Held Wednesday August 29, 1973
A regular adjourned meeting of the City Council of Chula Vista, California,
was held on the above date beginning at 7:00 p.m. in the Council Chamber,
Civic Center, 276 Fourth Avenue, with the following
Councilmen present: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hamilton, Hyde
Councilmen absent: Councilman Egdahl
Staff present: City Manager Thomson, City Attorney Lindberg,
Acting Director of Finance Hackett,
ORDINANCE NO. 1493 It was moved by Councilman Scott that this
AMENDING THE CONTRACT BETWEEN ordinance be placed on second reading and
THE BOARD OF ADMINISTRATION be adopted and that reading of the text be
OF THE PUBLIC EMPLOYEES' waived by unanimous consent.
CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF The motion carried by the following vote:
CHULA VISTA - SECOND READING AYES: Councilmen Scott, Hobel, Hyde,
Noes: None
Absent: Councilmen Egdahl, Hamilton
REVENUE SHARING PLANNED City Manager Thomson submitted the follow-
USE REPORT ing report:
As of August 17, 1973, Chula Vista has re-
ceived $969,707 under the Federal Revenue
Sharing Program, which covers the entitle-
ment period to June 30, 1973. The estimated
eventual total from this program will be
over $3,400,000. To date, $63,380 has been
Federal regulations require incremental
identification of the use of these funds,
and Council action is now needed to specify
the use of $725,839 for the entitlement
period from July 1, 1973 through June 30,
(Mayor Hamilton arrived at this time).
Norval Richardson Mr. Richardson spoke of the County resources
Comprehensive Health Planning available to people in need. He declared
it important that the City of Chula Vista
initiate a new program in the medical field
by employing a Social Worker. This person
would work directly for the City, have an
office in the Civic Center complex, be paid
a salary of $15,000 a year, plus an added
$15,000 for office expenses. The Social
Worker's function would be to help people
find these resources.
Discussion Council discussion followed during which
the County services regarding social reeds
were reviewed.
-2- August 29, 1973
Councilman Scott commented that the
Revenue Sharing was a 5-year program
whereby the proposal by Mr. Richardson
was one that would go on indefinitely.
Margaret J. Helton Mrs. Helton referred to the request sub-
Member, Board of Directors mitted by the Organization in which they
Comprehensive Health Planning asked for $5,059.00 from Revenue Sharing
funds. This was based on a pro-rated share
of the population base in relation to total
County population, which in the case of the
City of Chula Vista is 4.9% of the total
County population.
Mrs. Helton stated that their a~peal went out
to the thirteen cities asking support of
the service of providing continuity of health
planning in these communities. The total
amount requested is $103,000. Mrs. Helton
then reviewed the equipment which will be
purchased and the services provided under
these funds.
Harry La Bore Mr. La Bore, Chairman of the Library Board
960 Myra Avenue of Trustees, reiterated the unanimous con-
currence of the Board for the use of Revenue
Sharing to build a new library.
William Tindall Mr. Tindall stated that he is the President
250 Calle La Mirada of the South Bay Meal on Wheels. He des~
cribed the program which will go into effect
on the first of October providing two meals
a day for out-patients and those unable to
care for themselves. The cost of the two
meals will be $2.50 a day. The program
covers the cities of Chula Vista, National
City and Imperial Beach, although they do
not anticipate serving Imperial Beach for
some time. The request for f~nds, made
through the Human Relations Commission, is
for $3,000 which will be approximately
50% of their operating expenses for one year.
Frances Reeves Mrs. Reeves remarked that she is representing
750 Monterey the Library. She spoke in support of a new
library building commenting on a tour she
recently took looking over libraries in
various cities which were considered "superb,"
and are now out-6f-date.
Herb Latham Mr. Latham spoke in support of a new library
631 Carla Avenue urging Council to move ahead with it, as
construction costs are steadily increasing.
He favored the site as proposed (Fourth
and F Streets).
Marguerite Acosta Mrs. Acosta read the list of donations
Meals on Wheels made by organizations and individuals in
Chula Vista to "Meals on Wheels."
-3- August 29, 1973
Esther Height Mrs. Height referred to the request made
1204 Neptune Drive this evening for a Social Worker to pro-
vide information to the people in the
community. She stated that if a new
library is constructed, the Librarian
could provide an Information Center - with
all information available in one particular
Recess A recess was called at 8:18 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 8:35 p.m.
Review of program City Manager Thomson again reviewed the
amounts received and the necessary action
that must be taken to meet legal require-
ments and publication deadlines. He then
reviewed some of his recommendations for
a wide range of the funds.
Mr. Thomson confirmed the fact that the total
sum to be received under the Revenue
Sharing program by this City by June 1974
will be 1.5 million dollars.
Recommended priorites In answer to Councilman Hobel's query, City
Manager Thomson stated he would list the
operating priorit,ies as follows: (1) a new
fire station and training tower; (2) instead
of depleting existing reserves, use revenue
sharing for the $100,000 a year park develop-
ment program; (3) reserve replenishment -
new costs in public safety; remodeling
Council Chambers; acquisition of old post
office building; setting up equipment; re-
placement fund, etc.
Councilman Scott's comments Councilman Scott indicated he would like to
get the library on the road, and put as much
of the funds into this as possible. He
noted that the County receives money based
on the whole population and serviaes (such
as the Comprehensive Health Planning requests)
should be handled by the County. Councilman
Scott added that he would be willing to sup-
port the "Meals on Wheels" program if that
portion that supports Chula Vista can be
Mayor's comments Mayor Hamilton commented that Supervisor
Walsh asked for some priorities that the
City may have in regard to the County's
Revenue Sharing funds. Listening to the
testimonies tonight, the Mayor felt there
was input which he could now give to the
The Mayor added that he would like to see 85%
of the $725,000+ put into capital improve-
ments. He felt that besides the library,
there are things facing the Council that
should have some priority, such as (1)
remodeling Council Chamber, and (2) acquisi-
tion of the old post office building.
-4- ~ August 29, 1973
Social Worker The Council again discussed the needs for
a Social Worker and the County's responsi-
bility in this regard.
Motion to write letter It was moved by Hyde and seconded by Scott
to the County that a letter be written to the County
Board of Supervisors indicating that the
Council has received this request for
financial support (from Comprehensive
Health Planning) but that it feels that
since the County receives Revenue Sharing
funds based on population of residents in
the City of Chula Vista, and since the
County is the agency that provides these
services for the County, that funding of
this organization out of Revenue Sharing
funds should be the County.
Discussion of motion Councilman Hyde clarified the fact that he
was speaking only to Mrs. Helton's request.
Discussion ensued as to combining the
requests of Mrs. Helton and Mr. Richardson
into this one letter.
Councilman Hobel suggested two letters be
written to the County - one for each request.
Inclusion in motion Councilman Hyde restated the motion to
state that~o letters are to be written to
the Board of Supervisors - one for each of
the Comprehensive Health Planning requests.
Councilman Scott agreed to the second and
Motion carried the motion carried unanimously.
Motion to support "Meals on It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
Wheels" by CounciLman Scott and unanimously carried
that the City support "Meal on Wheels"
program in the amount of $2,000 from
Revenue Sharing funds.
Discussion of motion Mayor Hamilton suggested an amount,
determined by the Council, be appropriated
at this time for a year of operating time,
and the "Meals on Wheels" program can then
come back next year with a more clearly
defined percentage of how much of the money
was actually spent in Chula Vista.
After further discussion, the Council con-
curred that the amount should be $3,000.
Amended motion Councilman Hyde amended his motion to state
that the amount of $3,000 be approved.
Councilman Scott agreed to the second and the
motion carried unanimously.
Recess A recess was called at 9:10 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 9:15 p.m.
Motion on Revenue Sharing It was moved by Councilman Scott, seconded
by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried that
through this fiscal year, 90% of the funds
be allocated to the library, as was done
last year, and 10% to non-reoccurring items.
The priorities to be determined by the City
Manager and acted upon by the City Council.
-5- August 29, 1973
Discussion of motion Councilman Hobel spoke against the motion
because of the 90% - 10% split, and
commented on other areas of priority
items he felt the Council should be con-
sidering. He added that he would prefer
to see a 70% - 30% or 80% 20% ratio.
Councilman Hyde commented that there is
money in the General Fund, Special Capital
Outlay Fund, and the Cash Basis Fund which
the Council could use for any priority need.
Motion for Government It was moved by Councilman Hobel, seconded
Report by Councilman Hyde and unanimously carried
that approval be given to the suggestion
made by the City Manager that he be given
the latitude for the $725,000+ of putting
it in one category - that of the library
for the purpose of his reporting this to the
Executive Session It was moved by Councilman Hyde, seconded
by Councilman Scott and unanimously carried
that the Council recess to Executive
Session for personnel matters.
The Council recessed at 9:25 p.m. and the
meeting reconvened at 9:54 p.m.
ADJOURNMENT Mayor Hamilton adjourned the meeting at
9:55 p.m. to the meeting scheduled for
Tuesday, September 4, 1973 at 7:00 p.m.
City ~lerk /