:!><?@9A>@B&!,<;!,))C><?@<?!?C!D>EE! HKOJTKJ A,",<">@&!C<!?8@!),9F&!,<;!9@"9@,?>C<! "C>&&>C<!,<;!?8@!)E,<<><7!"C>&&>C< ,*!*51!"(./+$%!011*$/-!(G!4.% !HI'!IJHK'!*51!G(%%(L$/-! $/M$6$M.%#!1+1$61M!*L(!(!0(1!/(0$/*$(/#!*(!21! $/*16$1L1M!G(!6+/*!#1*#!(/!*51!)=#!/M!91+1*$(/! "(00$##$(/!/M!*51!)%//$/-!"(00$##$(/N! O)=#!/M!91+1*$(/!"(00$##$(/N!@$+!"5$#(/-=0'! 91//#$1!71-($('!?(0!<15$/-'!4#0$/1!<-. 1/'!9 ! A1++5$('!/M!4(5/!P10! 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A.INTERVIEWSANDAPPOINTMENTTOFILLVACANCIESONTHEPARKSANDRECREATION COMMISSION AND THE PLANNING COMMISSION AttheCouncilmeetingofJuly12,2016,thefollowingindividualsreceivedtwoormorenominations tobeinterviewedforvacantseatsontheParksandRecreationCommissionandthePlanning Commission: -ParksandRecreationCommission:EricChaisongkram,RennsieGregorio,TomNehring, Jasmine Nguyen, Ray Vecchio, and John Zarem -PlanningCommission:JoeGarbanzos,GregoryHall,MikeSpethman,AlexandraVinson- Shepard, and Max Zaker B.INTERVIEWSANDCONSIDERATIONOFREAPPOINTMENTSTOTHEGROWTH MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT COMMISSION Thefollowingincumbents,whosetermsexpiredonJune30,2016,willbeinterviewedand consideredforreappointmentontheGrowthManagementOversightCommission:Raymundo Alatorre and Javier Rosales C.SELECTIONOFDATEANDTIMEOFADDITIONALOPENMEETINGORMEETINGSASMAY BENECESSARYTOCONDUCTINTERVIEWSOFAPPLICANTSRECEIVINGTWOORMORE NOMINATIONSFORTHEPARKSANDRECREATIONCOMMISSIONANDTHEPLANNING COMMISSION,ANDTHETWOMEMBERSSEEKINGREAPPOINTMENTTOTHEGROWTH MANAGEMENT OVERSIGHT COMMISSION RECOMMENDED ACTION Councilconducttheinterviews,maketheappointmentsandreappointmentsasappropriate,and selectanalternativedateandtimeifnecessaryforanopenmeetingormeetingstoconduct interviews ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW Environmental Notice Theactivityisnota“Project”asdefinedunderSection15378oftheCaliforniaEnvironmentalQuality ActStateGuidelines;therefore,pursuanttoStateGuidelinesSection15060(c)(3)noenvironmental review is required. Environmental Determination TheDevelopmentServicesDirectorhasreviewedtheproposedactivityforcompliancewiththe CaliforniaEnvironmentalQualityAct(CEQA)andhasdeterminedthatthisactivityisnota“Project” City of Chula VistaPage 1 of 3Printed on 7/14/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 4 File#:16-0360, Item#: 1. asdefinedunderSection15378oftheStateCEQAGuidelinesbecauseitwillnotresultinaphysical changetotheenvironment;therefore,pursuanttoSection15060(c)(3)oftheStateCEQAGuidelines, the actions proposed are not subject to CEQA. DISCUSSION ItemA-AppointmentstotheParksandRecreationCommissionandthePlanning Commission Theexpirationoftwomembers’termsonJune30,2016hasresultedinonevacancyoneachofthe Parks & Recreation and Planning Commissions. PursuanttotheInterimAppointmentProcess(Attachment4),thesecondstepintheprocessisfor interviews to take place. AttheCityCouncilmeetingofJuly12,2016,thefollowingindividualsreceivedtwoormore nominationsandhavebeeninvitedtointerviewforthecurrentvacancyontheParksandRecreation Commission: Eric Chaisongkram - Rennsie Gregorio - Tom Nehring - Jasmine Nguyen - Ray Vecchio - John Zarem - AttheCityCouncilmeetingofJuly12,2016,thefollowingindividualsreceivedtwoormore nominations and have been invited to interview for the current vacancy on the Planning Commission: Joe Garbanzos - Gregory Hall - Mike Spethman - Alexandra Vinson-Shepard - Max Zaker - Item B - Reappointments to the Growth Management Oversight Commission OnMay10,2016,theCityCounciladoptedOrdinanceNo.3366,whichestablishedthe reappointmentprocessforthoseCouncil-nominated/appointedmemberswhosetermswereexpiring, who had served over one year, and were eligible and interested in serving another term. Thefollowingindividuals,whosetermsexpiredonJune30,2016,areeligibleandhaveexpressed interestinbeingconsideredforreappointment.Thesememberswereinvitedtoprovideupdated resumesand/orapplicationsforconsideration.Attachedaretheoriginaland/orupdatedresumesand City of Chula VistaPage 2 of 3Printed on 7/14/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 5 File#:16-0360, Item#: 1. applications,aswellastheirrecordsofattendanceandcompliancewithrequiredtraining,pursuantto Ordinance No. 3366. Raymundo Alatorre, Growth Management Oversight Commission Javier Rosales, Growth Management Oversight Commission ATTACHMENTS 1.Applications for Parks and Recreation Commission Interviewees 2.Applications for Planning Commission Interviewees 3.Applications and Attendance for Growth Management Oversight Commission incumbents 4.Interim Appointment Process Staff Contact: Kerry Bigelow, Assistant City Clerk City of Chula VistaPage 3 of 3Printed on 7/14/2016 powered by Legistar™ ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 6 PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION APPLICATIONS ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 7 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 8 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 9 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 10 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 11 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 12 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 13 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 14 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 15 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 16 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 17 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 18 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 19 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 20 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 21 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 22 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 23 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 24 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 25 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 26 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 27 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 28 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 29 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 30 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 31 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 32 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 33 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 34 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 35 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 36 PLANNING COMMISSION APPLICATIONS ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 37 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 38 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 39 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 40 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 41 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 42 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 43 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 44 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 45 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 46 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 47 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 48 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 49 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 50 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 51 GREGORY H. HALL PROFESSIONAL PROFILE Senior U.S. Navy/Civilian Management and Program Analyst with 20+ years of progressive experience analyzing complex program data, preparing policies and procedures, correspondence management, funding analysis, improving efficiency and effectiveness and ensuring leadership and performance of staff. PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE REGION BISINESS ANALYST, 05/2016 to Present Commander, Navy Region Southwest Supervisor: Adrian Porter, 40 Hours per Week Effectively operate in the dynamic Regional matrix organization structure, which includes coordinating, mediating and reconciling diverse perspectives of Installation Commanding Officers (lCOs), Region Program Directors (RPDs), Program Managers (PMs), Installation Site Managers (ISMs) and Staff Directors (DIRs) for 29 programs. Reports to the Region Business Financial Manager, Resource Management Division that includes business requirements, Capability 'Based Budget, Business Plan development, Strategic Planning, Resource Allocation and Governance, POM/PR, Mitigations Strategy, Quality Assurance Surveillance Plan, Data Call Management, Performance Data Call, Integrated Priority List, Program Reviews and Feasibility Studies. Lead work teams to include other Business Analysts (military and civilian), contractor support and other program personnel (i.e., Comptroller, HR, IT, Manpower, Office of General Counsel, RLSO, IG) within region and other CNIC enterprise Combined Functional Teams (CFTs). Provides guidance and integrated business, planning, process and resource/tools support and is responsible for effective integration, collection and analysis of resources of over $500 million dollars in direct annual and multi-year appropriations allocated to CNRSW in support of shore installation management within the Commander, Navy Installations (CNI) enterprise. Assigned special projects by Executive Director, Chief of Staff and Region Business Manager and reports directly to senior leadership on many sensitive and high visibility issues. Work products are developed for higher echelon and are often endorsed as is and forwarded by senior leadership. Primary Business Analyst for CNRSW, performs a wide variety of analytical, technical and advisory functions related to the entire field of business. Tasks include but are not limited to future-year planning and programming, programmatic resource distribution and utilization, program budget formulation, presentation, justification and execution, program performance management, trend analysis and assisting Region Program Directors with business planning and execution. This work requires knowledge and skill in the application of related laws, regulations, policies, precedents, methods and techniques of program management, planning, requirement development, performance management, trend analysis, cost analysis and resource strategy. SUPERVISORY FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT ANALYST, 07/2014 to 05/2016 Commander, Helicopter Maritime Strike Wing U.S. Pacific Fleet Supervisor: Samuel Scruggs, may contact 40 Hours per Week SUPERVISION: Directly supervise two financial technicians (). Assign work based upon priorities or difficulty of assignments in accordance with individual strengths and competencies. IMPROVE PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT OF CIVILIAN AND MILITARY STAFF: Provide technical and administrative guidance. Develop performance standards and evaluate performance. Interview ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 52 tğŭĻ Ћ ƚŅ Џ GREGORY H. HALL and recommend new hires, staff promotions, and awards. Independently resolve complaints and disciplinary issues, as necessary; referring serious complaints to a higher authority. Identify employee developmental requirements. Promote training and continuing education. COORDINATE AND RESOLVE PROGRAM ISSUES IN PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT: As Alternate Management Internal Control Coordinator, monitors and maintain internal controls program to ensure that COMHSMWINGPAC programs achieve mission effectiveness and to reduce risk. Provides documentation to the Procurement Performance Management Assessment Program (PPMAP) team for annual internal audits. Researched and analyze data in order to provide in-depth analysis to support guidance, develop standard operating procedures, training, and evaluate program based on findings. MAINTAIN EFFECTIVE AND EFFICIENT PROGRAM SUPPORT. As primary Agency Program Coordinator (APC), ensured efficient travel support for $1.8 million travel card for 2,000 personnel. As a Defense Travel System (DTS) Certifying Official, provide guidance to 28 travel Authorizing Officials. Review and verify travel orders and vouchers and ensure compliance with regulations. Subject matter expert and point of contact (POC) for TDY-related financial audits and travel processes. Apply knowledge of Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), Defense Travel Administrator Manual, and Financial Management Regulations (FMR) to support and ensure compliance. FORMULATE, PRESENT, AND DEFEND FUNDING AND ESTIMATES to the Commander, Naval Air Pacific (CNAP) to support strategic plans, programs, and activities. Assure budgets reviewed or formulated respond to budget marks within established timeframes. Prepare and present budget briefs and execution reports to senior leadership. Develop and submit monthly civilian labor reports. Write responses to information requests from the Office of the Budget/Fiscal Management Division (FMB) and Office of the Secretary of Defense (OSD). MANAGEMENT AND PROGRAM ANALYST, 02/2011 to 7/2014 Commander, Navy Installations Command, Anacostia Naval Station, Washington, DC Supervisor: CDR Darian Caldwell, , may contact 40 Hours per Week Program and Management Analyst overseeing directives, policies and budgets, as well as ensuring performance and workforce management for the Transient Personnel Branch, Military Personnel Services (MILPERS), Navy Installations Command, Entitlement Travel, and Navy Mobilization Sites. Maintained efficient and effective programming support: Leverage technical expertise and strong leadership and project management skills; and expert knowledge of CNIC and its business/support lines to plan, program, budget, and execute TPU operations and Shore Corrections, worldwide. Develop, implement, and monitor program execution consistent with the CNIC Strategic Plan. Ensure effective management and standardization of Navy-wide resources and business processes across the shore installation network. Identify and validate requirements. Develop and monitor performance and cost metrics and budget guidance and develop annual business/execution plans to further the CNI Strategic Plan to support development of the Total Force Strategy for the Shore Corrections and TPU. Evaluate the capabilities of other DOD Services and Government Agencies, reducing duplication of investment and creating surge capability through joint use opportunities. NOTABLE PROJECTS & ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Performance Management Tracking Systems Experience: Developed, planned, and implemented the U.S. first standardized, Web-based Transient Personnel Tracking System (WTPTS SQL Server System), providing the Navy with a standardized and consolidated platform that will minimize the average time a Sailor spends in any given transient processing category. The new system was successfully rolled out in 6/2012 and is operational at all seven TPU's and five TPD's. Navy leadership can now track performance metrics for 20,000 transients being processed across the TPU Enterprise. It ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 53 tğŭĻ Ќ ƚŅ Џ GREGORY H. HALL features a customized dashboard, which allows CNIC leadership to engage external stakeholders to mitigate the opportunity costs associated with TPU processing. Project Highlights: Team Leadership / Collaboration: Attended weekly meetings with the WTPTS transition team to provide feedback and guidance for transition plan implementation. Collaborated with numerous internal and external stakeholders including SAIC contractors, CNIC N6 IT personnel, TPU Commanding Officers, CNIC Service Delivery Point personnel and other staff to ensure compliance with Navy Information Assurance (IA). Business Process Reengineering: Worked with WTPTS programming developers to identify processing bottlenecks and TPTS legacy system inconsistencies. Established and led a working group to standardize and align the Account Classification Codes. Utilized our TPUs in the testing phase to populate data and submit feedback to HQ and the SAIC team. Led staff training, standardization of report generation, and transfer of customer support from SAIC to CNIC N6. Manage four Navy Mobilization Processing Sites (NMPS) to provide rapid, ready, professional manpower support to mobilized and demobilized Active and Reserve Components called in support of contingency operations worldwide; with a primary focus on Afghanistan, Iraq and Horn of Africa. Manage a $5M Program Budget for FY-13: Develop, track and manage the annual controls and budget for the NMPS program. Create an annual spend plan for labor and non-labor, track program execution rates, notify leadership of budget shortfalls and justify funding for critical shortfalls. Developed and led process and efficiency improvements and cost savings measures that reduced contracts and manpower costs across the enterprise. Provided mission-critical quantitative and qualitative analysis to support decision-making at the highest levels of the Navy, to include: Initiated an 8% budget cut. Provided guidance to all regions for more stringent enforcement of entitlement travel expenditures. Cut the $5.4M POM 14 budget to $4.1M. Identified must fund items such as labor and critical contracts for supporting systems Navy Family Accountability System. Replaced personnel support contracts and with military manpower. Developed a POM Capability Plan. Re-evaluated baseline program requirements for POM 14. Created a customized financial tracking tool that provides leadership with a snapshot of current expenditures, remaining balances, and allocated controls to be used for budget tasking. Developed Analytics; Standardized Processes and Procedures: Conducted an environmental scan to review required briefings at each NMPS. Developed a matrix to assess and compare processing at each site and to minimize variances. Collaborated with SMEs from various Navy Commands and Divisions to standardize briefing content for any given NMPS. Worked across the organization to design and implement a standardized and consolidated NMPS website on the public CNIC server. As working group leader, coordinated an organized shut-down of the legacy sites and ensured visitors were directed to the new site. Utilizing Google Analytics to analyze site traffic and leverage best practices to ensure visitors use a minimum number of clicks per visit. Coordinated CNIC Policy Update of OPNAV Instructions (3060.7B/C), which provides policy and guidance on Active Duty and Reserve mobilization and demobilization requirements. Developed timelines and methodologies to facilitate a smooth and efficient process. Updated policies to reflect changes in management. Provided input and feedback for the development of new policies with direct and indirect impact on the NMPS program. Worked collaboratively with staff in multiple departments to ensure policy was compliance with guidelines and leave policy. Business Case Analysis (BCA): Developed a BCA in 11/2011 to evaluate possible course of actions (COAs) that correlate to USFFC's IA drawdown plan. Led team in data collection to formulate an environmental scan capturing cost information for transportation, berthing, manning (MPN/FTS), supplies, and additional OCO funding. Managed conversion of tangible cost data for each COA into a spreadsheet. Analyzed and developed recommendations. Led briefings to CNIC Leadership and U.S. Fleet Forces Command Leadership on the BCA. Results: The recommendations I presented were approved by Navy leadership at the 3-star level and implemented for a $5M cost savings over two-years. The first facility closure was at NMPS Point Hueneme in 6/ 2012. The qualitative and quantitative information I presented in the second BCA 2 was a key resource for determining the closure of NMPS Gulfport in the summer of 2013. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 54 tğŭĻ Ѝ ƚŅ Џ GREGORY H. HALL Establishing a new, efficient and effective Resource Referral Tracking Manager (RRTM), as part of the medical referral efforts to take care of veterans returning home. Designed policies and procedures for implementation. Collaborated with CNIC Support center to establish a functioning mailbox that will be the primary source for tracking referrals and addressing customized questions from Sailors redeploying from theatre. The contact information will be advertised across multiple channels of communication. Coordinated with NAVY 311 personnel to establish a toll free 24-hour service contact number to address Sailors concerns on post deployment processing and post deployment referral/resource management issues. Facilitated TELCON, to discuss strategy for standardizing the post-deployment medical referral process in conjunction with creation of the Resource Referral Tracking Manager (RRTM) position. Created a new toll free resource help line for medical referrals. Set up a contact email address for Sailors and staff and a briefing to the N14 on the new position via an Executive Summary. Finalized NAVADMIN message to announce the creation of the new RRTM position and to inform thousands of Sailors and staff about the enhanced post-deployment Medical Referral Process. Revised tri-folds to feature the new RRTM/medical referral assistance capabilities. Added the updated tri-folds to the CNIC NMPS webpage. Distributed digital versions to key stakeholders. Collaborated to develop an icon for the NMPS website that will draw attention to new Referral and Resource Tracking position and updated the site with the latest Expeditionary Screening Checklist and modified Tri-Folds. Budget Management: Plan, program, execute, and manage a $6M+ annual program budget for the Transient Personnel Branch. Develop estimates for labor, non-labor: training, travel, supplies, and contracts. Write contract solicitation, statements of work (SOWs), and review proposals. Submit Total Force Manpower Management packages to change billet description and reassign manpower throughout the enterprise. Go-to person for Command Financial Management Systems (FMS) reports and weekly funds verifications. Submit Program unfunded /Region funds realignment requests via CNIC RAM system. Revised the FY-12 POM budget and prepared FY-13 budget and FY-14 POM for submission to FMB. Revised phasing spend plan (FY-11) to account for 5% reduction cut. Created and maintained customized financial tracking tools to monitor current expenditures, remaining balances, and allocations for budget tasking and data calls. Determined and defined capability output levels for the TPUs and Navy Mobilization Processing Sites. Prepared estimates for TPU and NMPS Fiscal budgets. Manage a $2.5M Entitlement Travel Program budget with a statutory requirement to pay for military and civilian personnel and their dependents assigned overseas for Emergency and Funded Environmental Morale leave; Travel for Medical Escorts and Attendants and Medical Travel; and Student Dependent Travel. Ensured Navy Region Japan received funding to evacuate military, civilians, and their dependents during the March 2011 earthquake in Japan -- 273 families total. Contracting Officer Representative (COR): Manage four government contracts in access of $1.9 million. As N1 Total Force Management Technical Expert assigned to review proposals and make selection recommendation to Contracting Officer. Ensure accuracy of monthly funding execution; approve invoice payments. Work directly with vendors to rectify discrepancies. SUPERVISORY MANAGEMENT SERVICES SPECIALIST, 05/2010 to 02/2011 Naval Consolidated Brig Miramar, San Diego, CA Supervisor: CDR Robert Stover, may contact. 40 Hours per Week Provided essential daily administrative and management support to a command with eight departments, two staff offices, and five detachments supervising 246 prisoners. Provided administrative guidance and support to staff in policy, procedure, and program management; to include manpower management, leave and travel. Supervised and managed 5 staff and 2 IT Office personnel. Provided management, oversight, and direction for human capital military and civilian areas. Served as Privacy Act and FOIA Officer. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 55 tğŭĻ Ў ƚŅ Џ GREGORY H. HALL HR Liaison: Managed civilian conversion from NSPS to General Service for 51 civilian employees. Managed all civilian employment issues, including retirement benefits and cash award processing. Ensured performance appraisals were completed on time. Revised position descriptions. Administered recruitment functions. Personnel oversight for two detachment commands: Pearl Harbor and Puget Sound. Security Manager: Processed security clearances for both civilian and military staff members. Conducted initial security clearance background checks for new employees. Verified clearances of military members Processed clearances for military personnel assigned to individual Augmentation orders in support of Overseas Contingency Operations Support. ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICER , 01/2009-05/2010 Region Legal Service Office Southwest, U.S. Navy, San Diego, CA Supervisor: CDR Andrew Henderson,, may contact 40 Hours per Week Managed and implemented the full range of daily administrative services and programs for 88 employees, including procurement, workforce planning, human resources, training, facilities, records management, security and administrative support. Lead Defense Travel Administrator. Budget Officer and Certifying Official for Government Credit Purchase Card program. Used expert knowledge of federal laws and regulations to provide advice and guidance to managers and employees. Planned, developed, executed and monitored $1.2M budget. PROGRAM SPECIALIST , 09/2007-01/2009 alth Care System, San Diego, CA Supervisor: Debra Dyer, may contact 40 Hours per Week Provided IT support and performed essential training system functions as System Administrator and Domain Manager for Learning Management System (LMS) and Service Training Coordinator for Information Technology Service. Managed all Human Resources functions for the IT Department. Interfaced with HR, IT and other departments. SENIOR ENLISTED ADVISOR , 08/2003-01/2007 San Diego Military Entrance Processing Station, San Diego, CA Supervisor: LDCR Hildebrand, , may contact 60 Hours per Week. Supervised 47 military and civilian clerical, administrative, and supply support personnel. Planned, prepared, reviewed, and revised work schedules and duty assignments according to budget allotments, customer needs, employee capabilities, and workloads. Initiatied changes for military and civilian manpower allocations, requirements and authorization for U.S. Military Entrance Processing Command. COR: Managed three government contracts worth $3M. Verified contractor compliance with contract terms, Performed monthly quality assurance inspections, submitted reports. Directed corrective work. Key Accomplishments: As security manager, planned, coordinated, and scheduled installation of $76,000 dollar security system, ensuring compliance with Anti-Terrorism guidelines. PROGRAM MANAGER , 10/2001-08/2003 Commander, Tactical Group One, San Diego, CA. Supervisor: Tom Varrallo,, may contact. 60 Hours per Week Trained and oversaw manpower duties for 180 air traffic controllers. Researched and analyzed manpower issues using the Total Force Manpower Management System (TFMMS) database. EDUCATION Pursuing Master's Degree, Human Resource Management Webster University, District of Columbia campus, Washington, DC Anticipated in May 2012. Administration , 2010 National University, San Diego, CA. GPA: 3.4/4. Completed degree while working full time. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 56 tğŭĻ Џ ƚŅ Џ GREGORY H. HALL Selected Coursework: Workforce Planning, Development & Outsourcing; Legal, Ethical, and Safety Issues in HR Management; Ethics and Theories of Leadership; Negotiation and Conflict Resolution; Financial Management and Grant Administration; Quantitative Methods in Public Administration; Foundations of Public Administration; Theory & Practice of Organizational Development. BaDegree in Business Administration, National University, San Diego, CA - 2006 SELECTED PROFESSIONAL TRAINING / CERTIFICATIONS Certified Federal Job Search Trainer, 7/2015. Certified Federal Career Coach, 7/2015. Planning, Programming, Budgeting, and Execution (PPBE) training, 3/2011. Program Budget information System training, 4/2011. Labor Relations for Supervisors and Managers training course, 11/2010. Navy Correspondence Manual and Contemporary Navy Writing course, 2/2010. Administrative Officers Workshop, 2/2010; Lean Six Sigma Champion Training, 12/2009. Federal Budgeting, GS Graduate School, San Diego, CA, 3/2009. Civilian Personnel Management Academy Course, Commander Navy Region Southwest, Human Resource Office, San Diego, CA; Lead Defense Travel Administrator, CACI, San Diego, CA, 5/2009. Chief Petty Officer Leadership. Naval Aviation Schools Command, Pensacola, FL, 2/2000. Tasked Based Curriculum Development, Naval Air Technical Training Center, Pensacola, FL, 5/2000. US MILITARY SERVICE / HONORS AND AWARDS US Navy, Active Duty 06/1984-01/2007, . Participant in Operation Desert Storm and Operation Enduring Freedom. Last Veterans' Administration Letter: 10/16/2007 Medals: Defense Meritorious Service Medal, 2006; Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal, 2003; 2001; and Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal, 2001, 1999, 1996 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 57 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 58 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 59 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 60 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 61 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 62 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 63 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 64 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 65 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 66 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 67 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 68 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 69 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 70 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 71 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 72 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 73 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 74 MAX ZAKER SQ UMMARY OF UALIFICATIONS BM~ED USINESS ANAGEMENT CONOMIC EVELOPMENT Forward-thinking, strategic-minded, and visionary leader experienced in uncovering new business opportunities and transforming underdeveloped communities. Team leader; effective in providing direction to groups, giving clear instructions, maximizing accountability, and championing measured risk-taking to arrive at innovative solutions. High-achiever with proven history of exceptional reviews. Influential, versatile communicator offering superior interpersonal skills to forge advantageous relationships, facilitate decision-making at the upper echelons of organizations, and motivate others to excel. Recent accomplishments: Launched new Keller Williams Realty Chula Vista franchise. Founder and President of Marina Vista Escrow Built social-enterprises which created 100+ new jobs. Developed high performing nonprofit organizations. Conceived, developed, and secured $1,000,000 federal grant, and established on-the-job training programs. Areas of Expertise Organizational Development ~ Strategic Planning ~ Nonprofit Management Real Estate Investment & Financial Analysis ~ Workforce Development ~ Coaching & Facilitating Community Economic Development PE ROFESSIONAL XPERIENCE KELLER WILLIAMS REALTY CHULA VISTA, Chula Vista, California | 2014 - Present Keller Williams Realty is an international real estate franchise company with more than 700 offices in the U.S. and 21 other countries. Keller Williams Realty is the largest real estate company in the world by agent count. KW was named #1 training organization among top 125 companies by the Training Magazine. Each office is independently owned and operated. President and Operating Principal: Founded and launched the new Market Center in the City of Chula Vista. MARINA VISTA ESCROW, Chula Vista, California | 2016 - Present Full service, independent escrow company licensed by the California Department of Business Oversight. Founder and President: Founded and launched the company in the City of Chula Vista THE ZAKER GROUP, San Diego, California | 2011 Present Consulting business specializing in Real Estate investment services, business management consulting, site selection and analysis, and community economic development. Co-Founder: Conceived the vision, established the company, and built the business from ground up. JACOBS CENTER FOR NEIGHBORHOOD INNOVATION, San Diego, California | 2003 2011 Operating foundation committed to the premise that residents must own and drive the change that takes place in their community for it to be meaningful and long lasting. Director of Economic Development: Oversaw site selection and feasibility studies, business operations support systems, conference center operations, business planning, lease contract negotiations, investment and financial analysis, workforce development, and asset management. Key Highlights: Supported development of the Village at Market Creek (www.thevillageatmarketcreek.com), a 60 acre community in San Diego, which was mostly underinvested by defining and implementing economic development strategies. Played a pivotal role in empowering local residents with ownership opportunities by partnering with construction and development personnel to establish social enterprises focused on employment creation and on-the-job training. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 75 MAX ZAKER | | PAGE TWO PE ROFESSIONAL XPERIENCE (Continued from previous page) DOWNTOWN SAN DIEGO PARTNERSHIP, San Diego, California | 2000 2003 Privately funded non-profit 501(c) 6 business organization whose membership consists of companies and individuals committed to strengthening the business, residential and cultural environment of Downtown San Diego. Executive Director of Property-Based Business Improvement District (PBID): Directed efforts to bolster image and visibility of the Downtown San Diego area working with individuals at all levels across business and government sectors. Key Highlights: Spearheaded lobbying efforts in support of 2,200 property owners in downtown San Diego to establish first property-based improvement district (www.downtownsandiego.org). Structured operating organization and contracted with the City of San Diego to administer and manage the district, contributing to the hiring of 95 full time ambassadors and management of a $6.7 million annual budget. Enabled formerly incarcerated and homeless individuals to become productive community members; collaborated with district to identify, hire and train them, as well as provide critical support services. Improved tourism to the downtown area by partnering with law enforcement agencies, elected officials, and non-profits to enhance public safety, visitor/guest relations, park maintenance services, and public right-of-way. UPTOWN PARTNERSHIP, San Diego, California | 1997 2000 Publicly funded non-profit 501(c) 3 organization established to improve parking and mobility within the Uptown communities of San Diego. Executive Director: Supported efforts to create council policy for sharing parking meter revenues which created three parking districts in San Diego. Established nonprofit organization and contracted with the City of San Diego to administer and manage the Uptown Parking District. Oversaw day-to-day operations and program development reporting directly to the Board of Directors. Key Highlights: Co-directed lobbying efforts in support of establishing parking districts Structured operating organization and contracted with the City of San Diego to administer and manage the district, contributing to the enhancement of Uptown business district Spearheaded and introduced parking meter debit card pilot project resulting in all parking meters converting to electronic devices. Developed financing and development plan for a publicly-owned parking structure in Hillcrest. Spearheaded district-wide parking and mobility signage program. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 76 C ERTIFICATIONS Certificate in Economic Development SAN DIEGO STATE UNIVERSITY Certificate in Economic Development NATIONAL TRUST FOR HISTORIC PRESERVATION Facilitation Certificate in New Venture FasTrak KAUFFMAN FOUNDATION E DUCATION B.S. in Business Management LONDON UNIVERSITY A FFILIATIONS Board Chair & Co-Founder (past) SOUTHEASTERN DIAMOND BUSINESS DISTRICT Housing Advisory Commissioner (current) CITY OF CHULA VISTA Chair of Government Affairs Committee (current) PACIFIC SOUTHWEST ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 77 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 78 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 79 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 80 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 81 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 82 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 83 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 84 ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 85 1 The below process is intended to clarify and further describe the details of the interview and appointment processes as stated in CVMC §§ 2.25.050 (E) and 2.43.050, and City Charter Section 609. Effective June 16, 2015, the following process will be used to appoint members to 1 the Growth Management Oversight, Parks & Recreation, Planning, and Civil Service Commissions : An individual desiring to serve on one of the Commissions shall complete an application, pursuant to CVMC section 2.25.050A. The application form shall be available through ed components for an application to be deemed complete. Within ten business days of a Commission seat becoming vacant, the City Clerk will provide the Mayor and each Councilmember with all complete applications received for that Commission during the previous two years. The Mayor and each Councilmember shall independently review forwarded applications for the vacant position. four or fewer applications Should be received for a vacant seat, the City Council will interview all applicants using the following process: 1.At an open meeting of the City Council, the Mayor and Council shall collectively set a date and time to hold an open meeting of the City Council for the purpose of interviewing each applicant. 2.At the meeting set for interviews, any member of the public shall be afforded the opportunity to speak to the item prior to the interviews. 3.The Mayor and Council will then conduct the interviews. 4.Public comment will be heard after the interviews. 5.Following the interviews and public comment, the Mayor and City Council shall publicly 2 deliberate and select one individual for the available position. The affirmative votes of at least three Council members are required for appointment. 1 The interim appointment process for the Civil Service Commission only applies to the seats of the two members appointed by the City Council directly 2 If multiple vacancies occur on a Commission simultaneously, the City shall conduct interviews pursuant to this Interim Appointment Process, and select from that process as many appointees as are necessary to fill the vacancies. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 87 Interim Appointment Process for Members of the Growth Management Oversight, Parks & Recreation, 1 Planning, and Civil Service Commissions Page 2 five or more applications Should be received for a vacant seat, the City Council will interview certain applicants using the following process: 1.An item will be placed on the agenda of an open City Council meeting indicating that nominations for interview will take place. listed. 2.At the meeting, any member of the public shall be afforded the opportunity to speak to the nomination item. 3.Following the public comment period, each Councilmember will complete a form indicating one or more applicants each wishes to nominate for an interview and provide it to the City Clerk. The forms submitted to the Clerk shall be public record and retained on file in the Office of the City Clerk. 4.The City Clerk shall then publicly announce each applicant receiving two or more nominations public review. 5.The Mayor and Council shall then collectively set a time to hold an open meeting of the City Council for the purposes of interviewing each applicant that received two or more nominations. 6.At the meeting, prior to interviews taking place, any member of the public shall be afforded the opportunity to speak to the item. 7.The Mayor and Council will then conduct the interviews. 8. Public comment will be heard again after the interviews. 9.Following interviews and public comment, the Mayor and City Council shall deliberate 3 and select one individual for the available position. 3 If multiple vacancies occur on a Commission simultaneously, the City shall conduct interviews pursuant to this Interim Appointment Process, and select from that process as many appointees as are necessary to fill the vacancies. ΑΏΐΕȃΏΖȃΐΘ !¦¤­£  Packet0 ¦¤ 88